He Cried Like A Baby...help Me Understand


Something great has come to me out of participating in this thread.

At the thread discussing the pink dress, I see my weight-loss inspiration outfit:

The blue jean outfit. Let me get thin and toned and rock that!!! Hubby's eyes will bulge: :yep: I'm inspired.
I would wear the **** outta those jumpers in that thread! I'm looking at the site now.

Anyway, as far as the OP, everyone has said a lot. I'm just going to say good luck to you. I don't think you were trying to do something malicious and you're right about it being the man's responsibility to use common sense and not go on dinner dates with ex flames. However, it would be nice now and again for black women/and women in general to put some type of caring in there for other sisters. Dinner and cocktails is a date (even though you didn't intend for it to be), so just try not to put yourself in these types of situations again. :yep: He cried because he was thinking the "What ifs." I would refrain from contacting this person further.
You are not old high school buddy. This is your married ex boyfriend and you have been holding onto his high school class ring for at least 8 years. You broke up only because he was deployed to Germany.
Your defensive attitude tells me that you know this is a load of crap. You met up with that married man in order to boost your own ego. Then you came here to post about it to let us all know that he was crying over you.

Did he pay for the date? If his wife finds out and whips your arse, please come back to update.
Real talk.:goodpost:
Lord this is some funny mess!!!

OP: Oh dinner and drinks? Cool i'm down for this non-date with my married ex! (Throws on freakum dress, stilettos, beat face and grabs decade old sentimental gift before darting out the house)

:rofl: :dead:
Perfect gif. I'll have to remember this one :lol:
Wow I was wondering why this thread was so long.

I would never meet up with a married ex or married male friend like that without his wife AND my man (shiiid call it a double date at that point), TF?! I'm alllllll about boundaries and respect.

There's something about the OP's tone that rubbed me the wrong way, particularly about the wife.
His love for his wofe does not negate what he had for you. Trie love never dies imo. Its just buried and u brought it back up.

Does not mean he does not love ir treasure hos wife.
Yeah OP, @Phoenix11 you both clearly had strong feelings for each other and even though he is clearly happy with his life and his wife the fact that you kept his ring may have made him realize you also still cared for him and he felt bad that he couldn't be there for you and/or that you guys ended.

It doesn't mean that he doesn't love his life or his wife, just that in that moment when you gave back the ring perhaps he realized how much your relationship meant to you and he felt bad that he couldn't be the man you wanted him to be.

I would cut off contact at least in person because there is too much emotion still there.
DH just hipped me to the class ring thing. Apparently, it's a promise ring aka engagement ring.
OP went to dinner with this married man and gave him back his 8-year-old "promise ring" and came here to ask why he was crying. He may have felt guilty for not following through on that promise. Now I understand why it wasn't thrown in the trash.

This is The missing piece of information. This explains it all.

OP, I wish you luck. We have a prayer circle thread that you can join. It did wonders for Ciara and some other of us on the forum.
Wow ladies.
Why can't old friends get together platonically. Not all people are capable of that, but I am.

Trust me, I'm not chasing any married man. If he did or did not tell his wife about our meeting, that is between them.

As far as me being "extra". I did not want the ring in my possession any longer. It no longer had any meaning to me. Pawning it is callous. The right thing to do is what I did and give it back to the person it belongs to.

You have to be trolling.....thats the only logical explanation.
So glad I found the relationship forum :lol:

This reminds me of AdoraAdora's "you guys, why do so many people ask me if I'm mixed because of all this luscious hair I got? Ugh so annoying"
It did not get the intended response. :lol:

OP just admit you like to humble brag about being the one that got away and you think real life is The Notebook. Next thing you know, OP will be like guys, the house he bought looks just like the one I sketched when I was 16, why would he do that? Guess I'll never know *heavy sigh* *wistful stare*
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He cried and ran because he was overwhelmed with emotions. He considered the consequences of y'all "harmless" interaction and couldn't handle them.
He prolly does still love you, but he ran and wouldn't take the ring because it's not worth losing his wife. He prolly realized he was on the verge of cheating, or that he'd been emotionally unfaithful by agreeing to meet you.
Bottom line is had dinner & drinks. Talked about high school days & got caught up with what is going on in each other lives. It was not a date.

I could have returned the ring in a variety if ways as you all have suggested. I chose to do it the way I did. I did not want to hold on to it any longer and I didn't think it was right to sell, pawn or throw it away. He ultimately accepted it back and after in time I'm sure he will appreciate its return.

Ego boost? I was flattered by his "love" remark yes. But that was a long time ago. I acknowledged it and move on to another topic.

I guess I will never know why he cried.

OP I stopped right here to comment, I don't know if any of the other ladies hinted at it, but u trying to get your arse handed to you. hopefuly the wife has seneed to go across her man head before she meets up with you.