Katarina Phang's Dating Philosophy

Which comment is it? I don't see anything offensive.

She's been posting about the alt-right stuff all day long. She defended someone who compared BLM to the KKK. She said the black community has a victim mentality, black people's number one enemy are other black people, and that black people who blame racism for their problems are closed minded and have created their own reality. I'm just paraphrasing because I have no desire to go back on her FB page. If you go into the comments for the "This Girl is Woke" video, it is nasty. I'll look into Angelisa. Thanks!
She's been posting about the alt-right stuff all day long. She defended someone who compared BLM to the KKK. She said the black community has a victim mentality, black people's number one enemy are other black people, and that black people who blame racism for their problems are closed minded and have created their own reality. I'm just paraphrasing because I have no desire to go back on her FB page. If you go into the comments for the "This Girl is Woke" video, it is nasty. I'll look into Angelisa. Thanks!

This is my problem with her mostly. If she feels like racism is just a facet of the mind, why not speak about that from an Asian's perspective? Why is she talking about the racism black people endure(something she knows nothing about?)

There are plenty of Asian organizations she could reference, but she has to go for Black Lives Matter smh
If anyone wants to has any other program they want to trade me for, I have Journey Inward. I can give you my password if you have the Feminine Energy Program
This is my problem with her mostly. If she feels like racism is just a facet of the mind, why not speak about that from an Asian's perspective? Why is she talking about the racism black people endure(something she knows nothing about?)

There are plenty of Asian organizations she could reference, but she has to go for Black Lives Matter smh

That's my issue as well. Why attack us? People stay worried about the black community. The Asian community has plenty of issues. Why not speak from her own experience and talk about perception as it relates to overcoming issues in her own community? Why single us out and then cast negativity onto us? Doesn't she speak against that?

These spiritual teachers are the same.
That's my issue as well. Why attack us? People stay worried about the black community. The Asian community has plenty of issues. Why not speak from her own experience and talk about perception as it relates to overcoming issues in her own community? Why single us out and then cast negativity onto us? Doesn't she speak against that?

These spiritual teachers are the same.

This is kind of off topic but if you realize, immigrants always have to try to put down African Americans to gain access from white folks. My parents are black immigrants, and I do realize there is tension between African Americans/ Caribbeans/ Africans, but my parents have always let me know 2 things. 1)That I was black 2) That I was a black woman. Point blank. Period.

There was no saying, "Oh you're not African American. You're Jamaican." NOPE!
I'm interested in Katarina's philosophies but I have no desire to contribute to it financially. I've already bought Journey Inward, and I know other people have bought other programs before knowing of her ideologies. If we could find a way to share information that we've bought together, that would be a way to avoid spending more money on Katarina's products.
I don't really see anything on her page other than a quiz and her contact info. What kind of program does she have?

I missed this post. In the top right of her page there is a drop down menu with free trainings. I've never used them, but that should give you an idea of how she operates. She's also on Facebook. Her page is probably public.

I enrolled in her Enlightened Feminine Academy back in January. Her program has 6 modules which are 1 hour each that covers the basis of femininity which is Trust, Authenticity, and Vulnerability. She specifically mentions being a high value woman and what that means, along with leaning back and how that works. There are other concepts she introduced me to as well. Once you've purchased the program she'll add you to the FB group where she and the other goddesses (us) support each other. Oh and there's a comprehensive workbook. It all cost me about $1200.

To me it has been worth it. I was single 5 years before I ended up with my current partner. We've been seeing each other 6 months now. I think the program naturally shifted me in a way that allowed me to be receptive to a healthy relationship with a well adjusted (and awesome) person.

It really is about self work. I am now understanding the dating advice on another level. Its uncanny.
I missed this post. In the top right of her page there is a drop down menu with free trainings. I've never used them, but that should give you an idea of how she operates. She's also on Facebook. Her page is probably public.

I enrolled in her Enlightened Feminine Academy back in January. Her program has 6 modules which are 1 hour each that covers the basis of femininity which is Trust, Authenticity, and Vulnerability. She specifically mentions being a high value woman and what that means, along with leaning back and how that works. There are other concepts she introduced me to as well. Once you've purchased the program she'll add you to the FB group where she and the other goddesses (us) support each other. Oh and there's a comprehensive workbook. It all cost me about $1200.

