But in reality he is living his life, having fun, and burdening her down. She has to write things down for him, over explain things to him, and do things for him that he should be doing himself. Utterly exhausting!
And as we discuss these different types of dangerous men, we must always keep in mind the possibility of a man being a "combo-pack man". So, even though the parental seeker or clinger are not generally cheaters, that can be deceptive because if they are a combo pack, they can appear more innocent and sweet than they actually are. They may be a parental seeker AND have a hidden life or be an addict etc. Or be a combo of 2, 3, 4, or more of the 8 types she describes.
Moving on to Chapter 5, The Emotionally Unavailable Man. The author says that this is the "number-one dating choice among the various types of dangerous men." She says, "the emotionally unavailable man wreaks more havoc and causes more women to seek counseling than most of the other kinds of dangerous men."
She says that the problem is that his attention is almost always directed elsewhere and focused on something other than you. She says sadly "they don't truly value their intimate relationships or take them seriously." What we have to accept is that "he is uninterested in experiencing or is unable to experience deep feelings of connection with another." Why he is this way does not matter. How he became this type of person does not matter. The important thing is to see it for what it is and move on and find someone who can give us what we want, need, and deserve.
It is also likely that these men are combo pack men which further elevates their potential to be dangerous. Run, don't walk, from the emotionally unavailable man.
Thoughts ladies?
Ah, Chapter 5....sadly it was speaking to me loud and clear.
These emotionally unavailable men are the worst in that these men are attractive as they seem to have full lives with a career, hobbies, etc at a glance. Who doesn't want a man who is a hard worker with hobbies?? Their problem is they have the inability to balance their career/hobbies with a healthy, intimate relationship. Ain't nobody that busy!! Their persistent excuses and inability to commit are just an indication of deeper, underlying issues (@WonderGirl2U mentioned a few examples) that have nothing to do with you. If the POTUS can have date night with FLOTUS, then nobody can have an excuse.
Bottomline is trying to figure out why these guys keep getting chances with us in the past and making sure they don't ever get a chance from here on out. For me, I think it comes from my own small dose of emotional unavailability/aloofness/committment-phobia. I recognize this and working to be more open emotionally because I don't want to live like that. But it is crucial to understand their appeal so that when you do come across an emotionally unavailable man you recognize their negative traits ASAP and run away before feelings develop.
As for the emotionally unavailable man due to being married/engaged/seriously dating doesn't compute for me as I don't share well (0ne) and cheating is a big negative (two). But again, bottomline....they are not worth the time, energy, and brain space because these men have serious character flaws that are innate and cannot be fixed.
Thanks for the comments ladies! The frustrating thing about these guys too is that they often start out hot and heavy. They can't get enough of you, are romantic, sexy, etc. You think wow, I've hit the jackpot. Then poof they are gone and you are like hey I thought we really had something special. But they are suddenly sooo busy with this that and the other. And women in general and black women in particular are taught to be patient and not be needy. Needy often just means having the audacity to have normal human needs. The baggage reclaim website has lots of great info on these kinds of men as well.
She says the number one enemy of these men are women who are inquiring, ask lots of questions, follow up, and trust their intuition. They love trusting and polite women. Being too trusting and too polite will get you got. Many of us were taught to be polite to a fault. So as soon as a man seems annoyed by our questions we shrink and fall back, not wanting to appear too aggressive or unladylike. These men prey on women who are like this.
We must recognize red flags and heed them, be willing to walk away. No three strikes anymore ladies. No more endless talking and threats. I was recently at a retreat that said when a red flag presents itself step back, decide if the person deserves a second chance. If you give them a second chance in your mind make that their last chance, period. No third chances, no multiple chances. We do not have the power to change people. Let them be.
Sooo, let's move on to Chapter 6, The Man with the Hidden Life. She says, "A woman can't decide if a man is inappropriate for her if she doesn't know what he's really up to." And "What you don't know can hurt you and probably will." The thing is a hidden life could include almost anything: addictions, affairs, thrill seeking, gambling, illegal activities, immoral activities. ANYTHING! That is scary! And no man is worth having to become a detective. She says, "They are trying to keep a lot of balls in the air while keeping you in the dark." She also says you can count on these men being combo pack men. She adds, "They really believe that their lives are their own and they are free to do whatever they want as long as they don't do it in front of you." These men are masters of compartmentalization.
This one really hits home. I unwittingly fell for one of these types and it did a number on me. It wasn't so much the betrayal, although that was painful, but it was the fact that I allowed myself to let down my guard because I honestly believed him to be a solid, trustworthy guy. I'm normally pretty good at detecting deception and shady behavior but this one had me completely fooled. He is the reason I took an extended hiatus from dating. I've always had issues trusting men but now I feel I can't trust my own judgment anymore.