What Was This? Was I Wrong?

:lachen: Oh wow, how did I miss this thread...ya'll have me cracking up! I agree with every one else dude is weird don't waste your time. It shouldn't take all of that just to get some D. Is he by chance a Scorpio?
Do scorpios act weird like that??
Mental note to stay away from scorpios then
:lol: He is a Taurus

Taurean men...Hmm.

My friend had a weird situation like yours. He was a Taurus too. She ended up having to cut him off. In our case, I was friends with him as well and so I tried to break down where he went wrong. I too wanted to strangle the life out of him. They still aren't friends anymore.

Scorpio men can be mooooody! They also like to be in control.

One of my Scorpio friends is an introvert and almost as weird as the OP. He literally asked me if I can help him navigate the social world. Like, I dead ass coached him on how to have friends over (0ffer them a drink, food, hang up coats) :perplexed:

Oh, and 3 weeks ago he was telling me he doesn't know how to integrate his gf (of 4 years) into familial situations. He told me he'll bring her on family vacay or to his cousins house and then ignore her...because he doesn't know what to do :lol:
But you're not judging, though. :yawn:

We've been out to dinner before. Nice places. But that wasn't a time for dinner or takeout. It was a time for dack. You don't have to agree with it, but not everyone lives by the same moral compass as you. Fooling around with a guy you've known for a few months and been on a few dates with isn't unheard or pearl-clutch worthy to me. *shrug*

Who's talking about moral compass? I'm talking about your technique. I didn't say it was unheard of or pearl clutching. I said with this dude you misread something. Clearly you're not listening to me so who knows what he really said.

Your update is just as confusing. He gangsta bad boy on text but in person a weeping Drake. He sounds like one of these dudes with Mary Mother Virgin issues. Leave him alone. Utilize your FWB to keep you focused over the holidays. Keep dealing with Drake and you gonna wake up to him crying in a pillow (or worse) over you not letting him lead.
I don't think you did anything wrong. I've never seen a guy act like this. usually when there's that much talk, there's also some action.

i agree that there's probably some kind of social anxiety or something else going on with him
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This is what I wish he would've done. I knew he was shy and quiet, but I didn't think he would act like that.
Basically I was in there like:

and he was in there thinking:

All of your comments are cracking me up :lol: I guess because I actually know him and have experienced his "good side", I feel for him. But not enough to keep seeing him

Omg at the first pic:lol:. If you change your mind and you guys go out again please please update us. You two together is VERY entertaining. If his in person game was on fleek as his text game man ...
Omg at the first pic:lol:. If you change your mind and you guys go out again please please update us. You two together is VERY entertaining. If his in person game was on fleek as his text game man ...

You know my mama is actually pushing me to give him a second chance. She's all "your step father is quiet and reserved, and you see how well he treats me!" I'm trying to explain to her that he is beyond quiet and reserved, but it's hard to explain without getting into the sexually explicit text messages.

Sadly, this isn't the first weird dating experience I've had this year alone. Between a tinder date who turned out to be married with two kids, a guy cursing me out because I won't give him my address so he could "come play in my hair", a guy who swore up and down he didn't have a kid...but was on Facebook publically complaining about paying child support, I'm not even really phased by this situation. My friends think it's hilarious, that I have the craziest dating stories. I just want boring! Meet, fall in love, get married type boring!
You know my mama is actually pushing me to give him a second chance. She's all "your step father is quiet and reserved, and you see how well he treats me!" I'm trying to explain to her that he is beyond quiet and reserved, but it's hard to explain without getting into the sexually explicit text messages.

Sadly, this isn't the first weird dating experience I've had this year alone. Between a tinder date who turned out to be married with two kids, a guy cursing me out because I won't give him my address so he could "come play in my hair", a guy who swore up and down he didn't have a kid...but was on Facebook publically complaining about paying child support, I'm not even really phased by this situation. My friends think it's hilarious, that I have the craziest dating stories. I just want boring! Meet, fall in love, get married type boring!

You should TOTALLY blog or vlog about your experiences. This is all very entertaining. Then when you're all happy, in love and married (if that's what you want), you can look back on all this and laugh.

Good luck with everything!
Do not give him the upper hand by being fooled by his 'nice side'. NO. He is CRAZY as phuc. You truly would be surprised how many sociopaths have a 'nice side' too. I would not engage with him at all EVER AGAIN. I would barely give a pass to a thirteen year old boy for this behavior much less a THIRTY THREE YEAR OLD. KIM!! He is mentally impaired, mentally challenged, mentally incompetent, mentally unstable or just plain MENTAL. Nothing you can do with that.

