***Random Thoughts: RELATIONSHIP FORUM***

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I'm thinking about starting a consulting business. I'm not sure for what tho.... I just know I'm overeducated and kinda like a jack of all trades lol

NOTE: this is relationship related because income and my time would be influenced by this which affects my relationships :look:
On another note, someone mentioned to me that I "get it from my mama" when I told them about my father (who is still married to my mother) and my mother's psuedo-boyfriend (dude of 10 years she refuses to commit to and won't talk to half the time) both being at my grandfather's funeral last year.....

I never noticed it was weird or that was the case until I said it out loud :look:

IMO both my dad and the psuedo-bf need to let that evil wench (mom dukes, :lachen:) go......she ain't coming back or coming around, let her arse go homie......

IDK tho, she's kinda prude and extremely difficult... I don't think I'm that bad....
Say what you want about me, but I'd much rather have had a "shotgun wedding" rather than be a single mom! I'd be damned if I was chasing after a man trying to get him to take care of his child. I thank God for having a wonderful husband who loves me and our child. He does whatever it takes to make sure that we are okay without complaining. I didn't have to break out the shotgun or give an ultimatum for the commitment I deserved. He saw my worth and did what he needed to do! So grateful and blessed! Not everyone can say that.

Yes, you are so blessed:yep:. So happy for you and your beautiful little girl. She is just so pretty and precious. Happy for your dh too because he is blessed to have a beautiful, smart wife and adorable little girl:).
Say what you want about me, but I'd much rather have had a "shotgun wedding" rather than be a single mom! I'd be damned if I was chasing after a man trying to get him to take care of his child. I thank God for having a wonderful husband who loves me and our child. He does whatever it takes to make sure that we are okay without complaining. I didn't have to break out the shotgun or give an ultimatum for the commitment I deserved. He saw my worth and did what he needed to do! So grateful and blessed! Not everyone can say that.

Why do people call it 'shotgun' as if your daddy held a gun to his head to make him say I do? I mean, I don't know your situation, but just because you were pregnant when you got married doesn't mean it was a shotgun wedding, is all I'm saying. Id choke a b if they called my nuptuals 'shotgun'. The sex wasn't forced, and neither was the proposal nor wedding.

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I don't know what's more pathetic- the fact that you lied to me, or that you lied KNOWING how easy it was for me to prove that you were lying. I knew I saw that "feel better baby, love you" post recently. But you talking about that chick was from 2009.

I'm not screwing you, what the hell do I care who you're messing with? SMDH.
I'm not sure what you are going through, but please dont lean on too many people for advice. At some point you have to trust your own insight on things. I just find that seeking advice from multiple people means that you dont believe in yourself to make your own sound decisions. And plus you'll find that after all has been said and done by everybody your sought, they really didnt tell you anything you could not have told yourself.

If this doesnt apply to you please forgive me. I was just having this convo the other day with a friend and your post made me think about it. Best of luck and grace to what ever your do and are going through.

@Thanks, ChasingBliss :)
I'm going through a mini quarter-life crisis... trying to align personal and professional goals, with consideration/worry about the limitations that some institutions might try to impose on me depending on HOW I align those professional/personal goals... if that makes any kind of sense:look:

I do value your advice, and some of it does apply. I'm looking for reassurance re: one decision, and maybe I should just DO/not think so much, and just trust that things will ultimately work out in the long run.

Thank you:hug2:
MzLady78....another thing...not trying to be all up in your biz or anything, LOL, but let all those loser guys who are adding NOTHING to your life in a positive way, go. They drain your energy and hold you back. When I say let them go, I mean cut them off completely. Don't talk/text/email/IM/Skype, etc. It's not beneficial to you and all it serves is a reminder of how lame these guys are and how that's all that out there when that's not true.

Things you're going through....I have sooo been there and not that long ago either. When I cut off all that dead weight that was weighing me down, I felt soooo much better. It kind of startles you at first, because even though the guys were draining, you had a male to talk to, but once that wears off, quickly, you start to feel stronger, because you made a conscious decision that is a step in the right direction. Once you eliminate the losers, it's liberating, truly :yep: Then you create an environment for the right people, men AND women, to enter. And they help uplift you and help you become better at knowing what you want.

