I Knew He Just Wasn't That Into Me When He (fill In The Blanks).

]I knew he just wasn't that into me when he :

said she was just a friend and she was at his house in the middle of the night

said she was just a friend and he was at her house in the middle of the night

made time for everything else and everyone else but made me wait for him to have "time".

called me out of my name

played the "my cell doesn't get signal where I am at" game on me

But, now that I am all grown up I can recognize when he is just not that into me and I let him go and move on. . .quickly.. . . .with no regrets. . . .without looking back. . . .
I knew he wasn't that into me when he:

- Never called or anything on Valentine's Day and told me his mom had just kicked him out of the house (this was in high school).

- His "best friend" (a girl) who I had talked to and was cool with, called me asking if when me and him and broken up . . . we hadn't. She said they'd been going out for 4 months and implied that they'd done the deed. The next morning he called me calling me a liar for telling her we were still together. I had finals that day. I swear I thought I was going to fail.

- I picked him up to hang out at my house and he leaves after 15 minutes saying he'd be right back. He texts me 10 minutes later saying he was going to smoke weed with some friends and what time does he need to be back to get a ride home.

- When we always seemed to break up around gift giving days such as my birthday, christmas, and valentine's day.

Wow. These are deep.
Great Thread!!!!!

I knew he just wasn't that into me when he...

asked me over on Christmas Eve to wrap his sisters gifts, only to find out the next day, they were really all mine. Boyfriend No. 1

broke up with me while I was in the hospital with pneumonia. Boyfriend No. 1

gave me a gift card for Lane Bryant...I was a size 7/8. Boyfriend No. 2

acquired a wife and twin baby boys....during our 1yr engagement. Fiancé No. 1

I would type the list for Soon to be Ex Hubby No. 1 but I'd be here all night:grin:

Actually reading this makes me think I may stay single for a long time.
Okay I'm currently on the phone while typing.

I went out with this dude about 2 or 3 weeks ago on a weekday and we made a day for the following Sat. The date went well and he was calling and texting all willy nilly.
Sat afternoon came and he called to confirm the date. About 2 hours later I get a text telling me he can't make it. I replied that's fine.
I put on my fb status that I was sick last Monday and he put a comment like, You shouldn't have been out running the streets. :ohwell:

Haven't heard from him at all until just now. No text no get well nothing:sad:

Here's the convo:
NS: Hello
AH: Hey
NS: Who is this?
AH: K*********
AH: What are you up to
NS: Nothing
AH: So you've been sick
NS: Yeah...last week...
AH: Well I was calling to check on you
NS: A week later?
AH: I posted a comment on FB
NS: *Blank stare, finds this thread start typing*
AH: Well you know alot of people been sick and I've been trying to avoid getting sick also.
NS: Understandable.
AH: You know how that is...
NS: You catch colds over the phone?
AH: No...
NS: Oh I thought that was why I haven't heard from you.
AH: No...I just didn't call
NS: Ooooooooh....

Great Thread!!!!!

I knew he just wasn't that into me when he...

asked me over on Christmas Eve to wrap his sisters gifts, only to find out the next day, they were really all mine. Boyfriend No. 1

Actually reading this makes me think I may stay single for a long time.

Now that is just FOUL! :nono:
I knew he just wasn't that into me when he :

-would blatantly flirt with my girl friends right in front of me!! What on EARTH was I thinking?? :wallbash:
-only kept in touch with me via text messages. :rolleyes: Every once in a while he would call, but it would be very rare.
-never came to visit me during our 2 year "long-distance" relationship and expected me to come visit him in HIS state! :nono:
-(same dude as the one right above) texted me via a mass text message letting me know that he "just got engaged" and proposed that day to his bride-to-be. :wallbash:
-would never ask me personal questions trying to get to know me. I always felt like I was the one carrying on the conversation trying to ask him questions so that HE could open up. Silly me...I thought he was just "shy" or "scared". :rolleyes:
-never really wanted to go out with me and other "couples". That should have been a sign right there!
-invited me to go to the movies, had ME drive HIM there, and then when we show up to the movies I see that he's also invited some other chick to come and she's all up on him during the whole entire movie!! :wallbash: :wallbash:
-would not really look that happy to see me whenever our paths would "unexpectedly" cross in public. :ohwell:
-barely or rarely ever called me
-would only see me on HIS timetable
-would only invite me to come with HIM places, but would never really come to things I invited him to
-would rather fix his car rather than go out with me. :ohwell:
-when I asked him to come dance w/me at a party, he refused making some silly stupid excuse... :rolleyes:
-had ME driving HIM places and he had a perfectly FINE car!
-brought another chick to a party that I invited him to! :nono:
-never seemed that excited to be in my company.
-I always got the feeling that he wasn't really listening to me or THAT interested in what I had to say at times. :ohwell:
-only pursued me when he sensed OTHER guys were interested in me... :wallbash:
-only called about once every 3 weeks. :rolleyes:
-never talked about how he felt about me
-swore he and another girl were just "friends", but I would always see them out together being more than just "friendly".
-had no problem treating me with disrespect. A guy who is TRULY into a woman won't even think about treating his "dreamgirl" with disrespect because he'd be too afraid she would leave him!
-only invited me over his house or to hang out with him and his friends
-asked me about my "cute friend" and if he could get her number

