My best friend and I have decided to plan a weekend away to Butlins with kids. It's a popular holiday resort that have sites all over the uk. We're both going to break free from the day-to-day routine!
The only thing I'm apprehensive about is the long drive with two 4 year olds. Ughh.
My best friend and I have decided to plan a weekend away to Butlins with kids. It's a popular holiday resort that have sites all over the uk. We're both going to break free from the day-to-day routine!
The only thing I'm apprehensive about is the long drive with two 4 year olds. Ughh.

Prayers now, if you have a DVD player that might can hold them for a while.
Was he raised by a single mom? Does he have children? He sounds like he has some issues from his past. I would let him know that how your ex and you handle your son is just fine and that it is not a topic for discussion. One other thing I thought of is he trying to see if your ex and you are going to get back together. Those are my hunches.

He doesn't have any children and I'm not sure about whether or not he was raised by a single mom. He never mentions his dad though so, he probably was. Also, he credited his grandfather that just passed for making him into the man he is today... Still no mention of his dad. Our conversations are weird to me and I haven't been able to ask as many questions as I would like to.

Thx for helping me to look at it differently... I'm quick to take things personal when it comes to DS.
@All4Tris, @3jsmom thought what I was thinking. My first reaction was a misogynist. He seems a bit bitter towards women. Keep a close eye on that one.

3js, you're lucky you can travel with your parents! That means you get a sitter while you make short adventures on your own too. Lucky! I will have no such luxury unless I hire a sitter while on vacay. Too wary to do that, tho.

@Bublin, the two LOs should keep each other busy. Mostly :lol:. If you were doing a long drive with just one kid, that would be another thing. You're going to have so much fun! Would love to hear about it after

THe joy of single motherhood. Had a date with the SO tonight BUT DD woke with a cold and fever. Keeping her home today. The only consolation is that I work from home for my main client today so at least I wont miss out on a full day's work (just half). I'm self-employed so days I dont work are days I dont earn. Was also going to do errands like the bank, groceries, pay bills. Infinitely more difficult with a sick kid. But oh well:ohwell:
DarkJoy now that they are teens they do there own thing bc we usually cruise. My girls tend to hang with me while my son goes off
Hey girls! Just sharing a little update. Since I joined this new gym, they offer classes that not only interest me but also my teen daughter. She been able to attend and participate in dance sessions or play in the basketball court, etc. So this has been a three-in-one for me as a single mom because I get to spend time with her, get a good workout for myself, and also give her some time to enjoy some recreation.
Being at the gym, I've also had the chance to occasionally interact with different people and that has felt good in helping me to break out of my shell a bit, by being social and just having casual conversation here and there.
Single Mom Good Reads below; while we're with the kiddies we can get some good reading in that can help us strengthen any areas we may be dealing with or have dealt with when it comes to love and relationships.

There were mentioned in another thread but I'm just adding it in here for anyone who may have missed it; I really liked her posts from what I've read so far:


http://www.pinterest.com/natalielue/baggage-reclaim/ (quotes)
:bighug: to you all and have a great weekend.
Good morning moms!

I hopefully have a fun night planned this evening. Another single mom and I are going to a casino night type charity event at a swanky hotel. We are going in on a babysitter together, so that is taken care of :)

I have a cute, fitted navy cocktail dress that I am looking forward to wearing along with gold/rhinestone shoes, dangly earrings and gold clutch to match. Going to the gym this morning to "get it in" first thing, then getting hair "did", nails "did". Having my aspiring makeup artist neighbor do my eye makeup. Also, stuffing some business cards in my clutch to do some networking if applicable.

All the effort I put in this, I'm going to have fun if it kills me!
Good morning moms!

I hopefully have a fun night planned this evening. Another single mom and I are going to a casino night type charity event at a swanky hotel. We are going in on a babysitter together, so that is taken care of :)

I have a cute, fitted navy cocktail dress that I am looking forward to wearing along with gold/rhinestone shoes, dangly earrings and gold clutch to match. Going to the gym this morning to "get it in" first thing, then getting hair "did", nails "did". Having my aspiring makeup artist neighbor do my eye makeup. Also, stuffing some business cards in my clutch to do some networking if applicable.

All the effort I put in this, I'm going to have fun if it kills me!

I hope you have a good time! I am getting some quiet time this weekend.
What do you ladies think?

My neighbor is also a single mom to a teen daughter.

She's white, 52 & has been divorced and single over10 years. A couple months ago she told me I was "brave" to continue dating. That after like two misshaps after her exhusband she was done and has no intention of EVER being with a man again. We've been neighbors 4 years. She has not had a single date, man over, nothing. She serves as the neighborhood babysitter and has dedicated her life to her daughter, even going so far as to get a job at the middle school literally next door to her dds high school. They are together 24/7, go everywhere together, do everything together. Its like she's made her dd her mate.

In two years her daughter will be 18 and in college. I wonder what will happen to her psyche then.

Considering the choices out there I can understand. But it makes me very sad. I don't want this for myself or dd....but it could easily be me.
What do you ladies think?

My neighbor is also a single mom to a teen daughter.

She's white, 52 & has been divorced and single over10 years. A couple months ago she told me I was "brave" to continue dating. That after like two misshaps after her exhusband she was done and has no intention of EVER being with a man again. We've been neighbors 4 years. She has not had a single date, man over, nothing. She serves as the neighborhood babysitter and has dedicated her life to her daughter, even going so far as to get a job at the middle school literally next door to her dds high school. They are together 24/7, go everywhere together, do everything together. Its like she's made her dd her mate.

In two years her daughter will be 18 and in college. I wonder what will happen to her psyche then.

Considering the choices out there I can understand. But it makes me very sad. I don't want this for myself or dd....but it could easily be me.

That will be devastating because when her daughter goes to school what will she do? And if she tries to keep that kind of super close relationship while her daughter tries to exert he independence as a young adult, her daughter will resent it. There has to be a happy medium.
Even if she doesn't date, she can still have a fulfilling life outside of her daughter.
What do you ladies think?

My neighbor is also a single mom to a teen daughter.

She's white, 52 & has been divorced and single over10 years. A couple months ago she told me I was "brave" to continue dating. That after like two misshaps after her exhusband she was done and has no intention of EVER being with a man again. We've been neighbors 4 years. She has not had a single date, man over, nothing. She serves as the neighborhood babysitter and has dedicated her life to her daughter, even going so far as to get a job at the middle school literally next door to her dds high school. They are together 24/7, go everywhere together, do everything together. Its like she's made her dd her mate.

In two years her daughter will be 18 and in college. I wonder what will happen to her psyche then.

Considering the choices out there I can understand. But it makes me very sad. I don't want this for myself or dd....but it could easily be me.

This is why I joined meetup groups bc my kids will be out in four years and I need to live without them
What do you ladies think?

My neighbor is also a single mom to a teen daughter.

She's white, 52 & has been divorced and single over10 years. A couple months ago she told me I was "brave" to continue dating. That after like two misshaps after her exhusband she was done and has no intention of EVER being with a man again. We've been neighbors 4 years. She has not had a single date, man over, nothing. She serves as the neighborhood babysitter and has dedicated her life to her daughter, even going so far as to get a job at the middle school literally next door to her dds high school. They are together 24/7, go everywhere together, do everything together. Its like she's made her dd her mate.

In two years her daughter will be 18 and in college. I wonder what will happen to her psyche then.

Considering the choices out there I can understand. But it makes me very sad. I don't want this for myself or dd....but it could easily be me.

This is why I joined meetup groups bc my kids will be out in four years and I need to live without them
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Kinda makes me think of my mom. She had my sister when I was 14...I think as a companion because she knew I would be more independent and out of the house eventually. And also as an excuse to get out of social things/dating.

Now my sister is 14 and likes to hang out with friends and definitely wants to move away for college but now she has grandkids to fill the void.
I had a cool day with DS today. We went to my little brother's basketball game and then to the movies! DS was a little bratty but, we still had a good time!

I think it's time to get him in basketball. He's currently taking Tennis lessons and he was doing Tae Kwon Do until he quit earlier this month. His dad doesn't want him to start just yet but, DS wants to start now!
My oldest and youngest had plans yesterday so I got to hang with my oldest dd,. We went to lunch and shopping. It was nice hanging with my twin. We went to Forever 21 and three ppl came up to me asking me sales questions. My daughter was like I dressed you well then :lachen: teenagers are a mess.
My son is 2. I find that I like to date a man with a child vs one without one...but not 2 children, lol. And I feel like I want their kid, if male, to be no older than 4, if a female, 6 is the oldest. Am I being ridiculous?
I seriously need to get a hold of my finances. I'm not in any deep debt but the living paycheck to paycheck really takes its toll. I'd feel a lot better if I made some improvement in that area.
My son is 2. I find that I like to date a man with a child vs one without one...but not 2 children, lol. And I feel like I want their kid, if male, to be no older than 4, if a female, 6 is the oldest. Am I being ridiculous?

I understand wanting to date someone with a kid. But where do those age limits come from? Lol
My son is 2. I find that I like to date a man with a child vs one without one...but not 2 children, lol. And I feel like I want their kid, if male, to be no older than 4, if a female, 6 is the oldest. Am I being ridiculous?

Well you would be limiting yourself lol. That is a narrow range. I would not want the child to be same age and gender as mine though.
My son is 2. I find that I like to date a man with a child vs one without one...but not 2 children, lol. And I feel like I want their kid, if male, to be no older than 4, if a female, 6 is the oldest. Am I being ridiculous?

Very specific girl you are, lol. It seems like you simply like the idea of the kids being close in age, right? Nothing wrong with a preference. Is that criteria flexible at all?
Very specific girl you are, lol. It seems like you simply like the idea of the kids being close in age, right? Nothing wrong with a preference. Is that criteria flexible at all?

This....you might need to be more open but if that is what you want you can get it
I seriously need to get a hold of my finances. I'm not in any deep debt but the living paycheck to paycheck really takes its toll. I'd feel a lot better if I made some improvement in that area.

This is me too, my mom has gotten me on track. One thing that I have learned is money isn't evil. I had a fear of money that I thought it was bad. Now I am more grateful to it and the things I can do with it. I had a friend tell me to say thanks to God when I receive a bill that it will be paid. Also if I find change say thanks for finding it. She also just be grateful when it comes to money.
When I got my child support order it was noted that I have them with my ex having visitations.

I'm not opposed to him having visitations. Not to thrilled about him taking him on weekends ( he brought back my 3 year old with stitches and a missing tooth) and don't want him making any decisions since he's very spiteful and instead of looking at what's best for my son he looks at what's more inconvenient for me. So upset right now
I'm not opposed to him having visitations. Not to thrilled about him taking him on weekends ( he brought back my 3 year old with stitches and a missing tooth) and don't want him making any decisions since he's very spiteful and instead of looking at what's best for my son he looks at what's more inconvenient for me. So upset right now

Awww man...:bighug: