Calling in the One Challenge

Looking forward to starting this. When I first downloaded the book, I wasn't really ready. I was in a "situation" that had me emotionally unavailable to other men, despite my insistence that I was keeping my options open. I'm actually reading Natalie Lue's book "The Dreamer and the Fantasy Relationship" and it's hitting home on so many levels. For those of you who don't know, she's the woman who does the Baggage Reclaim website. If you don't know the Baggage Reclaim website, get familiar. It's awesome.

Anyway, now we're definitely done (pretty much have been for the last 2 years), there's no hope of us ever being in a relationship (I didn't need it, but got further confirmation on Thanksgiving) and I'm frankly tired of being single. It's been about 9 years, with a bunch of drama and bs and time wasting in between. I'm over it and want to start attracting the type of man I want/deserve, not these commitment adverse, selfish, game playing men I've grown used to.
I've been MIA in this thread. I started the book but never finished. The good thing is I met a guy via my friends. We both had been thru some tough times in relationships and felt we were done. We were both wrong. It started with a simple "hello" and blossomed into LOVE!!! It's been 5 months and that's not alot of time but we have discussed so many topics from our past relationships, kids, finances, work ethics, religion, etc. I write down my thoughts and he addresses my concerns in much detail. I can honestly say that we are in this for the long haul. He opened up and told me that when we first started talking he was also talking to other women (no sex involved). He weeded them out within a few weeks of meeting me. He stated that none of them could compare to what he found in me.

The very good part is that I've known his family for almost 8 years and am in contact almost daily and before him my kids already considered his parents and called them NANA and POP POP. After talking more and finally meeting face to face we found out we go to the same church. There are so many people there that I didn't notice him( according to him) lol. He has spoken to me a few times there but I never gave it much thought because meeting someone wasn't on my mind. He even tried to get his sister to get my attention so we could meet and talk but I was always engrossed in whatever activity I was doing and dismissed her and said we can talk later (LOL). He said he gave up and didn't try again.

I'm around his family all the time and knew of him but never really got to know him due to him working and/or being at other functions and the same on my end. It's crazy how our paths finally crossed. There is no getting to know our families , except on my end because he didn't know my parents, but our families know each other really well. He recently told me that he loved me. Last night he went into great detail telling me why he loves me and what caused a shift in his thinking and heart. It felt so good to hear him open up and pour out his heart to me. He says this is it for him. He isn't going anywhere and wants to move forward with me. He's been talking to my parents alot and honestly I think he wants more than what we have now. He has hinted at wanting me to be his wife and having more children with me. Thru the sibling grapevine I was informed that he plans to have a special meeting with my parents soon. Hmmm I'm not sure what that's about but they think he wants to ask for my hand!!!! Only time will tell what happens next.

Things that I noticed mad a difference this time for me were, waiting to get face to face (we texted and talked on the phone for a bit before meeting), no sex ( I want to have clear thinking with this. I don't want to feel I'm inlove when all I love is his peen. We gained an emotional connection before anything else. When he tells me he loves me I know he does and it isn't about what we did in bed last night.

I'm so excited about where we are headed. I guess I need to finish the book eventually lol. There is some very good info in there. I will keep updating this thread and get back in the book.

Omg @prettykinks I almost got teary-eyed hearing your sweet story!!! ::cry3: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

I'm SO happy for you girl. :yay:

I love your story because so many times I hear women saying the same thing (about how they met "the one" or their husbands). It's almost like, he was always right there in front of you, silently observing you, taking notice of you, but you were too busy and fulfilled in your life to take notice of him until the time was right. :yep: I like the fact that you two know each other through church (I'm a Christian woman myself), and I think the fact that you already know his family is awesome. He sounds like a great guy. I hope things work out well for you two. :grin:

Anybody wanna team up and read this book in preparation for the new year?

Ugh yes... I would like to join!!

I'm so ashamed to say that I don't think I've picked up that book but once this entire year. I started reading the book in late 2014, and I'm STILL not finished. :look: I know I had a lot going on this year, but I think I have not really truly been "ready". It definitely takes you through the ringer, but I think I'm more ready this year than I was before in the past.

I would like to finish the book in 2017, so count me in. :yep:


Download the Group Me app on your computer or phone, then PM me your email address and I will add you to the group. I want to make sure everyone has a safe space to share and be open about their experiences while reading the book.

