***Random Thoughts: RELATIONSHIP FORUM***

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I can't believe she said I was like J.Lo....

I'm not that bad.....i just don't like being single.....

I know I don't like being alone, I lived alone for a while and damn near lost my mind, won't be doing that **** again.....it's bad for my health.

Wait, what? Did I miss something? What happened to Mr. Pink Bow Tie?
I'm like you and deltadreamland but if I were you I'd give a few a try. You know, why not? What can a date here and there hurt? And if they act up early on, think about how easy it would be for you to KIM. It might be good practice for you to implement better dating practices. IDK maybe I'm wrong but I don't see the harm. You deserve for someone to take you out and see your beauty (inside and out).

This is actually a really good point. :yep:

TBH, despite being back on that site, I'm really still iffy about dating in general. I know I can't meet anyone if I'm not making myself available, but part of me really wants to just focus on improving my life and getting my mind right. I still have so much work to do in these areas and IDK if I want to subject anyone else to my madness. :lol:
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This is actually a really good point. :yep:

Yep, I think you will be more chill and you will be thinking to yourself you are lucky you even get a shot. It will be easier to just be you because you don't really care about the outcome. You are just having fun and wanting to be wined and dined. They text too much? Bye bye :wave:, don't ask you out, just want to talk :wave:, don't stay in steady contact :wave:, lol. It might be fun for you to get to be whatever.
This is actually a really good point. :yep:

TBH, despite being back on that site, I'm really still iffy about dating in general. I know I can't meet anyone if I'm not making myself available, but part of me really wants to just focus on improving my life and getting my mind right. I still have so much work to do in these areas and IDK if I want to subject anyone else to my madness. :lol:

Oops, quoted you before you added this. I understand. You gotta do what's best for you. I just can't wait for you to be found by the right guy. And I want so much for you to be happy and have more fun.
Oops, quoted you before you added this. I understand. You gotta do what's best for you. I just can't wait for you to be found by the right guy. And I want so much for you to be happy and have more fun.

Thanks. :)

I want the bolded more than anything right now. If it ends up being a new guy who helps the process along, great, I'm all for it.

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How are you going to be mad at me for being mad at you and not giving you the opportunity to explain? How do you explain holding hands and hugging on your ex when you didn't know I was there and the fact that she got there because you brought her!!! The only reason I responded was because you needed to apologize and you still haven't done that. Kick rocks monkey socks!

How are you going to be mad at me for being mad at you and not giving you the opportunity to explain? How do you explain holding hands and hugging on your ex when you didn't know I was there and the fact that she got there because you brought her!!! The only reason I responded was because you needed to apologize and you still haven't done that. Kick rocks monkey socks!

:nono: .....
*Non Relationship RT*

Please pray for me ladies, I have a very important interview coming up this Thursday or Friday, depending on which day the manager has the least amount of work on his schedule.

I'm not really at liberty to talk about it sworn to silence:look: this is my 2nd and final round interview for the position and if I got it my life will literally change forever:spinning:

God bless on your interview Etherealsmile i'm sure you'll do awesome :Copy of 2cool:
This fcker! All day yesterday I was worried about him. We talked during the morning and he wasn't feeling well. Woke up with a fever, couldn't eat or sleep. We didn't talk the rest of the day so I assumed he was resting. I sent him some nice messages and a sweet e-mail. Turns out he wasn't at home resting. He went out for his friend's bday. That's fine but he couldn't at least tell me he was feeling better? He calls me at 1 in the morning and freaking wakes me up. This is why I don't go out of my way to be nice or sweet. I don't see how it's worth it.
I already know I've hurt some feelings on here but Yes, I did walk away from the nice fellow due to his masonic involvement.

1. I want to be a good, submitting wife. I cannot submit to freemasonry of any kind.
2. Calling someone a "worshipful master" is a straight abomination of Exodus 20. You cannot serve two masters.
3. Mat 5 says that we are not to swear oaths (also in James). Their oaths involve death :nono:
4. There is no "secret knowledge." If you want some knowledge, you don't have to join a club, you can just open up your bible. :wink:
5. Third eye, false dichotomy, Osiris compass? Really? Um No.
6. The masonic apron covering member's "holiest of holies" is direct proof that it is a fallic fertility cult.

So basically, if I marry someone that is a mason, no matter how nice they are, I would not be following the word of God. Years ago, I would have let this slide. You can PM me for more info on how hard it was to let this fellow go.
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How are you going to be mad at me for being mad at you and not giving you the opportunity to explain? How do you explain holding hands and hugging on your ex when you didn't know I was there and the fact that she got there because you brought her!!! The only reason I responded was because you needed to apologize and you still haven't done that. Kick rocks monkey socks!



