Katarina Phang's Dating Philosophy

A lot of modern dating advice encourages women to lean back when a man shows interest (play hard to get). When the guy stops chasing, you instinctively lean forward in an attempt to rekindle the romance, and suddenly he has all of the power. It is a recipe for disaster. I never felt good leaning back when men showed interest. I didn't get to enjoy being pursued because I was too busy ignoring his calls, texts, and invitations. I never got to open my heart and just enjoy the ride because I was too focused on the outcome instead of just allowing myself to be in the moment.

I believe I lost a lot of potentially good men this way.

I do think leaning back makes sense because it allows the man to set the pace of the relationship and makes it effortless for us (because we are only just responding). BUT, I think the caveat is that we have to respond :look: No decent man is going to keep calling and pursuing a woman who is running in the opposite direction. We have to be receptive and provide positive reinforcement for him to keep doing it. I think it's a cycle of lean back-let him pursue-appreciate him-let him process/calculate his next move. Then repeat. It shouldn't be a game--it should be natural. I think staying in the moment is also HUGE. It's very easy to let your mind wonder about a guy with potential. But we have to really force ourselves to keep pace with him. I think even on a subconscious level, men can sense when a woman is anxious for something to happen versus a woman just trusting him and letting him have space...this is where the dating multiple men comes in handy. Keeps you from zeroing in on one man.
Yesss! Don't forget to mention thar the women also have to work on themselves. If self love is there, there are behaviors from men that will automatically be a turnoff. Heal your wounds, seek counseling, pray and date date date. Many women attach themselves to one guy and can spend years pining over him, and not notice that he never was interested in the first place. Nice dialogue girls

I've noticed a HUGE change in the past week from simply doing positive self love affirmations every morning and night as well as reminding myself throughout the day that I am amazing. I really think that is where it all flows from and is probably the most important piece. We can learn tips here and there and be more strategic but it will come off as inauthentic if it isn't grounded in self-love and believing you are WORTHY of this awesome relationship.
I do think leaning back makes sense because it allows the man to set the pace of the relationship and makes it effortless for us (because we are only just responding). BUT, I think the caveat is that we have to respond :look: No decent man is going to keep calling and pursuing a woman who is running in the opposite direction. We have to be receptive and provide positive reinforcement for him to keep doing it. I think it's a cycle of lean back-let him pursue-appreciate him-let him process/calculate his next move. Then repeat. It shouldn't be a game--it should be natural. I think staying in the moment is also HUGE. It's very easy to let your mind wonder about a guy with potential. But we have to really force ourselves to keep pace with him. I think even on a subconscious level, men can sense when a woman is anxious for something to happen versus a woman just trusting him and letting him have space...this is where the dating multiple men comes in handy. Keeps you from zeroing in on one man.

Yep. Alladis.
I do think leaning back makes sense because it allows the man to set the pace of the relationship and makes it effortless for us (because we are only just responding). BUT, I think the caveat is that we have to respond :look: No decent man is going to keep calling and pursuing a woman who is running in the opposite direction. We have to be receptive and provide positive reinforcement for him to keep doing it. I think it's a cycle of lean back-let him pursue-appreciate him-let him process/calculate his next move. Then repeat. It shouldn't be a game--it should be natural. I think staying in the moment is also HUGE. It's very easy to let your mind wonder about a guy with potential. But we have to really force ourselves to keep pace with him. I think even on a subconscious level, men can sense when a woman is anxious for something to happen versus a woman just trusting him and letting him have space...this is where the dating multiple men comes in handy. Keeps you from zeroing in on one man.
Omg yes!! @ the bolded. I made that mistake before. It's ok to show interest and reciprocate his actions. I think that's where mirroring comes in.
This is a perfect article about leaning back and being EU. I finally habe come to accept that I am EU. I am slowly working on this. I've let many good potentials go!


"How can you feel so deep about a guy who keeps a safe distance from you, who only sees you once a week and with little communication in between? Isn’t it your own wishful thinking of his potential instead of who he actually is magnified in your head with more wishful thinking? That’s what makes you over-invest in any guy, because you keep fantasizing about what it could be instead of seeing it for what it truly is.

And this is actually common among women who are avoidant (emotionally unavailable) themselves. They fall for the guy exactly because he’s safe and distant. Say for whatever reason, he’s so sure about wanting a relationship with them, I bet they’ll run for the nearest hills cause “he’s just needy” or “possessive.”

You are not ready yourself for anything serious...

