Well-Known Member
But, what I don't get is HOW is this topic about money. The majority of the SAHMs in the world aren't rich (ie RHWA) or close to it. The majority of AMERICANS are middle class with incomes from 40-100K a year. I think it's an overstatement to imply that a woman cannot fathom SAHM'dom because she hasn't been exposed to the life of luxury. It seems as though we are forgetting that everyone who is a SAHM isnt one by choice of additional finances, but there are some women who stay at home because they cannot afford Childcare. In fact, most women I know who SAH are "struggling" to make ends meet just like the next woman. Everyone doesn't have a husband who brings in high class dollars and she shouldn't have to feel inferior, or be perceived as infererior, if she doesn't. It's truly okay if your husband and my husband has different ideals for their wives, and vice versa.
now the bolded is def serious truth. Most SAHM are not well off at all Moreover, with the sky rocketing price of childcare, the underpaid nature of many WAH jobs along with the recent polarization of the workforce forcing many women to stay home it is a known fact that the majority of SAHMs stay home because they have to. The problem becomes further exasperated for a lot of women that do this and have working to middle-class economic status because they are now forced to pay for their own health benefits. In addition to attempting to establish retirement funds, and sufficient savings for future security, the cost of SAH for a lot of women is truly back and bank breaking. Def is no luxury in that.
However, as it pertains to the nature of the discussion in this thread the fact that there are a few women are afforded "luxury" SAHM lifestyles makes this specific type of SAHM mothering a class issue. For those few, and very few, women that are married to spouses that makes enough money to afford a housekeeper, nanny, etc. just because they arent working doesnt mean they are they lazy ingrates or are less busy or working any less than women with 9-to-5s and those SAHM that do all of their own manual labor. These particular women falling into the luxury SAHM tend to be active in volunteerism, social clubs, children's school and have very busy community service and/or social lives. They are always somewhere doing something. But then again, its also important to realize that these women are not the norm for standards of SAHMs for any race.
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