***Random Thoughts: RELATIONSHIP FORUM***

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i cant believe he is not coming this weekend. Im extremely disappointed. This has been planned for the last 3 weeks!! u txt me everyday saying how you're coming & will do everything needed to pay for this trip. And for what?. For me to get a txt @ 3am the day b4 u leave that u cant make it cuz ur funds are low!!...i cant. Its silly of me to get into yet another long distance situation, but to get into one with a guy who is financially unstable....that's not smart. I cant be disappointed anymore. I swear my soul cant take it anymore
i cant believe he is not coming this weekend. Im extremely disappointed. This has been planned for the last 3 weeks!! u txt me everyday saying how you're coming & will do everything needed to pay for this trip. And for what?. For me to get a txt @ 3am the day b4 u leave that u cant make it cuz ur funds are low!!...i cant. Its silly of me to get into yet another long distance situation, but to get into one with a guy who is financially unstable....that's not smart. I cant be disappointed anymore. I swear my soul cant take it anymore


I hope it works out for you!
:huggle: :hug2: :bighug:
i cant believe he is not coming this weekend. Im extremely disappointed. This has been planned for the last 3 weeks!! u txt me everyday saying how you're coming & will do everything needed to pay for this trip. And for what?. For me to get a txt @ 3am the day b4 u leave that u cant make it cuz ur funds are low!!...i cant. Its silly of me to get into yet another long distance situation, but to get into one with a guy who is financially unstable....that's not smart. I cant be disappointed anymore. I swear my soul cant take it anymore
We're going to the African Arts Festival this weekend. The African Arts Festival was our first date last year. Hope it's just as good this time as the first time.
i cant wait to see him in less then 10 days. the summer seems like it will never end.

nervous because he plans to move back to the east coast post-grad. after visiting, im not sure i could do it.

so then what?
i know that everything happens for a reason and maybe i'm just not paying attention to how God and life is working this situation out because i want the end result NOW . am i so wrong for wanting it now though? But i feel as though this happened for you to grow up and appreciate me and for me to date "what if" and get it out of my system because truth be told " what if" just doesn't do it for me the way you did yet how can i even begin to see past what you did to me ? -sigh- i'm lost but if i keep thinking about this ,i'll drive myself insane
Thoughts before him

I talk about our future alot so that our present makes sense.

Don't talk about a future with me if it is only a conversation piece to you.

I came with a warning label: Emotionally stubborn, Where is yours?

My present

So I am dating my highschool crush from 7 years ago and I havent felt like this since the first time I fell in love. I'm scared beyond belief but jumping in with two feet. He is everything I have always wanted and that part scares me.

Long distance relationships really suck so he is moving to where I am to make this work.... :grin:

He loves the me that I love...

Hands down: BEST SEX I EVER HAD!!!!!!!! ever..............

His mama loves me and my momma loves him
I'm happy....yet I still think of you. If I could take a pill to completely erase my feelings for you, I would O.D. just to be certain.
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I ran into an old 'buddy' the other day. We attended HS together and we kept in touch until about 2 years ago. He's always had a crush on me, but I don't feel that way about him, and I thought he got the point 2 years ago. We exchanged numbers because I assumed that we could have lunch sometime.

Well the guy has been calling me, texting me, and even got my home phone number from someone!!!! This is the beginning of the semester, I'm VERY busy and I told him that but he keeps CALLING!

This dude is so THIRSTY, that I don't even know if I should attempt to be his friend. :nono:
I'm thinking of moving on... :cry2:
I want more fr. you and I'm not getting it yet... it's not like we got together 2-3 months ago.
I know you have issues w/ giving of yourself and you like to proceed w/ caution but it's translating into emotional unavailability and it pours into all other aspects of the relationship.
I need you to be more financially stable, you are 29... I am 2 yrs younger than you and have it way more together... this bothers me a lot.
I want to go out and spend more quality time w/you...which we have not done really for this entire summer.... I'm so close to leaving or separating myself fr. you. I shouldn't have to beg for the bare basics.
I prob need to do some soul searching and evaluation to see how I attracted this into my life and I think I know why... I need a hug.

I don't even want to take his phone calls. I don't want to hear him breathe for 20 minutes on the phone, then talk about nothing, or the same old ish. The same old ish. The job. The Masons. Your punk arse friends. Over and over and over and over. Shut up already.
don't keep comparing me to your exwife, the things she did and you let her get away with is nothing I would consider doing and I don't know any of my friends who have engaged in such acts as she did. AND because you let her get away with them you want to be king-kong in this relationship. now i'm running home and shutting my door.
What a ball of confusion the summer of 09' has been for me romantically....
I thought when I left my ex, I'd leave and not look back, and while I tried to do so, I realized that I have a lot of residual feelings left over.
Things just aren't so clear cut as I'd planned or even envisioned.
As a matter of fact, my situation right now is nothing I envisioned at all.
There are several lessons for me to learn here, and I am open to being taught. I can't be upset or fight my reality, but rather I want to learn from it and move on.
I have some serious soul searching to do :yep:
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