Single and Ready to Mingle Challenge 2010!

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I registered for Fastlife speed dating. They may have an event next week or the week after, so I'm just waiting for invite. It'll be at a classy lounge and each lady gets to talk to 15 guys for several minutes each. Help me?

I registered for a local art class (sketching) ... more so for myself ... but who knows, it may be good opportunity to "mingle".

I went to Whole Foods the other day under the guise that I needed to buy Avocado oil and a few hair products, LOL. Y'all are right. That place is crawling with potential. The only problem is I was so overwhelmed, I grabbed my 3 products, went to the shortest line, and left. A cute store clerk asked me "If I needed help" while I was in one of the aisles but I replied a quick "no". I really need to work on my dating game ... it's been almost 3 years since I was last in it. Any tips on loosening up?
Any tips on loosening up?

When you out some place where you know there's even a remote possibility of attractive men being present make sure you look and feel your best. That will help you feel more confident and open. You don't have to flirt with or chat up every guy you see. Just look approachable. If you happen to make eye contact with a man, just smile. If he's interested he'll take it from there.
I registered for Fastlife speed dating. They may have an event next week or the week after, so I'm just waiting for invite. It'll be at a classy lounge and each lady gets to talk to 15 guys for several minutes each. Help me?

I registered for a local art class (sketching) ... more so for myself ... but who knows, it may be good opportunity to "mingle".

I went to Whole Foods the other day under the guise that I needed to buy Avocado oil and a few hair products, LOL. Y'all are right. That place is crawling with potential. The only problem is I was so overwhelmed, I grabbed my 3 products, went to the shortest line, and left. A cute store clerk asked me "If I needed help" while I was in one of the aisles but I replied a quick "no". I really need to work on my dating game ... it's been almost 3 years since I was last in it. Any tips on loosening up?

I registered for Fastlife too but whenever I try to see the events in my area, it keeps taking me back to the log in page. I sent admin an e-mail about it and no response yet. Though I am nervous about doing it, I think it could be successful for me. I like that they have an equal amount of men and women at their events.:yep:

I haven't been to Whole Foods in a while, maybe I need to take a trip there!:lachen:
I think I'd like to join the challenge too. I'm not terrified of going to places by myself, but I'm not that comfortable in social situations. That's my biggest problem...actually talking to "strangers", LOL. My ex and I broke up about 1 month ago and though I DON'T want to date anyone seriously right now, I DO need the practice. And I enjoy everyone's experiences too, so maybe I'll try to go out this weekend, maybe...
When you out some place where you know there's even a remote possibility of attractive men being present make sure you look and feel your best. That will help you feel more confident and open. You don't have to flirt with or chat up every guy you see. Just look approachable. If you happen to make eye contact with a man, just smile. If he's interested he'll take it from there.

Thanks, cheetarah!!:grin:

I registered for Fastlife too but whenever I try to see the events in my area, it keeps taking me back to the log in page. I sent admin an e-mail about it and no response yet. Though I am nervous about doing it, I think it could be successful for me. I like that they have an equal amount of men and women at their events.:yep:

I haven't been to Whole Foods in a while, maybe I need to take a trip there!:lachen:

Yea, I think they have it set up so that they only post events as they become available. You should hopefully receive an event invite within 2 weeks of registering. I like the bolded as well. :grinwink:

Whole Foods is the spot. Lol.

I went to WFs during my lunch. There were only the old folks there LOL...I sat down and ate lunch. I need to go back to the wfs in the city.

I dont think I could make this up if I wanted to, but a lounge I was suppose to go to in the city next weekend burned down today :lachen:

And it was suppose to be "game day" :nono:

LOL at the old folks. I went to WF in the evening. Maybe you can try going then?

And say what about the lounge? Burned down today? Chicago, Chicago. Hmm.:ohwell:
I just don't think I can do it. I have such rotten luck with men. I only attract dogs. I don't think I want any part in this. Good luck to all.

