Super Growout Challenge ***Update Month 1***

I'm still sticking to my regimen. I'm 11 weeks post relaxer. I had some breakage but I got wonderful suggestions from the board and I deep conditioned with Keraphix and waited a couple of days and did the coconut milk and lime juice treatment. Now I don't have any breakage anymore. I'm going to get a retouch next week. I should have updates then..
Chicoro -Checking In 1 Day Late - So far so good.

Had to add a pre-treatment with olive oil, castor oil and essential oils before EVERY wash . This is helping with detangling. I had my hair pressed and trimmed in January and the ends looked good. I don't plan to straighten again until December 05. I guess I won't be able to see what I have gained from the SGOC until the end of the year. The baggie method is leaving my ends in good condition. Since I practically never wear my hair down, I am going to try to not trim until December '05. I like checking in every month, thanks DSD!
Chicoro said:
The baggie method is leaving my ends in good condition. Since I practically never wear my hair down, I am going to try to not trim until December '05.
Chicoro, how do you fit all of your hair in a baggie? I'm absolutely amazed! :yep: I was wondering: Do you put a drawstring ponytail over your baggie or do you use something else? Thanks! :D
Sorry so late yes I'm sticking to my "wear my micros until March" regimen. I got my edges redone today hardly any breakage! (so enthused) this makes 14 weeks post.
1. I have been somewhat consistent with my regimen except I got tired of popping several pills a day so instead of the individual supplements, I just take my Olay Multivitamin, Olay Evening Primrose Oil, GNC UltraNourish Hair and GNC MSM.

2. I've been keeping my hair in about 5 cornrows each week taking them down only to shampoo my hair once a week. I conditioner wash each morning with the cornrows in. I don't care about how they look cause I always wear my cap.

3. I also added Surge to my regimen; I spray it on my scalp daily.

My hair has been quite soft. I haven't taken any pictures to see how much its grown yet. Instead of doing picture updates monthly, I will be doing them every other month i.e Jan - Mar; Mar -May etc...

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I'm sticking to my regimen, I just got my hair done today and I'm getting good growth.
Hey, how is everyone, seems like you all are doing great, well so far, I think I've been doing pretty good. I had a little bit more than an inch of new growth this touch up y'all and that was after 8 weeks. So I got my first relaxer for the year and my hair seems to be keeping up pretty well, especially since after that cut. The only thing I take is biotin, so my regime is pretty simple and I do weekly apohgee and deep conditioner treatments to keep my hair well mositurized and nice and strong. I've been a little lazy on the pills for the last week but I plan to get rigt back on track when I get my new bottle. I think I finish a bottle every 8 weeks. I was surprised, but Im happy with the current health of my hair, just waiting to see the result of the amount of tender love and care into my locks.

Thanks, and I wish everyone good luck for this month as I hope you wish of me. Bless


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IDK how I almost missed this entire thread!

- I have been very inconsistant with my vitamins and water intake because of my school and work schedule. I def. need to work on the internal aspects of achieving healthy hair.

- I have been fairly consistent with my routine. I wash on Sundays (deep conditioning with each wash) and co wash on Wednesday and Friday (if necessary). Unfortunately, the CO washes have caused buildup and I've had to clarify earlier than expected. As far as styling, I typically braid up my hair and pin it under, then cover my hair at night.

- I had a minor set back at 7 weeks post relaxer, which was very discouraging. I believe I will have to relax at 12 weeks the latest. I also experienced some breakage from using heat and I have had a couple of nights where my hair has not been protected. I've tried to correct this by keeping my hair super-moisturized and doing a mild protein treatment.

- My goals for the next month: Update my Fotki! Keep on my vitamin and Surging! Faithfully cover and moisturize my hair at night! Continue to sport my braids and stay away from the heat! Be positive and consistent!!!
HI I almost forgot this challenge.

I have been very good at keeping my regime together I just relaxed 1/28/05 after 11 1/2 weeks post relaxer and I can say I see some growth just want my front and sides to catch and even up with the back.

Cond. washing every other day with Suave Coconut
Washing with Nexxus Shampoo once a week
Leave in with Mane N Tail
Deep condition with Salerm Wheat Germ after Shampoo
Rollerset once every two weeks

I fell off the vitamin wagon I think it help me control breakage and shedding so I have to get back on this but so far so good.
My hair had almost reached brastrap, but I cut off two inches. It was layered and as it got longer the layering was too noticeable. My hair looked shorter than it really was because it was beginning to look thin and lifeless. It looked okay when it was curled, but I rarely curl my hair. I needed it to look nice loose even if it had no curls. My hair is still well past my shoulders though, but not quite armpit. It's about 2 to 3 inches below the shoulder.

So now I'm looking at a realistic goal of bra-strap by July. I am sticking to my regimen of Elucence products for softness and slip and I am currently seeking a good deep conditioner. My hair is in good shape but I just love the pampering of a deep conditioner.
Same ol', same ol'. :D Only I'm considering switching shampoos and conditioners and getting my sets done at home rather than a salon. Routine's still the same, though.

Canned the supplements and decided to let he hair on the sides and at the nape go au natural for the moment because it's so fine that it really doesn't matter whether it's straight or curly. I usually shave it off but I'll see.
I am following my regimen. Wash and condtion once a week. I am going to put in braids this weekend so I shall be in braids for the next two months. I am aiming to hold of on doing a touch up until May (six months) so I shall be doing a second round of braids when I take down this set or maybe a curly weave?

I am sticking to my regular routine and so far I have gained about a half inch of growth. I will be posting pics really soon of my progress!!!

Pics now updated in my fotki, see profile for link and pw!
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K i am doing ok i guess...same in a protective style...a weave....

but the thing that is bothering me is that it doesnt seem that my hair has grown this past month...but I started taking MSM in December so i think my texture has changed but I cant tell if its growing...until its wet...its weird...i dont know...

but anyways im checking in
After stretching my relaxer to 10 weeks (for the first time!) I got my touchup and grew a good amount, about 1 1/2", but alas, had to cut off a half inch.
This was due to split ends which I am sure were due to having a rush job at the salon the last time I was in. I was forced to get my wet hair blow-dried and I just cringe thinking of it! I haven't seen a split end in a year, and one rush job resulting in the blow drying of my wet hair, and split ends resulted. Just another lesson in what NOT to allow to happen to MY hair .
I think Im doing pretty well, sticking to my regimine and staying pretty consistent with the baggie challenge. Ive even noticed a bit of growth from November to now!
i joined late so i't only been about 10 days for me. I have been using avocado butter and tallow as my moisturizers. about once or twice i week i grease my scalp with keralong's shea butter treatment or keralong's safflower oil conditioner. I have been doing dail conditioner washes with Aussie conditioners. I have been shampooing one to two times weekly depending on my schedule using generic aussie mega shampoo or generic redkin amino pon shampoo. Then i use cholesterol as my deep conditioner for 35-45 minutes under my heated dryer. i have been using the baggie method at nite after moisturizing. I have been taking my vitamins once a day. But lacking in the water department-must work on that. That's my update.
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bocagirl said:
My regime is washing once per week followed by a deep conditioner with or without heat depending on what I'm using. I'm at 6 weeks post relaxer and it's much easier for me to rollerset my hair at this stage so I'm doing that weekly. I don't plan to relax until the end of February going into March.

The problem that I'm having now is that I'm having breakage is my nape area. I had cut it recently but its still breaking and I'm not sure what to do at this point. I'll just try to nurse it back for February.

I am so sorry you are having breakage in the nape area. Just give it tons of tlc and it will snap back before you know it!!

Tai said:
I've been doing okay. I've been sick and for the past week, I haven't been co-washing daily like I was supposed to or taking my vitamins everyday. But today I got back on track. :) I'm going back to my regimen and my new goal is to deep condition with heat at least once every two weeks.
I am sorry to hear you were sick. I hope you feel better soon.

laketta said:
Here are my pic updates. nothing too spectacular but I am a thumb away from brastrap. literaly so I am resisting the urge to press until july.

