Super Growout Challenge **Update Month 3**

The challenge is going pretty good for me. I recently did a touchup on my hair last friday. I did see some growth. My hair is thicker which was good because it was thinning out before I joined LHCF. I need a trim but i am holding out unitl I get my next touchup which will be June 17th (12 weeks).:D

I don't really have a regimne, but I just try to listen to what my hair needs or wants. I mainly do CO washes every 2-3 days depending on if I'm working out and try to keep my new growth as managable as possible so it won't break off.

And I am doing deep conditioning treatments alternating between 3 of fav products. (Nexxus Keraphix, Lekair Cholestoral w/Olive Oil, and Fantacia IC Anti-Breakage Deep Penetrating Creme Moisturizer)

I really need to work making sure that my hair is tied up at night. (I know ::Spank:: ::Spank:: I am being bad but I do sleep on satin pillow if that helps. Like Poohbear said you are very motivating and have shown great progress....LoL I am curious to know what your routine for your hair in the spring/summer will be DSD?? :p

Thats all I have to report.
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*I've not been consitent with my vits!
*I've not been consistent with my regime ! :spank:
(maybe if I figured out what really works for my hair, I would)

*I can't put my hands on quality products because of this damn country I live in !! :crying3: (Keracare ?? what is keracare ??? Nexxus ? sorry miss, we don't sell this here !)

*I still suck at styling my own hair AND I'm tired of being in a boooooring bun !

*I can't see any growth ! Nothing ! Nada ! :wallbash:

* But I can still see those annoying underprocessed parts ! :swearing:

Can you tell I hate my hair so much right now! :(
I am joining the challenge as of today :)

I will be doing weekly soft protein treatments and using other moisturizing products.
Switching to a mild relaxer
Take vitamins consistently
Drink more water
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_lovelyness said:
*I've not been consitent with my vits!
*I've not been consistent with my regime ! :spank:
(maybe if I figured out what really works for my hair, I would)

*I can't put my hands on quality products because of this damn country I live in !! :crying3: (Keracare ?? what is keracare ??? Nexxus ? sorry miss, we don't sell this here !)

*I still suck at styling my own hair AND I'm tired of being in a boooooring bun !

*I can't see any growth ! Nothing ! Nada ! :wallbash:

* But I can still see those annoying underprocessed parts ! :swearing:

Can you tell I hate my hair so much right now! :(

Hang in there lovelyness, it will get better.:kiss:

:wave: Hi DSD and all the other ladies. I missed last month's check in--too obsessed with my newly natural hair, anywho, I'm doing great. Love my natural hair and even though I wanted to focus on health and not worry about length, it is just growing like nobody's business so if I can have health and length then I'm good. My first goal is to be able to wear twists in public and look cute. Second goal is to be able to wear a puff. Currently dealing with three different kinds of hair in my house: me, natural; oldest daughter, relaxed; youngest daughter, transitioning. And with LHCF, it's not hard at all, no stress whatsoever!
I am hanging in there.
I wash three times a week sometimes four. I slacked off with the daily CON washes a little bit. I always do a deep CON on the weekend and Salerm Wheat Germ Mask in the week. So far so good. I am six weeks post realxer and loving it. A lot of new growth already. The vitamins are so easy to take now because I am use to it.
As for the 2 liters a day.......... ladies, it does wonders for your skin, believe me!!!
I am finding it easier to roller set because I do it on the weekends when I deep CON. In the week I do the scarf method and I love that one.

OOOhhh I can feel my hair touch the bottom of my neck w/o bending my head back :) Just thouhgt I would share that. I am grateful to all of you ladies who are so willing to share hair secrets. HTH everyone.
Well let's see...the Elucence and Surge are definite staples in my regimen! Elucence MB as a leave-in is heavenly! WGO may be a staple, only when I use it sparingly on my scalp because once I get heavy with it, it's just a greasy mess! I'm rediscovering my organic coconut oil also. Love it, love it, love it!

I was so happy today. I used all of the products above (plus Elucence Silk Elixir) and my hair has air dried so soft! If this becomes a regular result, I will actually have a weekly wash regimen! I have a decent amount of newgrowth and have been surging and oiling atleast once a day and I also started taking a new hair vit.

Ingedients are here:
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Hello to all!

