Everything was cool until he____(fill in the blank)

I think the way his ex looks and act can be a reflection of them....I mean come on WHO would want to date a man if his ex was ugly and ghetto but your beautiful and classy....HOW DID HE GET THERE???

That's funny, I was thinking of starting a thread about this the other day. I was curious if it would change the way you feel about a guy if you found out early in the courtship that most of his exes were butt ugly.

The reason I thought about this is because I was (just) talking to a guy once and she showed me pictures of several of his exes and I kid you not, ALL of them could have been Covergirl models - BEAUTIFUL women! One looked so much like Bey that I had to do a double take. I'm not sure how I felt about it but we didn't get very far (only a couple of dates) so it didn't matter after all.
-he told me he was a sex fiend (on the FIRST date) :nono:

-he couldn't get through a lite dinner without a cigarette...nope, don't do chain smokers

-we were on a date, and he pulled in through the Burger King drive-thru, ordered for himself and his cousin without asking me if I wanted anything :perplexed
Everything was cool until I found the penis enlargement pills. Dude had insecurities about being small! If he had asked me one more,"What do you think of it?" question I would have choked myself.
-he told me he was a sex fiend (on the FIRST date) :nono:

-he couldn't get through a lite dinner without a cigarette...nope, don't do chain smokers

-we were on a date, and he pulled in through the Burger King drive-thru, ordered for himself and his cousin without asking me if I wanted anything :perplexed

:blush: These dudes are bold! These stories are :spinning:.

I would've grabbed his burger and ran!:lachen:
This thread is hilarious..ok here are Some of mine...btw, all diff guys:
Everything was cool until he......

-brought me to a family function at his house to meet his mom for the first time, or at least I thought he brought me to meet his mom....as soon as we were alone in his room, he voluntarily showed me what he was "working with" better yet..what he WASN'T WORKING WITH...I literally LOL....and told him to take me home...he will forever be known as "Lil D***" to me and ALL my friends...unfortunately for him we went to the same school...and had mutual friends.

-Told me that he lived with his daughter....but "forgot" to tell me he lived with his baby mother too...

-He took me out for the first time, and while at the dinner table, pulled out two diff ID's...in one he had long hair (box braids), in the other he had a ceaser (low haircut), then stated, I just wanted to show you how sexy I am, no matter what I do...THEN he told me that he doesn't normally date dark skin females, but i'm cute (he genuinely thought that was compliment)...THEN he asked me if my hair was real! Luckily this happened in the summer, he would of prob realized i was ditching his sorry behind if i took a coat with me to the "bathroom" lol

-Refused to pronounce my name correctly because he said it has 2 many syllables (3, My-e-a), and he felt that the name "Mya" suited me better anyway

-Invited me out to eat, and then when the bill came, he looked at me and said, "you got this right, I paid last time"....it was our SECOND DATE

-Asked me out to the movies for our First Date....after I got in the car, I noticed he wasn't driving towards the movie theater close to my house...when I asked what theater he was going to, he said "Theater???? We're going to My House, I asked if u wanted to SEE a movie, I didn't say We're going to the movie theater!"...I got out of the car at the next red light.

-Told me he doesn't see a problem with having other women on the side as long as I know I'm Number One in his life and he's taking care of me financially. This was our First, and Last conversation on the phone.

-Made me like him by being respectful, kind, and caring...only to discover that he was working with an "Itty Bitty" that ALWAYS finished the race before it even started! :wallbash:
All different exes/dates...

-farted in the car on the first date. Worst date ever. :rolleyes:
-disappeared because the Feds were after him (he ended up being an informant, that **** was crazy).
-cussed me out in front of the whole campus and broke into my dorm room.
-started emailing me threats after I broke things off.

Thank you God for salvation from all THAT drama.
(Different guys)

- He told me he was married
- He told me he had five kids
- I found out that he wasn't 25 he was 45
- He smiled and all I saw were three gold teeth
- He came to take me "out" and when I asked where we were going he said " a hotel". ( Needless to say I made him turn right back around and take me home)

- When it was time to get intimate he had an odor coming from his privates :O
- He told me that if I didn't have long hair any more ( back in my BSL days) that he would dump me. ( I shaved my head bald a month later).
He showed up at my doorstep after disappearing for five years and was like " yeah I just got out of jail..... you still my girl right?"

- He told me that all he does for a living is "sleep" all day
This thread is hilarious..ok here are Some of mine...btw, all diff guys:
Everything was cool until he......

-brought me to a family function at his house to meet his mom for the first time, or at least I thought he brought me to meet his mom....as soon as we were alone in his room, he voluntarily showed me what he was "working with" better yet..what he WASN'T WORKING WITH...I literally LOL....and told him to take me home...he will forever be known as "Lil D***" to me and ALL my friends...unfortunately for him we went to the same school...and had mutual friends.

