***Random Thoughts: RELATIONSHIP FORUM***

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In the past week, I've found that 2 of my long-time married friends are divorcing their husbands.

When I was younger, I used to wonder why wives leave after being married so long. Now, I don't wonder.

You don't divorce the man you married. All that bullsh!+ about men don't change is not true.

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Why is everyone trying to pressure me to get married? I take my SO to meet one of my friends, she says "hello" and in the same breath "so when's the wedding?". Can a brotha get a chance to say "hello" back? Dang. This has happened somewhere around 5 times in the past month now. I'm tired of people.
I realize I ran from plenty men who wrote me love letters, sent flowers, and genuinely wanted to be with me. Now, that's all I want.
Zuleika uuurrrmmm, I can wait. :sekret:

On Christmas, he came with me to drop off a present to my gay BF. First thing my friend said was "lemmie see what he got you for Christmas"! I show him my new diamond necklace all happy. He sucks his teeth and goes "humph - not the diamond I was expecting. I'll give you a pass this time" (to my SO). I was so appalled.

I'm happy with where I am right now so IDK why people are trying to push the issue.
He made it clear that he did not want anything to do with me romantically although we had a psuedo-relationship. Then he jumped into a relationship then engagement barely two months ago. Now he is calling to check in me. This is something that I don't understand especially when he made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with me after all and I have been moving on by myself. Smh.
I was a little angry as I got ready for bed Friday night. By a little, I mean ready to just go out with other guys if he doesn't care about me! And other whiney stuff.

I'd texted the guy around 2pm, then went out with co-workers. I got in after midnight, checked my phone... no text back. I'd wanted to know if we were getting together over the weekend aka tomorrow.

He'd called the night before, but I'd left my phone at work for the first and hopefully the last time. Somewhere in between me getting mad and deciding my course of action, I realized that I wasn't feeling mad, I was feeling insecure.

I finally listened to the message he'd left me. He was so tired, he just wasn't making any sense. I realized that he'd probably ignored my text until he "got a moment" at work ( I do this all the time and that moment never comes) and then fell asleep after work. I also remembered that I was MIA the previous Saturday, though he had planned a nice a date. He'd texted twice, called at least twice and emailed me. And when I finally got my technology straight and found him (after missing the nice date he planned), he wasn't mad at me.

I decided to send him a quick email, saying I meant to call him back after work (and I did mean to call), but I went out with coworkers and I'd call him in the morning. (I wasn't going to call before noon, though, b/c he'd had a rough work week the week before, and slept til a little before noon that Saturday.) A little before noon he emailed me back saying he was awake, that the work week was hellacious and to please call when I woke up.

I did and we went out that nighg and had a really great time. We'll be going out tonight, too. If this whole thing had happened last year, I would've gotten mad and not taken him seriously. And probably would've ignored him a good bit. I think I'm growing.
^how are you going to approach that when you talk to him? He might say it was one of your friends or family members. (Like they would leave stuff like that at your house)
^ Oh my goodness. I am so sorry, hide the sharp objects....

Remember, GOD loves you too much to have to settle for what is less than you, this man/boy is LESS than you...What is with these men being so deceitful?
I'm sorry, curlee. :sad: no one should have to go through that. Be strong and don't listen to his lies and let him worm himself back in.
Know that everything happens for a reason. He's going to have excuses and some of them are going to sound real good. But she isn't doing for him what you are, and that's going to be his biggest loss.

Also know that there is another man waiting for you to get rid of this guy so he can show you what real love is. Every frog gets you closer to your Prince! Be strong and stand firm in what you want and deserve!
honestly, what kind of explanation do you really need? girl, call someone to come pick you up, catch a cab, bus, the first thing smoking... AWAY from his house... ain't s*** a b**** can say to me about no DIRTY NASTY CROTCH STAINED DRAWZ being in his laundry... NO deal!
Wow sry to hear that, you're a lot calmer than I would of been.

We're all looking for that good man, but are we ready for that good man, when he comes along.
That's the reason I posted here. I knew you guys would give me god advice and make it clear that I need to leave. Otherwise, I might have backed down.

I'm just waiting, for my ride (called my mom) to come or him to get home.
Surprised. I've spent the entire month with him. Was only gone for 2 or 3 days. My question is when did he have the time to even screw something?! He works fast I guess. I'm kinda numb right now. I'll break down later.

ETA: He also just met my family. I spoke with his mother and father. I didn't see this coming but c'est la vie.
::hugs:: girl, he has put you in a bad head space... at this point, it's time for self preservation. you're worth much more than that! and if he knew that, he would act accordingly.

i pray it works out for you... whatever you decide to do!
honestly, what kind of explanation do you really need? girl, call someone to come pick you up, catch a cab, bus, the first thing smoking... AWAY from his house... ain't s*** a b**** can say to me about no DIRTY NASTY CROTCH STAINED DRAWZ being in his laundry... NO deal!

I'm with you, IDK what rational explanation he could possibly give for that. And listening to him trying to come up with one would just make it that much harder for me to not crack him in his head with the nearest heavy object.

I'm so sorry @Curly Lee. :nono:
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This is something I'm working on but why do you ask?

I was having a heart to heart with someone, and was asked :yep:, Of course, this threw me back because I hadn't even thought that way. From this day, I will make sure I check myself on what I have to offer and if it's true to what I'm asking from a man.
(((HUGS))) Curly

I'm glad you decided to leave and leave the laundry neatly folded with the "evidence" on top.

I hope things work out for you!!!
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