***Random Thoughts: RELATIONSHIP FORUM***

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I hope everything works out for you. Hugs!! I've been there and it's going to be hard, but it's best you find out now before you get too invested in this relationship.
Surprised. I've spent the entire month with him. Was only gone for 2 or 3 days. My question is when did he have the time to even screw something?! He works fast I guess. I'm kinda numb right now. I'll break down later.

ETA: He also just met my family. I spoke with his mother and father. I didn't see this coming but c'est la vie.

You would be suprised how easy it can be to get some even if you are around that person all of the time...Sad but true.
I'm just NOT that into you. Please refrain from BBMing me all day long! I am working man! Sadly, if I was truly into you, I'd BBM you until my fingers bled.

Last night I had such a great time with you. Too bad you live in N. Carolina.

Mr. Nigeria, I am so happy I broke up with you. The vet called, they want to know when you can come in for your flea bath. DOG!
You would be suprised how easy it can be to get some even if you are around that person all of the time...Sad but true.

This reminds me of something: I am in town for a few days, spending the time at his place, and I've scheduled several appointments with college alumnae who have agreed to meet with me in the city to give me professional advice.

He rides with me to the city. We kiss, go our separate ways... or so I think. I'm in Starbucks, engrossed in my conversation with the woman I'm meeting with, we're getting to know each other, practicing interview questions, yada yada yada... and he walks in, sees me, walks right by me to meet up with a girl he's had a fling with in the past and someone he will evidently sleep with again, unbeknownst to me.

They spend a while in that crowded Starbucks, as it turns out. I have no idea that they're there. I'm here trying to move MY life forward. He's in the place, screwing me over, securing a$$.

When I leave, I call him because we'd agreed to meet up, and he spontaneously decides to treat me to dessert at a chocolate bar nearby.

All this he admits to me a year later when he confesses his infidelity to me. "Remember when you were meeting that woman in Starbucks... I was there, I met with [insert girl's name here], blah blah, etc."

How could I ever be with someone who can deceive me like that?

I feel no pain now about all of this. No anger (ok, maybe just a little tension:look:)... but those are my reminders that some deception knows no bounds and there's no place for someone like that in my heart.
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Maybe I'm just irritable because it's that time of month, but you are starting to get on my f***** nerves and I never thought I'd say that about you.
First day back in the office. I'm ready to go home and eat cake and cuddle in my bed... maybe even watch a movie.
Tell me why I woke up at 4am to work on a PowerPoint that I should have finished weeks ago:nono: the more they pushed the deadline, the more I pushed back the work. I presented at 11am, and though I fumble a bit, they thought it was great:lol: and gave me ideas on how to build on it.

I really just wanna go home and sleep!
WOW. These men. Did he call you before you met up?

Keshieshimmer No. Basically because we got such a late start on Christmas for not wanting to be the first one to call/text he said he would text me Tuesday with the plans. I said okay but I texted him at around 2 pm on Tuesday just saying hey (didnt want the same thing to happen) Well he just never responded. No call, text, anything! Who does that?! Even if the first date had suck we were friends before so can I at least get the common courtesy of "I think we should just be friends." :ohwell:
Why do you think its not important to look past a racial stereotype in order to see the individual ? Is other people living your life for you :nono:.
Things that make you go hummmmm....he indirectly asked would I give up my career pursuits if he was able to provide everything? That's a hard one. We both can't work 12+ hours so I get where the question comes from but what else would I do? I'm glad I'm not with you because I'm not ready for all of that.

And maybe I'm not really ready for all this relationship stuff.
:sad::crying3: SO's is still not here yet. He missed his plane, and though it wasn't entirely his fault, I wish he would've called earlier to let me know, because this ALL could have been avoided :hammer: I'm frustrated, he's frustrated :pullhair: and I don't know when/if he'll be able to come now. I've already been through my anger moments and now I'm just tired and ready to go to sleep. BUT, I can't sleep when I have anxiety, and it won't go away until I know he's on the plane.

ETA: SO got on the plane!!! :yay::yay::yay: I still want to do this to him though :fishslap: Lost a whole day, but I'm over it. I'm just going to be happy he's coming!
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i talked with one of my friends today... she's more like a big sib. i hadn't talked to her in the longest... she's been so busy. we were updating each other on stuff and every other sentence was like "WHAT?" "OMG WHAT?" "WAIT. REWIND. WHAT?"


It was nice being able to talk with her. I think that and some prayer today will help me start to close the door on this guy I'd been hanging on to. I tend to run through guys really quick, but when I like someone, it lingers a lot... and this guy has been lingering in my mind for a few months now. I thought I was over it, but some stuff happened, so the door in my mind got re-opened. :ohwell:

The convo also inspired me to take some things up in prayer, and when I did, for the first time in a long time, I heard God speaking to me. Like clear as day. It was some real stuff too. Just a couple of words, but it was totally eye-opening. I was like "Okay. I hear you." :lol:

Either way, I'm excited to see what the new year will bring. I just have this feeling like 2012 will be really really good. We'll see. :yep:
i last heard from this boy on monday, after we decided (or i decided) to postpone our date b/c of transportation woes in DC. Wednesday is now over and I haven't heard an update from him about rescheduling. i am not happy. I thouht we hit it off. I gave him my window of availability and he is not taking it. I am going to delete his number as soon as I post this... i am SO annoyed. irritated. mostly because my friend thinks highly of him and thought that us going out was a great idea.

