***Random Thoughts: RELATIONSHIP FORUM***

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No, I don't want to meet your messy butt friend's wife for her to explain jack to me. She's messy and showed no respect.
I'm gettin scared to move closer in our relationship. What if you're not the one? Would this all be a waste of time? :ohwell:
I feel like things are changing...it's too early for you to get "too comfortable" WTH!!!! I'm switching this thing up boo........Keeping you on your toes.
So, I'm at Bible study with some friends when the Bible study leader goes off on a tangent about how guys really love romance and they'll show it to a girl they really like. Why does he whisper my name and when I turn around to look at him say, "Romance" (coincidentally, the letters of his name rearranged) and smile? Am I supposed to read something into that???
Everytime you propose to me I cringe:bricks:
What part of...I do believe in marriage...but not for me. Do you not understand?
Marriage is not for me and I have no plans on getting married:ninja:
Leave me alone about it...enough already...don't spend another year proposing to me:ohwell:
I believe you *could be the one*... but look... I'm not wasting a lot of time with you. Either get on the same page or leave me alone.

I want to be married soon, geez. :rolleyes:
I am doing the therapy thing to better myself, outside of you; but you can NO longer front like I am the only one sabotaging us...there are two people throwing monkey wrenches in this, either we are in OR out. Period.
I know why you called, but I'm not falling for it. :nono: And you Mr. Man are out, no do-overs buddy. :spinning: Getting back to the me that I'm starting to miss. :yep:
ugh if we don't get married soon i'm gonna start goin to the club to stunt :look:... u are on the road way too often having a blast while i sit at home missing u...
Dude. You are calling and texting too much. WTF? I clearly said I don't see a relationship with you. My mind won't change. Yet and still you are trying to call /text me everyday instead of taking it slow. Shoot we aint even went on the first date.

Oh and you other dude. I really think you could have been it. It's probably the reason I can't shake you. But you have got to man up and get your ish together before I waste my time. That's why I'm dating other people.
Since you got out of the hospital I don't feel as close to you as I used to. I have a feeling your holding out on me. I have a feeling you are gonna spring something extra crazy at me.

I know you have diabetes now, but why are you changing things about your self that I loved about you. Yes you should change your lifestyle but I feel like your pulling away and don't even realize it.

I swear you don't understand how much better I feel writing that out:yep:
Wowwwww @ your confessions of your feelings for me.
I swear I had no idea you felt the way you do about me ... at all.
Which makes me really really wonder, a lot of the posts and 'rules' I read on here about 'if a guy is really into you' are not necessarily set in stone or applicable to all situations, however they are for the most part very very telling.
I have never been in a situation like this with someone before and I almost don't know how to deal, there are times I feel like walking away for good b/c I begin to feel a bit masochistic after a while, but then I find out the real deal behind the actions, and while it doesn't alleviate the discomfort of dealing w/someone who has issues, it provides a helluva a lot of insight....
I realized literally just now, that this person loves me more than I love him :look:, and I know it's b/c we show our love very differently and I have not grown with him as close as I want to b/c of the issues he has which turn into 'we' issues.
In spite of your outpouring (literally) of feelings, I know things won't change overnight b/c you have a lot of healing to do and you need to get on your feet and these things take time.
The one main thing I learned from being in this relationship, and it holds sooooooo much value is that everyone communicates their love differently, and I could totally see how if two people are not aligned with and understand their partner's way of loving it could be totally detrimental to the relationship.
My hubby travelled this week for work, got home friday afternoon, started moving stuff for his mom to her apartment, got back late, left 930am saturday morning, got back like 730pm and is going back out to help her move more stuff today and then is going away for 10 days tomorrow. Its not like she movin to a house, she moving into an apartment! Why cant she get her BF to help her needy asz, so much for our family time!
Wowwwww @ your confessions of your feelings for me.
I swear I had no idea you felt the way you do about me ... at all.
Which makes me really really wonder, a lot of the posts and 'rules' I read on here about 'if a guy is really into you' are not necessarily set in stone or applicable to all situations, however they are for the most part very very telling.

I was thinking about this. Everybody is always so focused on logic behind things...I think its more important to listen to that heart and intuition.
Ummm...guys actually do want 2 commit...now that Im casually dating...they get jealous of the potential prospects n wanna lock me down...very interesting
guy1: slow down just a tad...
guy 2: ur nice but this aint going anywhere
guy3: y am I still in love with u? u wanna b with me and it pains me not 2 just say yes n b a part of ur world again...please stop putting money in my bank account...thats just making it worst.
I was thinking about this. Everybody is always so focused on logic behind things...I think its more important to listen to that heart and intuition.

YES! Everything isn't so cut and dry and always logical. A lot of these 'rules' do not always hold true in all cases. There is def a lot of truth to some of these rules but it's not always the case, things aren't always so fairytale and go the way you think it would go. For ex, a man who has been through a lot emotionally will behave differently in his love towards you, it doesn't mean he doesn't love you, but will likely show you differently. Same thing w/ women. Sometimes you really have to listen to your gut and heart along with your logical brain.
WHY are you so hard to read??? Yes, your actions are showing me that you care and want to be with me. But sometimes I can't help but question this relationship. I know it's mainly because of my own insecurities, though. :ohwell: But I'm working on it...
single, no prospects, the one guy i want to be with but can't be with due to distance is trippin, & the only guys that want to take me out are creepy.

i just want somebody to walk across the beach with & hold my hand the whole way.
somebody who'll buy me flowers just because.
somebody who'll call me up just to see what i'm up to, & not because they have ulterior motives.

hate feeling lonely :(
Ummm...guys actually do want 2 commit...now that Im casually dating...they get jealous of the potential prospects n wanna lock me down...very interesting
guy1: slow down just a tad...
guy 2: ur nice but this aint going anywhere
guy3: y am I still in love with u? u wanna b with me and it pains me not 2 just say yes n b a part of ur world again...please stop putting money in my bank account...thats just making it worst.

It is always like that:lachen:
went to lunch with most recent ex yesterday...dunno if i want him back
on/off ex of 3 yrs is coming to town and is staying with me for 2 days
and ginger ex that is packing is coming out of the woodwork

what the hell is going on?
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