I knew He Was Broke when....

I knew he was broke when he was excited about his settlement money coming from a car accident, oh and he's a pro, it wasn't his first one.

I knew he was broke when he gave me 50 dollars, for no reason at all honestly, then asked for it back a day after.

I knew he was broke when he brought me to his house, made me wait downstairs in the cold *** hallway through the back of the building, then tried to come downstairs after having me wait 10 minutes in that cold/dark *** hallway, and tried to pull my pants down and ufck me in the hallway!!!!!!!! Guess his momma didnt allow company, he was like 23 SMH....

all same dude
No! :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: Outta his pocket! Was it at least wrapped? :lachen:

yes.... his POCKET. I just looked at him and blinked... I didnt even know what to do because he was dead-on serious and was holding it out like it was a prize or something! yea it was wrapped... but it was also smashed!

oh yea... and let's not forget that I had already been at the house with him for an hour or so. The hell would i want a sandwich that has been marinating in your jean pocket all this time for?! :nono:
I knew he was broke when...

...his idea of hanging out was at his home watching a movie. Except he didn't have a car to pick me up and couldn't take the train to come get me, instead he told me directions on how to use my MetroCard to get to HIM. :lol:

...He used the $80 I gave him to buy me my Jordans, to go buy weed. (I beat that a-- too and stole ALL his ish out of his apartment).

...He asked me what kind of food I wanted to eat for our first date, and I said Italian. So he said "Well, Burger King has this new Chicken Parmigiana hero..." :rolleyes:
----I got some gift cards to eat as birthday presents from my friends.......out so when my birthday came he said let's go for dinner and a movie. When I asked about where we were gonna eat, he said "oh we can use those gift cards you got for your birthday" and then he took me to a $ movie:ohwell::lachen:
When he asked to borrow my car after having a fight with the repo man over his! He needed to hide his at my place so that the repo man couldn't find it next time.
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yes.... his POCKET. I just looked at him and blinked... I didnt even know what to do because he was dead-on serious and was holding it out like it was a prize or something! yea it was wrapped... but it was also smashed!

oh yea... and let's not forget that I had already been at the house with him for an hour or so. The hell would i want a sandwich that has been marinating in your jean pocket all this time for?! :nono:

I was talking to my bf about this and he was dying. He thought your story was hilarious. So it was actually in his pants pocket, not even in a coat pocket? Was it bulging or were the jeans really baggy? Was it tiny like a White Castle slider, or was it big and juicy like a Double Whopper? :lachen:
when he would take me to the supermarket and buy me soda and little things like that and bring me dvds and food so as to hang out at my place

asked me out on a date and asked where i wanted to go i said for a coffee at starbucks and he asked me how much a cup of coffee costs

a guy trying to get me back we were driving from the beach and he kept pointing to some country pubs and said if i had money i would take you there for something to eat but i dont have a job
when he told me UPFRONT that he had been laid off and things were tight; when I suggested we do dinner. Which I thought was mighty gangsta.. yet he wanted to come and kick it at my house and asked me what I was cookin... Uh no. I never answered his calls again.

TG for my DF.. I met him back in a time when dudes tried to impress you and even though we were both struggling college students.. he made our first date Outback (this was 10 years ago..lol) by working extra hours at the lab and at UHaul... :lachen: I'm glad I realized he was the one before it was too late.
yes.... his POCKET. I just looked at him and blinked... I didnt even know what to do because he was dead-on serious and was holding it out like it was a prize or something! yea it was wrapped... but it was also smashed!

oh yea... and let's not forget that I had already been at the house with him for an hour or so. The hell would i want a sandwich that has been marinating in your jean pocket all this time for?! :nono:

That has to be the BEST story ever!!! I almost threw up! I can imagine how squished and stinky that burger was!!!

I knew he was broke when...

- This fool asked me out on a date. He was younger than me and very immature, but damn that Puerto Rican guy was cute (I have a thing for broke a** PR men LOL so sue me) and we went to Jillian's over by Fenway Park. So we get to the bar (he didn't want a table) and I order, but he says Nah I'm all set I'm not hungry. I knew right then and there he was expecting me to pay for my own food. Alrighty then. I ended up paying, but can you believe this fool asked me if he could have a piece of chicken? :grin:
I knew he was broke when he was excited about his settlement money coming from a car accident, oh and he's a pro, it wasn't his first one.

I knew he was broke when he gave me 50 dollars, for no reason at all honestly, then asked for it back a day after.

I knew he was broke when he brought me to his house, made me wait downstairs in the cold *** hallway through the back of the building, then tried to come downstairs after having me wait 10 minutes in that cold/dark *** hallway, and tried to pull my pants down and ufck me in the hallway!!!!!!!! Guess his momma didnt allow company, he was like 23 SMH....

all same dude

Oh my word!!!!!!!!!!! I can't catch my breath....wth???? This thread is HI -LARIOUS!
He asked me out but said that we'd have to wait until he got his student loan check. I thought it was a joke. I didn't accept, but dang! Made me feel cheap as heck!
-Called me boogey for ordering a glass of cheap 4.50 wine at the movie theatre and made me feel bad for it
-Had free tickets for the movies and was annoyed that it didn't cover the both of us
-Asked me to accompany him to the strip club
-Told me my 4.00 spinach pizza was nasty cause it was spinach so he wasn't paying for it.

I was really on the rebound, also young and dumb so thats why I put up with 3 dates with this fool!
When the date started as meeting for coffee and ended with him begging to come live with me because he was being ejected from his "situation".