What you have to do is to manage your investment and attraction. Yes they are actually manageable. Use your single card, that is what rotation is for. Find a few guys who are just like him and you will never have to so get ahead of yourself or any guy."

"How can you feel so deep about a guy who keeps a safe distance from you, who only sees you once a week and with little communication in between? Isn’t it your own wishful thinking of his potential instead of who he actually is magnified in your head with more wishful thinking? That’s what makes you over-invest in any guy, because you keep fantasizing about what it could be instead of seeing it for what it truly is.

And this is actually common among women who are avoidant (emotionally unavailable) themselves. They fall for the guy exactly because he’s safe and distant. Say for whatever reason, he’s so sure about wanting a relationship with them, I bet they’ll run for the nearest hills cause “he’s just needy” or “possessive.”

You are not ready yourself for anything serious...

What you have to do is to manage your investment and attraction. Yes they are actually manageable. Use your single card, that is what rotation is for. Find a few guys who are just like him and you will never have to so get ahead of yourself or any guy."


You r cracking me up

She doesn't coddle!! That's what I love about her. No coddling.. many women get upset at her and leave the group because she doesn't validate their silly decisions
I am trying online dating but sis it's hard lol. I think I'm so ingrained with dating one guy at a time that it's hard for me to find decent ones I like. I'm also letting friends know to hook me up.. so we will see. This year I'm being as vulnerable as possible.

What about you

Mostly online. Someone told me it's about volume and rapid sorting initially.
Success story she just posted on her page:

{One of the 22 Engagements This Year}: "He hadn't bought the ring when he proposed and he didn't think diamonds were necessary... I asked Kat if I should bring it up, and Kat told me to let him lead... so I stopped expecting anything. And look what he surprised me with lesson learnt!

He got the ring - after he had said he didn't like diamonds, I left the convo alone and he organised all by himself and surprised me!

And gave me such a nice speech about how he apologises for not seeing my point of view with the ring and he realised after thinking about it and speaking to friends and his mum that a ring was important and shows our bond. And that he appreciated so much how I never brought the conversation up or demanded a ring from him & that I deserve everything and he just wants to take care of me.

And we had our Islamic ceremony yesterday, which was just a small thing at home. The big wedding will be in December. Thank you for everything!

You can post the ring pic on your wall

We both live in London. He's originally half Irish, half Palestinian so he has some good genes going on

Seriously - thank you so much. He was literally so EU, and the things he says now.. how I'm the only person he's ever been sure about and how he appreciates so much that I always respect him/his views even when he's been stupid i.e. i'm non-reactive - I learnt it all from you! And he's growing as a result of my growth, which is truly amazing to see and experience." ~Jasmine, London

Be my next success story: 130 engagements total, at least, since the publication of my book in 2012. Stick to this page or hop on my ultimate program:


Or better still, come to the retreat so I can share you ultimate life lessons over a glass of wine:


This is the same story of that girl Makevia who was killed. She pursued the hubby.

I had a loser guy tell me that. He told me one time that I went after him ..that stung. I never did thay again

I did this with an ex. We met at the mall, I gave him my number. He called a few days later and I missed the call. I assumed it was him since it was a number I hadn't seen before. I waited for him to call back and he didn't so I went ahead and called the number.

A few months into the relationship, he admitted to me that he threw my number away when I didn't answer and that it was one of a few numbers he had gotten that weekend.

He ended up being a complete loser and it was one of the worst years of my life. The sad thing was my gut TOLD me not to call that number back and I did it anyway.

That relationship taught me to lean back. Allllll the way back. Dh was my next relationship after that and he will tell you he chased me like he's never chased anyone before.

All that to say...don't lean forward ever. Don't do it!!!! LOL
I did this with an ex. We met at the mall, I gave him my number. He called a few days later and I missed the call. I assumed it was him since it was a number I hadn't seen before. I waited for him to call back and he didn't so I went ahead and called the number.

A few months into the relationship, he admitted to me that he threw my number away when I didn't answer and that it was one of a few numbers he had gotten that weekend.

He ended up being a complete loser and it was one of the worst years of my life. The sad thing was my gut TOLD me not to call that number back and I did it anyway.

That relationship taught me to lean back. Allllll the way back. Dh was my next relationship after that and he will tell you he chased me like he's never chased anyone before.

