I Knew He Just Wasn't That Into Me When He (fill In The Blanks).

when my cousin and I showed up at his house unexpected and he was talking to us through a crack in the door. lo and behold, i saw a pair of keds parked next to the couch! He was entertaining! I was so crushed, I spent the whole night listening to "Misty Blue" Ain't noting like getting you head thrown under the rotors....
college freshman year...
when his "room mates wife" drove up is his "other car" and told me that she had been his "girlfriend" for over two years.

When i told him "we're pregnant" and he was quiet and finally said: "I know it ain't mine"..

when i told a naval airplane pilot that it's not working out on our first date: he gets up, the chair falls over, he points at me and yells: "NO DESERT FOR YOU!!" does an about face and walks out of this high-end restaraunt in La Jolla.

Lets nips this in the bud, the first date?!!:rofl::lachen:

Why do I picture this Salute! Attention! Hut 2,3,4!
..... when he told me how he kissed his college roommate (guy)

..... when he told me he dressed up as britney spears for halloween the previous year.

..... when he showed up to our second date in a bright pink tight tee shirt.

..... when he told me he was on a gay dating reality show pretending to be a gay dude for prize money...

seriously, i need to just stop being open minded. homeboy was gay whether or knew it or not.
When he told me it was unreasonable for me to think he could be faithful because of the industry he was TRYING to get into (wannabe rapper). Oh and ever better, when I initially met my husband, he (the ex) started to try to court me again. I really dismissed him but didn't want to outright hurt his feelings. Well, I guess he could see I was smitten with my now husband and figured he would stir some things up by asking me to marry him. I immediately and without hestitation told him "No!", then he literally spat in my face. You don't want to know what I did afterwards but it involved a hammer.

Funny thing is that he is almost 30 now and still hasn't gotten that record deal and he looks horrible and worn out. Thank God, for my wonderful husband who demonstrates what a real man should act like.
When he told me he was single on Friday and on Sunday was in a relationship on facebook (had a pic of him & her smiling together)

didn't ask me any questions about myself

answered the questions that I asked him with "yes" "no" "I don't know!"

Could not remember my name

wanted to make love to me in a hotel after meeting me for the first time

didn't introduce me to his parents or siblings or friends (due to his religion)

when he suggested subway as a dinner date (OMG)

He took another girl's number that he just met (behind your back)
He didn't introduce you to that girl (friend) who supposedly shared his great interest in sports

When I think of more I'll post them here...
Wow, wow, wow... Some of this I've been through and the rest I have not (thankfully). It makes me really appreciate my current SO.
I knew he just wasn't that into me when he ...

- never called, never texted back

- said he was getting a divorce, but started a business with the wife

- use my car to take other women around, then tell the other girls my car belonged to his best friend and wife.

- called me with gf on the phone and said "We can't talk anymore"

- always wanted me to buy him stuff, but didn't buy me crap

-left me alone in the house with a viscious german shepherd.

I've been coming back to this thread for three days because each time I tried to put my "shame" down, I got mad all over again! :lachen:This happened about 14 years ago with my first boyfriend. We started dating when I was in the 10th grade and he was a senior. We were together for 7 years before this particular incident took place but I allowed him to put me on a emotional rollercoaster for years. Looking back, I wish I had more self-esteem and confidence to leave the relationship earlier than I did. Here goes:

I FINALLY knew that he just wasn't into me when... I came home to the apartment we shared and found a used condom in the toilet. :blush: Yes, ladies! I did not even flip out because by the time that I discovered the condom, I had already decided to leave the relationship. Basically, I had had enough of his ish.

He came home a few hours later while I was calmly polishing my nails. I greeted him and told him that he left something in the bathroom. He looked at me like, "Huh?" and he went into the bathroom and started laughing. So, I started laughing too. This scared the dookie out of him and he kicked me out of the house that night! :look: This pissed me off but God is good y'all! I believe that all things happen for a reason because if I would have stayed in the apartment that night, I might have ended up in the state pen doin' 10! :lachen:

To all the single ladies reading this thread, do not despair if similar things happen to you because I believe that these experiences prepare you to see the real gems when they come along. That's what happened to me. :yep: I'm in love and happily married to man I met five years after that fiasco and I have never been happier. You overcome these things and sometimes you can even look back and laugh.
I've been coming back to this thread for three days because each time I tried to put my "shame" down, I got mad all over again! :lachen:This happened about 14 years ago with my first boyfriend. We started dating when I was in the 10th grade and he was a senior. We were together for 7 years before this particular incident took place but I allowed him to put me on a emotional rollercoaster for years. Looking back, I wish I had more self-esteem and confidence to leave the relationship earlier than I did. Here goes:

I FINALLY knew that he just wasn't into me when... I came home to the apartment we shared and found a used condom in the toilet. :blush: Yes, ladies! I did not even flip out because by the time that I discovered the condom, I had already decided to leave the relationship. Basically, I had had enough of his ish.

He came home a few hours later while I was calmly polishing my nails. I greeted him and told him that he left something in the bathroom. He looked at me like, "Huh?" and he went into the bathroom and started laughing. So, I started laughing too. This scared the dookie out of him and he kicked me out of the house that night! :look: This pissed me off but God is good y'all! I believe that all things happen for a reason because if I would have stayed in the apartment that night, I might have ended up in the state pen doin' 10! :lachen:

To all the single ladies reading this thread, do not despair if similar things happen to you because I believe that these experiences prepare you to see the real gems when they come along. That's what happened to me. :yep: I'm in love and happily married to man I met five years after that fiasco and I have never been happier. You overcome these things and sometimes you can even look back and laugh.

