Super Grow Out Challenge **Update Month 4**

The time is just flying by...already into month four! :D I am doing great...Still steady on the challenge. For the summertime I think I am going to try the baggy method and see how that works for me since I will be in school.

I am staying consistent with my routine. CO washes 1-2 a week and a deep conditioning/ light protein treatment once per week. I have recently added NTM Healing Serum to the Mix and I love it! There are about 3 more products that I have my eye on so I will keep you posted...HeHe

I think that I have gained some length but not a whole lot. I am stretching until 12 weeks and after my touchup I will be giving myself a trim.

No major setbacks, I am just trying to grow and retain healthy hair.By the end of the year hopefully my hair can make a turnaround from all of the abuse I put it through.

Happy Hair Growing Ladies!!
How is everyone doing?

Are you staying consistent with your routines? Have you found any new products that you like and are going to add to your routine.

I'm staying fairly consistent, things change depending on my schedule. I had been doing CO washes daily for the last 3 months, but I'm getting lazy and I've been washing 2 times a week and rinsing or wetting daily. I've been using Alma oil for a few months and I think it's helped, I can't really tell because I use some many different products.

Are you gaining length? Have you cut any length?

I'm am definitely gaining lenght, I'm trying to determine what part of my regime is causing it. I've went from collar bone to about 4-5 inches past collar bone since January.
Oops, I somehow missed check-ins 1-3! :confused:

How is everyone doing?
Doing well, finally starting to see visible results!

Are you staying consistent with your routines? Have you found any new products that you like and are going to add to your routine.
I'm still perfecting a routine, but I deep condition once a week, and do an aphogee 1 week before my touch-up. I relax at 8 weeks now (any longer and I get breakage). I just got Mane N Tail...I'm not impressed yet, but I really want to like it, so I'll give it a little longer. :look:

Are you gaining length? Have you cut any length?
Yup! I need to post pictures, but I'm definitely seeing more length.

Anyone have setbacks and need encouragement?
I've noticed a bit more shedding and breakage than I would like the past week, but hopefully a deep treatment tonight will nip that in the bud.
How is everyone doing? I'm doing good, I have not had any problems this month

Are you staying consistent with your routines? Have you found any new products that you like and are going to add to your routine. Right now I am CO washes and Surging every night and wearing a 3/4 fall. I am getting nothing but compliants on my fall. It is a curly fall. I will take picturs as soon as I get a AC cord for my camera. I have started to use World of Curl gel and just using the less is more rountine. I haven't had a touch-up since February trying to go until June to give my crown a change to grow in more.

Are you gaining length? Have you cut any length? I think that I am gaining lenght expecially in the back. I wish my side and crown would grow as fast but I know patience in the key. I am happy to say that when I wash my hair I don't have any in the drain and when I comb my hair wet I have very little breakage :).

Anyone have setbacks and need encouragement? I just wish it would grow faster
So far so good. I think i'm still in shock over the little bit of hair I have gotten since I joined. Nothing too new....except MTG :-). Only been a I'll have more updates in a month or so.

I think that I am going to increase my CO frequency, my hair just feels better on day 1 and day 2, day 3 is extra dry even with all the moisture that I add, I guess it needs to come from within. So I am going to change that. Still searching for the ultimate protective style, I'm tiring of the bun b/c its so thin looking, so I'll be making one or buying a wig here in the near future.

Things are going pretty good for me.

I'm currently 13 weeks post relaxer and not thinking about touching up for about another month.

Shea butter is the bomb and I love my Jilbere shower comb. I'll be getting a K-cutter soon. :)

Nothing else really to report. My regimen is the same as always.
Sapphire said:
Wow, its the fourth month into the challenge?! Man time flies. :ohwell:

Nothing really new to report here. I recently did a touch-up and dusted my ends a bit. I've gained hardly any length since January. :( I'm hoping to see more growth now that I've added MTG to my regimen. I apply it to my scalp twice weekly on wash day. My hair is pretty healthy overall so I guess I can't complain. :)

Lol! Hair anorexia is a very real disease. Your hair grew a lot since April IMO.
MonaLisa checking in.

So far, so good. Had a tangle incident at week 15 post relaxer, but got through it again with my trusty NTM.

Touched up at 16 weeks, light dusting of edges. I think I see some progress (will have a couple of pics up soon) - note I said some...not a lot. Thank goodness, I have 8 more months to get some.

