I dont think a woman is a crab in a bucket if she choose not to be SAHM. Being a SAHM is a choice everyone woman and family must make for themselves, if they even have the choice as many dont. I think mostly people are getting at the mentality that causes some folks to look down on those who choose to SAHM. It is understandable if a woman believes that it is not the best choice for her or she plain doesnt want to. What many of us are getting at, and I will be honest and say Ive seen some of that in this thread is a certain mentality that black folks carry about what the role of SAHM should be or she is useless, lazy, her degrees are going to waste etc. She should be cooking 10 meals, folding 20 baskets of laundry, etc. Basically she should be struggling inside the home the same way those who choose to and have to work do. We had a thread on here not to long ago about black folks and having "help".
The point I was trying to make in this post, is that if you want to do all of that fine, if your man expects that of you that is fine too. However, some of us have other agendas and will be doing a different type of work as it relates to the elevation of our family, and imho that isnt lazy, that isnt wasting your degree, etc etc. Its one thing to not understand it and lack exposure to certain type of lifestyles its a whole other ball of wax to get into what can be perceived to be a crab mentality....well I have to do ""50-11" things and if you arent doing all of this why are you home?" And yes crabs do exist, on this issue imho, there are a lot of people who wish they were even in a position to even have the choice, I know plenty of them as I am related to them. IMHO this is most definitely a class issue for the most part and yes we are generalizing in this thread, but that facilitates discussion because we are talking about general patterns. No one leads a struggle free life, however, there is no convincing me that there isnt a pervasive mentality and hyperglorification of taking the "hard" road that is the result of the AA experience in this country that permeates a lot of our thinking on various issues, sometimes good and sometimes bad. I also believe a lot of black women use that struggle as a barometer they measure themselves and others against. I definitely believe its a class[how can it not be when we are talking about the ability for a family to maintain their lifestyle one income? of coruse class has to do with it] issue, and while yes we are generalizing that doesnt mean it isnt based in some reality.
eta:tetah it wasnt my intent to offend you, if i did so, i apologize.