Calling in the One Challenge

Thanks so much ladies! Reading that book was really the turning point in my life. 5 months after starting it here on LHCF, I met the One! It is so amazing when I read my thoughts at the beginning of this journey. The book really did help prepare me for what was to come. One thing that really stands out to me in my reading is “‘make room for love.” I’m happy and grateful!

I have recommended the book to many of friends, even bought it for some but it appears no one will complete it for whatever reason. Maybe they aren’t really ready for what it may bring! All the best to all of you❤️

Beautiful! Thank you for coming back and posting your success story. I think inner work is SO important, no matter what book/author/coach a person reads but CITO is pretty amazing. It's on my list of books to re-read/finish this year. 2018 has been a wonderful year of preparation for me so hearing your success story is very motivating.
I’m finding the book easier to get through this time. Maybe I’m more ready to accept what the book has to offer.

Every time I’m told to write down wrongdoings someone has done to me that I need to forgive, I find I don’t have that many. I used to write out a long list. I think my heart is clear now to accept love. I will keep doing the work though.
I'm at the part where you have to make a collage. Well I have one that I did earlier this year, but put it under my bed because it contained my ex-boyfriend's name. I love that collage so much, it is just the essence of me. I couldn't bear to throw it away. I pulled it out and noticed the word 'adventure,' which is one of the love essence qualities I picked. Its like God was speaking to me and I just didn't recognize it until now. I decided I will just remove the name of my ex and add in something else that speaks to me.

I'm enjoying the book so far. It does make me emotional, but I have been so closed off that it is nice to feel something. I cry now when I see love. Sometimes its because I want that in my life, but most of the time its because I never realized how beautiful love was. And this is only week one! :spinning: