Do you find Asian men sexually attractive?

In General, Do You Find Asian Men Sexually Attractive?

  • Yes, love 'em!!

    Votes: 134 15.2%
  • Yes, but not my first preference

    Votes: 258 29.4%
  • No

    Votes: 374 42.5%
  • Never thought about it

    Votes: 113 12.9%

  • Total voters
Porsche19 said:
I read that one of the main reasons that Asians are smaller was something about their diet not being on the same level as Americams.... but that in the last 50 years, they have been getting taller because diets have improved.

It's similar to the days of Napolean. People say that he was short, but in actuality, he was average height for a French man in that time period, basically because of diet. Look at French/Europeans now.

Yeah when I went to switzerland maybe it was france we visited some of the castle ruins, and could barely walk through them because of the height. Menfolx were tiny. I heard it was because of quality of diet too.

I finally rememberd a fione Asian man!! He works at this BSS in Houston Tx. He was fione. Still a small frame tho. I would crush him. :)
I found this while looking for natural hairstyles a while back. I didnt think he was sexy but I thought the locs were interesting.


  • GangsterJapanese (Small)_1_2_1.jpg
    GangsterJapanese (Small)_1_2_1.jpg
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Wow... people need to get out more... After all the talk about all the different kinds of black people? There are just as many types of Asian men... just like there are so many types of African, European, and American men... If you have only seen a handful of them (and even less than that, when it comes to the media), then you are not basing your conclusion on very much :/ I went to a high school that was over 20% Asian and my college is 36%. I have seen so many types of Asian people that it does not even occur to me to think of them a certain way (i.e.- short, brainy, pale, etc.). IMO, a good number of them of them take better care of themselves (both mentally and physically) than many other men. And that in itself is attractive :]
Asian men simply don't appeal to me physically. It's just a personal attraction, and they don't do it for me. I've only found one Asian man attractive before.
Skydancer said:
Wow... people need to get out more... After all the talk about all the different kinds of black people? There are just as many types of Asian men... just like there are so many types of African, European, and American men... If you have only seen a handful of them (and even less than that, when it comes to the media), then you are not basing your conclusion on very much :/ I went to a high school that was over 20% Asian and my college is 36%. I have seen so many types of Asian people that it does not even occur to me to think of them a certain way (i.e.- short, brainy, pale, etc.). IMO, a good number of them of them take better care of themselves (both mentally and physically) than many other men. And that in itself is attractive :]

I asked this question based on an article that someone posted earlier on interracial relationships. It said that Asian men are perceived as being less manly. I just wanted to gauge perceptions. I realize that perceptions may and often do differ from the facts however, if you perceive something as being true, you are going to behave as if it is true, regardless of the actual facts. I had personally never thought about it before but then I realized that I couldnt think of an Asian male offhand that I was attracted to or anyone in mainstream media protrayed as a sex symbol. I love Jackie Chan but I could never see my self dating him. Its not meant to be that serious, just to get people thinking about perception vs fact, maybe why we think that way and if we are limiting ourselves or even feeding into sterotypes without realizing it. :)
I'm a firm believer in the mindset that " a man is a man." I chose option number 2 because while I find a lot of Asian men attractive, they don't dominate my thoughts every waking minute, :lol: . I find a lot of mainstream Asian men attractive, like Jet Li or Jackie Chan. But it's not like "Omigod you are so fine do me from the back now", ya know? That being said, attatched are pictures of the only Asian man who could get the drawers...Seo Taiji. He's like a rap/rocker; Korean. Yes, those are pink braids in his hair... :sekret:



Also, one of my friends is Chinese-American(but looks white) that I would have dated if he weren't so damn shy. He didn't have a problem with the race issue. All that being said, the guy I am with now is black. *shrug* Bottom line, a lot of them are fine, but I don't go out of my way to date them. It'd be cool though.
Enchantmt said:
I asked this question based on an article that someone posted earlier on interracial relationships. It said that Asian men are perceived as being less manly. I just wanted to gauge perceptions. I realize that perceptions may and often do differ from the facts however, if you perceive something as being true, you are going to behave as if it is true, regardless of the actual facts. I had personally never thought about it before but then I realized that I couldnt think of an Asian male offhand that I was attracted to or anyone in mainstream media protrayed as a sex symbol. I love Jackie Chan but I could never see my self dating him. Its not meant to be that serious, just to get people thinking about perception vs fact, maybe why we think that way and if we are limiting ourselves or even feeding into sterotypes without realizing it. :)
True, everyone does have their own reality based on their environment. But it is a shame that mainstream media contributes (or in many cases, actually creates) such limiting views at times. I see what you are saying though:]
Actually I do and have dated one. He was a local bodybuilder. Very tall...6'4" and he was Korean. Fine as could be but he lacked certain things.
Enchantmt said:
The first thing to keep in mind is that for at least the near future, the male “losers in the mating game” will tend to be the winners in the economic game, and vice-versa. Whether those men affected will view this as their glass being half full or half empty is another question.

