Super Growout Challenge ***Update Month 1***

No growth :( I trimmed almost 2 inches at Master Cuts yet again. From here on out Im going to stop looking at my ends with a microscope and just let my hair do its thing. At the rate Im going, my hair will stay this length if I keep getting it trimmed :ohwell:
Rachel said:
checking in...very late... but so far so good.
I had to stop the baggie method challenge due to bad shedding. Somehow I always managed to get my wet hair tangled in the ponytail elastic. I'm still addicted to Tressamme CW - it's done wonders for adding more curl to my hair. I've also started braiding my hair during the night, in lieu of the baggie, and have found that it makes my hair feel softer and retain more moisture than the bun.

I've posted my comparison Jan and Feb shots below.
You have to do what is best for your hair. :yep:
LondonDiva said:
It's a little hard to see how the first month went as I had a ton of newgrowth. I'm back on the fresh fruit smoothies with carrot juice, have been more consistent with my Freeda Biotin daily. I surge every day now consistently as I fell off the bandwagon, I want to see how much growth I can get from Surge 1 month after my touch up. I feel very positive about the next 10 months. I've changed the way I eat without even realising. My diet is a hell of a lot better. I'm eating more protein rich foods like salmon and tuna on a daily basis, I've cut out tea and coffe (basically anything containing caffine) I drink a caffine free South African tea. Have switched from Cow to Soya Milk. I've upped my water intake from zero to one glass (at least a day) OK I know it not much but I'm starting slowly. I drink Prune juice, carrot juice and OJ. I try and stay from processed foods and red meat. Hopefully my diet will have a great effect on my hair as well as all the topical treatments.

Good Luck to all for the next month.

You are doing a wonderful job. Consistency is so wonderful for the hair!! Keep up the good work!!
LadyZ said:
I am checking in also........ a little late......Things are going good....
I wanted to post comparison pictures but, could not get the size right:wallbash: and I ran out of time to do so:swearing:
Next check in I will have a comparisons pictures for sure....
I am keeping up my routine... doing some surging and other oil tonics... and also doing the bun challenge 4 days a week.....
Fighting some shedding... But I am doing better than I was last year at this time....

:clap: :clap:
At the moment my hair is not doing so good but it could be worse, I guess!

Ever since I took out my braids which I had in for approximately 14 weeks, the ends have just felt really dry. I have been shampooing & conditioning every week and this has become a real task and never used to be. At the moment I am applying vaseline to the ends to keep them soft. I feel like throwing my Motions conditioner and cream of nature shampoo into the trash can as they are making my hair feel stringy at present.:mad: I think I will just stop using them for now!

Anyway, I have stopped using my Surge hair revitaliser much to my dismay because the ends of my hair are so dry at the moment.:nono:

I just trimmed off about 1/2" off my ends a few minutes ago. I feel a lot happier as the ends don't feel so crispy. *big sigh*:ohwell:

It's snowing here and that does not help matters:mad:

My saving graces at the moment are Sahara single bible hair cream (yep it contains mineral oil but it also contains a lot of beneficial stuff for my hair and so I dug it up) and Soft and Beautiful Hair Moisturising Complex conditioner, which has made it easier to comb, tangle free and soft once again. Oh, the surge powerwash has helped too. :clap:

I haven't been taking my vitamins consistently either (yes, I have been bad). I currently have lots of new growth and that also is giving me some horrors:eek:

Maybe next month I will have better news ladies:)
I am sorry to hear you are having problems with dryness. It's good you stopped using the Surge. That may be the culprit to your dryness. I will be looking for your updates next month because I am positive that by then you will have combated this problem and will report that everything is peaches and cream. Good Luck to you!!
Ayeshia said:
No growth :( I trimmed almost 2 inches at Master Cuts yet again. From here on out Im going to stop looking at my ends with a microscope and just let my hair do its thing. At the rate Im going, my hair will stay this length if I keep getting it trimmed :ohwell:
Girl you betta stay away from those scissors. :spank: You are cutting away all of your progress.
I'm just stopping by to give dontspeakdefeat kudos for having the energy, organizational skills, and encouraging words that inspire the challengers to keep at it.

Woman, how do you do it?!? :lol:

Thank you, thank you, thank you! :notworthy
SVT said:
I'm just stopping by to give dontspeakdefeat kudos for having the energy, organizational skills, and encouraging words that inspire the challengers to keep at it.

Woman, how do you do it?!? :lol:

Thank you, thank you, thank you! :notworthy
Thanks!!:D :D

Sometimes I don't even know how I do it myself! I guess I just want to see everybody reach their short and long term goals!! :yep:
dontspeakdefeat said:
I am sorry to hear you are having problems with dryness. It's good you stopped using the Surge. That may be the culprit to your dryness. I will be looking for your updates next month because I am positive that by then you will have combated this problem and will report that everything is peaches and cream. Good Luck to you!!

Thanks DSD. :)
I'm going to apply Dabur Vatika hair oil every night to my scalp and ends to help combat the dryness. I will update you next month with results.:)

Also DSD , as SVT says I also don't know how you manage to keep everybody motivated but I'm glad you're doing it because I'm making an extra special effort because of this thread.:littleang
I have to drop out of the SGC since I am experiencing breakage. I don't know if it is due to this or my previous mistakes. So I am dropping out until further notice. Good luck ladies!!!
Thanks DSD. :)
I'm going to apply Dabur Vatika hair oil every night to my scalp and ends to help combat the dryness. I will update you next month with results.:)

Also DSD , as SVT says I also don't know how you manage to keep everybody motivated but I'm glad you're doing it because I'm making an extra special effort because of this thread.:littleang
Thanks!! I am glad that the thread is helping to keep you motivated. That's one of it's main goals!!

