He said he lost interest in us

"i appreciate everything youve done for me"



Yeah, I'm curious as to what he meant by that what have you been doing for him?

He might be breaking up with you in order to avoid purchasing a Christmas gift. He'll probably pop back up in mid-to-late January then disappear around Feb. 14th again.

Really good advice in the previous posts. Keep the gift and delete him from your life. He's right, you've been too good to him and therefore he has no right to treat you like this.
Good advice is so beautiful, momentarily soothing and even empowering but so hard to follow when a heart is freshly broken.

What happened sucks big time. If your any kind of human you are still gonna be like wtf, no matter how articulate the explanation was. Your heart is screaming why. But it has no ears to hear.

I'm sorry this happened ((((((hugs)))))))
He sounds really young and immature. Not ready and still wants to look shop around.

His text sounded like he likes you, but the spark is no more and he has found someone or others that is of more interest to him. His loss. Be glad he at least told you.

New Year coming and time to start fresh!
This guy is a cheater becasue he admitted he's been back online even after you two were together. Maybe the sex wasn't good enough for him, maybe it WAS you and he just didn't want to say it.. I am being real with you because I would want you to be real with me. Everything he said was a lie because he already said he couldn't be honest for fear of hurting your feelings. So you still don't know why he really left... Men are dogs girlfriend and that's a part of life... Return that present but under no circumstances do you contact him ever again... No No No
People who break up through text message really irk me. Like you are that much of a punk you cant tell someone face to face? Sad cowards. Anyway...he didnt deserve any more time or thought. Dont text back, ever, and KIM
This guy is a cheater becasue he admitted he's been back online even after you two were together. Maybe the sex wasn't good enough for him, maybe it WAS you and he just didn't want to say it.. I am being real with you because I would want you to be real with me. Everything he said was a lie because he already said he couldn't be honest for fear of hurting your feelings. So you still don't know why he really left... Men are dogs girlfriend and that's a part of life... Return that present but under no circumstances do you contact him ever again... No No No

That was really soothing :rolleyes:
When you invest time in someone it usually hurts some when things don't work. But please don't waste your time with someone who has told you they are not interested. You'll thank yourself later for moving on. He wasn't the right one for you and somewhere out there you'll find him.

I've said many, many times how stupid I was for staying in a relationship "because I loved him" when the guy was telling me through words and actions it was never going to be what I wanted it to be and you know what.....it never was!

Take care of yourself and move forward. Edited to add....without him!
Hmmmmm maybe I don't know enough background info but I could see why he would send it via text IF he may have felt pressured to be in a relationship in the 1st place. He may not have wanted the possible confrontation. Sometimes you want "out" but the person starts begging, crying and pleading and then you change your mind momentarily. I actually thought his words were very thoughtful and honest. maybe I need to read it again.

But yes, leave it alone. Besides it only gets better from here.
I'm sorry this happened to you OP. And wow, right before Xmas, what a bastard! Like the other ladies stated, it's best to just move on. Take it as a lesson learned. And trust, he will attempt to come back in your life so make sure to block his number. (Hugs)
of course getting it by text sucks and is cowardly. But he was honest with you and luckily he didn't continue to lead you on and do what he wanted. However, he will probably come back with the we can still be friends thing after you calm down. And no, you cannot be his friend. It's all or nothing. He doesn't know what he wants and you can't be his friend waiting for him to make up his mind. Trust me, it's best to stop all contact because he already said how he felt and you can't change that.

If you beg and plead for more reasons you will hurt more. Easy to say I know but I don't know what else he can say to make you feel better.

Hugs! It's hard to go through a sudden breakup. Especially around the holidays.
There seems to be confusion about the gift. I immediately thought it was a gift she had purchased for dude, but others thought it was something dude gave her. No way in hell would I return something dude got me if it was something good. If it was crap, I would throw it away.

Steve Harvey says men don't do closure. When they are out, they OUT.
A man who let someone else force him to do something he doesn't wanna do is weak.
Cut all communications and move on. He s not worthy of your time . At all.
Like many women have said here, he has a right to change his mind. I wouldn't contact him, it sucks, move on and don't let this hinder your future blessings.
There seems to be confusion about the gift. I immediately thought it was a gift she had purchased for dude, but others thought it was something dude gave her. No way in hell would I return something dude got me if it was something good. If it was crap, I would throw it away.

Steve Harvey says men don't do closure. When they are out, they OUT.

Ha, this is so true.
I am sorry this happened to you...:bighug:

Seriously....you CAN and WILL do better! He sounds like an immature, emotionally stunted jerk. I hate people who have conversations that should be face-to-face via text messages. It's such a PUNK thing to do! And around Christmas? UGH!

Do not respond to him ever. Because he will text you or call you again....or friend you online.....but just ignore him, and keep it moving. That is the best way to hit him where it hurts. You not even bothering to respond shows you are ABOVE it all. Which you really are so he will end up feeling quite stupid about it all.
There seems to be confusion about the gift. I immediately thought it was a gift she had purchased for dude, but others thought it was something dude gave her. No way in hell would I return something dude got me if it was something good. If it was crap, I would throw it away.

Steve Harvey says men don't do closure. When they are out, they OUT.

Yeah...I got confused while reading the thread. Forget returning the gift back to him! Keep it or throw it away depending on what it is and if you like it. He is just S.O.L. on whatever money he spent on it. Serves him right for breaking up with you via text right before Christmas!
I'm sorry to hear about that OP. But look at it as ending 2013 and this chapter of your life. You have no idea what great things are in store for you now that you have room for them!