I enjoyed the High Value Woman audio. Nothing groundbreaking but I liked the delivery.
In a nutshell, the key to relationship success is overcoming anxiety. That's pretty much the basis of all of her teachings. The anxiety issue might not only be relationship-related, if you struggle with anxiety in your day to day life, it will affect the ease in which you enter and thrive in relationships. The less you worry about the outcome of anything in life, the more likely you are to attract great things. Women who don't deal with anxiety are high value by default. They aren't invested in the outcome of anything, and that makes them magnetic in all aspects of life.
Anxiety makes us lose faith in our feminine essence. Anxiety and worry is for men. Feminine energy cannot thrive in an environment where there is concern about the future. We have to tap into our masculine energy for work and finance-- because the future is important in that areas of life. But in relationships, women are intended to relax, receive, and allow things to be without resistance. Modern women struggle with making that switch. Your experience as a woman will be more rewarding if you learn how to lean back in your dealings with men.
She shares a breakthrough moment she had while attending a wine tasting event with her partner. This breakthrough brought her to tears.
The secret to being desirable, cherished, and the object of affection for every man you come across is this...
You don't have to do anything. The less you do, the less you worry, the less you care... the better the result.
It's so simple. Care less, think less, worry less... and you'll get more. You have to have faith in your desirability and just allow things to be. Surrender and everything will fall into place. Of course a woman should put some effort into things like building her rotation (getting out there, creating online dating profiles, being open minded, etc...), but most of her time should be spent taking a backseat and letting the man put in the work.
The more you resist what is, the more you will struggle with getting what you want out of life.
Qualities of High Value Women (HVW)
High value women do not cling to people or experiences. They are happy within themselves regardless of the outcome. They are happy if they are single, married, or unmarried. They are full inside and a relationship only adds to that fullness. They enjoy what is in the moment. When the experience ends, they go on with their lives. They understand that nothing is constant but change, so they are committed to being happy regardless. Women who are happy for no reason are high value by default because such women are rare. Once you become full inside, you will become a goddess that no man can ever leave.
A high value woman doesn't cling to men who aren't committed. She doesn't want a man who doesn't want her. Her default mode is to never get ahead of any guy. She is always observing while enjoying the experience. If through observation it is clear that he isn't as invested as she would like him to be, she removes herself from the situation. Emotional investment in a guy who hasn't proven himself and hasn't committed is leading with masculine energy. Enjoy his company but observe while remaining emotionally detached.
High value women are easy to lose. They don't waste time on wishy-washy men. She might date a man who is unsure, but since she keeps her options open, and once he no longer brings value, he's cut off. Katarina likens this to leaving the scene of a crime with no emotional entanglements. It seems like common sense but most women do not operate this way. As soon as a man shows uncertainty, the woman jumps into fix-it mode and starts having talks with him, nagging, and doing everything in her power to get him to act right. The less interest he shows the more she wants him. On the flipside, a HVW takes the path of least resistance. Most women suffer and are not happy because they expend so much energy trying to move a mountain. That's not our job. Let him move the mountain. A HVW is always on the same page as the man. If he's wishy-washy, she is wishy-washy, too. If he's not sure, she's not sure either. If he's dating others, she's dating others. Even if he says he isn't dating others, if he only sees her once a week, she still dates other men.
She inspires any man who finds her attractive to always want to come to her with more because she doesn't demand or expect, she's happy with what is, and when she's no longer happy, she bounces. She keeps a detached attitude with men who aren't committed. She will keep some uncertain men around if they bring value because she has nothing to lose since she is always seeing others. Once they stop bringing value, she drops them. Savage.
High value women have options. They build rotations and don't stop seeing other men until they have a commitment (not just verbally, but through his actions). Having options isn't selfish-- in fact, it makes her relationships better. She is not as anxious or dependent on a man when she has a rotation. She is cooler, more free, and more fun when she isn't banking on one man who hasn't decided if he's ready to commit. It's easier to lean back when you have a rotation. It's easier to observe and know if a man is the one when you have other men to compare him to. Women with options more easily radiate in their goddess energy. She is taking care of herself first without apology. They feel powerful and in control. Such a woman is rare and thus high value by default.
High value women vibrate at a higher frequency. There is no worry, anxiety, lack, or insecurity. Her life is easy. She's an inspiration to men because her energy is always light and joyful. She doesn't force expectations onto men, she's easy to please, and for that reason men want to please her more. They are motivated to give. Guys are hooked on her fullness and happiness.
High value women accept or reject. That's it. They don't fix men. She observes, takes notes, and chooses the path of least resistance. She doesn't try to convince or sway men. Men either suit her or they don't. Grown men act right with the women they want to act right with. If he does stuff she doesn't like and she can be at peace with it, she keeps him around for as long as he brings value. If she can no longer be at peace with it, she walks away. No nagging or trying to fix it. This is how she keeps her life happy and stress free. HVW don't demand, they inspire through being easy to lose.
High value women have fun whenever they can without guilt. Fun is a HVW's main priority. It is a way of life to her. HVW are greedy. They don't worry about guilt or societal expectations. They are above it. They keep their emotional tank full at all times, and they don't need a particular guy to make them happy. She is fine no matter what because her happiness comes from within. She trusts herself. She trusts her feelings, and she is always true to herself. She doesn't follow the definitions of right and wrong that people assign to her. She comes first.
In conclusion, being high value is about mindset. Your mind can be your greatest ally or enemy. If you are consistently having issues with men it is time to look within and analyze how your thinking patterns influence your behavior. Most women have been wired to think obsessively about relationships. Our minds are always searching for answers and certainty. We never enjoy the moment because our minds feel like the present is boring. We are addicted to conflict and self-loathing because it gives our minds a challenge. Let it go. There is power in surrender. Be fun, free, unbothered, and so in love with yourself and your life that you are joyful regardless.