I knew He Was Broke when....

I knew he was broke when we we visited his "condo" in NJ (We were Supposed to be going to his family's home for a BBQ), and it turned out to be a Hotel. On the way upstairs to his "spacious apartment" we passed a sign that said "Residents, please do not leave your containers of urine on the ground. Please instead, pour your urine down the drain, and dispose of the container." in front of the communal bathrooms on each floor. When we got to his front door he ran inside to clean up a bit, and he took 30 mins to do it, so I thought it must be a large apartment. WRONG!! It was a room about the size of my bathroom, that held a bed, a dressing table, and a tv from the 70's. After he tossed his room looking for his missing weed, I placed a distress text to my sister who then called and made it sound like I had to run to a dying parents bedside. I hustled my buns outta there so f'ing fast, you would have through the room caught on fire...all while dude is trying to convince me that we should have a quickie...

I ran back to NYC with the Quickness!

Wait, so he was essentially in a flop house, trying to make you think it was a condo? omg...:lachen::lachen::lachen:...and then wanted to get some? :lol: Dumb fool.

So in love w/that gif---she is FLYING!
Wait, so he was essentially in a flop house, trying to make you think it was a condo? omg...:lachen::lachen::lachen:...and then wanted to get some? :lol: Dumb fool.

So in love w/that gif---she is FLYING!

YES!! And it was so believable in the beginning, because when I met him he was in a suit, and we were in Manhattan in front of Bloomie's! Plus, the outside of the "Condo" was lovely...and a total F'ing facade! :nono: Then that fool proceeded to ring my cell all hours of the day, and night for MONTHS afterwards, because I refused to ever see him again!
- when out meeting a friends new man, the bill came and he whispered to her...she picked the restaurant, why can't she pay. (referring to me). She laughed and played it off and we split the bill. While the waitress ran the cards, that fool sat there picking his teeth and said...damn, shouldv'e got dessert.

-when out for my cousins bday, 6 people after club visit to Dennys. After the bill came, one of the men who was paying for 3 other people at the table(wife, mother in law and sister in law), decided he wasn't tipping on their portion of the bill because he didn't like the food. The plate was empty, like licked clean empty and the other 3 we're taking food home. He put the exact amount on the table and not a penny more and sat there. My date and I covered the tip and we never went out with them again without asking for separate checks.

- when he got mad at me because I wouldn't loan (read: give) him gas money to drive his mother's truck and refused to let him drive my car after he totaled his. "Well, then don't get mad when we arent going to be able to see eachother" LOL. *shrug*, ok.

- first date: We both kept running into scheduling issues for our first date. Finally, we had one locked down and he called me and said he was having car trouble and would I mind picking him up. *bells and whistles* no I wouldn't mind. He then said he's going to have to push it back an hour. He wouldn't be that hungry, but he wanted to see me and hang out. I picked him up. He was dressed in sweats and an old black t-shirt with an obvious tear. I ask where to and he said he'll direct me. So, I start making turns and following his directions, thinking there are no restaurants around here, so where is he taking me?? Then as get further down the road, the thoughts became ...he can't be taking me to.......nooooooo...its not possible........


Yes, he took me to 7/11. He hops out and said they have good pizza. He orders a whole pizza and grabs a drink and pays. He, then, turns to me and says ....so what are you going to get to eat. The Nigerian guy behind the counter starts snickering because my face is as readable as a 70 foot sign.

I bought myself a slurpee of which he asked could he have some. Then he asked if I wanted to drive around and talk and eat...I dropped that fool off before you could say "hot plate pick it up"

This happened 2 months ago and I never talked him again. He kept calling for a week after and said he enjoyed our "date" and wanted to have dinner with me "again."
intellectualuva said:
- when out meeting a friends new man, the bill came and he whispered to her...she picked the restaurant, why can't she pay. (referring to me). She laughed and played it off and we split the bill. While the waitress ran the cards, that fool sat there picking his teeth and said...damn, shouldv'e got dessert.

-when out for my cousins bday, 6 people after club visit to Dennys. After the bill came, one of the men who was paying for 3 other people at the table(wife, mother in law and sister in law), decided he wasn't tipping on their portion of the bill because he didn't like the food. The plate was empty, like licked clean empty and the other 3 we're taking food home. He put the exact amount on the table and not a penny more and sat there. My date and I covered the tip and we never went out with them again without asking for separate checks.

- when he got mad at me because I wouldn't loan (read: give) him gas money to drive his mother's truck and refused to let him drive my car after he totaled his. "Well, then don't get mad when we arent going to be able to see eachother" LOL. *shrug*, ok.

- first date: We both kept running into scheduling issues for our first date. Finally, we had one locked down and he called me and said he was having car trouble and would I mind picking him up. *bells and whistles* no I wouldn't mind. He then said he's going to have to push it back an hour. He wouldn't be that hungry, but he wanted to see me and hang out. I picked him up. He was dressed in sweats and an old black t-shirt with an obvious tear. I ask where to and he said he'll direct me. So, I start making turns and following his directions, thinking there are no restaurants around here, so where is he taking me?? Then as get further down the road, the thoughts became ...he can't be taking me to.......nooooooo...its not possible........


Yes, he took me to 7/11. He hops out and said they have good pizza. He orders a whole pizza and grabs a drink and pays. He, then, turns to me and says ....so what are you going to get to eat. The Nigerian guy behind the counter starts snickering because my face is as readable as a 70 foot sign.

I bought myself a slurpee of which he asked could he have some. Then he asked if I wanted to drive around and talk and eat...I dropped that fool off before you could say "hot plate pick it up"

This happened 2 months ago and I never talked him again. He kept calling for a week after and said he enjoyed our "date" and wanted to have dinner with me "again."

I'm angry about your date.... That's not even a date, he put you in a dilemma
- when his house looked like an episode of Hoarders....

- when he wore the exact same outfit for all 3 dates. I didnt say anything, but he laughed and said, well this is the best thing I have and I want to look nice for you. I tried with him, thought he had a decent job, but he smelled on date 3 and I started wondering if he was homeless. :-/

- when seeing my house said this is wayy too much house for one woman, you need a man and maybe his kids living here to fill up this space> Then asked why I had all this name brand stuff in my fridge.

- when he asked to borrow 400 dollars for his child support

- Before I could ask what he did for a living as he had just asked me, he put me on hold to possibly google my possible income and stated shoo I make in 6 months what you make in a month. I didn't even bother, talking about money in the beginning is the quickest way to get me to exit. Said I'll call him back and didnt. He still calls every now and then for the last 3 years....last voicemail was about needing to move in or contribute a few hundred books to him living elsewhere...because those are my only options..lol. Not :-/

- when he told me he thinks money is unnecessary

- when his idea of a picnic in the park meant cold McDonalds in a garbage bag.

- when he wanted to borrow 35 dollars to bring his BOA balance positive, so he wouldn't get hit with a second fee.

FYI...I usually exit stage left after all these incidents. The men came from varying degrees: hood dude to supposedly successful in their careers that I met all kinds of ways. The last example was a guy I was in loooooooooove with, who had a ft and pt job making over a 100K a year and still was struggling. So...yeah I loaned him the 35 and he did pay me back, so thats a good thing. We didn't work out for other reasons.
-when i got scented (didn't even know they made these) socks, insulated coffee cup and flowers all from 7-11 for Valentine's day.

-fool asks me to the movies on the first date and "forgets" his wallet. i foolishly paid for both of us.
-He asked if I wanted to go dinner and I could choose the restaurant. Not only did I drive since his old truck didn't have AC, but he proceeded to order the same things I did. We ate at Pappadeauxs and the final bill was around $70 not including the tip. When our waitress brings the bill she hands it to him and he opens it, closes it, and turns to me and says "I can pay for it now and you can just give me the money back when we get outside."

-Last minute has to pick up his son and once again I'm driving and didn't feel like going to the museum district anymore. We end up at Chuck-E-Cheese and I'm lagging in the back since I'm just there to kill time. The lil boy takes off running to all the games and he calls him back to the token machine. I'm standing there looking around since this doesn't concern me and when I turn back to him he's just standing there. I ask what he's waiting on and he says "Well he isn't going to play that many games so $20 of tokens should be enough." I'm looking like....ok well then buy the tokens so we can get this show on the road. He looks down and says he doesn't have any money. Ninja you had me drive all the way out here to take YOUR kid somewhere and you don't have any money to pay for him. Then after he starts talking about we could go to the store and just buy food to cook or get some kind of deal and CiCi's. I'm like well who's paying for it? Him: "Well I could use your debit card to pay"
This thread is funny but it makes me really angry.

I just can't believe people are REALLY like this.

I'm just angry at men right now. There's no reason why women should be dealing with the bullish in this thread. Not even ONE time.
I knew he was broke when he asks me if I'm hungry. I say yes. We go to Wendy's drive thru and then looks at me and expects me to pay when we Get to the window. I looked
at him like hes crazy lol.Wendy's obviously isn't expensive. I could have certainly paid, but it was the principle of it that I refused to. We were in my car by the way.. Then this fool wants to go riding all over town .
Sorry girl...guess it's good I didn't continue w/the date from hell, @letskeepntouch

So the chicken bones are flying out the top of the car.
I'm scrunched down in the passenger seat, prayin' no one I know see's me w/this fool.

I finally asked him why he couldn't just dispose of the chicken bones in the KFC bag or box.

Him:"....oh um, didn't you see that dog? Girl--I'm just tryin' to hook up that dog--he looked hella hungry."

The only problem w/this reasoning....I saw no dog, and old boy had sucked those bones dry....I mean there was not a bit of meat on 'em.

So the imaginary dog was still gonna' be hella' hungry, apparently.

When we get to the movie theater (it was the very last movie where he could get the early bird discount..)...yeah, cue me rolling my eyes here....

We had some time before the movie started. So, I start to get out of the car, thinking we'll walk around look in shop windows, talk, maybe go to the arcade.

This broke-a** ninja goes,"....girl, where you goin'?" ...reaches across me and pulls my door shut.

Ninja straight up had me sittin' in his raggedy **, bucket seats, with no a/c (or heat)...in a hot a** parking lot. To save some scratch, he wants to just sit and talk IN HIS mutha f***'in CAR.

Yall, it was hella' hot sittin' in his piece of shyte car, in the parking gargage.

While tellin' me all about himself, broke ninja noticed me wheezing (yeah--I'm asthmatic)...and the beads of sweat forming on my forehead.

Mid-speech, w/out skippin' a beat, broke ninja goes,"...oh, you hot" and proceeds to kick open the door w/the broken window, yet again--letting in all the hot a** exhaust fumes of the parking structure....and returns to tellin' me about himself.


I knew he was broke when we he asked me out on a date but said we couldn't go out until payday... So I agreed so when payday came around he told me he didnt have any gas so we would either have to meet or I would have to give him some gas money. I said we could meet. So we met at this raggedy Chinese buffet restaurant and when we got ready to pay his card got declined so I paid then this fool asked if we could go to the movies, I said no then he asked for gas money. He called me the next day to ask for a ride to work and to borrow $20. I'm so glad I don't have to date anymore. How can you be broke on payday? I just don't get it.

I knew he was broke when he had been asking me to the movies for a few weeks, and when I said yes, he pulled up to the ATM, got $20 out, got back in the car, looked at me and said, "Now do you have your money?":yawn:What?

I knew a different guy was broke when I decided to meet him at the movies and after I got out of my car he came walking up out of nowhere from behind the building. After the movie he walked me to my car and I offered to drive him to his, since it was so far away (behind the bldg....right?) He insisted I drive off while he stood there and watched. It took him a few minutes to convince me to do that because I was like WTF? Why are you just standing there? Wasn't no damn car behind that building.

:lachen::lachen::lachen: CAN'T..... BREEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen:
He was taking me home from our first (and last) date and didn't have the dollar for the toll. Normally I would've said I didn't have any money but I wanted to get home so bad I gave him the dollar. And then he had the nerve to try to kiss me on the cheek when he walked me to the door. Ugghhhh!
When they cheated me out my my food at Taco Bell. I ordered a three taco meal and they gave me 1 taco and a small drink. I guess it was really that serious
I'm reading this on the tube home from work and I'd better stop cos I'm on page 12 now and shaking trying not to lol
We went out on a triple date to Applebee's and we were the only "couple" with seperate bills. So we got our bills and His card ended up declining and he replied "oh really? You sure? Wanna try that again?" The waiter replies "I tried it twice." My date was like "oh........ok...... hmmmmm." Then he picks up his phone and says "mom, you sleep? Where your computer? Can you put 20 in my account right quick?... ok thanks." He then proceeds to look at the waiter and says "try again brother in bout 5 minutes". This dude was 27 and his mom was 6 States away :nono: This was his first time meeting my friends and there were atleast 7 of us... my friends were 20 to 22 at the time, way younger than his broke arse.