Only new product I've implemented is Salerm WG Mask and it's a keeper.

Now that it's getting warmer..I can start implementing occasional CW's.
PaperDoll said:
Yeah, you're right hopefully it won't be as much I think! *crosses fingers*

That's an interesting idea about the products softening new growth, I was thinking about it and I think that it may also be the blowouts I get at the salon, she blows my roots super straight and I'm pretty good at wrapping at night to keep it that way so that may be another reason I havent't seen any growth, hunh?

I've been looking at some past threads about Emergencee and I see alot of people have said they leave it on for longer than suggested and/or sit under a dryer with it and I think maybe that's why I didn't see any improvement. I only left it on for the recommended 10 minutes or so while I was in the shower. I may try it again... Let me know how it works for you!

I'm sorry to hear about your breakage! But I know you'll find a solution and be right back where you started soon! I'll be sure to keep you in mind if I find anything new that helps with my breakage!

That's probably exactly what it is! Blowouts will fool you into believing you have no newgrowth!

Thanks for all your advice. :yep:
Miz_Complexity said:
I am doing great. I have finally had time to display my album, the link is in my siggy. I still have my braids in. I will be taken them out either May 7 or after finals on the 13th of May.

I have like of new growth from the braids. I had to do a mid month touch up in April because the new growth in the front was lookin a hot mess.

I plan to do a deep condition and let my hair rest a week and them put in the kinky two strand twist the week of May 20- July 20. I hope that this plan will work.

I had a run in with hives from taken my vitamins at the end of March the beginning of April. So I have cut down on the number of vitamins I take and when I take them. I also had to increase my water intake. I believe this was one of the reasons I got the hives not drinking enough water.
I am glad that your hair is doing great! I hope you have loads of newgrowth when you take out the braids.

Sorry to hear about your hives. Hopefully your greater water intake will help resolve your issue. Good Luck!
Tene said:
My hair is doing great and it's really growing. I still need to get my ends clipped but I'm not sure how much. I haven't clipped my ends in 6 or 7 months. I just started using Shapley's Original M-T-G and I'm noticing growth already. My hair seems like it's getting thicker. I just bought some hydrolyzed collagen by Twinlab. It has all the amino acids in it along with protein and b vitamins. I'm still being consistent with everything. I just bought some Aubrey Organics GPB, so I'm going to try that out tomorrow.
Good Luck trying the Aubrey's. I am glad your hair is doing well. Good to hear that your are seeing results from the MTG. Don't get too much cut off OK. HHG
Sapphire said:
Wow, its the fourth month into the challenge?! Man time flies. :ohwell:

Nothing really new to report here. I recently did a touch-up and dusted my ends a bit. I've gained hardly any length since January. :( I'm hoping to see more growth now that I've added MTG to my regimen. I apply it to my scalp twice weekly on wash day. My hair is pretty healthy overall so I guess I can't complain. :)
Your hair grown since January you probably just don't see it. I can see it in the pics. I hope the MTG works out for you! Glad to hear that your hair is healthy. Keep up the good work!
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chicamorena said:
How is everyone doing? I’m doing good. I’ve been getting kind of lazy with my hair.

Are you staying consistent with your routines? Have you found any new products that you like and are going to add to your routine. I’ve been lazy so my hair is usually in a bun, but I’ve been washing and deep conditioning it faithfully. I haven’t been taking my vitamins which I need to start back doing.

Are you gaining length? Have you cut any length? I’ve gained a good amount of length. I got a touchup about 2 weeks ago and am now about 2 inches past my bra, which is really bringing me close to my goal. I cut about ¼ inch off when I got my touchup, just for maintenance.
Yay!!! Good News! I am so happy to hear that you are that much closer to your goal! You should be there by the end of the year right?? HHG
vikkisecret said:
The time is just flying by...already into month four! :D I am doing great...Still steady on the challenge. For the summertime I think I am going to try the baggy method and see how that works for me since I will be in school.

I am staying consistent with my routine. CO washes 1-2 a week and a deep conditioning/ light protein treatment once per week. I have recently added NTM Healing Serum to the Mix and I love it! There are about 3 more products that I have my eye on so I will keep you posted...HeHe

I think that I have gained some length but not a whole lot. I am stretching until 12 weeks and after my touchup I will be giving myself a trim.

No major setbacks, I am just trying to grow and retain healthy hair.By the end of the year hopefully my hair can make a turnaround from all of the abuse I put it through.