2017 is our year!! :dance7:

Forgive me for asking, but I could have sworn there was already an LHCF Group chat to discuss this book on Good Reads. I already have the Goodreads app downloaded to my phone, and I can even type on my computer using that site as well.... And you don't have to provide your cell phone number. Idk...just a thought... :look:
Looking forward to starting this. When I first downloaded the book, I wasn't really ready. I was in a "situation" that had me emotionally unavailable to other men, despite my insistence that I was keeping my options open. I'm actually reading Natalie Lue's book "The Dreamer and the Fantasy Relationship" and it's hitting home on so many levels. For those of you who don't know, she's the woman who does the Baggage Reclaim website. If you don't know the Baggage Reclaim website, get familiar. It's awesome.

Anyway, now we're definitely done (pretty much have been for the last 2 years), there's no hope of us ever being in a relationship (I didn't need it, but got further confirmation on Thanksgiving) and I'm frankly tired of being single. It's been about 9 years, with a bunch of drama and bs and time wasting in between. I'm over it and want to start attracting the type of man I want/deserve, not these commitment adverse, selfish, game playing men I've grown used to.
Omg @prettykinks I almost got teary-eyed hearing your sweet story!!! ::cry3: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

I'm SO happy for you girl. :yay:

I love your story because so many times I hear women saying the same thing (about how they met "the one" or their husbands). It's almost like, he was always right there in front of you, silently observing you, taking notice of you, but you were too busy and fulfilled in your life to take notice of him until the time was right. :yep: I like the fact that you two know each other through church (I'm a Christian woman myself), and I think the fact that you already know his family is awesome. He sounds like a great guy. I hope things work out well for you two. :grin:

Ugh yes... I would like to join!!

I'm so ashamed to say that I don't think I've picked up that book but once this entire year. I started reading the book in late 2014, and I'm STILL not finished. :look: I know I had a lot going on this year, but I think I have not really truly been "ready". It definitely takes you through the ringer, but I think I'm more ready this year than I was before in the past.

I would like to finish the book in 2017, so count me in. :yep:

Forgive me for asking, but I could have sworn there was already an LHCF Group chat to discuss this book on Good Reads. I already have the Goodreads app downloaded to my phone, and I can even type on my computer using that site as well.... And you don't have to provide your cell phone number. Idk...just a thought... :look:
The goodreads group is inactive so GroupMe is a good replacement for it. I'm glad you're joining the new reading group. This book is easier to digest and stick to in a group setting versus reading it alone. The aha moments you'll get will make you want to tell at least one person. :lol:
@Crystalicequeen123, it doesn't show you anyone's phone number, if that's your concern.

Oh thanks... well it's not just that, but also that my phone is practically filled to the max in G's, so downloading yet another app to my probably wouldn't even work...I'm seriously maxed out y'all.... :look:

But I was informed that there is an online site I can post to with this app,so it's not just an app on your phone, so that's good. :yep:

The goodreads group is inactive so GroupMe is a good replacement for it. I'm glad you're joining the new reading group. This book is easier to digest and stick to in a group setting versus reading it alone. The aha moments you'll get will make you want to tell at least one person. :lol:
Awww....Oh come? :ohwell: Did you deactivate it or did The site shut it down for some reason? I can still access our group.. :look:

Or you mean people just weren't posting?
Awww....Oh come? :ohwell: Did you deactivate it or did The site shut it down for some reason? I can still access our group.. :look:
Oh it's still there. It's just that no one has posted in there for months. You all are welcome to use it since I really tried hard to set it up nicely. Here is the link for those who are interested:

You do need an invite because it's a secret group. Here it is:
Oh it's still there. It's just that no one has posted in there for months. You all are welcome to use it since I really tried hard to set it up nicely. Here is the link for those who are interested:

You do need an invite because it's a secret group. Here it is:

That's a shame it kind of died out... Because I really liked the group! :) Plus, I loved the pictures we posted on our "Vision Board" on there lol. :grin: I'm glad our posts never got deleted. I think we should try to revive it if others are interested, since you already have it set up so nicely. I guess the consensus of everyone will decide what to do. I admit, I slacked off from visiting as often myself, but that was because I had stopped reading the book :look:

But I'm in a better place right now, so I think I'm strong enough to continue on in the book again. I can pick right back up where I left off. :yep:

I am determined to finish this book by the end of 2017.
Yes! I read the book, now I want to go through and do the activities for each chapter. I can re-read with everyone as I go along.
This is what I should have done. But I tried to do the exercises along with reading it and I ended up putting it down and now I can't find it. UGH
That's a shame it kind of died out... Because I really liked the group! :) Plus, I loved the pictures we posted on our "Vision Board" on there lol. :grin: I'm glad our posts never got deleted. I think we should try to revive it if others are interested, since you already have it set up so nicely. I guess the consensus of everyone will decide what to do. I admit, I slacked off from visiting as often myself, but that was because I had stopped reading the book :look:

But I'm in a better place right now, so I think I'm strong enough to continue on in the book again. I can pick right back up where I left off. :yep:

I am determined to finish this book by the end of 2017.

Hi Crystalicequeen, I just started a new thread, I would love your response.

Almond Eyes
Just came back to the thread to say it has been over a year and I'm still dating him! It has been an amazing and beautiful year. I just may be the one! ;-)

I never finished reading the book though (smh) but I did learn a lot. I think it changed the way I approach the relationship, how I respond and I think I'm a better mate because of it.

I had to come back to this thread to update everyone, especially the ladies that I started out with reading the book...I've been dating this same man for almost 2 years now. It doesn't feel like it! He proposed on December 30, 2016! I admit I still never finished the book, but I read most of it and it really did reshape the way that I think and approach relationships. It put me in the right position. Just reading back to the beginning of this is really amazing to look back. I'm so excited to be planning my wedding right now!!!
I had to come back to this thread to update everyone, especially the ladies that I started out with reading the book...I've been dating this same man for almost 2 years now. It doesn't feel like it! He proposed on December 30, 2016! I admit I still never finished the book, but I read most of it and it really did reshape the way that I think and approach relationships. It put me in the right position. Just reading back to the beginning of this is really amazing to look back. I'm so excited to be planning my wedding right now!!!
Congratulations!!! I had a feeling you were about to announce your engagement. :yay:
I had to come back to this thread to update everyone, especially the ladies that I started out with reading the book...I've been dating this same man for almost 2 years now. It doesn't feel like it! He proposed on December 30, 2016! I admit I still never finished the book, but I read most of it and it really did reshape the way that I think and approach relationships. It put me in the right position. Just reading back to the beginning of this is really amazing to look back. I'm so excited to be planning my wedding right now!!!

I had to come back to thConris thread to update everyone, especially the ladies that I started out with reading the book...I've been dating this same man for almost 2 years now. It doesn't feel like it! He proposed on December 30, 2016! I admit I still never finished the book, but I read most of it and it really did reshape the way that I think and approach relationships. It put me in the right position. Just reading back to the beginning of this is really amazing to look back. I'm so excited to be planning my wedding right now!!!
Congratulations!! :grin: :grin:
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Thanks so much ladies! Reading that book was really the turning point in my life. 5 months after starting it here on LHCF, I met the One! It is so amazing when I read my thoughts at the beginning of this journey. The book really did help prepare me for what was to come. One thing that really stands out to me in my reading is “‘make room for love.” I’m happy and grateful!

I have recommended the book to many of friends, even bought it for some but it appears no one will complete it for whatever reason. Maybe they aren’t really ready for what it may bring! All the best to all of you❤️
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Thanks so much ladies! Reading that book was really the turning point in my life. 5 months after starting it here on LHCF, I met the One! It is so amazing when I read my thoughts at the beginning of this journey. The book really did help prepare me for what was to come. One thing that really stands out to me in my reading is “‘make room for love.” I’m happy and grateful!

I have recommended the book to many of friends, even bought it for some but it appears no one will complete it for whatever reason. Maybe they aren’t really ready for what it may bring! All the best to all of you❤️
You were a beautiful bride!! Good looking couple!! The book is amazing! I too have bought multiple copies for friends but no one will even open the books much less finish them. Even though they claimed they wanted the book and whined like crazy about their love lives. Like you said, they ain’t ready. I’ll pray that God blesses you both so that you’ll have a great marriage and many healthy, beautiful children. I’m ready to be an auntie :lol:
Yay pics!! You both look amazing and soo happy!

I am one of those people that never finished the book. I always stop somewhere before the releasing ceremony. I'm at the point in my life were I am putting myself and my happiness first for the first time, so this is a perfect time to pick up the book again. Thanks for sharing!