To me it has been worth it. I was single 5 years before I ended up with my current partner. We've been seeing each other 6 months now. I think the program naturally shifted me in a way that allowed me to be receptive to a healthy relationship with a well adjusted (and awesome) person.

It really is about self work. I am now understanding the dating advice on another level. Its uncanny.
Regardless of her political views, she knows what she's talking about. Congrats on the new relationship!!
I missed this post. In the top right of her page there is a drop down menu with free trainings. I've never used them, but that should give you an idea of how she operates. She's also on Facebook. Her page is probably public.

I enrolled in her Enlightened Feminine Academy back in January. Her program has 6 modules which are 1 hour each that covers the basis of femininity which is Trust, Authenticity, and Vulnerability. She specifically mentions being a high value woman and what that means, along with leaning back and how that works. There are other concepts she introduced me to as well. Once you've purchased the program she'll add you to the FB group where she and the other goddesses (us) support each other. Oh and there's a comprehensive workbook. It all cost me about $1200.

To me it has been worth it. I was single 5 years before I ended up with my current partner. We've been seeing each other 6 months now. I think the program naturally shifted me in a way that allowed me to be receptive to a healthy relationship with a well adjusted (and awesome) person.

It really is about self work. I am now understanding the dating advice on another level. Its uncanny.

I'm on the waitlist for the next go round. Does she she spend a good amount of time focusing on inner work and finding happiness as a single woman?
oops.. never mind then :blush2:

:lol: There are so many of them that they tend to run together. Katarina has some great advice, and I'm usually able to chew the meat and spit the bones with many teachers, but for someone to teach spiritual completeness, compassion, and feminine essence and then turn around and attack black women (you should have seen the insults she threw at the black women in her comments while coddling the white trash)... nah son. Part of me suspects that her white boyfriend was posting under her name. Her comments sounded very masculine and almost like someone mansplaining, but I've suspected for a while that she's the face of a program that is mainly run by men.
To me it has been worth it. I was single 5 years before I ended up with my current partner. We've been seeing each other 6 months now. I think the program naturally shifted me in a way that allowed me to be receptive to a healthy relationship with a well adjusted (and awesome) person.

It really is about self work. I am now understanding the dating advice on another level. Its uncanny.

Congratulations on your new relationship! I agree that it all goes back to you. Most people spend their energy on trying to force someone to be s certain way or to be their everything and make them happy. It first comes from you then the right person is drawn to that energy.
There are many gurus coming out with the same concepts but with their own twists. Interesting...I didnt see that post because I was working but this is not her first rodeo in offending people. There was another topic a few months back not related to.black people but many stop following her as well. I think she tries to present herself as some guru who transcends everything political, social, religious,etc. Smh. I'm disappointed. Stick to relationships

. I don't care for her bf honestly.
From a recent newsletter:

What are the signs of cosmic consciousness?

Here are eleven clear signs of Cosmic Consciousness:

1. You have much fewer lingering I-thoughts. If you are aware you will notice some sort of tension and resistance when you are lost in thoughts about I-me-mine. That is the very definition of the ego. Ego is none other than movement of the mind that runs toward object of obsession/desire (clinging, grasping) and resist pain (aversion). When you're totally in the moment you are not in the I-thought mode. There is no I in total attention of and merge with the moment. Remember, I think therefore I am. No thought, no "I."

2. The dropping away of fear as the self is dropping away. You don't have the anxiety and fear most people have anymore: fear of the unknown, fear of some imagined future event, fear of not being good enough, fear of failing, etc. The self lives in psychological time. You no longer live in the psychological time of the past and the future. Psychological time leads to fear and sorrow.

3. You don't cling and dwell on any particular thought anymore. Nothing has the same meaning anymore. A lot of times you just don't want to think. If you do think it comes and goes without leaving any mark behind. You're like a teflon, nothing sticks anymore. You're light as a feather.

4. You feel rather than think more. When thinking is put in its right place, it's no longer domineering your inner realm. As thinking recedes, feeling arises. You feel directly without the influence of thoughts. Thanks to that you have an acute intuition. The paradox is....