I think I am doing pretty well. I recently have been trying to wash with poo weekly and co-wash every other day. So far so good!!!!!!! I have added Nioxin Smoothing starter kit as my staples to see how that goes. I love to wear my hair down so protective styles are not on my list, but I have been doing twistouts lately (if you call that a protective style). The bun thing: my hair is to short plus it is layered so you know how that goes when pulling in a bun; and I would never find a fake one in my color. But I tink I am doing pretty well! Oh yeah I also added Biotin (1500 mcg) to my regmen starting today!
Hi everyone,
things have been a little hectic for me in general so my hair has taken a back seat and it shows. I'm a little discouraged right now on the hair thing..but i'm going to get back on the wagon. I'm going to devise myself a new plan and plan will include more water, consistant vitamin intake and excercise. I will update you all on a more specific regimen when I figure one out.
I'm doing well. I have recently added Nexxus Therappe and Humectress to my salon product stash. I have been using them for two weeks and I am really happy. They build up but my Redken Cleansing Cream takes care of that.

So now Redken, Paul Mitchell, and Nexxus products are my favs.

I still wash and condition everyday and still have the back of my hair in single braids and the crown area out. I plan on testing another section of my crown with Fiberguard Lye before I decide to do the entire crown area.

It's amazing out much my hair has grown in two years. I have a birthmark about 1/2" above my waist and while combing out my braids and rebraiding I stretched out one section and my hair (with over a year of new growth) has finally reached it!! It's amazing what staying away from scissor-happy stylists and moisture can do for someone.

That about sums it up.
I'm still going at it. I'm working at stretching my touch up (this time only) to five months. I'm currently at week 11. I'm in braids (I did them myself, put them in at week 8) and plan to keep my hair in braids through week 21. I will redo them after six weeks. I'm transitioning to a pesco-vegetarian lifestyle so I'm eating pretty healthy, drinking loads of fresh juices, and keeping up with my supplements. In braids I've been washing my hair 2-3 times each week (only once with diluted shampoo, the other times with diluted conditioner), but even then my hair/braids get very dry very quickly, within a day. I've been using the baggie with the braids each night and every weekend, but sometimes it makes my hair smell funky (and if I don't use it my hair gets bone dry, even with nightly moisture). To combat the dryness, I've decided to follow Adrienne's old braid technique using leave ins, s-curl, and oils such as hot six.

DSD will we have a mid-challenge showing (photos)?

Thanks for your hard work and motivating spirit :) .
I haven't checked in lately but I have kept up with my regimen. I go to the dominican salon once a week for a wash & set. I oil my ends and edges with shea butter oil, keracare essential oils, olive oil, and WGO every night. I wear my hair tied up in a bun during the week. I have 1 picture in my fotki, still trying to figure out how to add more. I was playing around with it and somehow got 1 picture in there. The picture in fotki was before my cut. My password is in my profile. My hair does seem to have grown a little since my 2-3" cut in January. I'm stretching out my touch-ups from 4 wks to 8-10wks. I will update when I get more pictures in my album.
Recently I put a weave in my hair , because I am transitioning. I am planning to wear weaves untill I grow out my relaxer, and then ill go natural.

I am going to remove my weave every 8 weeks and put it right back in. I oil my scalp 3 times a week with carrot oil(very nurishing) and apply motisturizer lotion 2 times a week. I wrap my hair and tie it up in a scarf every night. I wash my hair every 2-3 weeks.

My goal next month

To be consistent with my regimene
Stop playing in my hair
My hair is progressing nicely. I relaxed with a mild Motions at the end of February and trimmed a 1/2" last week. I'm excited about the weather breaking ... just I can't wait to wash & go!
I've changed things up a bit, but things are still going well. I relaxed in Mid-March (instead of at the end) at nearly 15 weeks post relaxer. My goal was 16 weeks, but I couldn't handle the new growth anymore, and I was a bit tired of the bun, lol. I added a picture to my album after my relaxer.

I also broke my personal heat free challenge, since I got a new flat iron. I've only used it once, and I don't plan to use it again in the near future. I REALLY liked the flat iron, and I think it will help me to stretch my relaxer until July.

My new goals are to use heat less than 1 time per month, and to continue with my protective styles until Summer arrives. :)
I've been consistant with vits and regimin. I dusted my ends myself this week. I'll be doing the bun and phonypony this week just to give me and my hair a break. I found a phony pony that's a match to my real hair length and color. sstill doing the baggie method every night.
Hello DSD!!!

