Single and Ready to Mingle Challenge 2010!

I think I'm ready to mingle :yep: I do go out once in a while (with friends) but I know why I'm not meeting the right people. I'm going to rectify this asap....

I joined two free online dating sites (lovestruck and plentyoffish) and I'll see how that goes. So far I've received winks from people who I have nothing in common with and just got a message from a clown who told me he was horny and waiting for me (on plentyoffish! :lol: so I might give POF a 2 week trial and if I get any more c**p, I'll stick to lovestruck). I might think of a paid site later... I'll see.

I'm also working on being more approachable...

I'm so ready to date and it took a while for me to get to this point.
Lovestruck (one of the dating sites I joined) emailed me about a 'lunchtime lunchdate' which is free and a stone's throw from my office... tomorrow! Who's invited? - singles...

I'm thinking I might walk by and see if it looks interesting enough....
Last edited: is a must. Gets you out and meeting new people. I have no problem making friends, but I find that if I can find a reason to stay home, I would. So I guess I am more introverted than I want to blieve, lol. You know I don't think I am introverted, more so I have bouts of shyness (not all the time, just enought to hinder a lot of dating progress) that can be crippling.

I'm not single :look: but I am trying to mingle and meet new ppl
I'm a total newbie and just joined LHCF today. So not only do I get to learn more about haircare, I can also join a challenge to find my husband in 2010 -- woohoo! I love this place :grin:. Count me in. NYC in the summer can be a great place to mingle or it can be a bit overwhelming at times so this challenge is just what I need.

Already this weekend I will go to my friends free "comedy in the park" event. Will let everyone know how that pans out.

Good luck ladies!
I like this thread and accept the challenge. However, I want to up the ante. If we are all serious about finding "him" in 2010 we have to explore all avenues possible. So I will go out to 2 social events/functions per month. Plus, I will
  • I will make more female friends, especially ones that are in relationships or married.
    Sometimes the best way to meet men is through the women in their lives. For example there's always a girl with a single brother she's dying to hook up with one of her friends. Or she may have a male best friend who she can't wait to see in a relationship.

I totally think this too :yep:

Hey Ladies -

Well, since I'm now EXCLUSIVE with Dutch Chocolate, I'm modifying my participation in this challenge. I'm no longer Single and Ready to Mingle . . . but I still need to push myself to socialize - particularly for political/networking purposes. Sooooo, I plan to push myself to still go out to events where I can meet people who can help me advance professionally. And in the meantime, I will keep going out with my Dutch Chocolate :grin:

Dang I guess I'm late huh!! lol Congrats :grin:

How are you single ladies planning to mingle for the summer? There are a lot of outdoor concerts and festivals going on all over! Great time to mingle!
I think I need to join something like this. I go out about once a week but mostly with the same group of single girls and guys and to the same ole clubs. I think I'll start with looking for art classes or join a sports league ( maybe fall ball when it comes around.)

I'm reading "Meeting Your Half Orange" and I really need to become a dating optimist and admit I want a relationship. I think I blame my singleness on being in central Florida but when I lived in big cities (DC & Philly) I dated less often.

I would love to go to Barnes and Noble as well but I can't enter a book store and leave without spending $60+... I counted today and I have 15 new books that are unread. No more bookstores! I'll try Whole Foods and Publix for now.
Ok ladies so I was reading through this tread when I was in the nail salon and I was thinking I so need to get out. So after I left the nail salon and I decided to go to TGI Friday's and have a drink and something to eat yes by myself. I typically do not go out to eat alone but i was like what the heck. I mean i have to start somewhere right? So I went to TGI Friday's and sat at the bar the atmosphere was laid back and I ordered my drink and then something to eat. After I got my dinner the waitress approached me and said the gentlemen at the end of the table would like to know if he can buy you a drink, and I kindly declined the drink (only because i have to go to work early in the morning) so about 20 minutes passed and the guy walks up to me and introduces himself and ask if he could sit down and I said yes. So we ended up talking about topics from the oil spill to mega-churches I really enjoyed his conversation and company.

He told me that he comes to my city 2 days a week on business and asked if we could exchange numbers so the next time he's in town he can have someone to accompany him for dinner, so we exchanged numbers and said good night. While I was driving home he called to see if i made it home safely. I really glad i decided to get out because you never know who you will meet!! And I agree with what one of the ladies in this thread said about not taking a friend with you (go alone and do like i did I surf the internet on my phone and watched Nancy Grace on tv at the bar. Just look like your busy doing your own thing even if you alone it worked. I don't expect anything serious out of this but at least it could be a possible dinner date once a week and that's ok with me. Ladies get out there and mingle and don't be shy. Ok let me go I'm just getting in I have to go to work, lol!!!

Best wishes,

I'm still not being proactive enough and I keep finding excuses! Right now it's like I'm working 2 jobs - my 9-5 and I'm at the gym at least 10 hours a week cos I'm now a qualified fitness instructor (and will soon be starting my Personal Training Course).