Sorry, I went off on a diatribe, but that's my 2 cents. And any advice I can offer, I'll gladly pass along. As BW, we all have a common struggle in one form or another, so if we help each other, we can be as strong as we've always been.
Say what you want about me, but I'd much rather have had a "shotgun wedding" rather than be a single mom! I'd be damned if I was chasing after a man trying to get him to take care of his child. I thank God for having a wonderful husband who loves me and our child. He does whatever it takes to make sure that we are okay without complaining. I didn't have to break out the shotgun or give an ultimatum for the commitment I deserved. He saw my worth and did what he needed to do! So grateful and blessed! Not everyone can say that.

Ditto!!! Shoot folks thought I needed the shotgun :look:
@MzLady78....another thing...not trying to be all up in your biz or anything, LOL, but let all those loser guys who are adding NOTHING to your life in a positive way, go. They drain your energy and hold you back. When I say let them go, I mean cut them off completely. Don't talk/text/email/IM/Skype, etc. It's not beneficial to you and all it serves is a reminder of how lame these guys are and how that's all that out there when that's not true.

Things you're going through....I have sooo been there and not that long ago either. When I cut off all that dead weight that was weighing me down, I felt soooo much better. It kind of startles you at first, because even though the guys were draining, you had a male to talk to, but once that wears off, quickly, you start to feel stronger, because you made a conscious decision that is a step in the right direction. Once you eliminate the losers, it's liberating, truly :yep: Then you create an environment for the right people, men AND women, to enter. And they help uplift you and help you become better at knowing what you want.

Sorry, I went off on a diatribe, but that's my 2 cents. And any advice I can offer, I'll gladly pass along. As BW, we all have a common struggle in one form or another, so if we help each other, we can be as strong as we've always been.

Oh, it's fine, I always welcome input from you ladies. :yep:

I totally agree. This isn't even the recent dude, this is the knucklehead from 2 years ago that I used to refer to as Mr. Iraq. I just got finished saying to someone that I'm too forgiving and I need to stop letting these fools back in (in any form) because they always show themselves to be the same exact person they were before we stopped speaking.

Trust me, there's a number of folks who will not make it into 2012.
Oh, it's fine, I always welcome input for you ladies. :yep:

I totally agree. This isn't even the recent dude, this is the knucklehead from 2 years ago that I used to refer to as Mr. Iraq. I just got finished saying to someone that I'm too forgiving and I need to stop letting these fools back in (in any form) because they always show themselves to be the same exact person they were before we stopped speaking.

Ohhh, yeah, I remember you posting about him. Girl, let.it.go. It's hard, but it's so much better. What's happening is these men are using you to make themselves feel better. It's really a Jedi mind-trick. They unload all their negative situations onto you and when you accept/absorb it, it tears you down. I mean, all that energy wasted on a dude that you don't even care about like that from two years ago. That mental energy could be better spent doing what you need to do (things you've mentioned you want to do regarding job/location, etc).

The best way I can describe it is with a hair analogy. You know how people used to tell you NOT to put water on your hair or that trimming makes your hair grow? Okay, when you finally realized those weren't true, you were able to see the difference in the health and growth of your hair. Letting these dudes go (the old, now-defunct ones, LOL) will help you see a difference in your personal health and growth.
Ohhh, yeah, I remember you posting about him. Girl, let.it.go. It's hard, but it's so much better. What's happening is these men are using you to make themselves feel better. It's really a Jedi mind-trick. They unload all their negative situations onto you and when you accept/absorb it, it tears you down. I mean, all that energy wasted on a dude that you don't even care about like that from two years ago. That mental energy could be better spent doing what you need to do (things you've mentioned you want to do regarding job/location, etc).

The best way I can describe it is with a hair analogy. You know how people used to tell you NOT to put water on your hair or that trimming makes your hair grow? Okay, when you finally realized those weren't true, you were able to see the difference in the health and growth of your hair. Letting these dudes go (the old, now-defunct ones, LOL) will help you see a difference in your personal health and growth.

LOL, love the hair analogy.

He hit me up in response to me posting on FB about going to Vegas for my birthday, because his is around the same time and he's actually going for his as well. So he wanted to text me the info about where he got his deal, etc. That's the only reason I even entertained him. Aside from that, he's a non-****** ****** factor. I just couldn't believe that he felt the need to lie to me when there's nothing between us anymore.
LOL, love the hair analogy.

He hit me up in response to me posting on FB about going to Vegas for my birthday, because his is around the same time and he's actually going for his as well. So he wanted to text me the info about where he got his deal, etc. That's the only reason I even entertained him. Aside from that, he's a non-****** ****** factor. I just couldn't believe that he felt the need to lie to me when there's nothing between us anymore.

