Interracial Dating or Marriage

Interracial Dating? Yay or Nay?

  • Yay

    Votes: 510 70.4%
  • Nay

    Votes: 48 6.6%
  • Indifferent

    Votes: 154 21.3%

    Votes: 12 1.7%

  • Total voters
Synthia said:
Go through the full context of the discussion and see if that statement even makes sense as a response to what was said. Just because something sounds good, doesn't mean it's a logical response. Break down the concepts and analyze.

I haven't gone through the entire thread but I do agree that one can go against "white superiority" without believing that whites are superior.
Why? Going against white superiority, in my book, means that someone is going against the idea whites have in their heads that they are superior. This superiority complex is only ideal spread through political, racial and commercial propaganda and is ideal is more easily spread when they outnumber every other racial group in this country.
Of course you can go against white supremacy without believing that whites are superior. But if you allow your desire to go against white supremacy to influence who you choose as a mate then you are indeed being compelled by white supremacy. Why on earth would you let something you don't believe in have such a crucial impact on your life?

If you don't believe in white supremacy then you know that you don't, and presumably those who are close to you know it as well. Why do you care what strangers might believe to the extent that you would choose a mate based on that? Sounds like a case of 'my lady doth protest too much.' If white superiority is such a nonenity to you, then it would be insignificant and you would choose your mate based on merit alone. The fact that it is so significant that it would impact one of the most crucial decisions of your life is telling.

Also, there's more than one way to defy white supremacy. If white supremacy is the lay of the land, and we all agree that it is, it would seem to me that marrying IR is a more impactful means to do so. After all, black women have been choosing black men for generations and white supremacy is still alive and well. Sounds to me like its time to do something different. That is, if you're inclined to allow these issues to influence your mating choices. Personally I think the concept is as crazy as all get out, but if you're inclined to do it, then why not look at all means of attaining your goal, not just the one that black women are 'supposed to do.' For whatever reason, Synthia has chosen not to address this point. Does anyone else care to do so?

I mean, think about it for a minute, you're going to choose your mate in a effort to defy white supremacy. Doesn't that sound crazy to you?
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If white people think they are superior after the "Jerry Springer" show, they need to have their heads examined for inferior brain cells.
Blossssom said:
If white people think they are superior after the "Jerry Springer" show, they need to have their heads examined for inferior brain cells.

Unfortunately, many of the worst white supremacists I've met in my lifetime haven't been white. That's the insidious nature of the issue.
rozlips said:
Unfortunately, many of the worst white supremacists I've met in my lifetime haven't been white. That's the insidious nature of the issue.

They've been black, huh? Yea, I can imagine that... those types of blacks are 100% completely brainwashed!
I choose nay because of the following reasons

1. I already found a beautiful black man that I am in love with and will be with him for the rest of my life

Also, I do not choose or look to date anybody. when I was single I was a lady in waiting. I let God choose my mate. If he wants me to date/marry another race then I trust him in that choice and will not complain. After all God knows whats best for me.
Jewell said:
I say yay/indifferent. It does not matter to me. Personally I would not discriminate against dating a man from another race/nationality. I don't know about religion differences though (whole 'nother ball of wax). I am a believer of Christ so my ideas and a Muslim's ideas will not agree. That would be a large determinant of dating someone else of another race/nationality. I will not deny Christ for the sake of someone else's feelings. :look:

Umm, you do know that Muslims believe in Jesus right?
if all men are created equal and this whole notion of white supremacy is total bollocks, then why does it matter if the man you're with is white or black?

i dont see how me marrying a black guy will have a more positive effect than me marrying a white guy. thats a bit like me saying i'm gonna marry a black guy with really dark skin, so that no one will think i buy into the "light brown skin is better" way of thinking.
a bit like a white guy marrying a black woman because it proves that he's not racist.
I think that we would all agree that a world in which race is not an issue is a worthwhile goal, yet it seems to me that constant division set up by interracial marriage/dating discussion undermines that very goal. If you want your grandchildren to live in a world where race is not an issue, then you have to let it not be an issue for you. It has to start somewhere people!

Also, I agree with rozlips as usual. Whether white supremacy is a reality or a fantasy, there is no better way of combatting it than not using it as the basis for making decisions. If a white man decides to marry a black woman, then the notion that white women are supreme is shattered, at least in that one instant. However, there is the flip side that if a black man marries a black woman, it may or may not mean that he buys into white supremacy. The same is not true of a white man. When a white man chooses to be with a black woman it always means that he could care less. Interracial relationships pretty much always undermine notions of supremacy, which is why they were taboo.