Excuse my fat I am losing holiday weight.
Your hair looks great!! Looks like you are almost there. Maybe you will be by the next check in!! Good Luck!

melodee said:
I am buying the Cathy Howse book and I will be trying her method this year. I have decided that air drying=protective styles done together don't work for me- I got alot of breakage from this. I am going to attemp to not trim for at least four months ( I don't know about giving it up forever though). I am going to wash every three to five days.
You have to do what you know is best for your hair. Good Luck on the no trimming. I know that is hard!

SingingStar12 said:
I've been pretty consistent with my regimen last month. I deep conditioned at each weekly wash. I upped my water intake and I tried to moisturize more. I don't know how long my hair is now, but I'm probably going to get a trim by the end of the month to gradually get rid of my layers, and I will probably get a relaxer too. I just need to moisturize more to get rid of some breakage.
Great to hear! Moisturizing will def. help with the breakage.

YummyC said:
Its frustrating but I'm sticking to the plan :) This new growth is a bit discouraging!!! Any suggestions
Hi YummyC! :wave: You will need to find something to make your newgrowth more manageable. I love to use S-curl and daily co washes.

Lindy said:
:wave: Checking in!! :D

I'm doing good... I'm on the vitamin challenge and the oil challenge and both are going well... I'm at about 13 or 14 weeks post t/u now, so I'll be getting my touch up & trim in a few weeks.:) I'm actually looking forward to my trim cuz my ends are looking straggly lately... just hoping it doesn't set me back and put me too far back from bra-strap!!:(
Sounds like your hair is doing well!! I am routing for your!! I hope you make it to brastrap soon.
mighty_isis said:
Ive actually done very good on this challenge (my first). I wash my hair once a week, deep condition with every wash, this past sunday was the first time I air dried. Im currently 10 weeks post relaxer, which can be rough, so I use my CHI iron to straighten out the new growth. I also wore my hair in a bun for the whole month of january! That is a big deal for me since I ALWAYS wear my hair out. This month will be my second month bunning it!

I most likely will invest in some biotin vitamins to see if that will help with my growth.

I will be getting a touchup either at the end of this month or if I can handle the new growth I will try to make it to mid-March.
That's great. It sounds like you have a handle on everything!!

lshevonne said:
You forgot to list me. "Lshevonne"

I've been doing good with my regimen, except today I used my blow-dryer since I was in a hurry. I've also added a photo that's not very good but I'll post another one later.
Wrapping each night with my hair in a high pony.

Great! I have added you to the list!

CatSuga said:
CatSuga is starting over fresh.

mrslee said:
I think I had a great month! I have been taking my vitamins, protein shakes, been oiling the hair and scalp daily and started back on my personal Surge challenge! I still see splits erry now and then, but I cut them as I see them, knowing I still have some damage hair to get rid of. Probably at least an inch worth. I am going to continue my regimen and see what next month holds!


I use to wash every three days, trying to narrow it down to every 5.
Every 3 washes I airdry. My hair likes to have some heat every now and then.

Wash with M/T shampoo and on special days wash with Biolage Fortifying shampoo. Condition with Ultra Hydrating Biolage and M/T conditioner together.
Lacio Lacio or CHI serum as a leave in.
Airdry- apply oils and Surge to scalp.

Emergencee every other week and GPB the alternate week.
Clarify once every three weeks.

I am going to continue with this until I get my SALERM WHEAT GERM MASK in the mail! They are taking forever to deliver! :(
Wonderful to hear!!

pink_flower said:
Things have been good over here. Im in my 7th week post relaxer and Im trying to stretch to 12. As of late Ive been doing co washes and slicking it back into a bun.
Great!! Good Luck on the stretching.

SherryLove said:
so far, so good, ladies... my ends still look good and my hair is growing ok...
Great! Your hair looks great too!

TJD3 said:
Still goin strong. Maintaining my routine of protective styles, moisture, moisture, moisture, washes once a week, to include deep conditioning. I am no longer combing, unless its a wash day. Trying to stretch my relaxers to at least 8 weeks, since i am dealing with underprocessed hair that breaks. My goal is to gain thickness from the breakage that occured from the underprocessing.
Sounds great!! Good Luck at gaining your thickness back!

