He Cried Like A Baby...help Me Understand

OP, the definition of date is also "a social appointment and engagement".
Yours went from being just social to romantic
When y'all started talking about "love you once shared"
"Romantic" Look it up
So a date is a date is a date
Piece of advice: Keep your life closed to married men
Don't know why you allow them access to you in the first
You look like an interviewee for a side-piece role
As if there ain't untaken guys you could spend your time with? :rolleyes:
OP, the definition of date is also "a social appointment and engagement".
Yours went from being just social to romantic
When y'all started talking about "love you once shared"
"Romantic" Look it up
So a date is a date is a date
Piece of advice: Keep your life closed to married men
Don't know why you allow them access to you in the first
As if there ain't untaken guys you could spend your time with? :rolleyes:

This agree on the romantic part.
Why are do you feel so threatened if a married man talks to a woman other that his wife?
This agree on the romantic part.
Why are do you feel so threatened if a married man talks to a woman other that his wife?

LOL OP where did you see ANYONE least of all me
Say they had a problem with a married man talking to another woman?
Girl, please
Quit taking us for a fool and downplaying
YOU did not talk to a married man
You went on a date with one
A date you probably planned
When dude was probably not even thinking about you
Dude brought up his wife and how happy he was
Because you gave off that vibe
So he put up a wall
Then you whip out a ring talmbout "remember when...?"
And now you fronting like you don't effin know what happened
You can not want your husband to do a lot of things. If he does them anyway, that is between him and his wife. He is the one not honoring the marriage.
I get where you're coming from sis I really do but at the same time imo it shows a lack of self respect to even entertain a man who's trying to use you for kicks and giggles or flirting or whatever. Like of course it's his duty to protect his marriage but if he refuses it's your right and responsibility to protect your integrity. So if that means telling him you can't meet cause he doesn't have boundaries so be it
There's a few men I legit avoid because they are adamant about being disrespectful to me and their s/o like I can't help what they do but I can help how I respond.
You do realize that this entire post is about your date with a married man?
You didn't run into him on the street. The two of you made plans to have dinner/cocktails and you prepared for it by bringing his high school class ring.

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You're making too much sense.

You are not old high school buddy. This is your married ex boyfriend and you have been holding onto his high school class ring for at least 8 years. You broke up only because he was deployed to Germany.
Your defensive attitude tells me that you know this is a load of crap. You met up with that married man in order to boost your own ego. Then you came here to post about it to let us all know that he was crying over you.

Did he pay for the date? If his wife finds out and whips your arse, please come back to update.

I was about to ask the bolded as well...
At some point in the conversation he said he had only loved two women in his life. Me and his wife. Okay. Cool.

Just curious if this is the same married ex who reaches out to you every 6-8 months, said he thinks he made a mistake getting married, and can't stop thinking about you.

Again with the under handed digs. How can you be so sure they did not choose me to marry. Maybe they asked and said no. Marriage is not the end game for everyone. Not here to discuss my entire dating history in explicit detail.

In the end, what you are saying is that you are "the one who got away" for at least 2 guys. Not quite sure what you want people to think/say. It's probably best just to keep it moving, especially since marriage may or may not be the end game for you. It was for them, they took vows to "forsake all others" so I probably would just limit contact.
This agree on the romantic part.
Why are do you feel so threatened if a married man talks to a woman other that his wife?

I won't speak for anyone else, but I think that it's important for things to be above board in a marriage. And maybe you two met up with good intentions, but it seemed to quickly escalate into dangerous ground. And that's how affairs start (not saying that you would have taken it there). People think something is innocent, the next it's 'it just happened). I think that's all anyone is saying.

I also don't think anyone would expect you to have no feelings left for him. It's an ex, it's normal. And if one of you did, it may not have been apparent until after you reconnected.

But this is why I'm opposed to meeting up with exes. It serves no real purpose
It also seems like from your tone and the thread your ego was boosted from this meeting? Like where you're like if he's so happy blah blah he only loved me and the wife blah blah etc girl don't eveah be flattered by the musing of a married man

Bolded: Yeah, I get that she's saying they were just "old friends catching up." But old friends probably shouldn't get into or use the word Love lol. Besides, I would take what he said with a grain of salt. Men say plenty of things, for all she knows he could say the same thing to any other woman.

I also agree with the ring just being a metaphor. For all we know he could have been crying cause everyone is so freaking old now and he's sad. :lol:
You can not want your husband to do a lot of things. If he does them anyway, that is between him and his wife. He is the one not honoring the marriage.

You're right he's not honouring his marriage by accepting dinner invites from exes. Equally, you're not innocent here either.; you shouldn't be initiating dinner dates with married men, its inappropriate. The fact that you did, and the way you described going about this date (especially the ring episode), says quite clearly that your intentions were not honourable either. If this was all about catching up, an email would have sufficed. His ring could have been sent in the mail. In my experience/opinion, people meet up in person to renew relationships. To reconnect. Be it just friendship or otherwise.

Everything he told you, and whatever you shared with him, could have been said via email. The two of you skipped breakfast, brunch, lunch and went straight to dinner.

It's not about whether or not marriage is the end all or is being put on a pedestal. It's about respect and boundaries.
A date you probably planned
When dude was probably not even thinking about you
Dude brought up his wife and how happy he was
Because you gave off that vibe
So he put up a wall
Then you whip out a ring talmbout "remember when...?"
And now you fronting like you don't effin know what happened


IF OP loved herself she would have had this thread locked

Oh well
Serious question:

You care for him platonically so much that you saved his ring and are working very hard to find out why he cried.

Yet, you show little care for someone that is his heart and the HE has care for -- his wife.

It doesn't seem genuine to think/say you care about someone, but then care nothing for someone VERY important to him.

Or do I have it all wrong: You don't care about him, really. You just want the ring gone and to know why he cried.
an outfit from high school to make him nostalgic, maybe her prom dress :look: :giggle:

Why am I picturing a Britney Spears inspired outfit. :lachen::lachen:

Why does it matter? You guys act like a woman can't have a platonic relationship with an ex. Ugh. I only wanted to know why he was crying at the end of our da...I mean dinner. You guys only see what you want to see, smh.

If you're dying to know I kept it classy and conservative.

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I. am. DONE!! :lachen:let me get out of here until I get off of work