***Random Thoughts: RELATIONSHIP FORUM***

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I guess you were mad that I did not know if I was into you after a week and day of meeting. You also felt offended that I didn't like you all touchy with me and calling me sweetheart.

A week and a day and you were already acting like you were my boyfriend.

I feel relief that I don't have to think about you.

Lol, ain't that some stuff? When a clingy (and new!) guy walks away and all you can do is raise your head, shout "Thank you, Laaaawd!" and release the breath you didn't even realize you were holding. Last month I went out with a sweet, super clingy guy who by the end of our date was scaring the heezy out of me. He kept staring at me and saying dumb things... And stroking my face. :barf: :barf: :barf: After, I told him he was making me uncomfortable, he tried to get me to sit on his lap. H-e-double hockey sticks no! Then he started the staring, face touching thing. I was like, "Oh my gosh, are you going to kiss me? Please don't." 5 seconds later, we were on repeat only it was, "Don't kiss me," and I stood up. As we said goodnight, he did the same creepy thing again! Umm... New guy who is asking me questions about marriage and living together, keep your grubby fingers off of my freshly scrubbed face! I was so creeped out, which is a shame b/c he seemed to be otherwise great and I know he really wants a real relationship. I'm just not all touchy-feely and I don't jump into a serious relationship at the speed of light. When it was over, I couldn't feel anything other than relief.

Now I've started seeing a new guy who is fantastic. :-) And not at all creepy.

I did this :look:

but then I changed my mind :look:

true story, one day I was in grad school and an intern, then the next day I wasn't and instead was engaged, collecting vintage aprons, & reading FW instead. :lol:

then I changed my mind again :look:

my quarter-life crisis is HARDCORE. like no joke. everybody is tired of hearing me complain.

All of you are me x2. You can even check my posts for the last couple of months. I've not only:

a) Put resumes out and have been interviewing for jobs since October.
b) Determined to start my own business and have been researching the steps I'd need to take to design my product.
c) Started studying for the GMATs. Read through most of the prep books, and will take a practice test during vacay.
d) Completed Fascinating Womanhood (I had that book rec'ed to me a while back... ironically, not via LHCF)
e) Started cooking up a storm because I want to eat well and have my future kids "feel the love in the food" :spinning:

I am seriously dating a guy who wants to get married and is looking to settle down, but is more (to the nth power) religious than me... I'm thinking about ending it. I'm not sure if it's the religion or the marriage thing that scares me more. Probably both? :look::drunk:

Ok. I'm done... For now :look:
Well how tall is he? lol

Lol. Around 5'7" ish I think. I'm 5'3". I've never wanted to be part of a "short" couple. Lol. I'm ok with being little and cute but I want to feel like my boyfriend can protect me... 5'10" is kind of perfect for me. If I were to be particular. Trying to be open minded.
Lol. Around 5'7" ish I think. I'm 5'3". I've never wanted to be part of a "short" couple. Lol. I'm ok with being little and cute but I want to feel like my boyfriend can protect me... 5'10" is kind of perfect for me. If I were to be particular. Trying to be open minded.

5'7" isn't so bad and you can still wear your heels since you are petite. A couple of those dating shows have shown that everybody wants 5'10" or taller and $100,000 salary or higher but most men just aren't that tall or make that much and so women pass on lots of nice men in hopes of getting this "ideal," supposedly perfect guy. Good luck. Keep us updated.
I need to do something nice for my DH this week, and by nice I mean more than me just not being a whiney pregnant lady for the night lol.
My goals for 2011 are complete and I feel comfortable enough to get back into the dating game. I never thought that I'd be this satisfied with myself. Leggo.
I've been having nightmares again.......

it's been a while since I've had those. this is the 3rd in the past month. I think my relationship situation might be spurring them--the breakup and now the pressure of my new situation... IDK.....

this ain't good.

ETA: the words "I want to make you happy" keep echoing in my mind. I don't want to hear that. I'm not ready for that. When I discussed this with the-Gma (grandmother) her snarky a$$ said "you will be engaged and un-engaged in months" jerk! :lol:

But IDK I want to make myself happy first.....all I will do is disappoint you; if I stay the way I am now you will always be chasing after me trying to make me happy and it will never be good enough..... You want too much from me, and I can't deliver......

I know this all sounds really weird...... IDK, I just want/need to work on me with no distractions for awhile. I'm trying not to change my # again, maybe I'll add another phone line and keep the others shut off for a while.....
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sometimes I hate my mother... she is just tryna get rid of me and put me on some man :angry2:

womp, womp. I'm not going out/getting engaged to/marrying dude just bc you want me to. You're not getting rid of me until I choose to leave. That means you have to deal with and take care of me. how bout you call Mr. D back for a change or talk to my dad aka still-your-husband when he's over and release some frustration?! how bout dat?! :hardslap: ***!

I have to look out for me as #1. sorry you don't approve or like it. I'm your daughter. aka your twin & mini-me. good job. Try harder next time...

I don't know if mother-daughter day is going down today :cry3:

NOTE: I'm just venting. We just agreed to go to the movies :look:
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I want to throw in the towel for every little thing. Do I even know how to be in a relationship?