I'm so sorry this happened. How terrible to see it with your own eyes, but you know the truth for sure. My heart hurts for you.
I promise I love my profession and I'm not upset with my career choices but sometimes I wish I could just marry rich.

Especially since I'm here and I see all these future millionaires walking around. Part of me wants to drop the books and just focus on snagging one of them, but I am just not cut out for it. Most of the women up here are not. There are interesting dating dynamics out here.

Sometimes I wonder if I should just bow out the game now, and settle down with my current options... or hold out for a couple more years, I mean something's gotta change right? Either they'll man up and start pursuing or I'll wimp out and start chasing :lol:

I dunno. We'll see.
I already know I've hurt some feelings on here but Yes, I did walk away from the nice fellow due to his masonic involvement.

So basically, if I marry someone that is a mason, no matter how nice they are, I would not be following the word of God. Years ago, I would have let this slide. You can PM me for more info on how hard it was to let this fellow go.

Hey ya gotta do what is right for you. Do you consider guys in fraternal organizations the same? I swear some of them 'think' it is a religion! haha.

Didn't hurt my feelings, yes my cousin is one, and that is about it.
I promise I love my profession and I'm not upset with my career choices but sometimes I wish I could just marry rich.

Especially since I'm here and I see all these future millionaires walking around. Part of me wants to drop the books and just focus on snagging one of them, but I am just not cut out for it. Most of the women up here are not. There are interesting dating dynamics out here.

Sometimes I wonder if I should just bow out the game now, and settle down with my current options... or hold out for a couple more years, I mean something's gotta change right? Either they'll man up and start pursuing or I'll wimp out and start chasing :lol:

I dunno. We'll see.

Theo What do you mean by the bolded, esp that there are interesting dating dynamics out here?
SO can be a little too giving sometimes. He just had to unexpectedly kick out a significant amount of money with his own situation and now his friend is asking for more money (he already lent him some previously).

I'm trying to stay out of it because he said that I have no idea how his friend has had his back in the past, but I told him that, "I don't care about him; I care about you". So, I hope he chills with the lending of the money and takes care of himself. I got his back, but sometimes you can't help everybody. Let some of his other friends help. Rant over....
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Friendship related:

I hate when you've been screwed over so badly by a friend that you scrutinize every potential that tries to come into your life.

I just had a long talk with a woman who has been trying to be friends with me all year. She comes by my office when she visits, calls and texts to check up on me and share talk, etc.

Yesterday our talk finally got a little deep. I tell her that I apologize for not calling as often as she did, keeping up with her and showing more interest. I share that I've been through somethings with a so called best friend and now I've trying to figure out who I am and how I could have been so dumb to certain things. She tells me that she suspected that I had been either hurt or jaded by something and that I was a bit self protective, but that she totally respected it and her place in my life. She then shared that she would continue to be just who she is and hopefully our friendship would grow. We talked about some other stuff regarding human nature, men folk, etc.

I cant say I've ever had a conversation like that with another woman... I definitely appreciated it. I'm still taking my time with folks but I like that we had that interaction. I felt understood.
I love my husband! So far, he's only gone to one prenatal visit with me, because I usually go right after school and I want him to save his days for the later visits. Well today I decided I don't wanna go to tomorrow's visit alone and even though I told him at the last minute he just said okay let me try and find a sub for tomorrow. No fussing at me for waiting to the last minute or asking if this is an important appointment. Just okay let me see what I can do...
The boy I met on Saturday night at my friend's party texted me tonight and asked when I was free next week. He thinks we should go drinking and play skee ball. I quite like this idea!

I am pretty surprised at myself with this one. He's cute but he's not the standard type I'm attracted to. He's younger than me so my only hold back is the age difference... But I do like that he seems smart, quick witted, and funny. We also have the same hometown backgrounds, which is HUGE in my book. I know I'll have fun with him!
My heart is heavy. Just poured it out to some friends. I've been trying to hold it all in this past week. It's not bad... I am just processing things, trying to figure out what next, an not wanting to act impulsively. I need...counsel, from elders. My mom gave me some great advice. Now I'm looking for more advice in other areas, from people I trust and people who know me well.

I've just been thinking: if I am purposely pressing pause on my love life, how else/in what other areas am I maximizing it???
I'm not sure what you are going through, but please dont lean on too many people for advice. At some point you have to trust your own insight on things. I just find that seeking advice from multiple people means that you dont believe in yourself to make your own sound decisions. And plus you'll find that after all has been said and done by everybody your sought, they really didnt tell you anything you could not have told yourself.

If this doesnt apply to you please forgive me. I was just having this convo the other day with a friend and your post made me think about it. Best of luck and grace to what ever your do and are going through.
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