Happy Hair Growing Ladies!!
Wonderful to hear!! :yep:
weyell..I decided to relax my natural tresses with Phyto Index 2 on 3/18/05. I miss my natural hair buyut I must say I am enjoy the manageability of my hair. I'm now 6 weeks post relaxer and very afraid of my new growth. Since I have had a relaxer in about 2 years I'm not sure a long I can stretch this stuff.
MissDiva said:
How is everyone doing?

Are you staying consistent with your routines? Have you found any new products that you like and are going to add to your routine.

I'm staying fairly consistent, things change depending on my schedule. I had been doing CO washes daily for the last 3 months, but I'm getting lazy and I've been washing 2 times a week and rinsing or wetting daily. I've been using Alma oil for a few months and I think it's helped, I can't really tell because I use some many different products.

Are you gaining length? Have you cut any length?

I'm am definitely gaining lenght, I'm trying to determine what part of my regime is causing it. I've went from collar bone to about 4-5 inches past collar bone since January.
I am so glad to hear you are doing well! Umm, you have gained a lot of length in such a short period of time. Congrats!
PinkLily said:
Oops, I somehow missed check-ins 1-3! :confused:

How is everyone doing?
Doing well, finally starting to see visible results!

Are you staying consistent with your routines? Have you found any new products that you like and are going to add to your routine.
I'm still perfecting a routine, but I deep condition once a week, and do an aphogee 1 week before my touch-up. I relax at 8 weeks now (any longer and I get breakage). I just got Mane N Tail...I'm not impressed yet, but I really want to like it, so I'll give it a little longer. :look:

Are you gaining length? Have you cut any length?
Yup! I need to post pictures, but I'm definitely seeing more length.

Anyone have setbacks and need encouragement?
I've noticed a bit more shedding and breakage than I would like the past week, but hopefully a deep treatment tonight will nip that in the bud.
I am so glad that you are gaining length. Sorry to hear about the breakage. I can relate. I hope that your deep treatment gets it under control!! Good Luck!
LadyR said:
How is everyone doing? I'm doing good, I have not had any problems this month

Are you staying consistent with your routines? Have you found any new products that you like and are going to add to your routine. Right now I am CO washes and Surging every night and wearing a 3/4 fall. I am getting nothing but compliants on my fall. It is a curly fall. I will take picturs as soon as I get a AC cord for my camera. I have started to use World of Curl gel and just using the less is more rountine. I haven't had a touch-up since February trying to go until June to give my crown a change to grow in more.

Are you gaining length? Have you cut any length? I think that I am gaining lenght expecially in the back. I wish my side and crown would grow as fast but I know patience in the key. I am happy to say that when I wash my hair I don't have any in the drain and when I comb my hair wet I have very little breakage :).

Anyone have setbacks and need encouragement? I just wish it would grow faster
Glad that things are going well. I think everyone has the same wish.

What kind of complaints?
senimoni said:
So far so good. I think i'm still in shock over the little bit of hair I have gotten since I joined. Nothing too new....except MTG :-). Only been a I'll have more updates in a month or so.

I think that I am going to increase my CO frequency, my hair just feels better on day 1 and day 2, day 3 is extra dry even with all the moisture that I add, I guess it needs to come from within. So I am going to change that. Still searching for the ultimate protective style, I'm tiring of the bun b/c its so thin looking, so I'll be making one or buying a wig here in the near future.

Wonderful!! Have you ever tried a bun filler?
MizAvalon said:
Things are going pretty good for me.

I'm currently 13 weeks post relaxer and not thinking about touching up for about another month.

Shea butter is the bomb and I love my Jilbere shower comb. I'll be getting a K-cutter soon. :)

Nothing else really to report. My regimen is the same as always.
Wonderful to hear!!
MonaLisa said:
MonaLisa checking in.

So far, so good. Had a tangle incident at week 15 post relaxer, but got through it again with my trusty NTM.

Touched up at 16 weeks, light dusting of edges. I think I see some progress (will have a couple of pics up soon) - note I said some...not a lot. Thank goodness, I have 8 more months to get some.

Only new product I've implemented is Salerm WG Mask and it's a keeper.

Now that it's getting warmer..I can start implementing occasional CW's.
I am glad you got through the tangle incident. Whew!! Glad that everything else is going well!

Good so far.... I have made it to ten weeks stretch for the second time. Not much shedding at all. BUt I did see a little breakage last week, adn I did a heavy protein treatment.