When we went to the 50 cent a scoop ice cream store and he said I could only have one scoop.

When I caught him picking up old used cigarette butts...he said he would pull the last bits of tobacco out of them, roll it up in paper and voila!...a whole new cigarette.
When he asked me for gas money to fill up his Range Rover...

Oh wait, when the Range Rover was then repoed...

Next time I saw him, he was driving a Chrysler...
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When I caught him picking up old used cigarette butts...he said he would pull the last bits of tobacco out of them, roll it up in paper and voila!...a whole new cigarette.

OMG!!! No loosie? This fool didn't even want to spend money on a loosie? :lachen:
I knew tons of cheapos! :look::nono::lol:

When he found boxes of cheap dollar store lotions and body wash on the corner and kept them for himself. He broke out in a rash from that junk :nono:

When he wrapped my Valentine Day/B-day book in newspaper :ohwell:

When he asked me to pay his gas and tolls to come see me :wallbash:

When he got us a hotel room (for privacy) and it was a pay by the hour :blush::wallbash: There were street women in the halls :nono:

Giving me a rose his patient had given him earlier for V'day, I put 2 and 2 together :perplexed

Would buy a plate of food to share saying he wasn't that hungry but then eating 90% of the plate :nono:

I am done for now :wallbash:
I was talking to my bf about this and he was dying. He thought your story was hilarious. So it was actually in his pants pocket, not even in a coat pocket? Was it bulging or were the jeans really baggy? Was it tiny like a White Castle slider, or was it big and juicy like a Double Whopper? :lachen:

a McDonald's double cheesburger... a SMASHED double cheesburger. his pants were kinda baggy so i didnt notice, then again i wasnt really staring at his pants... we were watching a movie on tv or something. *sigh* i cant believe i didnt run from him then. BIG warning sign
That has to be the BEST story ever!!! I almost threw up! I can imagine how squished and stinky that burger was!!!

I knew he was broke when...

- This fool asked me out on a date. He was younger than me and very immature, but damn that Puerto Rican guy was cute (I have a thing for broke a** PR men LOL so sue me) and we went to Jillian's over by Fenway Park. So we get to the bar (he didn't want a table) and I order, but he says Nah I'm all set I'm not hungry. I knew right then and there he was expecting me to pay for my own food. Alrighty then. I ended up paying, but can you believe this fool asked me if he could have a piece of chicken? :grin:

lol, if mine comes first then you are a close 2nd or third! As for the burger i ended up telling him no thanks and he could eat it himself.... so this foo says "ok" then proceeds to dig in! big nasty.... :nono:
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I knew he was broke when..

-I knew he was cheap when i visited his apartment and he was sleeping on an air mattress, didnt own a microwave, and instead of hand soap, he would collect all his soap chips from the shower and mush them together..thats your hand soap


When I caught him picking up old used cigarette butts...he said he would pull the last bits of tobacco out of them, roll it up in paper and voila!...a whole new cigarette.


wow that's just sad :ohwell:
sorry, I tried to make this short

...when he invited me over to his place and asked me if I wanted a drink. We had to drive to his friends house to get the Seagrams Gin he had left there the night before. Unbeknowst to me his friends house was across state lines which was about 30 - 40 minutes away.

He picked up the bottle which only had about 3 swallows in it and we head back to his place. Before we got back to his place he asked me if I wanted something to mix with it...(uhm, yeah?!) because he didn't have anything at home. (suprise, surprise)

So, we stopped at a convience store and he looks over at me and says, "um...uh...I was gonna buy a cheeseburger at Micky D's and I only have $2.00...so...". So I look over at him and gave him the Ninja Please look. I jumped out of the car and go into the store and that ninja is right on my heels. I bought the smallest orange juice I could find (the individual size) and went back to his place and drunk his ish up.

3 hours of my life for 1 drink. :nono:

So he'd rather waste gas driving to another city to pick up an empty bottle of gin, when he could have just used the same amount of money to just buy another bottle?:wallbash:
I forgot about one.

This was the first, and last date. We went to the Shedd Aquarium for Jazz Night AKA Jazzin' at the Shedd. Its a Chicago thing.

1st Clue:
He wanted to take public transportation to avoid the cost of parking. I kinda understood that so I was like whatever.

2nd Clue:
He gets upset because the venue went up on the entrance fee. He actually expressed this to the teller and reiterated it to me after he paid.

3rd Clue:
he expressed that the drinks were too expensive and too skimpy

4th Clue:
The venue serves food. I wanted the grilled fish with rice and veggies. Before I could express that, he mentions how expensive it is. He'd rather have something less expensive.

5th Clue:
I forgo food altogether. I see some chocolate covered strawberries for $1.50. I pulled out my own money and he didn't even bother offering to pay for it.

I haven't talked to him since.
I knew He Was Broke when....

I asked what he majored in and he responded ," oh... Ya know..... I studied so many different things , so many different fields. I don't like to categorize myself I'm more of a spiritual free spirit, I go with the flow and I adapt to my environment:look:."

I understood that what he meant is "I went to school, finished nothing, I get whatever job i can get and hustle my way to get buy:yawn:."
I knew he was broke when...

He lived at home with mama...

He asked for money before even knowing him for a month..
ur dumb bwhahahahahahahahahahaha :dighole: :lachen:

...when he took hotdogs (the red kind that leave pink water)to work for lunch.
...instead of REAL dates he wanted to rent a movie at home
... when you could see the highway go by through the floor of his car