He Cried Like A Baby...help Me Understand

Yes I was eager to return the ring...and your point would what?

I can not believe how so many have their panties all up in a bunch over dinner. Really?
It's no wonder some husbands refer to their wives as the "old ball and chain".

Not wanting her husband to go on a dinner date with another woman let alone an ex makes a wife an "old ball and chain"?

Good luck with the man that actually chooses to wife you and not wife someone else then tell you he misses you/really loved you but didn't marry you since you have at least 2 of those that we know of from this thread.

Hope you'll be okay with your future husband's dinner dates to reminiscence and not be a dreadful "ball and chain".


Unneeded FYI: I was quoted before editing... I didn't change earlier post b/c of response.
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Not wanting husbands to go on a dinner date with another woman let alone an ex makes a wife an "old ball and chain"?

Good luck with the man that actually chooses to wife you and not wife someone else then tell you he misses you.

You can not want your husband to do a lot of things. If he does them anyway, that is between him and his wife. He is the one not honoring the marriage.
You can not want your husband to do a lot of things. If he does them anyway, that is between him and his wife. He is the one not honoring the marriage.

A man can be wrong while a woman can ALSO be wrong. Two people can be wrong simultaneously in a situation. It's quite possible and common.

I don't understand women with your train of thinking. Therefore, there is not cause for a continued dialogue to show you how asinine your thinking is.

You probably sleep well with your training of thinking, so continue on.
A man can be wrong while a woman can ALSO be wrong. Two people can be wrong simultaneously in a situation. It's quite possible and common.

I don't understand women with your train of thinking. Therefore, there is not cause for a continued dialogue to show you how asinine your thinking is.

You probably sleep well with your training of thinking, so continue on.

Yes I do sleep well. Thank you.
I did not want to hold on to it any longer and I didn't think it was right to sell, pawn or throw it away. .

It didnt seem right to get a nice padded evnvelope to send it in eitehr?

anyway the fact that it only ended because he moved to Germany and not cause of a fight or ill feelings tells us or at least me what needed to known. Feelings are there from both you.

Denial doesnt change that.

I wish you all the best in moving on. truly.
So basically there is a pattern of married exes not choosing you but reaching out to reminisce, string you along or talk about their own marriage good or bad etc.? Or a pattern of you staying in contact with married men one way or another.

Hmmm... This reminds me of the single women on FB who make posts about married men blowing up their inbox. My question is always, why do they feel comfortable enough to even come at you like that? :confused: One could only come to one conclusion but I won't go there.

she said she'd not the same poster as that other one. If she were lying, it would be very easy to prove with her past posts. L:ets not add stuff that isnt there
Just being serious here/no shade: OP what was the purpose of your post? If the man that was crying wouldn't tell you why he was crying (the only real source), what additional information/perspective were you expecting from the forum? In the end, it somewhat comes off as your wanting to brag about how an ex cried over you but you had to post it as a question as a front. I could be wrong, but that's just how it appears seeing as this is not a real dilemma. You're probably a good person, but this is not a good look whether you care or not. JMO though.
I'm confused. A poster posted this:

"Just curious if this is the same married ex who reaches out to you every 6-8 months, said he thinks he made a mistake getting married, and can't stop thinking about you."

And you quoted this and responded:

"Not the same person"

Doesn't this mean, not the same ex or am I crazy? I said you remind me of the women on FB, not that you were actually on FB.
Just being serious here/no shade: OP what was the purpose of your post? If the man that was crying wouldn't tell you why he was crying (the only real source), what additional information/perspective were you expecting from the forum? In the end, it somewhat comes off as your wanting to brag about how an ex cried over you but you had to pose as a question as a front. I could be wrong, but that's just how it appears seeing as this is not a real dilemma. You're probably a good person, but this is not a good look whether you care or not.

I seriously thought the ladies here would have some insight as to why friends over dinner discussing their current lives would end with one in tears.
It's not to brag. I felt bad for him and didn't understand. I had no idea what to say to him to comfort him. I never assume anything. So I didn't assume his tears were over me.