I hope you get your dryness under wraps!! Good Luck!!
Champagne_Wishes said:
I have to drop out of the SGC since I am experiencing breakage. I don't know if it is due to this or my previous mistakes. So I am dropping out until further notice. Good luck ladies!!!
You don't have to drop out sweetie. You just can't Let us help you figure out what the source of breakage is so we can help you combat the problem
. Even though this is the super grow out challenge, I know that there will be some setbacks that have to be overcome. That's part of the hair growing process :yep:. I think you just need to get back on track and start from were you are. It's just the beginning of the challenge we have a long way to go before it's over. You will be suprised what you can accomplish in a year despite setbacks :yep:. I know because I have had plenty of them!!

I am routing for you :yay: to snap back from your breakage and come back to the challenge next month at a new starting point and ready to grow some hair !!

I am sending out a big ole ((((((((((((((((((((((((((cyber hug)))))))))))))))))))))) to help encourage you past this !
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i dont know if i posted recently but- length is going okay. my hair has gotten so much thinner though. this is frustrating. i think stretching my twists to wear them off my face is not good for my type of hair- i think this is the cause of the thinning. so, know im working on thickness. im getting some naturemade b complex soon, eating right and really needing to increase my water rate. ive recently detoxed and colon cleansed so hopefully im on a good path. good luck to everyone else!
i have been consistent with my regime and i have an inch of growth so far. i'm about 2 inches away from brastrap length. i'm so excited.thanks for all the encougement ladies!! i'll be at waistlength in no time. my husband has even noticed the growth. good-luck to everyone aiming for their goals!!!!!!!!!
dontspeakdefeat said:
You don't have to drop out sweetie. You just can't Let us help you figure out what the source of breakage is so we can help you combat the problem
. Even though this is the super grow out challenge, I know that there will be some setbacks that have to be overcome. That's part of the hair growing process :yep:. I think you just need to get back on track and start from were you are. It's just the beginning of the challenge we have a long way to go before it's over. You will be suprised what you can accomplish in a year despite setbacks :yep:. I know because I have had plenty of them!!

I am routing for you :yay: to snap back from your breakage and come back to the challenge next month at a new starting point and ready to grow some hair !!

I am sending out a big ole ((((((((((((((((((((((((((cyber hug)))))))))))))))))))))) to help encourage you past this !

don't quit girl , come on...
I know you must be frustrated with the breakage but don't quit

Thanks ladies!!! I think the reason why I am experiencing breakage is that I forgot to tell the stylist that I had applied the New Era gel relaxer and she treated my hair as a virgin hair. So basically I had to trim off a good portion of my hair and yet my hair is still breaking. Lately my hair isn't breaking as much as it was in the beginning but I am getting tired of sweeping up my hair. So what I am doing is giving myself mild protein treatments and following it up with a moisturizing conditioner.
hotshot said:
i dont know if i posted recently but- length is going okay. my hair has gotten so much thinner though. this is frustrating. i think stretching my twists to wear them off my face is not good for my type of hair- i think this is the cause of the thinning. so, know im working on thickness. im getting some naturemade b complex soon, eating right and really needing to increase my water rate. ive recently detoxed and colon cleansed so hopefully im on a good path. good luck to everyone else!

Yes you did post here recently. Here is your original post:
hotshot said:
well im very happy. i did ANOTHER trim abour six weeks ago (1-2 inches) and im proud to say most of it has GROWN BACK!! im down with lunar trimming, which means ill be trimming tomorrow. ive learned my lesson, that i need a regimented trim schedule in order to prevent a mess.
i havent been washing as much as id like, thanks to our broken showerr filter. i know washing in our hard water is the path to damage for me.
ive been using honey and water as a leavein and shea butter of kemi pomade to seal. my hair feels lush and healthy.
ive stopped on the vitamins since i detoxed a couple weeks ago. i will cut out MSM because it made my curl looser and in turn, frizzier. i will keep it arouund for joint pain.
im not measuring, but so far so good!
I am sorry to hear that your hair is thinning. If stretching your hair to keep it off your face is the culprit then by all means you should find another way to wear your hair. I think the vitamins will help the newgrowth come in thicker but you have to be consistent with them. I believe the detoxing will benefit your entire body. Good Luck to you!! HHG
hairlover said:
i have been consistent with my regime and i have an inch of growth so far. i'm about 2 inches away from brastrap length. i'm so excited.thanks for all the encougement ladies!! i'll be at waistlength in no time. my husband has even noticed the growth. good-luck to everyone aiming for their goals!!!!!!!!!

Wow! Wow! Wow!! Only 2 inches to brastrap!! That's wonderful to hear!! You grow girl!! Keep up the good work!:D
Champagne_Wishes said:
Thanks ladies!!! I think the reason why I am experiencing breakage is that I forgot to tell the stylist that I had applied the New Era gel relaxer and she treated my hair as a virgin hair. So basically I had to trim off a good portion of my hair and yet my hair is still breaking. Lately my hair isn't breaking as much as it was in the beginning but I am getting tired of sweeping up my hair. So what I am doing is giving myself mild protein treatments and following it up with a moisturizing conditioner.
Well, that's your culprit right there. It sounds like overprocessing. Keep doing what you are doing and your hair will turn around. Don't go too heavy on the protein though. It can make your hair brittle if used too ofter. I think mild protein is ok for once a week use. Heavy protein no more that every 4-6 weeks. I really like to wait 6.
dontspeakdefeat said:
Well, that's your culprit right there. It sounds like overprocessing. Keep doing what you are doing and your hair will turn around. Don't go too heavy on the protein though. It can make your hair brittle if used too ofter. I think mild protein is ok for once a week use. Heavy protein no more that every 4-6 weeks. I really like to wait 6.

Will do DSD!!!