AudraChanell said:
Hey there DSD and fellow SGOC'ers!!

I am hanging in there ... only added capilong and manipulations to my regimen. I used a permanent marker to record my length on an old shirt Jan 1 and won't measure again 'til March 1. Lets hope I am at least an inch beyond ... Great luck and happyhair growing to everyone!
I can't wait to hear of your capilong results!! Good Luck!
NewYorkgyrl said:
Just checking in. I see that my hair is getting longer and i am very excited!

zanzibardotcom said:
Checking in. I took pics over the weekend. I'm in a protective style. :wave: :wave: :wave:
I can't wait to see the pics!!

UmSumayyah said:
Well, I've been Surging, exercising (for my waistline but it's supposed to be good for hair too :D ), and taking my vitamins regularly. I've modified my regimen to fewer loose washings since I'm at 11 weeks now. I'm going for 17. My hair in the back seems to be growing really fast while the front and sides stay normal, but I'm not complaining. It's more important for me to gain length in the back.
Sounds wonderful!!

Lynxdiva said:
I've been doing alright so far. My hair condition has definitely improved. I need to be more consistent with my conditioner washes and putting my hair up at night. When I got my touch-up in January I was amazed at the growth from just a little better treatment of my hair!

Natalie76 said:
I've been doing pretty good. I've been consistent with my vits but had to slack off because I'm doing a colon cleanse and can't find the time to fit my vits in there. However I've been wearing my hair in a bun and perfecting my regime. I've got tons of growth but refuse to measure my hair until my next relaxer (4/05).

naptrl said:

Hair2day said:
Hi DSD! :)

January recap- touch up on 01/03/05- sewn in weave on 01/11/05, brought Surge 01/11/05-Taken weave out 01/18/05 (couldn't take the itching)-since 01/19/05 using baggie method. I have been consistent. Shampoo every 3 days- deep condition using heat with every shampoo, followed by a moisturizing shampoo. air drying. I have discovered Sta Sof Fro, Surge, Evoo & porosity control shampoo & conditioner. I love every product. I plan on getting free style braids this weekend for Mardi Gras! I will keep them in until 04/05/05 & touch up on 04/15/05. So far I see a 1/2 inch of growth!! Yeah!! :D Happy Hair Growing Everyone!!! :cool:
Hi Hair2day!! :wave: Sounds Great!! HHG

jaded_faerie said:
Last month was a alright month...i gave in and "texturized" after 15 weeks :(...but it was the longest ive ever gone, so im proud regardless...i took out my sew in weave at the end of the month, and i had some breakage on the left side of my hair but i also did have growth. Im currently at 18inches, and im planning on getting my next text 7 months from trying to get over that hump of shoulder length also thinking of jumping on the MNT bandwagon...umm i should also be getting braids this weekend and plan to keep that in till early March then get them redone again. Ive also started greasing my scalp with S8 and glovers as well as using the s8,glovers,and surge on my edges, which broke off ALOT for some reason :(
Sounds like you have a lot going on. Sorry to hear about the breakage but I am sure you will get it under wraps.

Destinee said:
All is well. I keep my hair braided (no extensions). Wash and deep condition weekly.
Use ORS carrot oil daily. I am also trying out surge 1x per day. I haven’t seen any noticeable growth. :ohwell:
I am glad all is well!!

caramelty said:
Hello Ladies! I am checking in I have medium size ty-zillions in my hair and wont be taking them out until the end of March. I am doing fine I have been surging 2X a day and oiling my scalp with gift of god hair grease it has all natural ingredients in it. So continue happy growing ladies I have pictures from the day I went and got my hair braided I just haven't had time to upload them. GOOD LUCK TO ALL
You will probably have a load of growth when the braids come down!! HHG

_lovelyness said:
Checkin in !
I JUST have to remove my braids!!! :ohwell:
I got them done around mid december, and I wanted to keep them up to the end of february, but I've had alot of growth!!!!
My head looks messy, as you can see in the close-up pics of my hair. :look: My braids were very tight when I had them done, but now they're extra loose and some are even coming out!! To cover this up, i just put them in a bun, and looks ok that way :blush:
I'm still trying to decide if I should go for braids again or relax my hair (last relaxer early novermber).
My regimen for this past month was:
*Soft & beautiful botanicals moisturizing braids spray (daily)
*Biomass regenerateur capillaire -to stimulate hair growth (every night)
*amla oil (from time to time).