Wow...that was a lot. That was pretty cathartic, but at the same time quite sad to write. :ohwell: Boy was I so young and NAIVE back then!!! I can look over those things with a calm and level head now days, but boy...those things really HURT me. :cry4:

Thank goodness I've moved on from those guys. :rolleyes: I'm SOOO ready now for someone NEW and someone who is actually REALLY into meee!

I knew he just wasn't that into me when he:

never asks me how was my weekend, what's your plans for the weekend, or how's school, etc. Here I am all asking him all this ish, feeling like this is all one sided!

Right! I know exactly how you felt. EXACTLY!! :ohwell:
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When he told me he got engaged so we our relationship would have to change :giggle:

yea I'm laughin now but I was heated back then
i knew he wasnt into me when:

i told him we should go out and he said "you must be paying"

when we had been chilling for a while and he said we shouldnt get into a relationship until after i turned 20. he was only 22 himself and i was 19.

when we only ever chilled at his house

when he asked to borrow some money but couldnt remember my b-day

when he kept leaving me in his house every 15 minutes everytime his phone rang. and then came back mad and asked me if i had looked in his shoe box. i got the fudge up outta there because i did not want to know what was in that shoe box lol.
when his "room mates wife" drove up is his "other car" and told me that she had been his "girlfriend" for over two years.

When i told him "we're pregnant" and he was quiet and finally said: "I know it ain't mine"..

when i told a naval airplane pilot that it's not working out on our first date: he gets up, the chair falls over, he points at me and yells: "NO DESERT FOR YOU!!" does an about face and walks out of this high-end restaraunt in La Jolla.
I knew he just wasn't that into me when he:

(BF #1)

First V-Day together. He forgot my gift & card at home:rolleyes: (mind you, I lived around the corner from a Walgreens so he could have picked something up before he got to my house!)

He'd always do random disappearing acts.

He came to my apartment to take care of me while I was sick, but he stayed in the living room all night burning up all my CDs while talking on the phone with some chick who's his "best-friend". I was in my room sick the whole time!

Later this same week, this fool leaves town to help this "friend" relocate and I didn't hear from him for over 2 weeks. I called, I'd text message him, email him, I was worried sick thinking he was dead. One day out the blue, he text messages me "what's up" like nothing is wrong.

^^^That was the final straw. It was wrap after that^^^

(BF #2)

Got pissed off at me because I had girls night out. He hooked up with his baby momma. (((I got him back though. I bleached his clothes:grin:)))

(BF #3)

Always put me on the back burner. His boys came first.

Left me stranded at the mechanic shop b/c he had to take a shower before he picked me up and dropped me to work. He got me to work an 1 hr late.

Cheated on me with different girls.
He would call and say lets meet and we never did
Call one day, not hear anything from him till a week later.
Wrote in his fb status that mud ducks should keep it moving.



its ok the only thing i was hurt by is that i let myself waste time on him.
when his "room mates wife" drove up is his "other car" and told me that she had been his "girlfriend" for over two years.

When i told him "we're pregnant" and he was quiet and finally said: "I know it ain't mine"..

when i told a naval airplane pilot that it's not working out on our first date: he gets up, the chair falls over, he points at me and yells: "NO DESERT FOR YOU!!" does an about face and walks out of this high-end restaraunt in La Jolla

what? No he didn't become the dessert nazi...

