Do other races of men approach you?


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies, I was at the bar last night for St. Patty's Day, and it was a predominately white bar. However, there were quite a few black women in the bar. I observed that none of the white men, or other races of men were approaching the black women. I just find this to be interesting. My female friend said its because we as black women have the stigma about us. Then I thought maybe too because I'm in Michigan, where there are rarely any black women/white male couples. Is it like this in other places where white men rarely approach black women? Do you yourself find yourself being approached by white men?
I've had white men approach me on occasion. I used to stop by this bar after work some time and men that were staying in the upstairs hotel for conferences and stuff would strike up convos with me, give me their business cards, etc. But they were always much older than me.

Hispanic men don't like me at all. :lol:
I've had white men approach me on occasion. I used to stop by this bar after work some time and men that were staying in the upstairs hotel for conferences and stuff would strike up convos with me, give me their business cards, etc. But they were always much older than me.

Hispanic men don't like me at all. :lol:

I had to chuckle at the bolded. But why dont you think they like you?
I've had white men approach me on occasion. I used to stop by this bar after work some time and men that were staying in the upstairs hotel for conferences and stuff would strike up convos with me, give me their business cards, etc. But they were always much older than me.

Hispanic men don't like me at all. :lol:

i get that alot. white men ARE attracted to us. they just don't want anyone that they know to know it. that's why they approach us when they are faaarrr away from home with little chance of getting busted. LOL
Yes, I do. Idk what it is but here in Florida I get approached a lot vs. from when I was in VA. And I was in a military town at the time. At least in the area I'm at now they are very persistent. I don't even put myself out there. I'm not looking for anyone now. I enjoy being single.

Must be the something in the water...or the sun lol
i get that alot. white men ARE attracted to us. they just don't want anyone that they know to know it. that's why they approach us when they are faaarrr away from home with little chance of getting busted. LOL

ur probably right. That is so weird. Do nonblack men think it is such a bad thing to date a black woman? And if a man is interested in black women, why should they care what anyone else thinks. Some men should grow some balls!
Yes, I do. Idk what it is but here in Florida I get approached a lot vs. from when I was in VA. And I was in a military town at the time. At least in the area I'm at now they are very persistent. I don't even put myself out there. I'm not looking for anyone now. I enjoy being single.

Must be the something in the water...or the sun lol

Are black women/white men couples common in florida?
Hispanic approach me; they like me alot.
Asian men have flirted with me.
White men have flirted with me and approach me.
Are you sure they have not approach you? They (non-black men) are not going to approach you like black men do.
Hispanic approach me; they like me alot.
Asian men have flirted with me.
White men have flirted with me and approach me.
Are you sure they have not approach you? They (non-black men) are not going to approach you like black men do.

Every once in a while white men will approach me, but from my observations here in MI, it seems to be the case that they will mainly go for white women, whereas black men are more open to dating interracially.
Hispanic approach me; they like me alot.
Asian men have flirted with me.
White men have flirted with me and approach me.
Are you sure they have not approach you? They (non-black men) are not going to approach you like black men do.

Yeah you're right about that one. :lachen::yep:
I've been approach by Asian men (Korean and Japanese). Plus I went through a period of time whereas, I befriended alot of Asians....weird. Oh well.

As for the white men, since my weight loss, I have been approach more and stared at more from them.