Wow! It sounds like you have mega growth!!
LadyR said:
Hey Ladies,

I did ok last month

I had a little breakage in the middle from wearing drawstring ponytails too tight and the middle is my weak spot.

Started Surging my nape, edges and middle twice a day.

My regimen has stayed pretty much the same except that I started using mega care shea butter oil on my ends when roller setting.

I had added an extra CO wash to total 2 CO washes a week and 1 shampoo wash, but me exercising more I am thinking about going back to daily CO washes and roller sets. It seems like a lot but my hair loves roller sets. I am going to see how that works out this month.
Good Luck finding what works. Sorry to hear about the breakage.

leontyneb said:
I did join in on the growout challenge, but I didn't put my name on the list. I have been keeping up with my regimen and I am at 7 weeks post of a relaxer. I have about 1-1 1/2 inches of new growth. I slipped last week by not doing my condition wash, but I will definitely get to it today. My hair has no split ends thanks to the forum and I am wearing a protective style using a draw string ponytail (love this). My hair is a little past my shoulders and my goal is to have my hair somewhere near brastrap by April 2 and doing the growout challenge I will definitely achieve this goal. Thanks to everyone here on the forum
Your name is now on the list!! Check out all that newgrowth. You will be a brastrap in no time!!

Miz_Complexity said:
I have been good so far. I am in the Crow and Glory challenge as well. I don't know what my length is yet since I have been wearing braid for a month. I notice the new growth. I will let you know the progress of the length in first week of March after I take the braids out. I have been taking the vitamins on a regularly basis and drinking plenty of water. My routine has consistently stayed with 2 washes a week. 1 deep condition a week and Moisturizers sprays on the braids and Infusium leave in conditioner on the scalp and hair. My ends are great I keep my hair in a bun most days.

I will be posting Pictures soon.
Wow! no that's what I call consistency!! Can't wait to see the pics!

AllAboutTheHair said:
Everything is well with me and my hair. I have tweaked the regimen a little, I rinse every 3 days, and condition the ends daily. I keep them up in my spider sac cloth. Its growing. My cornrows look a mess. One month until I am back in individuals. Happy Hair Growing!
Great to hear!!

SNyeema said:
Ny checking in!!

Just started a vitamin routine since I've been sporting micros since the big chop on the 15th. Haven't noticed anything substantial, but I'll keep it up.

Ny, signing off.
Remember consistency is the key!!:)
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Camille429 said:
My hair is doing ok. It seems like I'm getting a lot of breakage lately and I'm pretty sure it's the S-Curl. So thats disappointing because I really liked how soft it made my hair. I am trying to figure out what vitamins I could take that won't break me out. After my bout with biotin I'm very skeptical...Hopefully by May I'll be armpit length.
STOP using the Scurl right now! You don't want to hinder your progress. Good Luck getting there.

vikkisecret said:
The challenge is going good so far. I got a touchup in January after 9 weeks, but I'm going to try to stretch it further to 12 weeksthis time around. My regime is on track and I am taking my vitamins.:D

Hopefully I can have an album ready to actually show sometime soon.
Sounds great!!
Things are going well for me. I just got a touch-up last week after 16 weeks and a trim after 6 months. Now that I'm doing the baggie method, I'm going to try and not trim for an entire year. If all goes well, I should be at waist length by the end of this year.
Sapphire said:
Well I've stuck to my regimen, so far so good. :) I wash twice a week, deep condition once a week and moisturize/Surge daily. I wear protective styles most of the time: buns & braidouts. I've decided that I'm giving up hairstylists. I want to be be completely independent with my hair care, so along with self-relaxing I've also taken up trimming my own hair. I usally trim after every touch up. The only things I have not been good with are taking vitamins and excercise. :( I will definately get better with these things though. ;)


Your hair looks great!! Good luck with the self relaxing and self trimming. It's nothing wrong with taking complete control of your hair care!!

EbonyEyes said:
Hi Dontspeakdefeat!

First off, can I officially join the challenge?

I'm currently in braids and have been very consistent in how I take care of them. I have also been 90% consistent in taking my B-Complex vitamin and my prenatal vitamin.

However, I'm a little discouraged because my braids have been in for 7 weeks and I don't even have a 1/8 of an inch in new growth (My braids are still tight as if I just got them done!!!) . I'm starting to believe in that slow winter growth theory because it is happening to me. I've started exercising 3 times a week (started about a month ago) but it's not working.

I have added your name to list. Don't worry about the slow growth. Your growth will probably speed up in the warmer months. I have the same problem.:)

reformatio said:
I am doing well so far. I have about half an inch of growth. I am getting tired of braids though. I miss being able to nurture and care for my 'real' hair. I will probably keep the braids in until spring break.
Great!! I know what you mean about braid burnout. I wore them on and off for about 18 months. But once you take them down you will love all the extra length you have gained!!

Poetess232 said:
I've been consistant in wearing my buns, and I'm still 100% heat free (3 months now!). I'm 12 weeks post relaxer, and I plan on waiting until week 16 or 17 to relax.

So far, so good :)
Great!! Keep up the good work!:)
megonw said:
Update: I got a salon deep condition and rollerset mid-January.
The shedding from my overprocessing has stopped.
I'll find DDTA to use with MNT for the next conditioner wash and rollerset. I'll stall until Valentine's day weekend to do that, though.
I am glad to hear the shedding has stopped!!

ballet_bun said:
I'm still doing good and being consistent. I cheated and wore my hair down a couple of times. That's it!
Nothing wrong with letting your hair down!! Kudos to you for being consistent!!

onepraying said:
Okay, checking in.

I was a little discourage a day or so ago so I didn't want to post my status.

I'm still sticking to my regimen. I'm wanting to add 2 more sets of poo/cond. for my rotation. Have tried Nexxus Therappe and I give it: :up: :up:

Since I underprocessed in December, I think I'll touch up again to get on track. I don't want any unneccessary breakage...I think I'll do a Aphogee treatment and then touch-up. I'm not sure yet.
OP, that is what we are here encourage each other. I have underprocessed plenty of times and had to go back and correct. It's better to do it now than later IMO. I don't like having to correct and relax the nwegrowth in the same setting. That's too much stress and can lead to overprocessing.

i have been consistent with my regimen. i currently am sporting cornrows with a phonypony as a protective style and will be getting a sew-in weave afterwards to help stretch out my relaxer i am going for a 16 week stretch . wish me luck ladies because i feel my hair is at a standstill. it has gotten a lot thicker but i had to cut about 1 to 1 1/2 inches my last relaxer 12/24/04.
Wonderful to hear!! Keep up the good work!:) As far as the standstill, it's probably just the cooler months. I believe that your hair will have a wonderful warmer month growth spurt!!

jellynote said:
I'm doing good and I'm sticking to my regime and my routine
Wonderful!!:) :)

19sweetie said:
For the most part I've been consistent, but I used the curling iron a few times and now I have a little breakage from it. I'm having to switch up my products right now b/c I can't find anything to really moisturize it as of now.
Sorry to hear of the breakage. What type of moisturizers are you looking for??

SandySea said:
I'm still on the challenge. I have simplified my hair routine a bit, but I'm still hangin' in there. I'm trying not to trim until May; I have about one inch of thinner hair left over from my September cut, but my ends look okay. My progress pic is in my siggy. About 2.5 inches left to go until my first goal.
Only 2.5 inches huh??!! You'll be there in no time!
You're a great motivator, DSD!

I'm checking in! Not been too bad with the ol' hair care, except last night I didn't bother with the scarf when I went to bed -the first time in YEARS! :nono:

Edited to add: just been keeping up with the same routine, only I've been dusting the ends quite a bit, split ends are still in the house! It's not terrible though and I got a great pai of trimming scissors.

I'll get some pics up soon, watch this space :)
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Cowgirl checking in. ;)
I have been consistent with my regimine and moisturizing. Although I'm still having a little more breakage than I would like. I think Thirty to Forty hairs a day is still too much, I wish I could get it down to 5 or less.

I have not been consistent with taking my vitamins or drinking my 8 glasses of water. :spank: I will make my best effort to do better this month.
Kedra70 checking in.

I'm sticking to my original regimen. I was going to try and use the Nioxin Smoothing Line but that stuff left my hair a hard, hot mess. I'm back on my oringinal Elucence regimen and doing quite well. I've also decided to stretch my relaxer, so I won't be getting one until March (I got my last relaxer on Jan. 3)
ChocoKitty said:
I've got issues...:ohwell: My hair was doing well. However-about 2-3 weeks ago I was sick and was unable to tend to my hair properly. To make a long story even shorter I lost a lot of hair. I've been afraid to comb it and haven't been doing any conditioner washes lately. Tonight I have "do" hair for a funeral. :look: We'll see how it goes!
I am so sorry to hear this. I know that once you are welcome you will get your hair into tip top shape.

Champagne_Wishes said:
Doing well so far. My breakage has decreased some but I really need to trim these damaged ends.
I am glad to hear your breakage has decreased. If your ends are damaged beyond repair why don't you start the year off right with a little trimmy trim trim. Your hair will thank you for it and you won't have to worry about that damage later on. But only trim what needs to be trimmed don't get all scissor happy.

angelk316 said:
Still having breakage. Next time I go to the hairdresser I am going to be getting flexi rod sets and leaving my hair alone until this challenge is over. I have been stressing over my hair way to much
I am sorry to hear about the breakage. Have you ever thought that maybe you stressing over your hair is the culprit to your hair woes??

I have to tell myself sometimes: Healthy and Vibrant is the key length wil eventually come for me. I have decided to just let my hair "be"

I think just leaving it alone for a while is a wonderful idea. Just keep it moisturized and forget about it!! HHG

desperategirlie34 said:
I'm still sticking to my regimen. I'm 11 weeks post relaxer. I had some breakage but I got wonderful suggestions from the board and I deep conditioned with Keraphix and waited a couple of days and did the coconut milk and lime juice treatment. Now I don't have any breakage anymore. I'm going to get a retouch next week. I should have updates then..
Great to hear you got the breakage under wraps!! Can't wait for the next updates!

Chicoro said:
Chicoro -Checking In 1 Day Late - So far so good.

Had to add a pre-treatment with olive oil, castor oil and essential oils before EVERY wash . This is helping with detangling. I had my hair pressed and trimmed in January and the ends looked good. I don't plan to straighten again until December 05. I guess I won't be able to see what I have gained from the SGOC until the end of the year. The baggie method is leaving my ends in good condition. Since I practically never wear my hair down, I am going to try to not trim until December '05. I like checking in every month, thanks DSD!
Better late than never!! Wow!! Lady you have a plan. You are gonna have mo' hair by the time this challenge is over!!

sweetpeadst said:
Sorry so late yes I'm sticking to my "wear my micros until March" regimen. I got my edges redone today hardly any breakage! (so enthused) this makes 14 weeks post.

monister said:
1. I have been somewhat consistent with my regimen except I got tired of popping several pills a day so instead of the individual supplements, I just take my Olay Multivitamin, Olay Evening Primrose Oil, GNC UltraNourish Hair and GNC MSM.

2. I've been keeping my hair in about 5 cornrows each week taking them down only to shampoo my hair once a week. I conditioner wash each morning with the cornrows in. I don't care about how they look cause I always wear my cap.

3. I also added Surge to my regimen; I spray it on my scalp daily.

My hair has been quite soft. I haven't taken any pictures to see how much its grown yet. Instead of doing picture updates monthly, I will be doing them every other month i.e Jan - Mar; Mar -May etc...

Wow! It sounds like you are doing well! Keep up the good work!
Well I've only been in the challenge for a week so I don't have any real updates.

I have been consistent with the baggie method and I am going to do my wash routine tonight/tomorrow.

That's about it!