***Random Thoughts: RELATIONSHIP FORUM***

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I can't believe my sister called SO threatening him and accusing him of abusing me and calling me the N-word. Like seriously? You think I'd stay with someone like that? I know you're my big sister, but I'm not 5 years old anymore. You don't have to tell me to look both ways before I cross the street or hold my hand. I'm a big girl.

And I'm mad that my niece/roommate lied and said she doesn't talk to her mom when I she's the only person who could be telling my sister these things. I feel like I'm being spied on.
Spontenaeity is seizing an opportunity in the present moment to do something unanticipated or which just became possible, i.e. super cheap airfare to Cozumel, or suddenly realizing how fun it'd be to go to the theatre this weekend becauase one of your favorite plays is in town. Spontenaeity is not waiting till the last minute to make plans to do something you would do any day but procrastinated about/didn't put any forethought into. Just saying.

Merry Christmas! May your life be filled with joy and true spontenaeity.

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I haven't heard from this guy at all since we've been in DC. Trying to cut him some slack bc it's the holidays so people are spending time with their families and old friends. I'm just annoyed bc he asked me about the 26th on our date last week, then he told our mutual friend about how he had such a great time with me and was planning to see me on the 26th. Then he texted me saying we should still try to hang out. It's the 26th. I texted him last. I'm the prize. So I'm not texting him. I've made plans for the day. Ugh.
I want to see .... The old one not the going one...but I wouldnt mind seeing the young one today if the opportunity presents itself.

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Went by my father's office with him to drop something off. He's giving me a tour when lo and behold, one of his freelancers shows up. Dude is cute! 32, single, owns his place. I told my dad that he needs to orchestrate some set ups! All the guys that work for him are around my age! Also the pre-approval process would be handled! There has got to be a benefit to being the boss' daughter.

Oh and that guy finally texted. I might see him. We shall see. I need more suitors.
i love him so much. i got to spend the whole holiday weekend with him. i haven't had a nice Christmas in the last 5 years. it wasn't about getting gifts, but it was so peaceful. i have been sick as a dog and he still kept telling me how pretty i was.
I really don't like it when guys who aren't my SO start using terms of endearment when talking to me. It irritates me and makes me uncomfortable, but I have yet to let any of them know that I don't like it.

In the spirit of being more assertive, I want to... And here's an opportunity to do so. New guy who barely knows me is calling me 'dear' via text. How do I let him know that I don't like that? Without sounding like a jerk... He is someone I may be working with in the next year.

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What's wrong?

You know, the overwhelming answer Ive gotten from this forum is that it shouldnt take long for a man to decide if he wants to be with you..So if you are seeing each other multiple times a week every week, making dates for the future, cooking for one another, discussing life goal and dreams, telling each other about weakness and fears, I would think that he is (almost) ready to be exclusive.
Well, it turned out not to be the case in my situation.
WTH is it that when I want ppl to be available their not but when Im not available they are? Ahhhhhhhhhh this just seems to be the story of my life.
I really don't like it when guys who aren't my SO start using terms of endearment when talking to me. It irritates me and makes me uncomfortable, but I have yet to let any of them know that I don't like it.

In the spirit of being more assertive, I want to... And here's an opportunity to do so. New guy who barely knows me is calling me 'dear' via text. How do I let him know that I don't like that? Without sounding like a jerk... He is someone I may be working with in the next year.

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I just straight up told the guy why I was uncomfortable with it. His solution was for me to give him a pet name. Needless to say we are no longer talking.

You know, the overwhelming answer Ive gotten from this forum is that it shouldnt take long for a man to decide if he wants to be with you..So if you are seeing each other multiple times a week every week, making dates for the future, cooking for one another, discussing life goal and dreams, telling each other about weakness and fears, I would think that he is (almost) ready to be exclusive.
Well, it turned out not to be the case in my situation.

Wow, sorry girl. So you asked him and he was like, he isn't ready? That is a scary part you never know, and people say that men talk with actions. phifft.
You know, the overwhelming answer Ive gotten from this forum is that it shouldnt take long for a man to decide if he wants to be with you..So if you are seeing each other multiple times a week every week, making dates for the future, cooking for one another, discussing life goal and dreams, telling each other about weakness and fears, I would think that he is (almost) ready to be exclusive.
Well, it turned out not to be the case in my situation.

SuchMagnificance Don't feel put out, the same thing happened to me in November. However, since I want a guy to be quite smitten with me in the beginning, I was happy to know that he was not. And he deserves an academy for the act he put on, even going so far as to suggest I stop spending time with male friends and being presumptuous about me wearing his ring.

But he didn't want to be exclusive after 3 months. Like, 4 days after I let him go, I met a new guy who has been great. If he is unsure in 3 months, I'll take it as a sign, too. I don't think it's a reflection on the individual. Not bad guys; just a mismatch.
You know, the overwhelming answer Ive gotten from this forum is that it shouldnt take long for a man to decide if he wants to be with you..So if you are seeing each other multiple times a week every week, making dates for the future, cooking for one another, discussing life goal and dreams, telling each other about weakness and fears, I would think that he is (almost) ready to be exclusive.
Well, it turned out not to be the case in my situation.

I'm sorry. I know it can be confusing, but he may have done you a favor. If you feel you've spent enough time already, then he doesn't deserve anymore of your kind gestures.
I don't even know what happened. I was on page one at the last post where someone said they had a relative by the same name, clicked on page 2 and Vamoose! :lol:

Dang!!!!! I knew I should've checked back sooner! FYI...the relative thing was a dead end because the description of the boyfriends didn't match.
You know, the overwhelming answer Ive gotten from this forum is that it shouldnt take long for a man to decide if he wants to be with you..So if you are seeing each other multiple times a week every week, making dates for the future, cooking for one another, discussing life goal and dreams, telling each other about weakness and fears, I would think that he is (almost) ready to be exclusive.
Well, it turned out not to be the case in my situation.

:huggle: I'm sorry, girlie. Will you continue to date, or is this it?

Just wanted to make a point that isn't discussed often on the board. Sometimes, men are lonely, and their solution is to date. They meet a girl, think she's great, and she becomes the filler for the void in their life at the moment. It's sad and unfortunate... But it doesn't take away from the woman's qualities. I am weary of cases where there is a lot of intensity in the beginning, precisely because it fizzles off very quickly. You (or in my case I) don't know if it's genuine, if it's loneliness, or a combination of both. So, I don't buy the argument that a man knows and wants to immediately... There are so many factors at play in such a blanket statement.
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