-Told me that he lived with his daughter....but "forgot" to tell me he lived with his baby mother too...

-He took me out for the first time, and while at the dinner table, pulled out two diff ID's...in one he had long hair (box braids), in the other he had a ceaser (low haircut), then stated, I just wanted to show you how sexy I am, no matter what I do...THEN he told me that he doesn't normally date dark skin females, but i'm cute (he genuinely thought that was compliment)...THEN he asked me if my hair was real! Luckily this happened in the summer, he would of prob realized i was ditching his sorry behind if i took a coat with me to the "bathroom" lol

-Refused to pronounce my name correctly because he said it has 2 many syllables (3, My-e-a), and he felt that the name "Mya" suited me better anyway

-Invited me out to eat, and then when the bill came, he looked at me and said, "you got this right, I paid last time"....it was our SECOND DATE

-Asked me out to the movies for our First Date....after I got in the car, I noticed he wasn't driving towards the movie theater close to my house...when I asked what theater he was going to, he said "Theater???? We're going to My House, I asked if u wanted to SEE a movie, I didn't say We're going to the movie theater!"...I got out of the car at the next red light.

-Told me he doesn't see a problem with having other women on the side as long as I know I'm Number One in his life and he's taking care of me financially. This was our First, and Last conversation on the phone.

-Made me like him by being respectful, kind, and caring...only to discover that he was working with an "Itty Bitty" that ALWAYS finished the race before it even started! :wallbash:
R..U....Kidding me!!!!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
OMG! This thread is so hilarious!!! I can do better than the above.

Everything was fine until:

- I found him on the sex offender registry. 10 yrs for rape.

- He tried to lie/force his way into my apartment at the end of the date

- Harassed my family because he could not find/stalk me

- He repeatedly "forgot his wallet" after offering to get me a drink; I always forgot my purse, too. :giggle:

- He told me had six kids - dude was 26 and never married. I could not stop laughing... I thought he was joking; he got offended after a while :giggle:

- His gf found my number and called to curse me out; she snitched that they both were crackheads, and regarding herself, told me "Bidge pu$$y STAY hot!" Then he called back with, "Why can't you understand that I LOVE YOU?"

- During "relations" he asked me 'are you ok?' and I'm like, "are you in?" Bad sign.

- Dude with an S-Curl, all gelled up told me he "uses gel so he doesn't have to wash" his hair - EVER

- Dude needed a magnum and always got regular condoms; I found out he was purposely breaking condoms with his big beefstick!!! we were unprotected!!!

- white guy - cooked me a lovely dinner... as I was saying how cool I thought that was that he cooked for me, he fondles me, says "nice ***, nice boobs" and tries to lead me to the bed ( studio apt )

- told me I was "such a cool person," but he could never take a "lightskinned" female home to mom

- took me on a spontaneous flight to NYC, and left me there when I would not bang him

- white guy - found out my friend had gotten into Harvard Law School ( He was in Georgetown ) and had the nerve to say it was because of quotas!!! To ME!!

These are all different guys; Thank you for reminding me why I stopped dating.

Hilarious! I can't stop laughing at this post!
These are all diff. guys;

Told me he had 4 kids with 4 diff. women. :nono: This was during our initial get to know you convo.

Told me he had a 3 inch. penis but said that he could really work it and could bang me to sleep. :lachen: This was during our 2nd date.

Brought his cousin to our 1st date cause the cousin had just been dumped and was feeling down. :perplexed
here's 2 more from my forget-about-him vault:
....till.... I asked if the sudden (we'd known/dated of-n-on for years) marriage proposal had a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g to do with his greencard....& he said "Yes". That's when I said "No".:nono: The end.

....more recently: Kept going on in convo (interrogation by me) about the status of a young lady he may/or/maynot have been seeing. :rolleyes:She went from GF , to Friend, to someone he kicks-it-wit everynow and then. Mind you I'm still cool (pun implied) after all it's our first "meeting/date". When he saw that this didn't warm me up, he went to dissin' her.
I had to stop him; and politely told him there was no need to put her down in front of me
(in my mind: Interview over' cause this is a charater flaw for me). I don't do put downs. If it's over its over; S-T-F-U and move on. It is totally unnecessary to tell me how she has no "drive"; she's too little for you (when did you realize this); she's messy...and so on. Again, STFU and move on.....just like I just did.​
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This thread is he-larry-us.

Wore brown socks with white sneakers and slacks.

~told me that he was the best thing that could EVERY happen to me.

-- complaining he was hot....grown ma sitting in a bedroom under a box fan in 90 degree weather.