Like someone said up thread, there is no way of knowing so I have to accept that.
I'm confused. A poster posted this:

"Just curious if this is the same married ex who reaches out to you every 6-8 months, said he thinks he made a mistake getting married, and can't stop thinking about you."

And you quoted this and responded:

"Not the same person"

Doesn't this mean, not the same ex or am I crazy? I said you remind me of the women on FB, not that you were actually on FB.

Not the same person that we are speaking of now.
6-8 month guy is different.
Op, I can see youre getting frustrated, so, I'll be gentle with you. It was mentioned up thread, this is a forum of wives, monogamous relationship women, women that want marriage and very conservative women. Possibly another forum would be more welcoming to this 'teetering the line of inappropriate' type relationship and date with a married man, but frfr, HERE, you were bound to get roasted.

None of us would have a clue why he cried, so it comes off like you're bragging about a married man wanting you so badly he cried.

Maybe ask the mods to delete or lock this thread.
Op, I can see youre getting frustrated, so, I'll be gentle with you. It was mentioned up thread, this is a forum of wives, monogamous relationship women, women that want marriage and very conservative women. Possibly another forum would be more welcoming to this 'teetering the line of inappropriate' type relationship and date with a married man, but frfr, HERE, you were bound to get roasted.

None of us would have a clue why he cried, so it comes off like you're bragging about a married man wanting you so badly he cried.

Maybe ask the mods to delete or lock this thread.

Serious question: Why? She sees nothing wrong with what she has done or said. Why the need to lock/delete just because others don't agree?
Serious question: Why? She sees nothing wrong with what she has done or said. Why the need to lock/delete just because others don't agree?

She's getting frustrated--trying to defend herself but she's looking worse and worse. She probably doesnt even believe what she's saying. It's time for op give up the ghost, we've gotten at her about the inadequacies in her behavior.
You can not want your husband to do a lot of things. If he does them anyway, that is between him and his wife. He is the one not honoring the marriage.

I always laugh when people say this....men and woman.
Yes, the married person is the one who took vows but the spouse who finds out about the inappropriate behavior doesn't care about that while they are whipping the arse of the presumed side man/side chick.
Tread carefully.

This right here!! @lana
Pure speculation, but maybe the spin off thread will be...Wife of the man I used to date snatched out my weave in line yesterday.

Imaginary thread post:
She was screaming obscenities, and I don't even know why. Just because I posted on social media about going to dinner with her husband and him crying like a baby after he told me he loved me and her...you know, his wife.

Why me? Why am I the victim? Can y'all believe this happened to me? She gave me the beat down in line and nobody helped me. I have an imprint of his highschool class ring on my face permanently because his wife wore it like a brass knuckle.

She was obviously jealous of my beauty and prowess. Don't nobody want ole boy anyway, so why was she so violent? So unnecessary.

I hate drama. I'm pressing charges. Watch! Just watch.

Oh, gotta run ladies, he's calling me min my cell phone bling to apologize for her behavior.
This is all very interesting. A sh!tshow, but interesting nonetheless.

There seem to be old romantic emotions/bonds involved that are not fully resolved and that is what is giving people pause. It's not like meeting up with an old friend - if I were the wife I'd be open to that. If he had to lie to his wife to meet up with you for dinner and drinks then the interaction is questionable at best and, worse yet, the start of rekindling an old flame or an emotional affair. You may say it wasn't your intention, but are you fully aware of his intentions? Men use the friendship hook all the time.

Your defensiveness from the start coupled with your evasiveness about who initiated the dinner also adds another layer of...suspicion(?) or discomfort for those reading the story. And these remedial retorts when people are trying to gain insight about a story you posted... it's like talking to a doorknob.


you've been here long enough to know how this thread would go. I've been in your position before where a thread steers off topic and I felt attack. Just let this one die. Don't answer anymore :lol: My first love who's now dead asked to meet up with me last summer and I refused. He's now dead. You have your closure, please don't give this anymore thought.
This is all very interesting. A sh!tshow, but interesting nonetheless.