I was on the phone with this guy I was talking too and he gone yell at the gas station cashier "since when can I not buy gas with my EBT card?!? Well can you point me to a gas station that still allows it?" He was so mad. I ended up putting $5 in his account for gas just so he could make it home. Then he drove a BMW at that and always talked about getting money. Later that night he tweets "eating good tonight, steak and lobster. Life of a boss." :rolleyes:
Yeah I learned my lesson and only go after a certain type now :look:
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I knew he was broke when we we visited his "condo" in NJ (We were Supposed to be going to his family's home for a BBQ), and it turned out to be a Hotel. On the way upstairs to his "spacious apartment" we passed a sign that said "Residents, please do not leave your containers of urine on the ground. Please instead, pour your urine down the drain, and dispose of the container." in front of the communal bathrooms on each floor. When we got to his front door he ran inside to clean up a bit, and he took 30 mins to do it, so I thought it must be a large apartment (because the whole time I'm talking to myself in my head, trying to tell myself that this Cannot be life, and I must be missing something). WRONG!! It was a room about the size of my bathroom, that held a bed, a dressing table, and a tv from the 70's. After he tossed his room looking for his missing weed, I placed a distress text to my sister who then called and made it sound like I had to run to a dying parents bedside. I hustled my buns outta there so f'ing fast, you would have through the room caught on fire...all while dude is trying to convince me that we should have a quickie...

I ran back to NYC with the Quickness!

girl NEVER go to Jersey.
nadaa16 said:
girl NEVER go to Jersey.

Why not? Jersey has a lot of prestigious areas where a lot of celebrities chose to live. Just like everywhere other state we have some towns here that has a bad rep. Just because dude is a liar doesn't mean there isn't a such thing as a nice condo in Jersey. Have you every heard of Hoboken? NJ is sometimes considered as the suburbs rights outside of NY. For People that prefer to not live in the city. Don't believe everything on TV. Most of the people that gave the state of NJ a bad name is usually from NY.

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
- when out meeting a friends new man, the bill came and he whispered to her...she picked the restaurant, why can't she pay. (referring to me). She laughed and played it off and we split the bill. While the waitress ran the cards, that fool sat there picking his teeth and said...damn, shouldv'e got dessert.

-when out for my cousins bday, 6 people after club visit to Dennys. After the bill came, one of the men who was paying for 3 other people at the table(wife, mother in law and sister in law), decided he wasn't tipping on their portion of the bill because he didn't like the food. The plate was empty, like licked clean empty and the other 3 we're taking food home. He put the exact amount on the table and not a penny more and sat there. My date and I covered the tip and we never went out with them again without asking for separate checks.

- when he got mad at me because I wouldn't loan (read: give) him gas money to drive his mother's truck and refused to let him drive my car after he totaled his. "Well, then don't get mad when we arent going to be able to see eachother" LOL. *shrug*, ok.

- first date: We both kept running into scheduling issues for our first date. Finally, we had one locked down and he called me and said he was having car trouble and would I mind picking him up. *bells and whistles* no I wouldn't mind. He then said he's going to have to push it back an hour. He wouldn't be that hungry, but he wanted to see me and hang out. I picked him up. He was dressed in sweats and an old black t-shirt with an obvious tear. I ask where to and he said he'll direct me. So, I start making turns and following his directions, thinking there are no restaurants around here, so where is he taking me?? Then as get further down the road, the thoughts became ...he can't be taking me to.......nooooooo...its not possible........


Yes, he took me to 7/11.
He hops out and said they have good pizza. He orders a whole pizza and grabs a drink and pays. He, then, turns to me and says ....so what are you going to get to eat. The Nigerian guy behind the counter starts snickering because my face is as readable as a 70 foot sign.

I bought myself a slurpee of which he asked could he have some. Then he asked if I wanted to drive around and talk and eat...I dropped that fool off before you could say "hot plate pick it up"

This happened 2 months ago and I never talked him again. He kept calling for a week after and said he enjoyed our "date" and wanted to have dinner with me "again."

i just died. how could he've thought that would be ok...just :sigh:
how come?...thats where a lot of wealthy men live. edgewater area, alpine, hoboken etc don't be fooled.

Why not? Jersey has a lot of prestigious areas where a lot of celebrities chose to live. Just like everywhere other state we have some towns here that has a bad rep. Just because dude is a liar doesn't mean there isn't a such thing as a nice condo in Jersey. Have you every heard of Hoboken? NJ is sometimes considered as the suburbs rights outside of NY. For People that prefer to not live in the city. Don't believe everything on TV. Most of the people that gave the state of NJ a bad name is usually from NY.

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

I'm from Brooklyn. :look: :grin:

:lol: I was just kidding though
This guy who lived in my apartment complex asked me out (this was years ago). When it came time for the date, we meet at the previously discussed place and he says he is having car trouble and asks if I can drive. Ok ... fine. So we are headed out of the complex and he points to a PT Cruiser (this is close to when they first came out, so I guess he thought that would impress me) and said it was his car.

Anyway, we continue winding our way out of the complex when he says: Do you think $20 is enough for both of us to eat?

And ... that's where the story ends, lol. I put him out of the car and went to get my own dang food by myself. There was no point in my playing/paying for a date someone else asked me out on!