I knew He Was Broke when....

He gave me a used birthday card for my birthday. When I asked what happened to the envelop he said "I picked up the wrong size at the store." So I asked why is the inside missing he said "because I was writing on it and messed up." This broke joka had pulled the inside out because it had already been written on. :pinocchio
I knew he was broke when..

- In preparation for our first date, he asked me what kind of food I like. When I said Italian, he said "That's great, Burger King just came out with the new Chicken Parmigiana sandwich... We should go." :lachen:and :nono: all at the same time.

- He asked me to buy him a MetroCard.

- He came to my house in this massive company truck.. and I don't mean an SUV. I'm talking about the kind of trucks that don't even go on the highways.

- I went to his 'apartment' which turned out to be a room he was renting AND sharing with his friend.

- His bathtub had holes in it.

- We went to get some food from outside and all he wanted was a 'roll with butter'.
When he tried to take me to Macdonalds

When he offered to buy me a chinese meal but said he was not hungry, when we were supposed to go out for dinner.

When he stepped out of the queeue for the cinema tickets ( I promptly stepped out also).

When I saw his sign on book (welfare) on his dashboard.

All different guys. None got a second date
When I asked him to get me a 10 piece nugget meal from McDonald's and he told me that was expensive. :perplexed:

he pulls up the gas station, looks at me and asks if i have any money to fill up HIS tank.

he asks if im hungry, I say yes, then this foo pulls a DOUBLE CHEESBURGER out of his POCKET!!!!!!!! wth?!

this one is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!

-I knew he was cheap when i visited his apartment and he was sleeping on an air mattress, didnt own a microwave, and instead of hand soap, he would collect all his soap chips from the shower and mush them together..thats your hand soap.

When he wrapped my Valentine Day/B-day book in newspaper :ohwell:

Giving me a rose his patient had given him earlier for V'day, I put 2 and 2 together :perplexed

Would buy a plate of food to share saying he wasn't that hungry but then eating 90% of the plate :nono:

I am done for now :wallbash:

He asked what I wanted for my birthday. I mentioned a certain book. On my birthday, he brought me that book. From the library. :rolleyes:


We had to get the Thursday .25 cent burger special and I had to pay for it.

when he told me he couldnt afford the $2 apple cruller at the book store.. But then he wouldnt let me by it on my own...

I seem to have forgotten a few. These were the same dude, back in my stupid days

- He always had me pick him up at the Churches Chicken on 79th. I saw him in a car once.
- Our dates were never any where that cost money. At the friends house, at his sisters but never a restaurant...

- He told me he needed $500 to buy a motorcycle...... and when could i have the money ready :perplexed:
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1st where r these men cause they crazy.

When u @ dinner and the check comes n u think he has it and he says I aint got no money!

When u drive 4 lunch and get 2 the gas station and he looks @ u 4 money.

When he is always always talking about a new hussle I mean always.

When he come 2 ur house n talks about it but then comes back later and says I was thinking about changing my house like urs with the colors n all meaning can I move n.

Wen he has designer jeans w/ holes n both pockets.

Wen u go to McDonalds 4 a latte and he complains about the price being to high 4 some damn coffee.
-When I shared with him my story (which I thought was funny btw) of how the unemployment officer tried to get me apply for a job stacking tires for $4.25 per hour and he hollered out, "Shhhheeat...$4.25 per hour?! I'll take it!" with glee in his eyes.
:lachen::lachen::lachen: A job stacking tires??? I just laughed so hard for over a minute after reading this post that right now, my cheeks are literally covered in tears, my throat hurts, and I have to go blow my nose.
Crikey! OMG I'm in tears.

The bathtub with holes and cheeseburger in pocket made me reach for my tissues.

Thanks for the laughs ladies and thanks to the lady who bumped this gem of a thread.
ladies I have enjoyed the I knew he wasn't into me thread today so I thought it would be funny to start a I knew he Was Broke when

...he asked me to the movies and picked me up...on the bus. :rolleyes: It was falling below 30 degrees. After the movie at the student union, the buses had stopped. I knew he was even more cheap when he wouldn't even order a cab below freezing. So, I stormed off by myself and walked home with other guys.:lachen:

I knew he was broke when..

-I knew he was cheap when i visited his apartment and he was sleeping on an air mattress, didnt own a microwave, and instead of hand soap, he would collect all his soap chips from the shower and mush them together..thats your hand soap.


My dad did that once with my Christmas Tinkerbell Avon soap which has 3lives left. He smushed it with Lava and Lifebuoy and I had a fat cow over it. And I picked it back out of that smush, too!:lol:
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true story ...when we went on a double date with my friend and his friend over the summer and an icecream truck was outside..we wanted icecream cones...and his friend had to pay for my 1.75 cone...
These stories are hilarious, but seriously, do these men have any shame??!! I don't understand. If I was that broke I wouldn't be trying to date anyone.
......when he called me one night, I looked at the caller ID...noticed the last name, but the firs name was different from his....I said who is Darius...dis bama had da nerve to tell me it was his son!! and Darius is like 3 years old:wallbash:

.....we were on the phone talking and all of a sudden we were interrupted by an automated voice that said.."your balance is low...re-up your pre-paid minutes by calling virgin mobile from your touch tone phone or......" I just hung up:ohwell:

....he went back and stole the tip money off the table...

.....it was around the first of the month and he said he was waiting on the mailman because "someone" owed him some money....

...i was at the mall one day, and I saw dude pulling his rims out of the back of his truck and rolling them into the pawnshop. i never mentioned that I saw him....a few days later, he told me they were stolen:perplexed...

...this guy in front of me at the corner store pulled out a ziplock bag full of changed to buy a pack of cigarettes:wallbash:

:dighole: :dighole:
When we went to Wendy's he ordered his food paid for it and then asked if I wanted anything off his tray.
When he asked me where I was moving and said that he was going to move too because he can take his section 8 anywhere.

LOL :lol::lol:

Sad but true he can take it anywhere that it is accepted, but I wouldn't have told anyone that I was on Section 8.

Why does it always look worse when men are on public assistance programs?
Let's see
I knew his behind didn't have any money when I found out he was riding his bicycle from his apt downtown all the way out to a suburb that was about 20 miles away. Would take him like four hours to five hours to get to work. A lot of these miles were highway miles. Um no. Don't date broke dudes.

Same guy: Had a fake diamond earring in his left ear that that was so ridiculously fake I swore it was glass and even that was that was turning his earlobe green.
I knew he was broke when we got all the way to Hawaii (he worked for an airline) and he didn't have any money not even for meals:blush:. It was my shortest trip to Hawaii. He had the tickets so I tolerated him for 1 night (the cheapest dinner I could find). We were on the 1st plane back to the mainland the next morning. As soon as I stepped of the plane in NY, I walked away, like I had never know him a day in my life.

I felt like a fool:nono:, but I learned my lesson. Never spoke to him again.
Because the first time he ever called me, he asked me to call him back "cause of his minutes".

I never bothered.

EtA: Whoopsy I already told that one :D
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I knew he was a broke 43 year old when I told him about another 43 year old man that only made X amount of money, and he said, "Well, now hold on a minute..."
-When he moved he only searched the apartments with "first month free" ads.

- When he took her out for coffee and his card was declined.

- When she, feeling embarrassed for him, took them to a light lunch and he never bothered t pay back (never spoke to him again).

- When he took the bus to come see me, and sadly explained that he wouldn't be seeing me for a little while because he only had enough to get back. <-- my silly azzz loved this man's dirty drawers for years :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::ohwell:

- When I saw him walking away from his abandoned, fancy schmancy ESCALADE on the highway, with a gas can...<---didn't date this guy

- When he came to visit her from another state, for Christmas break, and still hasn't gone home yet. And is "looking" for a job here in Atlanta. I mean, c'mon son, it's February??
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After out first date to a local mid priced restaurant he said,"I've decided to put my pride aside and let you pay for some dates." I laughed and quit him that same week.
I knew he was a broke 43 year old when I told him about another 43 year old man that only made X amount of money, and he said, "Well, now hold on a minute..."


I knew he was broke when he had been asking me to the movies for a few weeks, and when I said yes, he pulled up to the ATM, got $20 out, got back in the car, looked at me and said, "Now do you have your money?":yawn:What?

I knew a different guy was broke when I decided to meet him at the movies and after I got out of my car he came walking up out of nowhere from behind the building. After the movie he walked me to my car and I offered to drive him to his, since it was so far away (behind the bldg....right?) He insisted I drive off while he stood there and watched. It took him a few minutes to convince me to do that because I was like WTF? Why are you just standing there? Wasn't no damn car behind that building.