***Random Thoughts: RELATIONSHIP FORUM***

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Why is it when you are in a committed relationship, men seem to pop up out of the wood work? I'm talking good, successful, well-rounded and accomplished men. Now, if I become single tomorrow, the only men I will encounter will be thugs and losers. Is it just me?
I was away on vacation for almost two weeks with family. I'm back now. He missed me and I missed him too! Smiling from ear to ear over hear. When he came over last night, he walked in, we sat on the couch and he just laid his head on my shoulder. He missed me...did I say that already? smile.....
Feelin some kinda way in a good sort of kinda way....

ETA...The sweetest thing I've ever known :infatuated:
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He didn't have time to fix his lunch this morning...So I got up early, prepared it and surprised him with it before going on to work.
Why won't this man send me the DANG pictures!? I told him that i want to start making the flash movie and I need the pics. . . These are the little things that really bug me. All you have to do is compose, attach file 1, attach file 2, attach file 3, attach file 4, and send!!
Soon, a kind, funny, trustworthy, ambitious, handsome, self reliant, independent, God fearing, family oriented, healthy, disease free, college educated, childless and humble man will look up from his paper and see me walking in. He'll know that I'm 'The One" and will treat me as such. I need to make sure I'm always prepared for that first meeting.
Why won't this man send me the DANG pictures!? I told him that i want to start making the flash movie and I need the pics. . . These are the little things that really bug me. All you have to do is compose, attach file 1, attach file 2, attach file 3, attach file 4, and send!!

Ha, I'm STILL waiting on our vacation pics. It's been two months. Good luck, lol.:grin:
Had a relaxing night with him. My son spent the night with his grandmother and I spent the night with the SO....watched a movie, talked,......
Why is it that some black guys only seem to start jocking me when I'm talking with a white guy.

Its like they are trying to "check" if I'm still down for the "keep hope alive" dream of the exclusive good black man that all black women must be waiting for right?:wallbash:
I enjoyed taking care of you while you were sick last night. Watching you snore, slobber, and sweat actually didn't gross me out...this must be love or a lot like it...
This may be the last day that I see my SO until I move to MD. He and his children are moving to Maryland before me. I am so happy and grateful that someone like him is in my life.

Here is my SO on relationships:

"Let's just deal with the word for a second! Where does the bible support anything between a man & woman that has no intention of leading up to marriage!? We as people love using Gods word to create our own delusions to make ourselves comfortable with following the trend of this age (which is by the way controlled by the prince of the power of the air) BUT IN ALL TRUTH: GOD is gonna look out for those who want to do things his way, FIRST!!!! His way is found in his word! Not Smokey Robinson's word "shop around."

He will reward that person with the lovely gift of someone else who has a desire to do things His way, FIRST! Society is filled with so many excuse making men, so those (few) of us who have no excuse are viewed as being soft or "emotionally needy" when in fact, we have the actual hearts that GOD intended for all men to have!

you are a blessed & strong LADY of GOD and you deserve someone who will step up to the plate! That desire to be married has been placed in your heart BY GOD!!!!!! Which means that he already has your husband picked out for you! Regardless of who dreamed what, Your husband is out there and God is waiting on you to make a move so that he can unite the two of you!
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