Single and Ready to Mingle Challenge 2010!

Dang...i hate going out by myself...but i have to start

I used to hate it. It took me about 2 years to learn to go out by myself. It's the perfect opportunity to be yourself with only yourself to blame :grin:

On a serious note. It's better to spend your energy going on these outings instead of trying to persuade your friends to come with you to the latest exhibition at the serpentine. You will make lots of new friends too

I;m in. London, Surrey & Herts

Goal: To meet yummy eligible men with similar interests and mindset. I also want to make new friends (women and men).
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Ok, I had to come out of lurker mode for this. I am 32 and in Atlanta. I really need to get out and meet new people cause the daily routine of work, home, daycare and store isn't working. I really would like to make myself more available to find my husband.

I dont mind going out by myself, but would love to have someone to go with. Ladies in Atlanta... please pm me.
On a serious note. It's better to spend your energy going on these outings instead of trying to persuade your friends to come with you to the latest exhibition at the serpentine.

Not only that, but if your friends are single, too, then it almost defeats the purpose. I mean, there is so much competition out there already, why BRING extra competitors along for the ride :lol:
Okay so I have my first update. Today I went to a poetry reading featuring all male poets and . . . it was wack :lachen: The poets themselves were not that good (why do people think that quoting Muhammed Ali and Langston Hughes automatically makes them "deep") and the audience was (unsurprisingly) mostly women . . . any men there were with their partners (male or female). I was alone and that was cool (although it would've been good to have another person with me to at least discuss the content). But I'm glad I went out and exposed myself . . . there were a few standout performances that gave me some insight into the male psyche . . . .

So, January Outing #1 is complete! My brother's girlfriend is throwing a surprise birthday party for him at a club this weekend so I will likely roll through . . . that will be January Outing #2!

Let's get it y'all!
I wish the mods would make this one a sticky. It would be so much easier for us to update that way. I guess I will just subscribe to the thread.
I'll cheer you ladies on from the sidelines for now. Maybe in a couple of months, I'll join you. :grinwink:

I have one date this Saturday (blind date), and after that I'm putting dating on hold for a minute. Gotta focus on some things.

This thread is exciting.

P.S. I co-sign with online dating (eharmony, match) and meeting men through friends who are in a relationship. Drop the bitter, single friends ... Lol.
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Omg!!! I love this idea!!! But I think imma need a partner in crime tho!! any NC'er wanna go out some time or keep me on the straight and narrow b/c I can find an excuse to stay home!
OMG, this challenge is absolutely adorable! I want to join this, but I'm such a chicken! :lachen: I'm in a relationship that I'm desperately trying to get out of, but I'd love to make new friends (male and female).

Subscribing and wishing you guys all the best! Maybe if it's not too late, I can find some January outings and get myself out there.

*hides under the bed* Or not...we'll see! :grin:
Ok, so I joined the Urban league in my area, and they have a couple of events this month that I will be going to (anyone who lives in the Hartford, CT area can come join me!) And some friends of a friend is having bowling night, so I guess I will swing through.

Off to a good start!
Ok, ladies I went on my first outing. It was to a sports bar where we had dinner and did
Karaoke. It was so much fun. So one outing is out of the way. If there are any Los Angeles ladies out there that would like to hang out let me know. Have fun ladies.
Have you ladies checked out the "Love Connection" thread in OT? There are some nice looking men in there...They all seem to be on the east coast and I'm in AZ :(
I am still looking for things to do and nothing piques my interest as yet.

What are your interests?

Performance art?

Is there a town hall in your area? Maybe your local authority will know ideas of events.

How about a charity event...
What are your interests?

Performance art?

Is there a town hall in your area? Maybe your local authority will know ideas of events.

How about a charity event...

I love artsty stuff and crafts. Those things especially the last are things women like to do. Thanks for the suggestion on looking at the town hall for ideas.

ETA: I found live Jazz events every thursday at one of the museums here which is right up my alley. Guess I just need to dig a bit more.
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I love artsty stuff and crafts. Those things especially the last are things women like to do. Thanks for the suggestion on looking at the town hall for ideas.

ETA: I found live Jazz events every thursday at one of the museums here which is right up my alley. Guess I just need to dig a bit more.

Town Hall's are great resources. How about an art exhibition in your city? I have found more men attend art exhibitions than women.

IA with you about arts and crafts being a feminine thing but you never know who you might meet at your local muesum or art studio.

Jazz is always a winner. Fact :yep:

All the best with your outings.