Sent from my SPH-D710 using SPH-D710

I ask myself this all the time. *sigh* It just seems like there are too many rules. What not to do to not get a man, what to do to get a man, blah blah...

I'm going to start making my own rules...:yep:

On another note, I'm starting to get comfortable being single at 26. I do worry sometimes that it is going to get harder to meet someone. I'm not trying to though. But finishing grad school is my focus right now, so maybe after May 2012, I'll put myself out there again. It's hermit time until I finish my grad school Capstone project!
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He walked in (*sideeye* at how he just appears out of thin air and then walks in here without knocking *sideeye*) while I have MC Lyte's "Ruffneck" playing. Um. :look: I wanted to be like "it's just a song. You're good :look:"
So...I'm chillin. Last dude I was hangin w/ was all on my jock...I like that ish! lol Not feeling it w/ this one. And it's all long distance anyway....wtf am I doing?

I'm chillin
So, I read this yesterday that really resonated with me. My birthday year astrology. As you may have noticed, I've been somewhat of an emotional wreck for months... way more than usual. This is telling me that what I'm feeling is fine... supposedly.

When a Quarter Moon occurs in your Return chart, as it does this year, you are at some sort of a turning point in your life, in terms of personal growth. Events that occur this year act as catalysts that get you in touch with some important issues in your emotional life. Your emotions run high, and mood swings or identity crises are possible. There may be some kind of conflict in your life arising from a great urge to do something different. The year ahead promises to be a busy, dynamic, and significant period in your life.

You might enjoy increased influence, faith, and insight this year. The desire for more personal significance can motivate you to more ambitiously pursue personal or professional goals. The ability to sway or persuade can be enhanced. You might solve a problem that has been in existence for some time, or capitalize upon a resource that was previously hidden, and take steps towards self-improvement.

2012 will be a Number Seven year for you. Ruled by Neptune. This is a year of preparation, chance, and refinement. It is not a time of dramatic changes. Instead, it's a year when reflection on the past is helpful, and when refinements to your life path should be made. It's a good year to study and analyze. Unexpected twists to your life story and "chance" meetings are probable. Advice - take stock of your life in order to prepare for more exciting years to come, examine the past and plan for the future, get in touch with your deepest needs and uncover your personal power, don't strain yourself or actively try to expand.

This is what I've been feeling. It's funny that it says nothing about love.

On another note, I decided to express my feelings to the most recent guy, and though he continues to shut me out despite having expressed his own feelings, and I am sad about that, I feel okay about having been open.
I thought it was a case of him being extremely guarded, as I once was, but this is someone who himself refuses to talk, to me specifically. I don't get that, and I guess it isn't for me to understand. I was open about my feelings just in case he was actually guarded and needed the kind of encouragement I used to need back in the day. But that must not be it, and I'll likely never know the truth. I don't want to beat myself up for putting myself out there, nor do I want to over-analyze the situation or portray him as a jerk to give myself some kind of closure. It is sad, but it is what it is, and I am cool with that. ::long, resolute sigh::

Please, don't come around...

Your spirit is dead to me.

ETA: I'd rather be single than have someone drain the life outta me.
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I'm smitten as a kitten after my dates with the hot Libyan man!! :D Oooooh! I saw him Saturday and Monday, spoke on the phone for a while last night. And might be seeing him again on Friday night!

I like a man that arranges dates by phone calls and not via text. Point to him. I like that he thought I was 4 years younger than I really am :lol: another point to him! Flowers on the first date are good in my book and so is opening doors, letting me walk in places first, pulling out chairs etc etc...

I'm definitely liking this....
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Sorry for asking, are you a minor?

not at all. but I'm old school and too much independence as a woman alters the temperament IMO. Esp when applied to relationships. I don't want those kinds of relationships or men :look: My parents have always taken care of most things and I've already (briefly) tried living my own. I was *****, too mouthy and too controlling in my relationships during the "on my own" time. I have a lot fewer problems now that I've reverted back to going to my parents house. It's pretty normal in my world because with the exception of the married and those who are away at school, all my friends still live with their parents or their parents take care of them/pay their bills (we're all 25-30). Go from your father/parents house to your husband's. That's why all of our parents are in a rush to get us married and keep popping up with men we should try to date as potential husbands :lol: Anywhoo, I still have my apt (my parents pay for it) but I don't like living alone so I moved in my mom's house a few months ago. I'll move out or free my parents from having to pay rent and my schooling when I get married :look: .... If I don't, sux for them! :lachen:

My mom is just mad because I'm taking too long :lachen: She'll be iight.....
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Wow he was really concerned that I don't like to cook and rarely cook. Geez! It really kind of put me off because I don't need anyone trying to change me. You have two hands and a brain, you can figure a recipe out and make whatever you like! Just because there are stereotypical gender roles, doesn't mean you have to play into them....I will cook when I please!
I want to be seduced. Not sexed.

Seduced (mind first, than body).

ETA: I wish more men knew the difference.
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I want to be seduced. Not sexed.

Seduced (mind first, than body).

ETA: I wish more men knew the difference.

They don't get it. It's like rocket science to them lol

Reminds me of Chris Rock saying men aren't romantic and the most romantic thing a man's ever going to do is say "I ain't going nowhere." :look::lachen:
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