I do agree black woman have such a stigma about our attitudes. But I believe more and more white men are getting past that stigma, because it is stereotyping. My position is that I don't need an army of white guys to approach me. Just the RIGHT (white, my preference) man to be comfortable enough to get to know ME.
I'm from florida but I've lived a lot of different places. I live in Long Island, NY now. I found it more common in Florida because especially in the bigger areas like Orlando, Fort Lauderdale, Miami. In Michigan, they tend to go for plain, unassuming, the more 'beautiful' and glamorous you are the less they approach but wear a sweatshirt, a messy ponytail and no makeup and they come out of nowhere. In South Florida it's the opposite. I think the poster who said they don't approach us the same way is right. It's more subtle (that guy who asked you what time it is at the airport although there's a TV on and he's carrying a blackberry is really hitting on you) and also (don't kill me for this) I know it's a stereotype but most tend to want someone nonthreatening. Picture the blond, cheerleader who is always bubbly and smiling and super friendly usually fake but some if not most are conditioned to think that's the ideal woman. Although there's no mystery, there's less chance of being rejected.
The exception to this tend to be mediterreanean men (Greek, Italian). They can be more confident and bold. They often grown up in a strong matriachal type families (If momma ain't happy, nobody's happy). They are used to dealing with strong women (although here's a stereotype again that black women have strong personalities.) This is just my opinion based on my observations.
I'm from florida but I've lived a lot of different places. I live in Long Island, NY now. I found it more common in Florida because especially in the bigger areas like Orlando, Fort Lauderdale, Miami. In Michigan, they tend to go for plain, unassuming, the more 'beautiful' and glamorous you are the less they approach but wear a sweatshirt, a messy ponytail and no makeup and they come out of nowhere. In South Florida it's the opposite. I think the poster who said they don't approach us the same way is right. It's more subtle (that guy who asked you what time it is at the airport although there's a TV on and he's carrying a blackberry is really hitting on you) and also (don't kill me for this) I know it's a stereotype but most tend to want someone nonthreatening. Picture the blond, cheerleader who is always bubbly and smiling and super friendly usually fake but some if not most are conditioned to think that's the ideal woman. Although there's no mystery, there's less chance of being rejected.
The exception to this tend to be mediterreanean men (Greek, Italian). They can be more confident and bold. They often grown up in a strong matriachal type families (If momma ain't happy, nobody's happy). They are used to dealing with strong women (although here's a stereotype again that black women have strong personalities.) This is just my opinion based on my observations.
^^^ That has been my experience too. I've been approached by all types.
Only when they're drunk. And they make a point to say that they're white and I'm black. OK..... :look:
Maybe its this overwhelming diversity around here, but every race approaches. Certain races are consistently more polite/timid about it than others though. It's funny.

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The exception to this tend to be mediterreanean men (Greek, Italian). They can be more confident and bold. They often grown up in a strong matriachal type families (If momma ain't happy, nobody's happy). They are used to dealing with strong women (although here's a stereotype again that black women have strong personalities.) This is just my opinion based on my observations.

I agree with the above. I heard that European men are less threatened by black woman.
I have heard white men are not as bold as black men. Which is interesting because my sister has a couple of white friends and they told her that the reason some of them like black men is because of how bold they are when they flirt. So when a person is accustomed to being directly chased, its hard to tell whether laid back personalities find you attractive.

I am married, but I rarely got approached by white(WASP) men, until my last encounter with one who was drunk and her wouldn't stop talking to me. He was the most direct I have ever noticed. But like someone else said, I have been approached by an Italian and other Mediterranean men(sp?)as they are also pretty bold.
I agree with the above. I heard that European men are less threatened by black woman.
I also noticed too a lot of nonblack American men will date foreign black girls (Italian, French, Haitian) who've immigrated to the US. It could be that they are predominantly attracted to black women but find that most black women won't give them the time of day or it could be that a lot a us have negative stereotypes about nonblack men or interracial relationships that come through when we are approached or even before we are approached. Often immigrant black women will have this attitude hey, this is America. I can do anything I want. Why limit myself. Some didn't grow up with negative views of interracial relationships.
I agree with the above. I heard that European men are less threatened by black woman.

I just got back from Italy last week. They're less shy about giving a compliment to a black woman.
I don't see meeting someone as a tourist. It's very possible living there though because I saw more bw/wm couples in one week than I see in 6 months living here.
I also noticed too a lot of nonblack American men will date foreign black girls (Italian, French, Haitian) who've immigrated to the US. It could be that they are predominantly attracted to black women but find that most black women won't give them the time of day or it could be that a lot a us have negative stereotypes about nonblack men or interracial relationships that come through when we are approached or even before we are approached. Often immigrant black women will have this attitude hey, this is America. I can do anything I want. Why limit myself. Some didn't grow up with negative views of interracial relationships.

I have heard them say it's harder for them to date IR in the US as well. Someone has to first approach you sometimes before they can find out if you're foreign.
Also, a lot of African/Caribbean women tend to be smaller than AA women. That might help them a bit.
Not IRL, but get on one of those dating sites and it'll be like a moth to a flame.

My SO said for a lot of them, it's a little intimidating. I still don't get it.
in nyc all the time..i just think men are bold here period...but im married now so i smile and keep it moving...

lolol very flattering though :)