I'd like to meet new people but I'm always so exhausted on the weekends & evenings. The weather's amazing in London today so I might go somewhere during my lunch break and see what happens.

This is a very encouraging thread :yep:

P.S. I have this semi-crush at work :blush: but I've not had a crush in forever so I've forgotten how to flirt (I used to be soo good at it, :lol:)!
I just signed up for golf lessons at a swanky golf club in one of the wealthiest suburbs in the Twin Cities area. It was only $99 for 5 lessons over two weeks. I'm pretty excited about it. We'll see if I meet any interesting people.
I went out with girlfriends last night and met a couple of guys. One asked to see me again before he left and offered me his number. I instead gave him mine. He texted me within an hour to say it was nice meeting me. Now let's see if he actually calls.
Hi ladies!

Just checking in... I'm bored tonight and watching the LeBron pre-show. :lol:

Got any fun plans for the weekend?
You know I was never part of this challenge but I somehow knew that I had to get out more. I have always been introverted. I have met so many guys in the last few months, none I wanted to take it further with but the point is I get out there and I meet people.

I find that to meet them, I have to be by myself or be with a girlfriend with an open personality.

What has worked for me is making eye contact, smiling and being approachable and trust me, they always approach. It's like they want to make sure it's ok to approach. Then they try their best to impress me. It's like a whole new world :)

Glad I came in here because I got some new ideas for places to go to meet the type of men I want to meet. This might be the missing link. I love this forum.
I really need to get out but I just can't! (I don't know what I'm afraid of). I will go to the movies by myself or to a fair/festival but that's about it. If I'm out of town I may get a table and eat by myself but normally I get my food to go and eat in my hotel room :perplexed.

I'm going to work up my nerve and sometime before the end of the year I will try to do it (:blush:).
Ok ladies so I was reading through this tread when I was in the nail salon and I was thinking I so need to get out. So after I left the nail salon and I decided to go to TGI Friday's and have a drink and something to eat yes by myself. I typically do not go out to eat alone but i was like what the heck. I mean i have to start somewhere right? So I went to TGI Friday's and sat at the bar the atmosphere was laid back and I ordered my drink and then something to eat. After I got my dinner the waitress approached me and said the gentlemen at the end of the table would like to know if he can buy you a drink, and I kindly declined the drink (only because i have to go to work early in the morning) so about 20 minutes passed and the guy walks up to me and introduces himself and ask if he could sit down and I said yes. So we ended up talking about topics from the oil spill to mega-churches I really enjoyed his conversation and company.

He told me that he comes to my city 2 days a week on business and asked if we could exchange numbers so the next time he's in town he can have someone to accompany him for dinner, so we exchanged numbers and said good night. While I was driving home he called to see if i made it home safely. I really glad i decided to get out because you never know who you will meet!! And I agree with what one of the ladies in this thread said about not taking a friend with you (go alone and do like i did I surf the internet on my phone and watched Nancy Grace on tv at the bar. Just look like your busy doing your own thing even if you alone it worked. I don't expect anything serious out of this but at least it could be a possible dinner date once a week and that's ok with me. Ladies get out there and mingle and don't be shy. Ok let me go I'm just getting in I have to go to work, lol!!!

Best wishes,


Inspiring. Thank you for sharing!
You know I was never part of this challenge but I somehow knew that I had to get out more. I have always been introverted. I have met so many guys in the last few months, none I wanted to take it further with but the point is I get out there and I meet people.

I find that to meet them, I have to be by myself or be with a girlfriend with an open personality.

What has worked for me is making eye contact, smiling and being approachable and trust me, they always approach. It's like they want to make sure it's ok to approach. Then they try their best to impress me. It's like a whole new world :)

Glad I came in here because I got some new ideas for places to go to meet the type of men I want to meet. This might be the missing link. I love this forum.

What types of places have you been going or are you planning to frequent?
So am I. Still trying to be more proactive. It's hard. I really have the urge to pack up my stuff and move somewhere else next spring. Really bored here.

I feel you! I'm trying to get to the NoVa area...that'll make life a little easier as far as broadening my pool of men...I have the whole Eastern seaboard, LOL
Going on a cruise in one week. Has anyone heard of Festival At Sea? There's going to be a Bachelor Auction. I'm bringing money cause I'm BIDDING (for charity of course)!
So....ladies....any new updates?? :eyebrows2

I'm doing better with "putting myself out there" by going to things that I'm invited to, meeting new friends of friends, and smiling more or even saying hello to men that I know. :look:

So far, my positive attitude and smile have attracted SOME guys who seem attracted. But how do you get a guy PAST the "attraction" stage? :confused:
Just peeping in. I'm newly single. but definitely not ready to mingle:nono:

I might pop in here to cheer ya'll on tho:yep:
Any updates? I'm in, although I'm so late.

I will have to make a list of the places I can go. In London I had a lot of options, not so many where I am now.