Girl, what happened?!?!?! Don't let those frogs discourage you from going out and finding your prince (or at least having fun on the journey)!
Luckily the meetup I am going to In the city has been rescheduled at another locale. There is also going to be singles mingle @ wholefoods later this month -- my FAVORITE store. Also I am taking a cooking class @ whole foods as well. I am trying to make it a point to go into the city twice a month.
I live in an area where its mostly Married folks and Colorado is so dang gone boring....its mind blowing.

I'm thinking about doing another weekend trip to San Diego next month just to walk outside and meet people. Plus, I'm going to NY and CHicago in the Summer, so there's opportunity there.

Hey, who said you can't meet people on your travels!!
My match subscription expires next weekend. So far, the dudes that contacted me are either lame or creepy. LOL. There are a couple decent guys who I've been waiting on to initiate contact with me; they haven't. So this weekend, maybe I'll work up the nerve to make first contact with them. It couldn't hurt I guess ...
You ain't never lied! I went to the Chelsea/A.C. Milan match last summer and the place was LOADED with men. Foreign ones too, which are right up my alley.:lick: I wish I had the guts to do things like that by myself years ago.

Over Christmas my 19 year old nephew was lamenting that he didn't have any Asian friends and wanted some. I told him that if he wanted to meet them, then he needs to go where they are. I have to follow that same advice regarding men.:yep:

You always have the 411 on Soccer matches. Keep me posted girly. :yep: I would come down to B-more for a match.

I like foreign men too. For the women who have that preference, does anyone have any advice for meeting more foreign men?
No bravery needed Glib! I LOVE sports and spend a lot of time in sports bars. I have a policy to not do activities at home that can also be done in public. You don't meet people at home. Unless you're calling me brave because I was cheering for the Saints in a Minnesota bar filled with Vikes fans. Then yes, that is brave. But I was right and I gave that man his "I told you so!." Then I gave him my number :grin:

This is a great mantra for the single girl. :yep:
Y'all might also want to check out Fedex/Kinko's during your lunch break. If it's anything like where I'm at, there are some professional men that drop by to fax/ship stuff. Hmm ...
I went to a wine tasting this weekend. It was fun, but I am not a drinker. My head was killing me and all I had was about 3 tablespoons :alcoholic. However I made five new connections and we all plan to get together again. They seem like cool people.
I made myself go to a lecture tonight. it was good, but I didn't meet anyone.
I'm proud I went out, alone, instead of watching everybody hates chris on tivo.

there were LOTS of cute men. I noticed a few looking but no one ever came over to speak. this happens a lot. makes me think i have something on my face :-(

I dont know what I'm doing wrong. it's so hard to meet people outside of school! help!
I did my first outting for the month on the 9th. It was a Twin Cities Young Professionals meeting/happy hour. I chatted up a couple of guys and one of them e-mailed me afterward. He's suggested we go out salsa dancing but has yet to make definite plans. I was surprised when he contacted me so I'm curious to see how this plays out.
I have several happy hour options for tonight as well. There's a Big Brothers Big Sisters Young Professionals HH as well as a going away HH for one of my coworkers. Plus I want to run with my running group tonight. I think I can pull off all three since my running group meets close to where the BBBS HH is being held. Hmmm...
I did my first outting for the month on the 9th. It was a Twin Cities Young Professionals meeting/happy hour. I chatted up a couple of guys and one of them e-mailed me afterward. He's suggested we go out salsa dancing but has yet to make definite plans. I was surprised when he contacted me so I'm curious to see how this plays out.
I have several happy hour options for tonight as well. There's a Big Brothers Big Sisters Young Professionals HH as well as a going away HH for one of my coworkers. Plus I want to run with my running group tonight. I think I can pull off all three since my running group meets close to where the BBBS HH is being held. Hmmm...

Wow, you're on it! Go girl. I think you can pull it off.
Tell me more, tell me more. Who set it up? How'd you get a fix-up. I'm trying so hard to get people to fix me up and no one is cooperating.

Lol. My friend is trying her hand at match-making. Date #1 was a flop. This was date #2 and it went well. He's a busy professional and funny. We exchanged info at the end so we'll be in touch hopefully.