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.... said that he was going to give me an engagement ring for my birthday....and then gave me a Ruben Studdard cd. .... Guess he was "sorry for 2004."
1) in 9th grade, this dood got a "girlfriend" of mine to pass me a note he allegedly wrote 2 days before homecoming saying he couldnt go with me anymore and maybe we could just be friends...it was definitely her handwriting...2 years later i found out he was gay...oh, and he failed 11th grade before dropping out

2) i bought this guy i was talking to (or so i thought) a foot locker gift card for his bday...caught him at the mall spending it and tried to introduce him to my friends...in the time it took me to go off to get them from the pretzel kiosk he paid for his stuff and DISAPPEARED...later told me his mom was in the car waiting for him so he had to run

(i shoulda known because when she came home and he introduced me to her, she didnt even flinch...she knew my name didn't matter)

3) a FB of mine once told me he would NEVER not use a condom because he doesn't know what girls might be carrying...this makes me smile...a week later he stops calling and texting and basically drops off the face of the earth, then i get word from a mutual friend that he has a kid on the way...:look:

-this same guy texted me 2 weeks ago out of the clear blue, after a year of not talking to me...he tells me what he misses about me (non-sexual things, i was SHOCKED) and we agree to hang out on a sunday...sunday arrives, i text him and say "well?" and someone responds "this isn't ****, it's his fiancee"...

4) i invite this guy i am interested in over with a friend of his who is interested in my roomie...the friend and my roomie hit it off and are talking and laughing...the guy starts feeling me up and i reject his advances because i want to finish the convo we were having earlier in the day. after a few minutes his SECOND phone (the # he gives to girls) starts buzzing, he reads a text and starts laughing, then proceeds to text someone back and forth for the better part of an hour. i go upstairs and shut my door to calm myself down...i come back downstairs and he is whispering and caking with some girl on the phone, all the while SITTING ON MY SOFA. i grab his jacket, throw it out in the rain, and tell him and his friend to get the f--- out.
This thread is quite funny AND sad at the same time. Far be it for me to not contribute :lol:

I can laugh at my mistakes now, these all happened well over some years ago.

I knew he just wasn't that into me when...

- He wanted to hang out with me and then asked me how I'm getting to HIS place.

- I threw him a surprise birthday party at my house and the n----a gave me a kiss on the cheek and said "Aiight, you good with the clean up? I'll see you tomorrow." :ohwell:

- We didn't speak or see each other for weeks, and the first thing out of his mouth is "Send me naughty pictures, ones that make my third leg stand up *wink*" :nono: :wallbash:

- He took me to dinner and then ordered food to go for another girl he was seeing after me. :perplexed

- He didn't call for four days, "just because."

*sigh* LOL it's ish like this that makes me understand why I chose to stay single.
-When he sent me a text message that said "getting married". This after he said he would never get married...(translation...never get married to me).

The calls before going out, the calls during his night out and then the call after his night was over asking to come over

The bed was the only going out we ever did

Asking me about other females and how attractive they were

Him asking me out and three months later still no date

Him boinking the married latina in the next office and taking her out but would not be seen in the light of day with me

The Pastor, Jesus Freak, God Boy who would only call at night and want to have phone sex but not actual real sex because that was bad....*rolls eyes*
Wow.... :shocked:

Just reading this entire thread makes me realize just how TRIFILING some men really are! :nono:

But there is hope ladies!! There has to be hope for something/someone better. Some of you ladies have already found your "prince charmings" after going through these horrible losers. :(

So...I believe that sometimes you have to go through a bad relationship or two and make mistakes in order to truly find and APPRECIATE the "good guys" who really love and cherish you like you should be treated. :yep:

So...I just keep telling myself that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
1) When he gave me(his**feounce**) the same :holiday:X-Mas that he gave:kisses: his ex-girlfriend(secret santa co-worker). Two Old Navy Fleece shirts.

2) When he kept leaving me and my daughter:look: by ourselves while at a Chucke Cheese, so that he could:phone: **go play video games** across the room.

3) When he bought his desparte trashy :babyg:baby-momma over our house to :over18:#*%k when I was working hard at work.

4) When I only was allowed to meet his mother ONCE.:nono:

At least your hair looks good.
.....when he told me there was nothing between him and his baby mama and then i found out they were living together.