Katarina Phang's Dating Philosophy

I wonder how this is happening. Is it magic? Lol
Once you stop being so reactive to men and everything they do they are drawn to you and can’t live without you cuz that’s so rare to find. You approach dating from a point of confidence knowing you’ll be ok no matter what. If he’s not giving you what you want you can either hold on to him and be miserable or you can let him go without resentment and find someone else who’ll treat you better. There is no in between. That peace and confidence is so attractive! Working on yourself and dealing with your anxiety is key. That’s why she gets such consistent and amazing results.
Are any of you guys in Kat's FB group? I recently joined and enjoy reading how diff women handle their EU man and the advice that is freely given. The testimonials are awesome to read too.
Are any of you guys in Kat's FB group? I recently joined and enjoy reading how diff women handle their EU man and the advice that is freely given. The testimonials are awesome to read too.

I'm in her FB groups. I don't log on to FB anymore. I'll say that people post some pretty obvious and terrible situations but Kat comments on almost all of them so it's really useful to be a member of the group.
Oh word? Please elaborate.

Katarina is good. She stays out of it lol. Kinda like here, some girls will attack posters if they don' agree with their decisions or actions, the posters get defensive, responds, and back and forth lol

Some girls have been on for years still making the same decisions lol. Some women can't let go of leading or letting the man take initiative
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Man y'all. Imma be honest. I talked a lot of crap about Katarina earlier in this thread because I didn't agree with her political outlook, but her dating advice has changed my life :look:. I don't think I would be in the relationship I'm in now had I not followed her teachings. I guess that is a part of awareness-- not being reactive to everything you don't agree with. I've focused heavily on spiritual growth these last few months and it is paying off. I can see why I was single for so long and why things never worked out with men. Things have changed in my non-romantic life as well. People have been telling me that they feel so calm and warm in my presence. It's crazy!
Man y'all. Imma be honest. I talked a lot of crap about Katarina earlier in this thread because I didn't agree with her political outlook, but her dating advice has changed my life :look:. I don't think I would be in the relationship I'm in now had I not followed her teachings. I guess that is a part of awareness-- not being reactive to everything you don't agree with. I've focused heavily on spiritual growth these last few months and it is paying off. I can see why I was single for so long and why things never worked out with men. Things have changed in my non-romantic life as well. People have been telling me that they feel so calm and warm in my presence. It's crazy!

Lol. Im sorry but men do not do as much caping for black power like we do. Ive noticed being loyal and passionate for the cause has gotten me no where. Men are selfish and will do what's best for them. She's teaching us to put ourself first. I feel you
Man y'all. Imma be honest. I talked a lot of crap about Katarina earlier in this thread because I didn't agree with her political outlook, but her dating advice has changed my life :look:. I don't think I would be in the relationship I'm in now had I not followed her teachings. I guess that is a part of awareness-- not being reactive to everything you don't agree with. I've focused heavily on spiritual growth these last few months and it is paying off. I can see why I was single for so long and why things never worked out with men. Things have changed in my non-romantic life as well. People have been telling me that they feel so calm and warm in my presence. It's crazy!
You caught a man?
Yep! And I'm quite shocked because it happened so unexpectedly :look:. I'm not even worried about if this works out or not because for the first time in my dating life, I'm receiving way more than I give. So even if it ends, I'll come out with more than I put in. I'm just along for the ride at this point.
Alright, you go girl!

Still waiting for mine. Le sigh...
Yep! And I'm quite shocked because it happened so unexpectedly :look:. I'm not even worried about if this works out or not because for the first time in my dating life, I'm receiving way more than I give. So even if it ends, I'll come out with more than I put in. I'm just along for the ride at this point.

That's the right space to be in. Just don't care. Once a woman invests emotionally (especially if she arrives there before the man), it's a wrap. It's so important for a man to invest first and make an "offer" and the woman decides among all her options, hence the rotational dating. I don't advocate using anyone, but TBH I just see men I'm dating or talking to online as practice until the best one steps up.
I know this is a KP thread LOL but I remember something Rori Raye said: it's not a real relationship until a commitment is on the table. I think KP would say something similar. Men don't even offer commitment until they are all in. Don't take a man too seriously until he is demonstrating by actions and a request for exclusivity that he's all in. That's the most empowering place for a woman to be in. I can't believe the times I over invested first in a man :nono:
I know this is a KP thread LOL but I remember something Rori Raye said: it's not a real relationship until a commitment is on the table. I think KP would say something similar. Men don't even offer commitment until they are all in. Don't take a man too seriously until he is demonstrating by actions and a request for exclusivity that he's all in. That's the most empowering place for a woman to be in. I can't believe the times I over invested first in a man :nono:
Amen sister!!
Love this quote from the above FB post:

"I could feel the pull of someone I would daydream about calling me from my gut. I would talk to him even though he wasn't there and would just say ti him as i was making my breakfast in the morning, "I know you are getting ready for me, so i'm gonna do everything in my power to be my best self so when our paths finally do cross and the timing is right for us, it will just fit.”

Some days this felt silly but I knew in my gut he was out there. I made a list in pencil of what I knew i wanted and kept it posted at my desk so I would look at it as I worked retreat planning and would send him my love and affection just with my thoughts. In the practice of Reiki, there is no time in a linear fashion everything is happening simultaneously so I would just send my future self my doubts and fears asking my future self to send me trust and knowledge that I would find him.
Love this quote from the above FB post:

"I could feel the pull of someone I would daydream about calling me from my gut. I would talk to him even though he wasn't there and would just say ti him as i was making my breakfast in the morning, "I know you are getting ready for me, so i'm gonna do everything in my power to be my best self so when our paths finally do cross and the timing is right for us, it will just fit.”

Some days this felt silly but I knew in my gut he was out there. I made a list in pencil of what I knew i wanted and kept it posted at my desk so I would look at it as I worked retreat planning and would send him my love and affection just with my thoughts. In the practice of Reiki, there is no time in a linear fashion everything is happening simultaneously so I would just send my future self my doubts and fears asking my future self to send me trust and knowledge that I would find him.

Wait, you found someone too?
LOL I was quoting from the Facebook article.

But I receive what @caribeandiva said. He's already here! Just waiting for the physical manifestation but it is done. A lot of things are going right for me regarding men right now.
Exactly! You have to believe it to see it. He already exists. He just hasn’t revealed himself to you yet for whatever reason. My happily married friends are always telling me: “Quit looking for the right person. Become the right person”. Life changing for me.
Exactly! You have to believe it to see it. He already exists. He just hasn’t revealed himself to you yet for whatever reason. My happily married friends are always telling me: “Quit looking for the right person. Become the right person”. Life changing for me.



And we've come full circle. It all goes back to inner work.