I recently bought the Kenra MC....... Love it... I mix it with the UBH Con sometimes and that works too. Still the CDHB and it is a life saver along with the s-curl.

YES!!! I am so obsessed with my hair right now. LOL.... I follow my vitamin routine and the wash/ con as well.

I know i gained some length but its hard to tell right now, shrinkage shrinkage.
On Saturday, I will get the touch up and post pics to see length.
Thanks for all your encouragememtn DSD. You are on the album list that I stalk all the time to remind me that I can do this.
shawniegee said:
weyell..I decided to relax my natural tresses with Phyto Index 2 on 3/18/05. I miss my natural hair buyut I must say I am enjoy the manageability of my hair. I'm now 6 weeks post relaxer and very afraid of my new growth. Since I have had a relaxer in about 2 years I'm not sure a long I can stretch this stuff.
Wow!! So you are relaxed now. I hope that you are enjoying your new found style. Just keep your newgrowth soft and supple and you should have to worry about breakage at the demarcation line. Good Luck!!
YummyC said:

Good so far.... I have made it to ten weeks stretch for the second time. Not much shedding at all. BUt I did see a little breakage last week, adn I did a heavy protein treatment.

I recently bought the Kenra MC....... Love it... I mix it with the UBH Con sometimes and that works too. Still the CDHB and it is a life saver along with the s-curl.

YES!!! I am so obsessed with my hair right now. LOL.... I follow my vitamin routine and the wash/ con as well.

I know i gained some length but its hard to tell right now, shrinkage shrinkage.
On Saturday, I will get the touch up and post pics to see length.
Thanks for all your encouragememtn DSD. You are on the album list that I stalk all the time to remind me that I can do this.
I am glad that things are going well and you have got everything under control! I can't wait to see those touch up pics.

Thank you!! :kiss:
I am doing quite well. I have re-gained the length that I had to cut off due to uneven layers. I really haven't been paying that much attention to my hair other than washing, conditioning and putting it in a bun. I finally did a touch up yesterday and I was quite pleased. My ends were basically in tact and thick except for the growth which always makes it a bit uneven. I only had to dust and clip less than 1" in places to even it up.

My regimen continues to be KISS. Keep it Sweet and Simple. I use the Elucence Moisture Shampoo and Conditioner. Daily conditioning washes, 2x's weekly shampooing, once a month deep conditioner. Salerm 21 rinsed out lightly. Liquid oil or Elucence Silk Elixir on dripping wet hair. Elucence Moisture Barrier balm on the ends. Super-absorbent towel dry and put in a protective bun.
I 'm ok. Nothing to really be extremely happy about. I have been staying consistent. However, I just purchased MTG so I should be able to start using this by Friday. I haven't had any new length experience, in fact I think I am in need for a really good trim. The last time a pair of scissors touched my hair was in November. That was when I thought I was getting a trim and left the shop with a CUT! I am soooo paranoid now that I feel like never getting a trim but I really need it.
My setbacks have been somewhat major. I don't think I can do the baggie method as a way of protecting my ends. It does not work with me (cry cry). All that oil sitting on the top of my head in a bag caused so much breakage. I tried it on wet hair as well as dry hair. I think I will just try to oil my ends at night (lightly) on dry hair and wear my hair in a bun to protect the ends.
Hey Gang!
I have been pretty busy this past month!
For about 4 weeks straight, I had been going to the salon for rollersets. I think it paid off very well. I washed my hair last night and it was just lovely. The texture felt different, it was easy to comb and straighten.
I have gone from washing my hair twice a week to just once a week. I think this is working better for me.

I am still taking my vitamins, drinking plenty of water and using my Indian oils. Vatika oil will be a part of my regimen as long as they carry it!

I received my last relaxer on April 22. I switched to the Affirm lye mild. I LOVE it!!

Last night I did a pre treat with my Indian oils concoction. Washed with Cream of nature and a deep conditioning with Biolage Ultra Hydrating conditoner. Afterwards, I applied a little of Rusk and Chi serum.

I believe I am about an inch away from my goal. Had another trim sometime in April as well.

HAPPY GROWING!!! I think I will be well at my goal by my B-day! :yay:
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I've done quite a bit to my hair :spank: Added a little brown color tot he front and cut bangs.

I also trimmed 1 1/2 to 2 inches last night. Otherwise, I am fine :)