***Random Thoughts: RELATIONSHIP FORUM***

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He's finally back from his work trip. I didn't realize just how much I missed him until he came over last night.

I've been saying that I wasn't in a rush for us to be exclusive, but I think I'm getting that itch. Its been 4 months of dating, I think I'm ready. I dont want to initiate "the talk" though.
I'm giving up on relationships..I really suck at finding one. I suck at dealing with men. I just want to stay in my corner and focus on me...Men such a$$holes, I just dont understand them and when I think I do...I dont. It's all about me now( my career, my finances,my family(mom,bros, SIL, nephews)
I've gotten past the superficial "I'm in love stage".. at least I think I have...
Maybe it's the 6 month itch...
Starting to really learn more about him, good and bad which leads me to question a lot of things, and I see things about myself as well...
I realize that there is so much more to learn about him and myself ...

I went on vacation last week and before I left I had an argument w/ him and was very resentful and angry w/ him.. and it dawned on me, I really don't know him. I know the basics of what there is to know, but I don't really know him know him... meaning, that as time passes, there is so much more I learn, it's like I see more layers to him.

Which led me to the million dollar question, how in the world do you marry someone who you have only known for 3 months? I'm just thinking out loud here... And I know that as time passes you learn more and more about the person you are with and you will never ever fully know them right away, but still... during those 3-6 months, you don't really know the person, you may not know their quirks, weaknesses, arguing styles, etc... there is just a wealth of things that are not really known in such a short time span b/c things take time to manifest. Things are usually peaches and cream during this time frame.

I will admit, I was in love w/ my SO in prob about 2 months...but now that I look back, that was a very superficial lovey dovey kinda love. I never had a real argument w/ him back then or see certain sides of him, and vice versa. I know that as time passes, if we are still together the love I have for him will grow to have much more depth to it.

So again, how do people decide to get married within 3 months? Anything less than 6 months just seems odd and abrupt to me... b/c it's very possible you have not weathered much w/ this person during this short time frame.

One the same token, I think by the time you reach your late 20s early 30s, it really should not take you 4 yrs to figure out if you want to marry the person.
After 8 weeks and he wants to be exclusive...:grin: and I wanted the same thing.

What a difference two months makes! :yep:

Meanwhile the last guy just started calling me non-stop (i'm not answering) I guess he's just now realizing that I've moved on....Too late DUDE!!! :perplexed
It feels good yet awkward to finally hear you express your feelings towards me after all these years. Life is funny that way, but I'm not complaining...
Bump it. I am not going on a date with that old *** man. I know I have been single for a long time, but I don't have to say yes to the first person that ask.
Feeling like Im in a relationship without actually being in one. I think he understands because he asked me if I regret meeting him and going through "this". LOL funny thing is we haven't been through much of anything, Im just aggravated at the distance. I do like the fact that if he senses something is wrong he likes to talk about it and is genuinely concerned with how I feel. Everything isn't just all about him and he's not a "me, me, me" type of character and I lub it! There's an equal balance and he will apologize when he's in the wrong or just to end things,make me happy, and let me win LOL which I kinda love/hate but its minor in the grand scheme of things. Wish he was closer.
I really like this guy, but is he really "the one?" I have been so concerned about whether or not he would think I was "wife" material that I hadn't really put much thought into whether he was "husband" material. Maybe's he's not, and that's okay! Maybe I'm just okay with things being the way they are. But I do hate not knowing where his head is! He's so hard to read!!! I'm sure he says the same thing about me, though. :giggle:
FH mentioned something about how he hasnt taken a vacation since college. He feels it's time for him to really enjoy his life, travel more often and do new things instead of working so much.

I asked him where he wanted to go and said "somewhere relaxing where I can chill on the beach and read a book...I'm thinking Barbados" Then he followed with something about me being lucky for showing up at the right time..... I hope that means I'll be planning for a trip to Barbados real soon.....
I wish the feelings were mutual. I've tried to make myself want to be with him but I just can't. He such a sweet and nice guy but there's no spark. None at all. During the whole date, I was thinking of what movie I missed on tv.

I asked for a good guy and got one. He's just not my good guy. :-/
10 days until i see him. so excited. ive picked up a few dresses that i KNOW he will really like. nervous to meet his fam. rocking braids even though his gma said cornrows are "cute but not classy", cant risk having a frizzy mess. so excited to see my first broadway show :)
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It was so much fun going grocery shopping with him! He thanked me for going with him, but I really wanted to thank him for inviting me! I know, I like the random little things. :giggle: I'm weird like that.
We babysat on Friday for his cousin and the wife. When we sat on the patio outside after tucking them in, I got the strangest feeling that this could be my life one day with him.

And I was not afraid.
My bf might go down to DC to celebrate :look:

Ok, my random thought: Last night I check into my hotel in Cali (business trip). I get to sleep at 10:30 pm. Sleeping GOOOD :grin: At 2:50 a.m. I here porn-star-type-noises.

First I'm :barf: Totally disgusted!
Then as I'm forced to listen to the slaps :blush: and screams :blush:

Then I start thinking, man he's putting it down! :look::rolleyes::lick:

The Kappa's are in town.... that means it's party central...not sure how I feel about that :-/
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