All that to say...don't lean forward ever. Don't do it!!!! LOL
Leaning forward=attract a beta (more feminine) male who will allow you to do the work

Leaning back=attract an alpha male

I think we have to realize that many/most men aren't alpha or have never been around a woman that made them alpha up so to speak. So it's very possible that in leaning back the man may not lean forward. And that has to be ok. We have to get to the point where we love ourselves too much to invest in a man who isn't invested. Don't get too far ahead of the man.

I totally get it but I want to learn more about the energy shift that she talks about. I think loving yourself really is the foundation to everything. Which product or blog post does she go more in depth about this?

The only thing I flat out disagree with is her attitude regarding sex. But I know there are men out there who fall in line with my beliefs on sex outside of marriage so I'm not worried about it.
Leaning forward=attract a beta (more feminine) male who will allow you to do the work

Leaning back=attract an alpha male

I think we have to realize that many/most men aren't alpha or have never been around a woman that made them alpha up so to speak. So it's very possible that in leaning back the man may not lean forward. And that has to be ok. We have to get to the point where we love ourselves too much to invest in a man who isn't invested. Don't get too far ahead of the man.

I totally get it but I want to learn more about the energy shift that she talks about. I think loving yourself really is the foundation to everything. Which product or blog post does she go more in depth about this?

The only thing I flat out disagree with is her attitude regarding sex. But I know there are men out there who fall in line with my beliefs on sex outside of marriage so I'm not worried about it.

I thought she had an interesting take on it, but my personal rule is that there is no sex until I am comfortable and confident in my decision. If that's 90 days in, cool. A year, cool. After marriage, fine. Sex is so personal, people really have to find what works for them
Leaning forward=attract a beta (more feminine) male who will allow you to do the work

Leaning back=attract an alpha male

I think we have to realize that many/most men aren't alpha or have never been around a woman that made them alpha up so to speak. So it's very possible that in leaning back the man may not lean forward. And that has to be ok. We have to get to the point where we love ourselves too much to invest in a man who isn't invested. Don't get too far ahead of the man.

I totally get it but I want to learn more about the energy shift that she talks about. I think loving yourself really is the foundation to everything. Which product or blog post does she go more in depth about this?

The only thing I flat out disagree with is her attitude regarding sex. But I know there are men out there who fall in line with my beliefs on sex outside of marriage so I'm not worried about it.
Very true.
Question about alpha vs beta males: can a beta become an alpha if he meets a truly feminine woman? Can the "right" woman bring it out of him? Is is the woman who brings out the alpha in a man or is it that a man is either an alpha or not? Or once a beta always a beta? I would love your opinions and whether KP (or RR) say anything about this. :yep:
Question about alpha vs beta males: can a beta become an alpha if he meets a truly feminine woman? Can the "right" woman bring it out of him? Is is the woman who brings out the alpha in a man or is it that a man is either an alpha or not? Or once a beta always a beta? I would love your opinions and whether KP (or RR) say anything about this. :yep:
I think once a beta always a beta
"After meditating to Leaning Back meditation, I realized leaning forward is not only masculine energy, but for women it depicts also insecurity. We lean forward when we are not sure where we are standing with a particular man; we lean forward when we want reassurance, and men can sense that, hence their stepping back reactions.

So whenever we do this, it is a reminder that we have stepped away from our feminine energy and jumped into anxiety/insecurity. A goddess is not insecure or anxious. She knows her worth, and radiates love and calmness. She simply IS love, so she doesn't need anyone's validation to reassure her that she is loved. She doesn't need love from only one person because she can get it from many sources--including her own (self-love).

I think instead of reaching out as we usually do when we feel insecure, the best thing would be to go back to ourselves and find/channel the goddess within. The shift in energy is guaranteed." from Linda, New Jersey
Via an email I received from KP this morning:

"...My mom was a pretty detached mother but the funny thing is I grew to really adopt her detached style and yet when we’re together she has this tendency to mother like most mothers do.

They can't help themselves.

And maybe you even do too without realizing it… so I’d like to talk about this mothering thing in this email.

So she has this thing…of always wanting to hand around in my room when I’m doing my thing like having a shower, getting dressed or just getting ready. It feels like she’s breathing over my neck. She would start folding my clothes, putting away my stuff, helped me packing, etc while I’d much rather her wait somewhere else or do something else but not in my room. In China, the first second the wake up call rang (usually very early like 5 or 6 am) she would knock at my door. Every day like clock work.

It got annoying at times….as if she was waiting outside my door trying to eavesdrop if the phone rang so she could knock on time lol… And I would open the door and have her get busy “mothering” me while I was barely awake and trying to get ready.