a guy a went out with a while ago did add me on FB today. not sure why...? he's nice, and pretty darn put together. I don't think he's my type, but he's probably good to know. i'm all for opening doors to meeting other men... 2012 will be MY year!
I have officially changed my ways today. I will no longer act like a spoiled brat to my SO. I have been hurt to the core today and I will change my ways. Lord help me.
Had fun going out and meeting up with some old friends and making some new ones. It was nice to get out, put myself out there a little bit. I was more mindful of myself and how I appear to others. Not quite where I want to be, but close. I'm making great strides; very proud of myself. :yep:
The last 24 hours have been an emotional hell. I know what I have to do. What I need to do. But I'm scared. What if I do this and I'm alone again for another five to ten years? I can't go through that again. Sometimes I just feel so undesirable. Maybe that is why I can't find the right one for me. Maybe I just need to stay with this guy that isn't exactly what I'm looking for and just make it work. Wtf is wrong with me? Sigh. Too many thoughts and emotions. I need to end this. He will say its no big deal and likely will be fine without me. For him everything is what it is. He won't miss me or lose any sleep. Do I want someone like that?

Fb friends please don't ask me what's up on fb. Pm me here if you feel the need :). I can't answer you there.
The last 24 hours have been an emotional hell. I know what I have to do. What I need to do. But I'm scared. What if I do this and I'm alone again for another five to ten years? I can't go through that again. Sometimes I just feel so undesirable. Maybe that is why I can't find the right one for me. Maybe I just need to stay with this guy that isn't exactly what I'm looking for and just make it work. Wtf is wrong with me? Sigh. Too many thoughts and emotions. I need to end this. He will say its no big deal and likely will be fine without me. For him everything is what it is. He won't miss me or lose any sleep. Do I want someone like that?

Fb friends please don't ask me what's up on fb. Pm me here if you feel the need :). I can't answer you there.

I thought you were married? Either way, im sorry for the confusion in your life. However, it isn't truly if he will miss you, it is what is right for you. Again, I'm sorry.

As always: baggagereclaim.com help me sort out some stuff.

ETA: your rather attractive in my eyes, fyi...just sayin.

From MyTouch 4G...On which animated Gifs may not be seen:(
The last 24 hours have been an emotional hell. I know what I have to do. What I need to do. But I'm scared. What if I do this and I'm alone again for another five to ten years? I can't go through that again. Sometimes I just feel so undesirable. Maybe that is why I can't find the right one for me. Maybe I just need to stay with this guy that isn't exactly what I'm looking for and just make it work. Wtf is wrong with me? Sigh. Too many thoughts and emotions. I need to end this. He will say its no big deal and likely will be fine without me. For him everything is what it is. He won't miss me or lose any sleep. Do I want someone like that?

Fb friends please don't ask me what's up on fb. Pm me here if you feel the need :). I can't answer you there.


You know I totally relate to all of this. Don't hesitate to hit me up if you need to talk.
I thought you were married? Either way, im sorry for the confusion in your life. However, it isn't truly if he will miss you, it is what is right for you. Again, I'm sorry.

As always: baggagereclaim.com help me sort out some stuff.

ETA: your rather attractive in my eyes, fyi...just sayin.

From MyTouch 4G...On which animated Gifs may not be seen:(
No, not married and likely never will be at this rate. You are right about it's me that matters. I'm just so scared. But do I really want another year of this? Don't get me wrong, this man cares for me, dd, we spend a ton of time, do almost everything together, he will basically do anything that I ask within reason. But his trust issues, and some other things may be just too much for me to bear.

You know I totally relate to all of this. Don't hesitate to hit me up if you need to talk.
Hey girl. You already knowing about this cat. I don't know what the hell to do. But today is going to be a pivotal day I think.
I'm thinking I must be defective. No one I've ever known has these kind of issues but me. I'm tired of all of this. I can see now how some women can get defeated and just stay. Sometimes your soul just gets weary.
I'm thinking I must be defective. No one I've ever known has these kind of issues but me. I'm tired of all of this. I can see now how some women can get defeated and just stay. Sometimes your soul just gets weary.

TRUST ME! You are NOT the only one that has issues. You may be the only one that's willing to admit to it.....:bighug:
I can identify so much with what you have posted recently. I considered settling, but I figured, I can just do bad by myself........
I'm thinking I must be defective. No one I've ever known has these kind of issues but me. I'm tired of all of this. I can see now how some women can get defeated and just stay. Sometimes your soul just gets weary.

Not hardly.

Less than an hour ago I was thinking about damaged I believe I am.
TRUST ME! You are NOT the only one that has issues. You may be the only one that's willing to admit to it.....:bighug:
I can identify so much with what you have posted recently. I considered settling, but I figured, I can just do bad by myself........

What she said. :yep: (btw, hey crlsweetie912!)

You are NOT alone. If fact, I rarely come into the relationship forum because I don't want to even be bothered. For some reason, things just never work out for me. I just feel happier when I'm alone.

My "picker" is broken, i think. :yep:
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