There seem to be old romantic emotions/bonds involved that are not fully resolved and that is what is giving people pause. It's not like meeting up with an old friend - if I were the wife I'd be open to that. If he had to lie to his wife to meet up with you for dinner and drinks then the interaction is questionable at best and, worse yet, the start of rekindling an old flame or an emotional affair. You may say it wasn't your intention, but are you fully aware of his intentions? Men use the friendship hook all the time.

Your defensiveness from the start coupled with your evasiveness about who initiated the dinner also adds another layer of...suspicion(?) or discomfort for those reading the story. And these remedial retorts when people are trying to gain insight about a story you posted... it's like talking to a doorknob.

You know the people on this board only read/hear what they want to hear.
Yes I knew his intentions, and they were not in the romantic sense at all. If they were I would not have met up with him. That is pretty obvious from my other post someone referenced, however they conveniently did not post my entire reply where I clearly stated I do not date married men.

Yes it is like talking to a doorknob...on both end.


you've been here long enough to know how this thread would go. I've been in your position before where a thread steers off topic and I felt attack. Just let this one die. Don't answer anymore :lol: My first love who's now dead asked to meet up with me last summer and I refused. He's now dead. You have your closure, please don't give this anymore thought.

Sorry to hear about your lost.
Do you regret not meeting up with hm now that is is gone?
You know the people on this board only read/hear what they want to hear.
Yes I knew his intentions, and they were not in the romantic sense at all. If they were I would not have met up with him. That is pretty obvious from my other post someone referenced, however they conveniently did not post my entire reply where I clearly stated I do not date married men.

Yes it is like talking to a doorknob...on both end.

You do realize that this entire post is about your date with a married man?
You didn't run into him on the street. The two of you made plans to have dinner/cocktails and you prepared for it by bringing his high school class ring.

Michelle Obama 2.gif
You do realize that this entire post is about your date with a married man?
You didn't run into him on the street. The two of you made plans to have dinner/cocktails and you prepared for it by bringing his high school class ring.

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Not a date. No romantic intent. If I was a guy meeting up with a old high school buddy for dinner and drinks, would you call that a date too?
Look it up.

Two people getting together for an activity when the possibility of romance between them has been broached but not ruled out. Since the exploration of romance is the purpose of a date, merely asking someone out on a date is sufficient to broach the subject. Dates may or not continue once a couple have entered into a romantic relationship. The word "date" may be used to identify a get together between two people not romantically involved, but this usage is meant to convey irony, since such a meeting is not a date in the true sense of the word.
Not a date. No romantic intent. If I was a guy meeting up with a old high school buddy for dinner and drinks, would you call that a date too?
Look it up.

Two people getting together for an activity when the possibility of romance between them has been broached but not ruled out. Since the exploration of romance is the purpose of a date, merely asking someone out on a date is sufficient to broach the subject. Dates may or not continue once a couple have entered into a romantic relationship. The word "date" may be used to identify a get together between two people not romantically involved, but this usage is meant to convey irony, since such a meeting is not a date in the true sense of the word.

You are not an old high school buddy. This is your married ex boyfriend and you have been holding onto his high school class ring for at least 8 years. You broke up only because he was deployed to Germany.
Your defensive attitude tells me that you know this is a load of crap. You met up with that married man in order to boost your own ego. Then you came here to post about it to let us all know that he was crying over you.

Did he pay for the date? If his wife finds out and whips your arse, please come back to update.
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You are not old high school buddy. This is your married ex boyfriend and you have been holding onto his high school class ring for at least 8 years. You broke up only because he was deployed to Germany.
Your defensive attitude tells me that you know this is a load of crap. You met up with that married man in order to boost your own ego. Then you came here to post about it to let us all know that he was crying over you.

Did he pay for the date? If his wife finds out and whips your arse, please come back to update.

This is funny.
"Not a date. No romantic intent. If I was a guy meeting up with a old high school buddy for dinner and drinks, would you call that a date too?
Look it up."
Was this a guy meeting up with a guy he used to be in love with and was giving rings to? Then yeah, it's more than what my husband needs to be doing without me.