Til he said he was going to wash up before sex and walked out closing the door. I walked out a minute later to see he was spraying his meat with water he used to iron his clothes.

I came out of the ladies room of a restaurant and saw him steal the tip money!!!!

He pulled down his pants and looked like he had two navels.....
...came to my family's bar-b-q carrying like 8 40 ozS as an addition to the beverages being offered. :nono: I was like "What's next, we're gonna break out the dominos CRAIG?!?!" I was so embarrassed.

...left me a message and I heard a little twang of sweetness. I had to look at the phone and replay the message a few times... yup sweetness. I don't need any questionmarks in my life.
Everything was cool until he:

I am ashamed to admit that this was all the same guy, thank goodness I broke free from my aDICKtion!!! :look:

- Smoked weed in my car when i was out of town :nono:
- I found out he was lying about his age - by 8 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Threw hissy fits in Miami, got pissed because he had to watch towels at the beach, when he refused to ride jet skis AND withheld the balance of the $$ due for the condo we were staying in (best believe he paid though!)
- Got an attitude with ME when he borrowed my phone and then left it in some random person's hotel room
- Let me take a picture of him in my corset
- Let the roaches crawl around his house like they paid rent
- Wanted to be pissy with me when he got evicted, when I rented him the UHaul...

These are different ppl:

- starting randomly dancing and shouting in the restaurant (this was last weekend!)
- Told me he was growing his locs for God and was saving himself for marriage, then proceeded to grind his penis on me (no we weren't dancing)
- Blamed me for him losing an eWRECKtion...then (the next morning), beckoned (from the bed) for me to iron his clothes...you lost your eWRECKtion, not your hand.

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:What were you thinking when you took the picture? Did he pose sexy, rugged or casual?......... :lachen::lachen::lachen:

I had a guy go into my room while I was at the store, and put on a pair of tight jeans and a pink shirt of mine, when I opened my bedroom door (looking for him), he was in the center of my room try to wobble/drop it/shake it. (very stiff :nono:, he was in a squat like position) I didnt say anything, he didnt say anything, he took off my clothes silently, put his back on, and that was the end of that.
:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:What were you thinking when you took the picture? Did he pose sexy, rugged or casual?......... :lachen::lachen::lachen:

I had a guy go into my room while I was at the store, and put on a pair of tight jeans and a pink shirt of mine, when I opened my bedroom door (looking for him), he was in the center of my room try to wobble/drop it/shake it. (very stiff :nono:, he was in a squat like position) I didnt say anything, he didnt say anything, he took off my clothes silently, put his back on, and that was the end of that.

Aww hell nawl!! :perplexed:perplexed:ohwell::lachen:
EVERY THING WAS COOL UNTIL HE ASK ME FOR A LITTLE MONEY:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:THAT KILL IT:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:I DONT GIVE MEN MONEY:nono::nono::nono::nono::nono:BETTER GET TWO JOBS BEFORE YOU ASK ME.IF ITS NOT YOUR HUSBAND I DONT THINK YOU SHOULD.:nono::nono::nono:
-hugged me after our date like he hadn't felt the touch of a woman since the nineties and i literally had to pry myself away. ick. :nono: got the veto. this actually happened w/2 different guys.

-called me after a first date telling me "u seem like a sensual person" and asking me all types of weird sexual questions. veto

-got upset i cancelled a date bc i had work to do when i was in grad school. like real oddly upset. this negro didn't even know me. was almost yelling at me about how he wanted to spend the entire weekend w/me. veto

-tried to sleep with me at his house, and when i heard someone walking around upstairs he is like oh thats my room mate. turns out he lived w/his mother (was never going to sleep w/his wack a$$ anyway). veto.

-brags to me about how all his ex girlfriends are models and all these chics like him and how i should be glad he chose to hang out with me. did i mention this is the same dude who lived with his mother? veto

-continues to call and text me after calling me a b-word saying that wasn't his real self and he really is a nice dude. can we say psycho? veto

-started to disappear every single weekend with "the bruhs" to go to undergrad college frat parties (he is 29). then proceeds to tell me i'm immature if i can't understand that he "has a life" :rolleyes: veto in progress

yeah, i'm taking a break from dating.

Um, did we meet the same guy? This is eerie strange but I met a guy with this EXACT same modus operandi.
Some are different men, some are the same. Sad thing is, I just turned 22.

Everything was cool until he:

1. He was early picking me up for a date, I was taking too long finishing my hair and he burned me with the iron on my forehead. A slight scar is still there. This was Valentine's Day '05. Then he went to sit down like nothing happened.

2. Kept trying to have sex with me...at work...he was my boss and 20 yrs older than me, in a 10yr marriage *with a GORGEOUS wife, mind you that just "wouldn't have sex with him"*...2 kids (one in pre-k, the other in 1st). I just left the job because I would have felt bad for him to have to lose his job with those babies to support. UGH.

3. Told me, on the 2nd date, that he would move anywhere I went with me after I graduated. Um...just a little creepy.

4. Had a girl leave a very intimate message on his answering machine saying that she would be over in a few mins (he told me that he had a meeting so I couldn't stay too long) and when I got up to leave was like, "Tell me what you're feeling right now."

5. On the first date, said my breasts looked like they were in pain and he read in studies that a way to alleviate it was "saliva." I'm SOOO serious on this one. I could only :lachen:.

6. Proposed to me on the 1st date. I've heard this happens a lot.

7. Called me with a rope around his neck getting ready to hang himself off his balcony b/c I didn't love him after 1wk of dating. Omg, THAT was an experience.

8. Gave me the idea that he was a stalker/abusive and possibly homicidal. I met him thru a friend...(Kenny, for if u may know him now:covereyes) and the nasty messages he would leave on my Voicemail after calling from an Unknown number...if he knew where i lived, I would have definitely had the police watching my place.

I just recently broke up with my long time bf...very very recently...and I think I'm just done. I can't put my heart, mind and body through this type of torture anymore. I'm going off to :crying3: now.
Just Happened today...

-Until he called the next day to ask me if I spent the night at wal-mart since I told him I would call him back once I finished grocery shopping..

-Until he called at 12:45 am asking me to wake the Fu*&K up (his words exactly) and why am I mumbling and sh*^t (because I was asleep)...Keep in mind I had just gave him my number on Sunday so not even 2 days of knowing me!
Sleek, I think you have the wrong thread sweetie :giggle:

Yup I do, that was supposed to be in the does humor make a guy more attractive thread :lachen:
That's what I get for having iSpy running in the background. I clicked and responded to the wrong post while the right one had scrolled on by.
Just Happened today...

-Until he called the next day to ask me if I spent the night at wal-mart since I told him I would call him back once I finished grocery shopping..

-Until he called at 12:45 am asking me to wake the Fu*&K up (his words exactly) and why am I mumbling and sh*^t (because I was asleep)...Keep in mind I had just gave him my number on Sunday so not even 2 days of knowing me!

What?!?! :blush:
Some are different men, some are the same. Sad thing is, I just turned 22.

Everything was cool until he:

1. He was early picking me up for a date, I was taking too long finishing my hair and he burned me with the iron on my forehead. A slight scar is still there. This was Valentine's Day '05. Then he went to sit down like nothing happened.

2. Kept trying to have sex with me...at work...he was my boss and 20 yrs older than me, in a 10yr marriage *with a GORGEOUS wife, mind you that just "wouldn't have sex with him"*...2 kids (one in pre-k, the other in 1st). I just left the job because I would have felt bad for him to have to lose his job with those babies to support. UGH.

3. Told me, on the 2nd date, that he would move anywhere I went with me after I graduated. Um...just a little creepy.

4. Had a girl leave a very intimate message on his answering machine saying that she would be over in a few mins (he told me that he had a meeting so I couldn't stay too long) and when I got up to leave was like, "Tell me what you're feeling right now."

5. On the first date, said my breasts looked like they were in pain and he read in studies that a way to alleviate it was "saliva." I'm SOOO serious on this one. I could only :lachen:.

6. Proposed to me on the 1st date. I've heard this happens a lot.

7. Called me with a rope around his neck getting ready to hang himself off his balcony b/c I didn't love him after 1wk of dating. Omg, THAT was an experience.

8. Gave me the idea that he was a stalker/abusive and possibly homicidal. I met him thru a friend...(Kenny, for if u may know him now:covereyes) and the nasty messages he would leave on my Voicemail after calling from an Unknown number...if he knew where i lived, I would have definitely had the police watching my place.

I just recently broke up with my long time bf...very very recently...and I think I'm just done. I can't put my heart, mind and body through this type of torture anymore. I'm going off to :crying3: now.

@ #4. I would have hit him with a "Boy, whatever." :rolleyes: Tell me how you're feeling? Comedy, I tell ya

@ #5. Bwahahahahaha. :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: I bet that line prolly worked on somebody. :look: :lachen:
(Different guys)

- He came to take me "out" and when I asked where we were going he said " a hotel". ( Needless to say I made him turn right back around and take me home)

Same thing happened to me........luckily we were in the car in my driveway and the fool was like.......do you have your I.D. and I ask why and he says so we can get a room, I tell him a room for what I'm not going to a damn hotel with you, I don't even know you like that, then he says "Well why did you give me your number" :perplexed: I said "you know what..........lose it" and I went back in my house. The nerve of some of these fools!