How the hell does he kick you out after doing you wrong?
How the hell does he kick you out after doing you wrong?

It was probably for his safety bc I know I'd be seeing red.

That reminds me of a ex who told me that he let his friends have sex in our bed bc they had nowhere to go :rolleyes: It was probably him and some girl. Yet and still I really realized at that moment he had no respect for me at all.
- when I found a random last name somewhere, then a few weeks later found a random first name then decided to google the random names together and found that the first and last name belonged to his pregnant fiancee

- when on our first date he remembered his wallet but forgot the all credit cards and cash that belonged inside....how does this happen???

- when we went out of town for a couple days, he left the hotel room for an errand, while he was gone the hotel phone rang...I answer and a woman calling from another country asked what I was doing with him and why I was in "his" room

sooooo many more but I don't think I can stay up long enough to type it all....lol
How the hell does he kick you out after doing you wrong?

He had the power in the relationship. Although we shared the apartment, it was his apartment because he paid the rent. :ohwell: Yup, I learned my lesson. As a woman, whether you are single or married, you must always have financial means of your own or access to funds. Unfortunately, I had neither and my paycheck from the Limited wasn't cutting it. :lachen:Live and Learn.
It was probably for his safety bc I know I'd be seeing red.

That reminds me of a ex who told me that he let his friends have sex in our bed bc they had nowhere to go :rolleyes: It was probably him and some girl. Yet and still I really realized at that moment he had no respect for me at all.

I think you're right. I was too calm, he expected me to flip out and when I didn't it scared him.

I also agree with your point regarding the lack of respect. I was not respected in that relationship and once respect is not demanded, shown, or given you have nothing. I personally feel that when a person cheats "so close to home" it is a sign of TOTAL lack/loss of respect. It is a sign you should take heed to and bounce. I was done after that.
I knew he wasn't that into me when he asked me out on a date and another girl that he was seeing showed up. She had the nerve to ask him what he was doing later and he said nothing! I was not in my own city, so he had to take me to a relative's house. He asked me to sit in the backseat and let her sit in the front. He dropped me off and went off with her for the rest of the night. I was so mad, all I could do was laugh because I was for damn sure that I would not waste my anger on him.
I knew he wasn't that into me when he asked me out on a date and another girl that he was seeing showed up. She had the nerve to ask him what he was doing later and he said nothing! I was not in my own city, so he had to take me to a relative's house. He asked me to sit in the backseat and let her sit in the front. He dropped me off and went off with her for the rest of the night. I was so mad, all I could do was laugh because I was for damn sure that I would not waste my anger on him.
It was time to shank a playa then.:giggle:
This thread makes me feel a whole let better about the guys who just never called or who called me "kiddo" one too many times. :ohwell: It could have been worse... much worse.
How could I forget these little gems
I knew he just wasn't that into me when he.....

-Put both of our lives at risk by taking me to a notoriously dangerous part of London. We drove around for ages looking for a place to drink, we stopped the car near a park. Apparently his uncle owned a bar at the end of the park. Needless to say I fell for his crap and we walked through the park to his uncles bar. On the way we saw something shining in the dark and heard shouting. A dark figure was coming toward us with a knife and in the distance the shouting was coming from the police. I ran but my ex didn't. The guy with the knife called out my ex's name. They exchanged something and my ex threw the knife in a bush. Turns out they were friends. :spinning:

- He planned a night out...in a pub...but we couldn't enter at the same time. I had to go in before him and then he would come in 15 minutes later :rolleyes: I had a sneaky suspicion he was snorting charlie :nono: thus the white residue up his nose and the dazzling eyes

- Didn't buy me anything for my birthday not even a drink but somehow he was able to pay for his taxi fare home, his takeaway and a bottle of wine.

- He slept with a girl on NYE because his friends got him drunk and gave him the condom. He told me not to worry because he was thinking about me the whole time. All he could see was my face.

-After finding out my brother's allergies, he made a cake for his birthday using nut oil :wallbash:

- He wanted to get his freak on with me in my mothers house...and her bed...and pretty much every where else

- He said he was going to take me shopping. We entered a corner shop :clap: and I was allowed to buy one item...a packet of cashews :lachen:

- He went to my downstairs bathroom to relieve himself...in my sink :yawn::drowning:

Not the same guys but I don't think it would make a difference any way.
I'm learning a lot from this thread
- He slept with a girl on NYE because his friends got him drunk and gave him the condom. He told me not to worry because he was thinking about me the whole time. All he could see was my face.

-After finding out my brother's allergies, he made a cake for his birthday using nut oil :wallbash:

- He said he was going to take me shopping. We entered a corner shop :clap: and I was allowed to buy one item...a packet of cashews :lachen:

- He went to my downstairs bathroom to relieve himself...in my sink :yawn::drowning:

Gosh :nono:
I remember this thread. Sometimes I don't blame women who decide not to date, this is ridiculous. Bit I have one

I knew he wasn't into me when after talking for a whole summer, he disappeared and when school started he was avoiding me. Come to find out that he was dating someone else

You live and you learn
Different guys

...when he came to visit me and show me his new tattoo. It was his "ex" girlfriends name:ohwell:

...when I called to hang out and he said he couldn't because he was watching movies with his dad

...when after having sex, he tried to get me to have sex with his boy

I have a lot with the latest guy, but it's too soon and too painful to put down right now
When I spent the whole weekend with him and we had to stay indoors because his neighborhood was "dangerous".

when his cellphone would ring and he would NEVER answer it.

when he dropped me off at Port Authority without a kiss or even a hug and just waved bye and flew out of the station....

sadly its the same guy from 3 years ago...smh