***Random Thoughts: RELATIONSHIP FORUM***

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A man will ALWAYS go after the woman he wants. ALWAYS. You will never have to chase him down if he really wants you. NEVER.

So this one is chasing me ...again. As he has done every year. As easy as it is for him to meet women, to jet set, to buy cars, to blow money, and otherwise inflate his ego, he always seems to come after me. Year after year now. He is the reason I will never chase a man in any relationship. He is good on paper and off :look: so he can get a woman. Shyte...women go after him. Yet, he keeps tracking me down. They never lose your contact info and will track you down.

So when a woman is waiting by the phone wondering why he hasn't called....it is because he didn't want to. I have had far too many track me down, look me up, call me again...after many months and YEARS even........... for me to believe otherwise.

So now what do I do with him? Before I entertained the communication. Now, I'm not so sure. I am flattered though.
A man will ALWAYS go after the woman he wants. ALWAYS. You will never have to chase him down if he really wants you. NEVER.

So this one is chasing me ...again. As he has done every year. As easy as it is for him to meet women, to jet set, to buy cars, to blow money, and otherwise inflate his ego, he always seems to come after me. Year after year now. He is the reason I will never chase a man in any relationship. He is good on paper and off :look: so he can get a woman. Shyte...women go after him. Yet, he keeps tracking me down. They never lose your contact info and will track you down.

So when a woman is waiting by the phone wondering why he hasn't called....it is because he didn't want to. I have had far too many track me down, look me up, call me again...after many months and YEARS even........... for me to believe otherwise.

So now what do I do with him? Before I entertained the communication. Now, I'm not so sure. I am flattered though.

A tough pill to swallow but so true...
A man will ALWAYS go after the woman he wants. ALWAYS. You will never have to chase him down if he really wants you. NEVER.

So this one is chasing me ...again. As he has done every year. As easy as it is for him to meet women, to jet set, to buy cars, to blow money, and otherwise inflate his ego, he always seems to come after me. Year after year now. He is the reason I will never chase a man in any relationship. He is good on paper and off :look: so he can get a woman. Shyte...women go after him. Yet, he keeps tracking me down. They never lose your contact info and will track you down.

So when a woman is waiting by the phone wondering why he hasn't called....it is because he didn't want to. I have had far too many track me down, look me up, call me again...after many months and YEARS even........... for me to believe otherwise.

So now what do I do with him? Before I entertained the communication. Now, I'm not so sure. I am flattered though.

So, true a trillion times til infinity! Why don't women master this!
A man will ALWAYS go after the woman he wants. ALWAYS. You will never have to chase him down if he really wants you. NEVER.

So this one is chasing me ...again. As he has done every year. As easy as it is for him to meet women, to jet set, to buy cars, to blow money, and otherwise inflate his ego, he always seems to come after me. Year after year now. He is the reason I will never chase a man in any relationship. He is good on paper and off :look: so he can get a woman. Shyte...women go after him. Yet, he keeps tracking me down. They never lose your contact info and will track you down.

So when a woman is waiting by the phone wondering why he hasn't called....it is because he didn't want to. I have had far too many track me down, look me up, call me again...after many months and YEARS even........... for me to believe otherwise.

So now what do I do with him? Before I entertained the communication. Now, I'm not so sure. I am flattered though.

Very true. Great post...came at the best time.
I like you but I hate your hair. I know you are transitioning out of your perm but it's been 7 months cut those permed ends off and start locking already!!! That's why i was staring at your head the other night. You're lucky I'm not shallow.

Ex, I'm glad we got a chance to talk and clear the air.I was your first love and you still have feelings for me. I sincerly meant it when I said I'm sorry for being a horrible gf and that you were a great guy who did nothing wrong but be with a girl who couldn't appreciate you at the time. However, I need you to understand that I'm just not that into you so stop trying to get back with me. thanks
I like you but I hate your hair. I know you are transitioning out of your perm but it's been 7 months cut those permed ends off and start locking already!!! That's why i was staring at your head the other night. You're lucky I'm not shallow.

Ex, I'm glad we got a chance to talk and clear the air.I was your first love and you still have feelings for me. I sincerly meant it when I said I'm sorry for being a horrible gf and that you were a great guy who did nothing wrong but be with a girl who couldn't appreciate you at the time. However, I need you to understand that I'm just not that into you so stop trying to get back with me. thanks

He had a HUGE disappointment yesterday. He handled it so well. I am very proud of him! Everyday I see more and more of him that I like. :reddancer:
Why did I fall for the okie doke? :ohwell: In more ways than one. Poor choices sometimes have painful consequences. :sad: Leaning on God to heal my heart. :pray:
he flew down here last night and he's flying back tonight. Guess he got the message that I'm not playing with his heart.
I should be more sensitive to the needs of my SO. It is not always about me - he wants me to need him, to depend on him a little bit. I should stop being so defiant and let him take control every once in a while. The stress is not worth it and I might have fun. :yep:
Sigh...Was I hormonal yesterday? PMSing? WHAT THE FREAK!!!! He must think I am a lunatic!!! But he was so nice about it....."just come over here so I can hold you"....and all was right with the world....:reddancer:
I sure do love him!
His voice is starting to annoy me and he is still a major snob. I tried to end it a month ago, but he wouldn't let go. He begged his way back into my life again.
well, because of his foolishiness i have found myself back in "protect my heart" mode

ETA: Is this really how men act when they have "cold feet"
The sage continues...