I have grown to like my me-time and independence. I love space, if you haven’t already noticed yet lol…

I love her to death, don’t get me wrong, so I never said anything. I thought I would miss this one day so why not enjoy her now?

My point is this…when you do this to a guy, he will feel the exact same way I feel with my mom. You follow him around like a sick puppy, trying to clean his living space, to cook for him (before he’s your bf), to organize his things, solve his problems for him …you get the drift. It feels like what his mother does to him and is why he’s not living with her!

It’s annoying and it’s disruptive.

I’d like to walk around naked after the shower in my room but I can’t cause she’s there (and with the extra weight I have gained I don’t need to hear how much weight I have gained!).

So when you have this tendency with guys and you think you’re being considerate and nice, think again. You are turning him off. This is one of the reasons guys stop talking or having sex with you, cause you have depolarized yourself by acting like his mother. Showing how much you care for a guy before he shows it first (including giving or buying him stuff before he does it to you) is an example of mothering and why it’s a turn off, contrary to what we think. Asking a guy to call/text us when he arrives safely somewhere is what a mother would do as well.

Pretty counterintuitive, isn’t it?

So stick with me to learn stuff that really works with men. And if you haven’t already, invest in my ebook to work closely with me. My method is the ultimate way of getting a guy and keeping him attracted as long as you live. Thousands have experienced profound transformation through my teaching. And at least one engagement/week on average -that I know of- has been produced since the publication of the book in late 2012...."
I did this with an ex. We met at the mall, I gave him my number. He called a few days later and I missed the call. I assumed it was him since it was a number I hadn't seen before. I waited for him to call back and he didn't so I went ahead and called the number.

A few months into the relationship, he admitted to me that he threw my number away when I didn't answer and that it was one of a few numbers he had gotten that weekend.

He ended up being a complete loser and it was one of the worst years of my life. The sad thing was my gut TOLD me not to call that number back and I did it anyway.

That relationship taught me to lean back. Allllll the way back. Dh was my next relationship after that and he will tell you he chased me like he's never chased anyone before.

All that to say...don't lean forward ever. Don't do it!!!! LOL

Thanks for this testimonial sis. I realized I leaned to forward with one guy on my rotation, but I didn't care much for him anyway. Lessons learned! #CementLegs #ReverseSmoothCriminalLean
So what do you ladies make of modern-day relationship advice that encourages women to initiate contact with men (not ask him out, just walk up and say hi)? Can a woman be completely aloof (yet still kind/charming) and still have quality men approach, or does she have to take initiative with this generation of men? It feels a lot like leaning in to me and it is something I'm not comfortable with.
So what do you ladies make of modern-day relationship advice that encourages women to initiate contact with men (not ask him out, just walk up and say hi)? Can a woman be completely aloof (yet still kind/charming) and still have quality men approach, or does she have to take initiative with this generation of men? It feels a lot like leaning in to me and it is something I'm not comfortable with.
It is a lot of leaning in. What's the difference between walking up to a man and saying hi vs asking him out? They're both leaning forward in my opinion.
So what do you ladies make of modern-day relationship advice that encourages women to initiate contact with men (not ask him out, just walk up and say hi)? Can a woman be completely aloof (yet still kind/charming) and still have quality men approach, or does she have to take initiative with this generation of men? It feels a lot like leaning in to me and it is something I'm not comfortable with.
My thoughts on this are smiling at him and giving him the single to approach should be enough. If he doesn't approach and the woman does instead you can bet your last dollar the entire relationship will be the woman chasing after him.
So what do you ladies make of modern-day relationship advice that encourages women to initiate contact with men (not ask him out, just walk up and say hi)? Can a woman be completely aloof (yet still kind/charming) and still have quality men approach, or does she have to take initiative with this generation of men? It feels a lot like leaning in to me and it is something I'm not comfortable with.

I say don't do it.
I think sending an invitation via a smile/eye contact is enough...for an alpha male.
If he comes over, he should also speak first.
Yes, a LOT of men will be eliminated this way but I dare say they are betas who we don't want anyway :look:

I'm 100% team lean back. I was team lean back before I even knew the term "lean back." :yep:
@Belle Du Jour I find that even betas approach though. For men like that you hear stories where they say he wanted the girl for so long but it took him a while (sometimes years) to get up the courage. The woman is usually in control in those relationships but the man still pursued her. These men smiling and not approaching are lame. And probably something else entirely. In the end, the message is still the same. We don't want men like that.