***Random Thoughts: RELATIONSHIP FORUM***

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I saw one of my exes this morning driving down the road while I was walking my dogs. He did not see me. It was an odd moment for me because it was the first time I felt absolutely nothing for him. For the longest I used to feel ill whenever he was around. As I walked back home I found myself looking back over my shoulder to see if he would come back, he did not.

What was strange I thought about him out of the blue this morning while I was brushing my teeth. Maybe that was God's way of warning me.
I just find it SO funny how my ex is begging to get back with me. I warned him on multiple occasions that he would miss me when I was gone, but he didn't listen. Oh well. His loss. If I didn't like this new guy so much I may have been tempted to try to get back with him. But I know better. Even if me and new guy don't work out I need to steer clear of my ex. I don't think I would even be able to trust him enough to give him another chance anyway... :nono:
I do love him, but I am tired of being his "keeper" and tired of him lying to me about petty mess.

He gets on my nerves!!
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Father, forgive me for not listening to you when You told me that this relationship was not Your will for me. Now that I have ended it I feel like a burden has been lifted off my shoulders. The voice that would always tell me that there is more in store for me than what I was settling for, that was You all along, wasnt it? I strayed but You never left me. You and I are closer than ever. I am full of hope, peace and joy. I have a new found appreciation for my wonderful girlfriends who have supported me and remind me everyday that I am "fearfully and wonderfully made". The next man I share my life with will definitely be Your pick because as history has shown I have very bad taste-lol. Who is he? What does he look like?....OMG I am so excited!! If at all possible, please tell him how much I love him, can't wait to meet him, spend my life with him and make some beautiful babies with him. Above all, tell him I am honored to be his future wife, the woman You picked out just for him...xoxo
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I like him and I'm happy he got a new job, but the job leaves no time for us to spend time together. I worry that he won't make the effort for us to spend time together...but I guess I really shouldn't. If he wants us to spend time together then he'll make it happen, and if he doesn't well then I'll just have to spend time with someone else.
We are doing great. We are having a 2 weeks holiday at the end of July... Can't wait...

He spoils me... and I am loving it!
I wonder if i'll know when I'm ready to become "official" with the new boo? Right now we're taking it slow and things are pretty much on my time. I don't think he's going anywhere, but part of me does want that exclusivity title and wants to move to the "next level" of the relationship, but I don't know if I'm ready. New relationships are so frustrating... :ohwell:

I'm trying to behave, but curiosity is getting the best of me. :nono: I should try to remember that curiosity is what killed the cat. :perplexed

Can't we just fast forward to the part where we are in a serious and committed relationship and comfortable with each other and all that great stuff?? This awkwardness phase is for the birds! :ohwell:
A groan of tedium escapes me, startling the fearful.
Is this a test?
It has to be. otherwise I can’t go on.
Draining patience. drain vitality.
This paranoid, paralyzed vampire act's a little old.

But I’m still right here, giving blood and keeping faith. and I’m still right

I’m gonna wait it out

If there were no rewards to reap,
No loving embrace to see me through this tedious path I’ve chosen here,
I certainly would’ve walked away by now.

I’m gonna wait it out

If there were no desire to heal
The damaged and broken met along this tedious path I’ve chosen here,
I certainly would’ve walked away by now.

I still may. and I still may.
Be patient.

I must keep reminding myself of this...
- Maynard James Keenan
I don't realize just how much the little things we share mean to me until he's gone. I miss him & cannot wait until he's back in town.
Why oh why can't I get that kiss out of my head? :lick: My Lord there was passion and sparks flying all ova tha place.
Thank you for staying awake until 6 AM in the morning just so you can spend time with me. Your love is truly unconditional...
those text messages today really touched me, i am so happy to have you. you drive me crazy sometimes but its cause your stubborn like me. I cant wait till I'm back in your arms
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