Synthia, rozlips has made a very good point concerning the black movement in the past. If she is right that black men did rape black women with the goal of practicing for white women, who are the supreme, then the black movement did not really attain its goal did it? If during the "we love ourselves" craze, men were really still secretly lusting after white women, then the movement was moot. Perhaps you would like to address roz's points instead of insulting her...Also a few questions for you:
1. How do you expect people to remain friends with other races, yet decide to marry black regardless of their attachment to people of other races?
2. "5. Prejudice and racism still exist. Maybe not in social constructs, but in the psyches of people. Notice that when you spy someone recoiling, regarding with suspicion, looking away, ignoring, or crossing the street when blacks approach. Race is not my point of reference for living. I wish I lived in a world where it wasn't an issue. But until that happens, if something occurs and I need comforting (or he does) I want to go home to someone who instantly relates and can understand where I'm coming from."
-It is clear that your argument is white v. black cause I can point out several minority groups that have the same race issues that blacks do. Ummm remember that aftermath of 9/11?

Well I think this post is long enough as it is, so I'll stop here.
Blossssom said:
Do they believe he was born of a virgin; killed and resurrected 3 days later; and is the son of God?

Muslims believe that Jesus was born of a virgin, but did not die by crucifixion, nor is the son of God as they believe that there is no such thing. If you check the bible, you'll see that he wasn't resurrected three days later, it is something like 1.5 days. The majority of Sunnis think that he will return, though that is mostly derived from their traditions, not the quran.
rozlips said:
Also, there's more than one way to defy white supremacy. If white supremacy is the lay of the land, and we all agree that it is, it would seem to me that marrying IR is a more impactful means to do so. After all, black women have been choosing black men for generations and white supremacy is still alive and well. Sounds to me like its time to do something different. That is, if you're inclined to allow these issues to influence your mating choices. Personally I think the concept is as crazy as all get out, but if you're inclined to do it, then why not look at all means of attaining your goal, not just the one that black women are 'supposed to do.' For whatever reason, Synthia has chosen not to address this point. Does anyone else care to do so?

I mean, think about it for a minute, you're going to choose your mate in a effort to defy white supremacy. Doesn't that sound crazy to you?

I have not chose my black mates as an effort to defy white supremacy. I've never really even thought about it that way. I'm rather lost as far as the whole white supremacy thing is concerned. I simply choose to have black mates b/c I am black, and that's what I'm attracted to. I choose mates based on merit, but they also have to be black. I find it funny that nowadays so many people find it strange that a black woman would only choose to date black men. You better believe that white people aren't criticizing their peers for not being "open-minded" and dating outside their race. :lol: I bet you money that's not happening!
Chivara said:
I find it funny that nowadays so many people find it strange that a black woman would only choose to date black men. You better believe that white people aren't criticizing their peers for not being "open-minded" and dating outside their race. :lol: I bet you money that's not happening!

Yea! REALLY! I guess whites are the only ones entitled to seek "racial purity".
ichephren said:
Muslims believe that Jesus was born of a virgin, but did not die by crucifixion, nor is the son of God as they believe that there is no such thing. If you check the bible, you'll see that he wasn't resurrected three days later, it is something like 1.5 days. The majority of Sunnis think that he will return, though that is mostly derived from their traditions, not the quran.

Oh, okay... thanks.

Do you know by chance where in the Bible it says 1.5 days? I've always been taught it was three days but I'm sure I would have read it for myself, as I am not one to believe something is true simply because a minister preaches it.
Blossssom said:
Oh, okay... thanks.

Do you know by chance where in the Bible it says 1.5 days? I've always been taught it was three days but I'm sure I would have read it for myself, as I am not one to believe something is true simply because a minister preaches it.

According to Matthew 12:40, Jesus was supposed to reproduce the sign of Jonah and lay in the tomb for 3 days and 3 nights. Matthew 15:25 Jesus was put on the cross at noon on Friday. The Jewish Sabbath starts at 6pm on Friday, so he was off the cross by then. Matthew 27:57 also says that when evening came, Joseph went to claim his body from Pilate; a request that Pilate honored. Then he was placed in the tomb until Sunday morning when Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw an Angel who told her that Jesus had risen. This can be found in Matthew 28:1-6. Therefore, Jesus was in the tomb on Friday night, all of Saturday, and rose on Sunday morning by dawn. If we count, it was One day and Two nights in the tomb, not three days and three nights as it was supposed to be. Sorry this post is very off topic, hope nobody minds.
Chivara said:
I have not chose my black mates as an effort to defy white supremacy. I've never really even thought about it that way. I'm rather lost as far as the whole white supremacy thing is concerned. I simply choose to have black mates b/c I am black, and that's what I'm attracted to. I choose mates based on merit, but they also have to be black. I find it funny that nowadays so many people find it strange that a black woman would only choose to date black men. You better believe that white people aren't criticizing their peers for not being "open-minded" and dating outside their race. :lol: I bet you money that's not happening!