I relaxed my hair on 03/28/05 after strecthing for 11 wks with individual braids. I achieved 1 1/2 inches of growth:yay: :yay: . I did trim about 1/8 inch off and applied a permanent hair color to the last 5 inches of my hair to match the roots(my natural hair color) I decided to lay off the hair color for a while and I am really not feeling this dark hair. My natural hair color is a level 2(very very dark brown/almost black) I usually keep my hair in the Beyonce/Christina Milian blonde color, so this is a drastic change for me. My SO told me that he likes it but later on that night when we left church he stated that my hair looks like a wig:mad: beacuse my skin & eyes are to light for such dark hair, go figure:confused: . Anyway enough of that...... Since I am out of the braids I am back on the Cathy Howse method. I poo & deep condition every 3 days & I'm on the 1 Month baggie challenge to baby my newly colored ends. Overall I am very pleased with my hair. My best friend stated that my hair looked & felt extremely healthy. :) :)
My hair is doing real great. I finally went to see my beautician this past Friday to get some braids and she told me that my hair has gotten thicker and longer. My hair is also healthy. She told me to buy the short hair to do my braids, but good thing I didn't because my hair at the top took just about all the hair and she had to braid all the way through with the long hair. I am so happy that my hair is doing great. I haven't seen my beautician in months and for her to tell me that my hair is doing great makes me very happy. Thanks to the Forum.

I am changing my regimen a little due to the braids. I am going to put Wild Growth, Surge Plus 14, S-Curl & Braid Spray in my hair.
I am checking in I am doing good besides moving into an area with very hard water......I will update my fotki next week after I come back from Vegas I have my hair in cornrows to the back with synthetic hair on the ends I will do my flip again for my trip and after I come back I am going back to this style my natural hair cornrows and weave on the ends......KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK LADIES............
Congrats ladies on the progress, but I am doing horrible my hair is a big ball of tangles.Besides that I m doing great vitamins, protein, and no- heat.
It's going great. I am currently doing several challenges and I find that doing the baggie method along with oiling my ends is really working wonders for my hair. I will be cornrowing next week.
My frizzy ends have been annoying the ish out of me so I have been cutting my hair just about everytime i wash it...I lost about an inch in looks about the same length though..if that makes any sense

still growing(slowly)
I am still here and back in a protective style....Yeah...I am sad that I wouldn't be able to play around in my hair any more. But I know it is for the best. I am planning to keep it in for 3 weeks. Then the week before my perm and graduation I will take it down and heavy condition.....I still wash at least 2-3 times a week. I am 8 weeks post relaxer and heading for 12 weeks. Hopefully I can make it this time. I am lazy with the vitamins, sad to say...but one thing at a time.I am just glad I am in a protective style right now.
i just got a relaxer yesterday. My hair is looking a lot longer. I cant believe it was only about 4 months ago that I cut my hair. It has grown back even longer than it was before. I'm hoping that this growth continues.
I'm following my regime almost consistently, I may miss a few days here and there but overall things are going great.
MonaLisa checking in.

All I know right now is that I have new growth. How much...hard to say.
I was going to buckle....but I'm gonna go two more weeks until April 23rd for my Phyto touch up - which will put me at 16 weeks post touch-up.

I think my ends are looking better...but my eyes could be deceiving me.

I should have updated pics for April in my fotki by the following week.

Thanks for the support DSD! Just trying to be like u girl.:D
monister said:
still following my regimen... nothing else much to report...

same here, although i am getting frustrated because it doesn't seem to be growing, maybe it's just me.

My hair is NOT growing.

However I am trying very hard not to be discouraged about that because while it is NOT growing, it is also not falling out or suffering any other catastrophic problems.

I know for a fact that my hair grows it's best when it is braided so I think that, as I much as I don't want to, I will be getting some micros shortly. :(

I'd prefer to have a sewn in weave again (I LOVE my weave) but I want to give my hairline and my crown (the parts that are usually left out to blend) the opportunity to rest as well. So micros it is. :(

Well, micros or cutting it all off and starting all over. My patience is wearing thin.

The only good news I have to report this month is that I got my steamer! :yay: (all that wishing for a steamer and then I finally get one and haven't had the opportunity to use it:lol: )
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