I hate to be all in your business MzLady78 but I don't know why you pay these men any attention at all.,,.a non-factor is just that, a "non-m*thaf*ckin-factor"....IMO, it's fine that they pay you attention but acknowledging their existence is a whole nother issue.... The fact that any of them are notable enough for you to discuss is very telling... I wouldnt be talking about the vegas thing til dude actual paid for the ticket and a suite, until then he is just blowing hot air :look:
Say what you want about me, but I'd much rather have had a "shotgun wedding" rather than be a single mom! I'd be damned if I was chasing after a man trying to get him to take care of his child. I thank God for having a wonderful husband who loves me and our child. He does whatever it takes to make sure that we are okay without complaining. I didn't have to break out the shotgun or give an ultimatum for the commitment I deserved. He saw my worth and did what he needed to do! So grateful and blessed! Not everyone can say that.

Guess you told them! Take that you unmarried single mama trollops!! :woot:

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I hate to be all in your business @MzLady78 but I don't know why you pay these men any attention at all.,,.a non-factor is just that, a "non-m*thaf*ckin-factor"....IMO, it's fine that they pay you attention but acknowledging their existence is a whole nother issue.... The fact that any of them are notable enough for you to discuss is very telling... I wouldnt be talking about the vegas thing til dude actual paid for the ticket and a suite, until then he is just blowing hot air :look:

Well, like I stated, I was curious as to what kind of deal he got and where, that was all I wanted to know. I don't care about having his attention. His trip has nothing to do with mine, I'm not going anywhere with him.

I posted because I don't appreciate about being lied to, period.
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Well, like I stated, I was curious as to what kind of deal he got and where, that was all I wanted to know. I don't care about having his attention. His trip has nothing to do with mine, I'm not going anywhere with him.

I posted because I don't appreciate about being lied to, period.

ok, i see. I'm not going to project on you because we handle things differently.

But I agree, it's messed up that dude felt the need to lie for no reason like that....
ok, i see.I'm not going to project on you because we handle things differently.

But I agree, it's messed up that dude felt the need to lie for no reason like that....

I feel you. But truth be told, there are some characteristics about you that I definitely admire and wish I had.

I'm just a very open person, to a fault. It would serve me well to learn how to be a little more closed off, at least when it comes to dealing with people who clearly don't have my best interests in heart.
He pulled me to the side to say "you look amazing." I blushed. But then I thought, "now what, ****?" :look:

*singing* Where do we go from heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere? */singing*

M.B.I.R. :look:

ETA: We can't say 'b.i.s.h.'? :sad:
I feel you. But truth be told, there are some characteristics about you that I definitely admire and wish I had.

I'm just a very open person, to a fault. It would serve me well to learn how to be a little more closed off, at least when it comes to dealing with people who clearly don't have my best interests in heart.

I was just talking to a friend who I think is similar to you, you have a HEART. something I wish I had, and admire. I make strong connections with other people, but unforunately it's easy for me to change my mind, detach and leave them. My feelings are very surface in what I am able to display to others, regardless how I feel deep down :ohwell:

I don't even know if I'm capable of falling truly and sincerely in love. You clearlly have that ability, something which I respect and envy :hug2:
@MzLady78....another thing...not trying to be all up in your biz or anything, LOL, but let all those loser guys who are adding NOTHING to your life in a positive way, go. They drain your energy and hold you back. When I say let them go, I mean cut them off completely. Don't talk/text/email/IM/Skype, etc. It's not beneficial to you and all it serves is a reminder of how lame these guys are and how that's all that out there when that's not true.

Things you're going through....I have sooo been there and not that long ago either. When I cut off all that dead weight that was weighing me down, I felt soooo much better. It kind of startles you at first, because even though the guys were draining, you had a male to talk to, but once that wears off, quickly, you start to feel stronger, because you made a conscious decision that is a step in the right direction. Once you eliminate the losers, it's liberating, truly :yep: Then you create an environment for the right people, men AND women, to enter. And they help uplift you and help you become better at knowing what you want.

Sorry, I went off on a diatribe, but that's my 2 cents. And any advice I can offer, I'll gladly pass along. As BW, we all have a common struggle in one form or another, so if we help each other, we can be as strong as we've always been.

Honey! Where is the blank for me to cosign this? Yassss.