It only seems that way on this board.
ichephren said:
According to Matthew 12:40, Jesus was supposed to reproduce the sign of Jonah and lay in the tomb for 3 days and 3 nights. Matthew 15:25 Jesus was put on the cross at noon on Friday. The Jewish Sabbath starts at 6pm on Friday, so he was off the cross by then. Matthew 27:57 also says that when evening came, Joseph went to claim his body from Pilate; a request that Pilate honored. Then he was placed in the tomb until Sunday morning when Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw an Angel who told her that Jesus had risen. This can be found in Matthew 28:1-6. Therefore, Jesus was in the tomb on Friday night, all of Saturday, and rose on Sunday morning by dawn. If we count, it was One day and Two nights in the tomb, not three days and three nights as it was supposed to be. Sorry this post is very off topic, hope nobody minds.

Not to be nitpicky, the Jewish Shabbat rarely starts at 6pm. In fact, it won't be until the end of March that it comes in around that time for one Friday (which is not associated with Pesach), and then the week after that, it is coming in around 7pm and will continue to get later until well into June, when it will be starting after 8pm. This next Friday it is coming in at 4:18. It doesn't change your point. But I just thought I'd explain that.
Chivara said:
I have not chose my black mates as an effort to defy white supremacy. I've never really even thought about it that way. I'm rather lost as far as the whole white supremacy thing is concerned. I simply choose to have black mates b/c I am black, and that's what I'm attracted to. I choose mates based on merit, but they also have to be black. I find it funny that nowadays so many people find it strange that a black woman would only choose to date black men. You better believe that white people aren't criticizing their peers for not being "open-minded" and dating outside their race. :lol: I bet you money that's not happening!

No, I don't find it strange that a black woman would choose to be with a black man because that's what she wants. Have you seen me questioning that? Nope. I've questioned this notion that somehow choosing to date black men is a means to defy white supremacy. I think that's an insane basis for a relationship. If you want a black man or any other color, that's your call, but you choose your mate because of what you want. Not based on the impact it may or may not have on other. Quiet as its kept, most sane folks don't give a damn who someone else chooses to pull cover with.
rozlips said:
Oh, I see, I was thinking about the whole Bensonhurst thing. No, I'm not familiar with roots music, I'll have to check it out. It sounds interesting. I just thought it odd that a Hasidic Jew would be exposed to this, but if its Hebraic it makes more sense.

Who can forget Bensonhurst I lived in NYC when it happened :mad:
Roots is a very spiritual sound....You might enjoy it? ;)

Songs about freedom,The Road to Zion, and Mt Sinai.
Alot going on in this thread but this right here:

2. I believe black men have a stronger masculinity. They have endured a lot and have an edge. I prefer a raw, strong expression of manhood (and I'm NOT talking about thugs.)

flipped around, is one hell of an argument for the superior femininity of the white female. (assuming one believes that all any of them have ever had to do was sit around fanning themselves and drinking lemonade). :lol:
Synthia said:
Go through the full context of the discussion and see if that statement even makes sense as a response to what was said. Just because something sounds good, doesn't mean it's a logical response. Break down the concepts and analyze.

wow, you're a piece of work ;)
JamericanGurl said:
Who can forget Bensonhurst I lived in NYC when it happened :mad:
Roots is a very spiritual sound....You might enjoy it? ;)

Songs about freedom,The Road to Zion, and Mt Sinai.

Bensonhurst = Italians
Crown Heights = Hasidic Jews

...and a good many of the Hasidic Jews also enjoy the Labor Day Parade. One-on-one relationships are generally good. It's when yeast starts messing up the batch of bread that we have problems.
I'm down with real love and if it comes in different colors then great. I'm not down with hating your own race or women of color like a lot (not all) of black men do. Why would you do that when your own mom is probably a woman of color.
Yeah I dated several white men/other.
Now that I have children-i'm like 'don't bring nothing home that don't look like me or your father'. ;)
Dated white and other/ Married Black.