This guy has a LOT of nerve.

We met 1 year ago. He has had my contact information for ONE YEAR. 365 days. And on the 364th day, he decided to rifle through my e-mails (read: obsessed over my pictures), find my number and use it. When he called it was 6:00 pm in Miami and I was by the hotel pool. Did not recognize the number but answered anyway :rolleyes:

He was 'just looking at your emails, well really, your photos and thinking how beautiful you are. not just a made-up for the camera beautiful but a just-chilling-around-the-house-beautiful.' He droned on and on about how he spent his birthday last December in Paris. How work has been slowing down. Finally, he asked for a date on Saturday. I promptly told him I wouldn't be available. He is totally self-centered, totally focused on himself without a care for how I really feel/am. I ended the phone call.

When I didn't call him back, he texted me. :look: When I did not respond, he e-mailed; When I ignored it, he sent me a picture (WHY?) They always come back. This guy knew I was a catch from Day 1 and did nothing while I went out, lived my life and had a damn good time doing it. :) The guy called on Thursday and set up a dinner date for Saturday VIA VOICEMAIL. Who does that? Saturday rolled around and my day went on as usual. I went about life per usual, not giving a second thought to this 'date.' At 5:45 pm I get a phone call from the guy. I let it go to voicemail. After I heard it, I could only shake my head and delete the message.

He explained that he was sorry he had to cancel the date (mmmhhmmm) because of his schedule (mmmhmmm). He couldn't get off of work and we'll have to re-schedule (yeah, okay). *delete*

You say he's a jerk, right? Yeah, a pompous, self-centered arse?

He's all of that and an African-American ER doctor worth millions, about 36.


Sometimes money can't buy happiness.
The sage continues...

This guy has a LOT of nerve.

We met 1 year ago. He has had my contact information for ONE YEAR. 365 days. And on the 364th day, he decided to rifle through my e-mails (read: obsessed over my pictures), find my number and use it. When he called it was 6:00 pm in Miami and I was by the hotel pool. Did not recognize the number but answered anyway :rolleyes:

He was 'just looking at your emails, well really, your photos and thinking how beautiful you are. not just a made-up for the camera beautiful but a just-chilling-around-the-house-beautiful.' He droned on and on about how he spent his birthday last December in Paris. How work has been slowing down. Finally, he asked for a date on Saturday. I promptly told him I wouldn't be available. He is totally self-centered, totally focused on himself without a care for how I really feel/am. I ended the phone call.

When I didn't call him back, he texted me. :look: When I did not respond, he e-mailed; When I ignored it, he sent me a picture (WHY?) They always come back. This guy knew I was a catch from Day 1 and did nothing while I went out, lived my life and had a damn good time doing it. :) The guy called on Thursday and set up a dinner date for Saturday VIA VOICEMAIL. Who does that? Saturday rolled around and my day went on as usual. I went about life per usual, not giving a second thought to this 'date.' At 5:45 pm I get a phone call from the guy. I let it go to voicemail. After I heard it, I could only shake my head and delete the message.

He explained that he was sorry he had to cancel the date (mmmhhmmm) because of his schedule (mmmhmmm). He couldn't get off of work and we'll have to re-schedule (yeah, okay). *delete*

You say he's a jerk, right? Yeah, a pompous, self-centered arse?

He's all of that and an African-American ER doctor worth millions, about 36.


Sometimes money can't buy happiness.

Wow....that is definitely a form of mental illness. I wonder what kind of woman actually dates (eta: tolerates) this guy.
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I just know you are going to be at the first biggest party of the year tonight...Damn I kind of want to go but I am just going to patiently wait for the time that we cross paths unintentionally, if we ever do...
My favorite picture:


Ooooooohhhhhhh I love it!! I can feel the passion and energy from this pic..
He did the cutest sappiest thing last night and I LOVED IT.....three flowers and spelled out I Love You! in between them and laid out for me at his house when I came over....:reddancer:
Something must be in the water.

So I get a random email from someone that looked like spam but left me racking my brain. I was going to delete it but...........

So I search my email account for a similar name. Sure enough. :ohwell:

A friend of a friend I went on a couple of dates with YEARS ago.

I don't want to be rude so I will respond but I don't get it. Why do men do this? Contact you years later?!?! with some dumb *** excuse too..

Those old emails reminded me why I stopped dating him all those YEARS ago. A good thing. :look:
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