On another note, I don't know if yall remember the guy that I had to "school on life" pages ago--I'm sure you don't but just as a refresher, he's been a creeper but I thought he was nice until he sent me a text with profanities. So I told him not to contact me and I blocked him on FB. Should I pretend that the friend request I got yesterday from a lady with whom I share no mutual friends and whose name is extremely similar to his is not the same person? :look: Let's just say that his name was Andy Cosby. Her name is Anna Cosby and the profile picture looks weird--it's black and white and old...almost as if it's not a real person. I hope this is a coincidence and this fool isn't just 100% grade A crazy. Because that's just ridiculous on so many levels.
I was just talking to a friend who I think is similar to you, you have a HEART. something I wish I had, and admire. I make strong connections with other people, but unforunately it's easy for me to change my mind, detach and leave them. My feelings are very surface in what I am able to display to others, regardless how I feel deep down :ohwell:

I don't even know if I'm capable of falling truly and sincerely in love. You clearlly have that ability, something which I respect and envy :hug2:

Aww, see what a sap I am, this made me tear up a little!

Funny, this morning I was singing "What's Love Got to Do with It" in my head, and I found myself focusing on the "who needs a heart when a heart can be broken" line. I've been through a lot, so I'm really surprised that I do still have the ability to love. Now if I can just have it with the right person, under the right circumstances.

I think the key for both of us is balance and finding some sort of middle ground. I think we both are on the extreme end of our respective issues. :lol:
I was just talking to a friend who I think is similar to you, you have a HEART. something I wish I had, and admire. I make strong connections with other people, but unforunately it's easy for me to change my mind, detach and leave them. My feelings are very surface in what I am able to display to others, regardless how I feel deep down :ohwell:

I don't even know if I'm capable of falling truly and sincerely in love. You clearlly have that ability, something which I respect and envy :hug2:

barbiesocialite 1st bold...This is me...all day, everyday. I'm working on it though. I feel I may have some slightly sociopathic tendencies. :look: I'll probably delete that last sentence cause I know how it goes down on here. But I just don't express everything on here, but I feel you completely and you articulated exactly how I feel.

2nd bold...I used to say that ALL the time. I found out that's not true, though. You really do have to learn to completely trust someone else and let down your emotional barrier. But you and I are >>>>>>here<<<<<<
barbiesocialite 1st bold...This is me...all day, everyday. I'm working on it though. I feel I may have some slightly sociopathic tendencies. :look: I'll probably delete that last sentence cause I know how it goes down on here. But I just don't express everything on here, but I feel you completely and you articulated exactly how I feel.

2nd bold...I used to say that ALL the time. I found out that's not true, though. You really do have to learn to completely trust someone else and let down your emotional barrier. But you and I are >>>>>>here<<<<<<

naw girl, I'm a borderline all day errday (after researching the therapy methods of my past shrinks I realized that's what they were diagnosing :look:), it's a legacy thing; femme fatale or *****. :look: thats why the women in my family have such a low divoce rate and high infidelity rate bc we put ninjas through guilt trips and emotional chokeholds :lol: it is what it is, but if I'm ever going to have a meaningful relationship I need to get a grip on this ****.....

this makes me feel bad about my horrible idea (where my homegirl told me to 'take a seat') of marrying my new guy friend as a starter husband.....
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sooo I just had that 2nd round interview a few minutes ago and I believe it went great. I sure hope the hiring manager feels the same. If I'm chosen, I'll be headed to a beautiful, sunny state this summer!:grin::grin: I'll update when I hear back from them:yep:
naw girl, I'm a borderline all day errday (after researching the therapy methods of my past shrinks I realized that's what they were diagnosing :look:), it's a legacy thing; femme fatale or *****. :look: thats why the women in my family have such a low divoce rate and high infidelity rate bc we put ninjas through guit trips and emotional chokeholds :lol: it is what it is, but if I'm ever going to have a meaningful relationship I need to get a grip on this ****.....

this makes me feel bad about my horrible idea (where my homegirl told me to 'take a seat') of marrying my new guy friend as a starter husband.....
barbiesocialite:lachen:I just cant with you :kiss:
I was just talking to a friend who I think is similar to you, you have a HEART. something I wish I had, and admire. I make strong connections with other people, but unforunately it's easy for me to change my mind, detach and leave them. My feelings are very surface in what I am able to display to others, regardless how I feel deep down :ohwell:

I don't even know if I'm capable of falling truly and sincerely in love. You clearlly have that ability, something which I respect and envy :hug2:

barbiesocialite This is so open and honest. Thanks for sharing. I share mz lady's sentiments in that I wish I could close some parts of me off, but it always seems like you're proud to be able to brush guys off so easily and almost cynical about if they can deal with you. You're just like my bff so I understand :yep:
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