5. Your emotions are mostly flat. You no longer have the ups and downs of feelings most people have day to day. You feel awed, amazed, touched, moved, compassionate, grateful and tranquil much more often than the opposites. Your default emotion is serenity (calm and joy).

6. You have slowed down your mental process so much you can muster a conscious decision, more often than not, to continue on a passage of thought or abort it knowing first hand the nature of the thought (either willy-nilly futile thinking or creative thinking). You are able to do it cause there is a gap between you and your thoughts. When you realize it is an interesting creative thought process you allow your mind to probe and explore as if you weren't even involved in it. In the old days, this is how prophets got their revelations. This is how I transmit my insights to you all week to week with my classes. You become a deliberate thinker. You only think (which means continuing on a thought process) when you need and choose to like when you need to solve problems. You become a sole master of your inner world. You are king to your mind, not slave to it. You are a powerful creator of your dream and reality. You are the Seer cause your divine intelligence is activated when mundane thoughts recede to the background.

7. You are rarely triggered. You become much less neurotic. Being triggered is a sign of denying a certain part of ourselves because it's so painful or shameful and as a defense mechanism we project that suppressed unclaimed part of us (our shadow) onto the person who triggers us. Being triggered, thus, is a sign of being unconscious.

8. You are rarely stressed and never depressed. You can see what most people aren't privileged to see. With that holistic understanding of the world and human nature you vibrate from a much higher frequency than most people. You are the sort of person people come to seek counsel because your vantage point is so all-encompassing.

9. You don't judge yourself, hence your lightness of being is a magnet to people and in turn it's allowing others to alleviate their self-judgment and -in turn- their judgment of others. You like yourself, hence it's easy for you to like others. Judgment is when we assess a situation not coming from a place of acceptance but a belief that our way is the only way and we need to change others. That means you have that unclaimed side of you. Each time something evokes an emotional reaction in you, it's an indication that you are fighting your shadow. Hence, you can see that self-judgment goes hand in hand with judgment of others. Self-acceptance goes hand in hand with acceptance of others.

10. The end of becoming. You are no longer enslaved by impulses, drive, ambition and desire to become somebody that to most people are why they are anxious and unhappy. You are fluid moment to moment not being ruled by an idea of a certain ideal self either now or in the future and you surrender to the flow of life with a mind filled with contentment and curiosity.

11. The end of sorrow. The end of grasping and resistance is the end of sorrow. The sorrow-free mind is a instrument of life. It surrenders to the flow of life.
I adore Katarina and her lessons. Men are not children. They don't need you to check up on them when they haven't reached out, ask for dates, remind them that you still exist, etc... They're smart. They can figure it out on their own. You're not helping him. I can already hear a lot of women disagreeing with this. Just know that how you got him is how you will keep him. If you did the utmost at the beginning, prepare to do the utmost throughout the ENTIRE relationship.

Some women are so desperate for a man that they're ok with that. Not me! A lot of relationships (dare I say most relationships) out there are crappy and unhealthy. Like Matthew Hussey says: "Stop being jealous of other people's crappy relationships!" A healthy relationship takes time and discernment. How will he have the chance to prove himself if you do everything for him?

To me it has been worth it. I was single 5 years before I ended up with my current partner. We've been seeing each other 6 months now. I think the program naturally shifted me in a way that allowed me to be receptive to a healthy relationship with a well adjusted (and awesome) person.

It really is about self work. I am now understanding the dating advice on another level. Its uncanny.

Congrats! This gives me hope.

I meant to ask, how did you two meet if you don't mind sharing?
Congrats! This gives me hope.

I meant to ask, how did you two meet if you don't mind sharing?

I don't mind sharing. We met on Okc. He messaged me first. I wasn't so sure about responding because he didn't seem like my type, but I figured "hey its just a message" and decided to stay in the moment and write back and forth. Things just went from there. Honestly, I expected sparks and alladat. There wasn't any. He seemed cool, which was good enough in the beginning, and just grew on me. He's still continuing to grow on me. So, so far its been an enjoyable experience.
This is kind of off topic but if you realize, immigrants always have to try to put down African Americans to gain access from white folks. My parents are black immigrants, and I do realize there is tension between African Americans/ Caribbeans/ Africans, but my parents have always let me know 2 things. 1)That I was black 2) That I was a black woman. Point blank. Period.