Think about it...If we hook up with Asian men-all that money, power, and intellect between us...WE COULD RULE THE WORLD! bwaahaaahaaa :angeldevi
I have seen a lot of fine Asian men! I don't see them everyday but when I do seem them, :lick: , LOL! Fine Asian men have this unique sexy quality about them. Don't know what it is exactly but its HOT!
landakaye said:
Actually I do and have dated one. He was a local bodybuilder. Very tall...6'4" and he was Korean. Fine as could be but he lacked certain things.

What things? Cuz some 'things' I can't do without.
In general, I don't find asian men attractive. I used to have a BIG thing for indian men (south asians) but I got over that.
Porsche19 said:
It's funny to me when people say that Asians are short. On average Hispanic men are shorter than blacks and whites and we seem to like Hispanic men way more than Asians.

It depends. I can't do Mexicans...they're to short and boxy. Puerto Ricans look good though.
I saw Tony Jaa in martial arts film and he looked real hot to me after a while. He was kicking so much *** and was soooo good at it I couldn't help but love 'em :love:.

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Enchantmt said:

Why, thank you. I've got plenty to read today :).

OT, Enchantment, I was just in columbus this weekend at the Easton Commons Mall. The McDonalds there is off the hook! My kids loved it. How do you like Columbus? My sister stays up there. I'm in Dayton and I really want to leave.
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Neen said:
Why, thank you. I've got plenty to read today :).

OT, Enchantment, I was just in columbus this weekend at the Easton Commons Mall. The McDonalds there is off the hook! My kids loved it. How do you like Columbus? My sister stays up there. I'm in Dayton and I really want to leave.'re welcome. Columbus is ok, I don't have any complaints. I've lived here all my life. I'm more of a homebody though and I dont have any kids so I'm probably not the best source of information. You're sister can probably give you more information on the schools, nightlife and such.
kisz4tj said:
I have been attracted to a couple of asian men. I find this guy attractive

That's the "Native Son" guy that the article was talking about! LOL. That's Russell Wong and I always thought he was fine, he was in New Jack City, The Joy Luck Club, Native Son and Romeo must Die. The man is in his 40's and still look damn good! LOL. I've seen plenty of cute Asians in NY, the bohemians, and theurban/ hip-hop type usually look the cutest. And there are a lot of real good- looking Japanese guys; has anyone notice that Japanese people look good w/ dreadlocks?
Hasn't happened yet. Doesn't mean it couldn't happen.

I know cute Asian guys, but the attraction stops at "Awww. He's kinda cute."

sunshine91496 said:
Actually race/ethnicity does have a role in one's size. I don't see this as a negative. Most heavier Asians (absent those in that specific region of Japan with the whole Sumo thing) have smaller frames. As for hispanics, it tends to be Central American Hispanics who are "shorter" than those from Puerto Rico, Mexico, or even Spain. For example it is a genetic fact that Asians (Chinese, Japanese,etc) have the less amount of body hair than other races. As for size most scientific studies do show that Asians have smaller frames even with weight gain. For example, one of my Indian friend's grandmother is kind of chunky but she has a small frame, no matter how fat she got, her features are still small and petite. I am sure environmental factors play a role (water quiality, etc), but genetics is obviously a big factor. And given that most people tend to reproduce with people of their own race and with people from their own region, it necessitates that certain traits would replicate.

habe to disagree about mexicans. on average they are very short. and the women aren't built with booties like dominicans and puerto ricans are. maybe cuz there is less afro mixing there, i dont know
kisz4tj said:
I have been attracted to a couple of asian men. I find this guy attractive

Girl I love this man!!! he had a show on a couple of years ago ... on the WB

I love Asian men.. they are so cute ... as long a they have height to them... except for my baby Jet lei
Neen said:
I saw Tony Jaa in martial arts film and he looked real hot to me after a while. He was kicking so much *** and was soooo good at it I couldn't help but love 'em :love:.


I saw him in person doing a demonstration to promote his movie a couple of months ago. He is cute and is very talented. I could not believe some of the moves he did were possible if I weren't there. :eek: