***Random Thoughts: RELATIONSHIP FORUM***

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Finally snapped out of it and realized this is God's plan. I will follow it and let him send someone who will love ME. This is way too much.
My friend guy is kinda struggling making ends meet for his fam. I wanna do for him because I can. He doesn't know how he is gonna pay his car note because he has to help fam, so he really doesn't now how he's gonna buy things for school. I thought about going to my bank account on Monday withdrawing $50 and buying him school supplies, and other essentials.

I was gonna make a post about this, but I really need to start answering these obvious questions for myself. I thought about it, then I realized how he would probably take it for granted, and why am I doing "Girlfriend" stuff for a man who is not my "boyfriend"? I'm pulling back. It's the right thing to do. I'm too young to be tied down anyway to a boy in which I'm not his priority. You are treated how you allow yourself to be treated.

This guy doesn't like me. I really don't think I like him either. I like the idea. Time to focus a little bit more on me. It's official. Phone is off tommorrow. I'm going to have a day all to myself tommorrow. Maybe eyebrows waxed, look for a few school clothes items, and take myself to the movies. It's time put as much effort into myself as I do these sorry or noncommitting arse men.

ETA: He just called....it's 12:30 AM...I dunno why I made him an exception to the rule. No calls after 11 unless it's a friggin emergency.
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I miss the relationship with my ex moreso than him as a person.
I have been trying to pretend like his new relationship doesn't faze me.
But I think it quietly pisses me off because she's pregnant.
& I don't think I can have kids.
I've had 2 MCs in the last 2 years.
He always wanted kids & I tried to give that to him even though I wasn't ready.
But it just didn't happen & I think that was for the best.
His GF/BM thinks that we still communicate but we don't.
I wish she'd leave me out of their messes.
I wish his family would stop calling me.
I wish I didn't miss him anymore.

:bighug: ........
when will you stop trying to control and plan everything. love is supposed to happen naturally. continue to be the man's friend and let your guard down... some?
I really wanted to find a boo just for the summer. Someone who is maybe just here for the summer, or maybe works out of town and is only here on the weekends. I think I just want someone to have a good time with- go to the park and listen to music, take day trips out of town. . . whatever. Enjoy each other's company while we have it, and go our separate ways until the next time we can be together.

But it's almost the end of July and I still have no summer boo :(

And then a friend came to town to visit some family and I find out he likes me. Go figure, I'm not really attracted to him. We hung out and people are saying we look good together. . . gave him a little play and it seems like he might be a lil sprung. I mean, dude, you live like 900 miles away. I hope you didn't think it would be anything more than just a fun time we had together.

*sigh* I hope the breakup didn't F up my emotions.
I wonder if I should just let it all out and tell him how I REALLY feel. :scratchch Maybe just write him a long letter? Will it help? Will it make things worse? I'm just afraid of being hurt again and/or scaring him away, and it's causing me to hold back A LOT. :ohwell: Relationships are tough... :perplexed I seriously need to snap out of this!!! :wallbash:
I'm wondering if women should talk about sex to their SO. When I'm feeling like I want to be close and I want him to feel 'special,' he just dismisses it and changes the subject. Could it be that he's turned off that I'm talking about sex? Or, is he just not into me like that?
We had a good time last night and I really needed that...It feels good to feel needed and wanted. Thanks Boo!
I'm going to chilll out and focus on me this time...forreal!
I come into relationships knowing what I'm getting myself into and expect to change someone. How can I change someone if I need to do some tweaking in my life as well.
God will send that one for me, I'm done trying to do this on my own because nothing results from it but confusion.

I became celibate two years ago.

Now, I think my sex drive is completely gone. :nono:

I did the same, and in year three, my hubby came for me...married in year four.

My sex drive is now our sex drive and its in overdrive.

Please don't worry. Leave the drive in neutral. :lachen::lachen:

If you can, keep waiting...it's well worth it! Congratulations to you on two years!!

I cleaned up yesterday...My SO is prepping dinner right now...All I have to do when I get home is relax and polish my nails. Things are flowing so smoothly...
You snooze, you lose...LOSER!

Your fear of comittment and emotional hang-ups are your issues, NOT mine! I'm strapping on my high-heels and living it up. I don't have the time to wait for you to man-up.

and even if I did, I wouldn't! :lachen:

Deuce out the roof, as I roll. :)
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I miss him so much! He made me laugh, he made me cry. He made me feel things I never thought were possible. He was my best friend and my worst enemy all in one. I miss the sound of his voice, the softness of his skin, and the touch of his hand. Oh, did I love how he touched me. I never knew what it meant to crave a man's touch until him. We argued over dumb ish and I do mean DUMB ish, but the make-up was incredible. Did I mention how much I love his smile? I fell so in love with that smile the first time I met him. So genuine, so real. When I listen to Renee and Angela's "Smile", I can shed some tears. Just like I'm doing now....
Going to pick him from the airport this evening.... So happy...:grin:

Now if it wasn't for these nasty cramps I am having :nono:
Things past relationships have taught me thus far that I have to focus on & remind myself of in order to have a good relationship in the future:
*Focus on God and myself before anything or anyone else. Being dependent on someone else for my own happiness is not a good look.
*Make sure to work out internal issues (insecurity, lack of trust for others) before walking into a relationship (saves both parties time and trouble). I've made great strides so far with God's help, but there is still work to be done.
*Don't fall for the dating game okey doke; be patient & observe for a long time before committing to a relationship. It's amazing how my past two exes would wine and dine me while we were in the dating stage and all of sudden were broke as I don't know what after we began our official relationship...hmph
*Until I am ready for commitment and marriage, I will not begin a new relationship and when I do begin one, it will be with a man who has his stuff together ALREADY. I've played the down chick for too long with nothing to show for it. If a man steps to me and his faith, personality, maturity, goals, career, education, house, car, etc. are not already in order, NEXT!
I wish he would come back from DR already...I actually miss him. This is soooo weird. I'm taking it extra slow though.
I like the way that men smell. not clean, but a little sweaty. I think it must be their natural pheromones. :lick:
Why is that I cannot attract a man over 30? I am 41 for :cry: out loud! Even on the dating site. A man looking for a woman between 25-35 is still wanting to chat/talk/whatever with me. I don't get it :perplexed
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