***Random Thoughts: RELATIONSHIP FORUM***

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I have to admit I'm a little overly excited about my 2nd date with this guy I went out with on Tues. An out of town date since we are both here visiting family for the holidays. I'm feeling a little too optimistic. I need distractions.
Putting my WMLB skills to use is having good results. I wish I had read it as a teenager.

You can't change a man. He can only change himself and get right or get gone.
Did I already update that Professor's 2nd date was a bust! CRAY-Z-NESS!

New guy, Chef, I met thru FB because of our mutual friends. Never done this before. We chatted for 1 week, exchanged numbers mid-week, and met today. So far it's going good!

Online "dating" and Margaret Kent's book has helped me focus on important characteristics, getting to know the man, and listening. I'm actually enjoying this.
This dude has so many freaking friends. It's ridiculous. He met all three of the people I consider friends in like one day :lol: I swear every time I visit him I'm meeting more. I guess some are "associates" but dang. I've met at least 50 people in three months. Geez! But I think that's one reason I'm way less introverted than I was previously.
I thought he was really into me but I guess I wasn't important enough because he has been a real flake since last Saturday...this is why a girl keeps her options open! And he was trying to tell me to make him the only option...mmh yeah.
Tomorrow I will call him for a coffee and a walk. Hope he says yes. Would be a nice early Christmas present.

He said yes :spinning: Tomorrow we will watch some basketball and share a glass of wine. It's been years since I've looked forward to spending time with someone. Merry Christmas to me :grin:
Ever had an EX that you completely FORGOT because they were that UNREMARKABLE? I have. I used to have to tell DUDE he needed to buy a personality from Walmart and he thought I was KIDDING. Well, I wasnt.
Friendship related post:

I just saw this girl post on our mutual friend's FB status update. I felt sad inside. About 3 years ago, she just stopped talking to me. I even sent her a message after she ignored my text and call, asking what was the problem. We had been friends for almost 11 years, I thought I was important to her.

I don't know, I am happy with my friends now but it sucks to just be thrown away. I would say that she has hurt me MORE than any man.
Friendship related post:

I just saw this girl post on our mutual friend's FB status update. I felt sad inside. About 3 years ago, she just stopped talking to me. I even sent her a message after she ignored my text and call, asking what was the problem. We had been friends for almost 11 years, I thought I was important to her.

I don't know, I am happy with my friends now but it sucks to just be thrown away. I would say that she has hurt me MORE than any man.
Keshieshimmer Sorry your friend didn't tell you what happened so that you would at least have some closure. Sometimes we as humans don't know how to process certain emotions ie; hurt, pain, hearsay etc so we don't return calls/texts and shut off our feelings to others ,as well as, self.
Give your pain over to God or whoever is your higher power because some friendships are not meant to last forever. Seasons and reasons I say.

Merry Christmas and I hope your new year is fantastic!
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Up early this morning.As I think back I have never known what love is.I have never loved anyone esp a man.Infatuation,lust yes but not love.Its sorta something I'm jealous to a small degree about in regards to some people.It would be one thing if I have ever had a great solid loving relationship with a man in the past then maybe I wouldn't feel so sad inside.When I hear my coworker say she wants a man I'm like you can get one easy bc your already perfect in image and other areas.Me on the other hand have a long way to go before I'm noticeable by the type I desire.I hope next year I will be where I feel I need to be in order to deserve going out,being social and being in a position in which I deserve to be treated well esp by men.2012 will be the year of social equality.
Just wanted to say a special Merry Christmas to the frequent posters of relationship random thoughts.

This section of the board has probably been the most helpful to and supportive of me over the past few years and I'm so grateful for that. I hope that Santa was extra good to you ladies. :)
Up early this morning.As I think back I have never known what love is.I have never loved anyone esp a man.Infatuation,lust yes but not love.Its sorta something I'm jealous to a small degree about in regards to some people.It would be one thing if I have ever had a great solid loving relationship with a man in the past then maybe I wouldn't feel so sad inside.When I hear my coworker say she wants a man I'm like you can get one easy bc your already perfect in image and other areas.Me on the other hand have a long way to go before I'm noticeable by the type I desire.I hope next year I will be where I feel I need to be in order to deserve going out,being social and being in a position in which I deserve to be treated well esp by men.2012 will be the year of social equality.
I prayed that you receive all that God has to offer. I feel your pain n saddness. I love so hard and I jus want someone to go the extra mile for me. Im in pretty good shape, smart and very independent....but its hard to find a good trustworthy man.....
Why did you get me something?! I hope it's not a trip and I hope I like it.

We're supposed to be over. Everytime I turn on my phone there's a message from you and when it's on there's a missed call.... Let me breathe. I'm not ready to talk. Just give me a chance and space to work it out my life first.....

ugh. I've been Scrooge to everyone all day. flipped out on mom & dad too. PMS & the weather turn me into a grade-A *****. I've got to be one of the most emotional women on the planet right now.....
I thought he cheated and you were going to divorce already. What's the gift for? I don't have the guts to tell it to your proper face.
I'm just emotionally hurt. And numb. I want to invite this liar over for breakfast once he "gets back into town", though I know he's probably already here, and cook his butt some grits. I need to stop watching Madea movies lol.

I'm still hurt...this sucks...especially at Christmas.
I'm leaving for Europe tomorrow for 2 weeks and I'm gonna miss you so much. :sad: But I'm happy we were able to spend some time together before I left.

I finally read the rest of the text messages. That's sweet.

Nope. I'm still not ready to talk. I need to think some more bc I don't want to get sucked in and trapped. I am kinda curious what he got tho :look:
its clear he just wants to get me in to bed... the fact that he thinks it's that easy has put me right off him. Didn't even make an effort.

I'm done even though it was for a few short weeks.

Nice knowing you *waves goodbye*
I'm proud of myself.... I haven't called him. Going to continue to keep busy and focus on me. I'm the dang prize....

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