There was no saying, "Oh you're not African American. You're Jamaican." NOPE!
OMFREAKING GOSH to this post right chur!!!!

One day at lunch with coworkers, 2 asians, myself and a guy from trinidad... We start talking about BLM or some type of case... I didnt really want to delve into convo, because why, these others will not get jest of core of issues, surely this Black man would... Nope... He was caping for guy that was clearly in wrong... I recall sayin something like dang thats why we cant get anything done because we dont stick together... ya man went on a tangent, like, no your people need to stop with this that and third, speaking of ghetto type trouble makers... I was just looking at him with side eye...

I also recall another girl I went to school wit that felt like black men were bad, and white men or lighter men better... I actually knw a couple of island folks like that...

Whats the deal with that?! #EndRant
OMFREAKING GOSH to this post right chur!!!!

One day at lunch with coworkers, 2 asians, myself and a guy from trinidad... We start talking about BLM or some type of case... I didnt really want to delve into convo, because why, these others will not get jest of core of issues, surely this Black man would... Nope... He was caping for guy that was clearly in wrong... I recall sayin something like dang thats why we cant get anything done because we dont stick together... ya man went on a tangent, like, no your people need to stop with this that and third, speaking of ghetto type trouble makers... I was just looking at him with side eye...

I also recall another girl I went to school wit that felt like black men were bad, and white men or lighter men better... I actually knw a couple of island folks like that...

Whats the deal with that?! #EndRant

I think this corresponds to class as well. I notice it's always those higher class/ uptown Caribbean folks that be doing that. Also I notice some black men have a very difficult time accepting they are under attack so they have to victim blame
Success story on her page:

{Engagement #27 this year, #2 this week alone}: "Dear Katarina,

I've been drafting this email for about ten days now wanting to share that I've gotten engaged.

I've not been able to complete the draft until today mostly because I realize that I want to make sure that whatever I write provides those who read it with the hope I once felt the first time I came across your site and your articles.

‎I found you in March 2016. I read and re-read every article and post on your website. I took the plunge and bought your book and while I didn't follow through with the skype coaching that came with the book purchase - I did send you a couple emails asking for your input and you were succint and to the point while being compassionate.

I would lay in bed at night with my eyes glued to my iphone trying to absorb everything.

But one day in June of 2016 I woke up with this unstoppable desire to get out of town and there was this fire inside me that was about to burst out. I could hear the voice in my head screaming and shouting that this can't be all there is. I was about to turn 39 only one year away from 40 and the one thing I wanted the most was so far out of my reach - I might as well have been on Mars. So I got into the car and drove to a seaside town and checked in to a hotel and sat staring at the sea with tears on my face and me lamenting the love I would never have and the children I'd never meet.

I had spent about 12 years trying to get over an assault and being dumped six days before my wedding in my early twenties and I was no closer to letting go of that pain than I would have been had twenty years passed since then.

I knew something was wrong and I'd tried everything I knew to fix it. But nothing worked. I didn't have a problem attracting men. I am a pretty girl. I've gone out on dates with ceos, lawyers, bankers and economists. They all fizzled after the second date.

I went to therapy. Did not work.

I'm a fairly successful business owner as well in an industry that puts me in front of senior executives and I managed to build my business without having a second thought about if I could or couldn't.

But men? I could not figure them out. I had no idea what to do.

I was the problem. I knew this. I would say this to my friends and my family and they would all say no its the men.

So there I was staring at the sea and crying. I had access to one of your recordings and so I loaded it up on my laptop and I forced myself to sit down and listen.

I can't remember which one it was. It doesn't matter. Something finally clicked. I got up and for the first time in years I felt free. I said to myself if this is how it's going to be then I accept. I can be happy with this. I can be happy. It's my choice. I accept it all. No man. Ok. No children. Ok. This is my situation today. I am ok with it today. I will be ok with it tomorrow. I forgive myself. Whatever it is that is wrong with me. I forgive it. I am ok and I can be happy.

Everything changed within three hours.

I am not lying. I am not exaggerating. ‎I am not adding any embellishments.

My significant other asked me out. Two days later we had the best first date. A second, third and fourth best date followed. In fact all of our dates have been the best dates.

Here's the funny part. I'd met him in 2013 at a conference and thought gosh he's kind of cute.

He'd gone back and said to a colleague that girl has pretty eyes. I feel like they see through me. I didn't know he'd said that at the time.

We all went for a bite and drink afterwards and ‎he chatted with me for all of two‎ minutes before running out of there.

I was dejected. ‎I flew home wondering how I'd managed to screw that up.

A year later his company hired me as a consultant. We worked briefly together and I found out he was separated. And I thought well that explains it.

I'd moved on. My interactions with him were brief always. Not intended that way but that's how it was.

A year later ‎he asked me out.

From day one - a combination of the acceptance I'd developed for and of myself and your teachings have been a welcome change.

We have had a few issues but I've always dealt with them with maturity.

I don't get mad or offended or rigid anymore about anything. If I don't feel love and respect wherever I am - I just get up and leave and go where the love is and sometimes that love is in myself. I apply that to every area in my life.

I have never once called him first. I treat every day as a new day with him with something new and wonderful to discover.

He always calls and texts and makes sure I'm ok even though I am. He always wants to make me happy even though I am. ‎Anything I need he knows it without me saying it.

We have had one argument. Not fight. Argument. Conducted with kindness and appreciation for the relationship.

What you teach is not a method or strategy. It is wellness in the heart and mind. It is acceptance. It is the art of receiving. The feminine.

There really is no secret. It's you being right with yourself.

‎Oh and if there is one thing that you really ought to drive home - it's this - talking about feelings is over-rated.

Talking in general is over-rated. Lean back. A man will always fill the silence if he wants you with talk of his feelings and his needs and how he can fulfil yours.

14 months after our first date - he proposed in his pyjama shorts on the terrace at his house. I'm engaged to my best friend. I've got what I've always wanted.

‎Thank you." ~Anita, Dubai

Want results like no other you can find on the internet? You have come to the best place for all your relationship issues. Be my next success story: 135 engagements total, at least, since the publication of my book in 2012. Stick to this page or hop on my ultimate program:


Or better still, come to the retreat so I can share you ultimate life lessons over a glass of wine:

I was the problem. I knew this. I would say this to my friends and my family and they would all say no its the men.

So there I was staring at the sea and crying. I had access to one of your recordings and so I loaded it up on my laptop and I forced myself to sit down and listen.

I can't remember which one it was. It doesn't matter. Something finally clicked. I got up and for the first time in years I felt free. I said to myself if this is how it's going to be then I accept. I can be happy with this. I can be happy. It's my choice. I accept it all. No man. Ok. No children. Ok. This is my situation today. I am ok with it today. I will be ok with it tomorrow. I forgive myself. Whatever it is that is wrong with me. I forgive it. I am ok and I can be happy.

Everything changed within three hours.

I found this very inspiring. :yep: I keep trying to explain this to someone that she might be contributing to her own situation, but in her mind the men are 100% the problem (denial) or she says that she's not concerned about a relationship (ambivalence/self-deception) :nono:

It sounds like this woman basically hit rock bottom and finally let everything go. She no longer had resistance to her reality and then things shifted.

In listening to RR and KP, I have come to really believe that what is happening on the inside is primarily responsible for what's showing up on the outside. Men are very sensitive to our energy and how we feel. I do think timing/God play a big role as well. But this inner work is a huge part of being ready for what He wants/plans to send us.
Just for comparison, does KP give tools or exercises to deal with triggers? I have found that RR gives LOTS of tools/visualizations/exercises/meditations to identify and short circuit anything causing negative triggers. I used a few of them today with good results.
Just for comparison, does KP give tools or exercises to deal with triggers? I have found that RR gives LOTS of tools/visualizations/exercises/meditations to identify and short circuit anything causing negative triggers. I used a few of them today with good results.

Not that I remember. I know the members sometimes post YouTube videos that they've come across, but I would continue to use RR if it is working for you