Random Thoughts

Do I really need all these products to make my hair grow? :perplexed I mean! Because it’s going to grow regardless:ohwell:

one of these days, i am going to try that!!! basic products, just one poo, conditioner, oil and relaxer when needed. and see how much my hair grows. after i get alot more length:lachen:
I am so ready for my hair to be apl, so that I can get this itch out of my system to go back to a pixie cut! :perplexed
Why did I go natural?

How long will I keep my braids in this time?

I think when I take my braids out I am going to texlax or relax bone straight and rock a short haircut for a while.
Why doesn't Mega Tek work for me?
Why does it feel like I've been SL for 2 years?
When will the really short pieces catch up and fill in?
Why is my hair so friggin fragile?
Why won't it just friggin grow longer instead of thicker?
I need to stop avoiding this forum because of my frustration and learn to just be patient and keep it simple and visit LHCF daily.:grin:
Sometimes I just wanna relax this mess and keep it moving:look:
If you don't enjoy your hair, it doesn't matter if it's natural, textlaxed, or relaxed.

If you are/were, like me, unhappy with your hair as a natural and then relaxed or texlaxed it, only to find that you're still unhappy with your hair. Then you really can't say you were miserable because of the relaxer, can you?
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1. How long will it take for my Mega-tek to get here...I hope it works
2. Why do I succomb to every growth aid fad when all the people who have really long hair never used them?
3. I should have started going natural when I was in high school... my hair would be off the chain by now.
4. How can I convince my sister to go natural.
5. I'm sick of wearing this bun!
6. I can't believe MSM stopped my shedding ....who'd a thunk it?!
7. I need to try HE LTR, but I've already spent over $50 on hair this month.
8. Can't wait to try that Silk elements deep conditioner....
9. I'm so happy that my honey loves my natural hair!

...and on and on and on :)
While I'm sitting here airdrying....hurry up already!
What is my hair type, really?
How long do I really want it to be?
Why do I want it long bc I don't even know what to do with short hair!
I have to be careful when I remove clips from my hair. Last week I was removing rollers really fast, and afterwards I noticed several broken pieces of hair stuck between those clips.
I have to go buy more hair pins @ lunch-AGAIN! Where do all my hair pins go? How do they keep diappearing?
What else could I have done with the $25 I spent on hair care products the other day?
Will you grow already.
I wonder if I should go natural.
Must I jump on every bandwagon.
I wonder who is having a sale.
Should I relax this weekend or stretch a little longer? How long can I stretch this time? Is stretching good for my hair.
Should I trim or not?
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I wish that I could just sleep and wake up with long hair....
I know that my hair is growing but it's taking so long...
How would you sit under the dryer with these?

1. Can I really make it to APL
2. Why can't I stick to one regimen
3. If I didn't have a fiance' I would BC TODAY!
4. I love my wash n go puff but do I look really young
5. Why do I think about my hair as much as men think of sex! I'm so obsessed!
Before this year is over, I'm going over to Nappturality.com and start a thread on how I straighten my hair with my flaming "hot tools of torture." :giggle:
* Why doesn't the hair in the middle of my head grow.
* Why do my bangs grow like crazy but receive the least amount of attention from me
* Why do I sometimes/most of the time wish that my 4b hair is a 3b
When will I find a style that I can wear using only my hair that will make me feel just as pretty/sophisticated/put together as my wigs, weaves, and braids?

I wish other people found my short natural hair attractive. And I wish I didn't feel like I needed the validation of other people.
Before this year is over, I'm going over to Nappturality.com and start a thread on how I straighten my hair with my flaming "hot tools of torture." :giggle:

:grin: Pinkskates ain't right:bdance::naughty::heated: Flaming torture.....

I'm feeling rather silly today.:spinning: All this BC fever has tempted me. I think I may BC this afternoon.

I don't have enough hair for a Fotki
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If there is a such thing as terminal length. I wonder what mines is.:scratchch I hope it is at least BSL.:crossfingers:
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The one thing I hate about being 4a/4b natural is shrinkage-I'm trying to grow hair and it looks like its a standstill-it doesn't help that I use the denman 2x a week-but I will never give that brush up!

I can't believe it has taken me almost 3 yrs to FINALLY get my regimen right and figure out this hair care thing-but I think I got 90% down.

In December I'm gonna dye my hair and/or use henna. I want stronger thicker strands and I also hate my natural hair color so I need to make a change before 09 hits.
I can't wait to relax in December BSL here I come :grin:

I love Saturdays so I can spend all day searching the forum and doing my hair. I have such a life :look:

I wonder how my rollerset is gonna turn out today with 2-3 inches of new growth :ohwell:
Why didn't I pin up my hair or wear a scarf? I can feel my ends breaking off from wearing this wool coat.
Got to baby my hair today. It's been a bit since I really deep conditioned. The cold weather is putting a hurt on my hair. It's grown so much that I have a little ponytail now. I will start back baggying.
Does any star in Hollywood have their real hair in their head (black or white without tracks?)

Why can't my hair just grow six inches to seven inches in a month and I'm done with the whole waist length thing? Okay and then the next month maybe four and then I can chop it all in a blunt, non U shape?

Is there away to care for hair without being obsessed about it?

Why can't I quit you LHCF!