He texted me as I was about to fall asleep saying "Are you okay?" I was thinking...does he think I'm here sad and crying? :lol: I responded, Yes, why wouldn't I be? Are you? And he said "I don't know...yeah"

He went on to say he felt like I was trying to control the situation by getting him to talk, making suggestions. I said trying to have a conversation is not trying to be in control...were we supposed to sit there in silence? And me suggesting that he take off his hat and coat was just me trying to be a good host, make him feel comfortable. Seeing where this was going, I said "I apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable"--I'm a nice person, and obviously those weren't my intentions.

That evening, when I asked him the question and he responded by telling me to look it up, I went on to say "I don't want to look it up on the website. I want to hear it from you. That's what people do, they converse" etc. He said he felt like I was having a control freak hissy fit. Sigh. Ok.

Seeing that this was going nowhere, we said goodnight. Maybe 10 min later I get another text: "How did you expect that night to end?"

I responded by saying after his previous sexual comments, idk if I would have taken it that far :look:, but I was ok with kissing (we've given pecks before), touching. After all, we're adults. It's okay.

I asked him the same question. He responded:
"When you opened the door, you look so pretty that I wanted to kiss you right then and there and then make you cum so I could hear you moan."

:huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:

He then said:
"Hit me up when you're ready for that"


Yall I wrote a paragraph. If that's the case, why were you on the couch frozen?? Why were you talking about boundaries and freaking out when I touched you?

Long story short: He said he was trying to process everything but it was too much.

Our conversation is still going on. I don't have my phone with me right now, but I'm trying to get him to understand that I'm not judging him. It seriously sounds like he's an aspie, or has some type of anxiety issues.

Yall I kinda feel bad for him. I still say I'm not up for a project, but I don't want to hurt him either.
Girl you goy for yoself a sexting pimp. Have you seen the dack pics? He sounds unsure of his skill and like he spends a lot of time online bigging himself up but not a lot of time in real life practicing. Trust and believe you dodged a two minute, two pump bullet.
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You know my mama is actually pushing me to give him a second chance. She's all "your step father is quiet and reserved, and you see how well he treats me!" I'm trying to explain to her that he is beyond quiet and reserved, but it's hard to explain without getting into the sexually explicit text messages.

Sadly, this isn't the first weird dating experience I've had this year alone. Between a tinder date who turned out to be married with two kids, a guy cursing me out because I won't give him my address so he could "come play in my hair", a guy who swore up and down he didn't have a kid...but was on Facebook publically complaining about paying child support, I'm not even really phased by this situation. My friends think it's hilarious, that I have the craziest dating stories. I just want boring! Meet, fall in love, get married type boring!

You've got to get better at screening them. Just pay more attention and stick to trusting your instincts.
leave him alone...

did he call you or text you yet? please ignore...heck block him.

i can't believe he sat there with his coat on...:lachen:

He texted me as I was about to fall asleep saying "Are you okay?" I was thinking...does he think I'm here sad and crying? :lol: I responded, Yes, why wouldn't I be? Are you? And he said "I don't know...yeah"

He went on to say he felt like I was trying to control the situation by getting him to talk, making suggestions. I said trying to have a conversation is not trying to be in control...were we supposed to sit there in silence? And me suggesting that he take off his hat and coat was just me trying to be a good host, make him feel comfortable. Seeing where this was going, I said "I apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable"--I'm a nice person, and obviously those weren't my intentions.

That evening, when I asked him the question and he responded by telling me to look it up, I went on to say "I don't want to look it up on the website. I want to hear it from you. That's what people do, they converse" etc. He said he felt like I was having a control freak hissy fit. Sigh. Ok.

Seeing that this was going nowhere, we said goodnight. Maybe 10 min later I get another text: "How did you expect that night to end?"

I responded by saying after his previous sexual comments, idk if I would have taken it that far :look:, but I was ok with kissing (we've given pecks before), touching. After all, we're adults. It's okay.

I asked him the same question. He responded:
"When you opened the door, you look so pretty that I wanted to kiss you right then and there and then make you cum so I could hear you moan."

:huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:

He then said:
"Hit me up when you're ready for that"


Yall I wrote a paragraph. If that's the case, why were you on the couch frozen?? Why were you talking about boundaries and freaking out when I touched you?

Long story short: He said he was trying to process everything but it was too much.

Our conversation is still going on. I don't have my phone with me right now, but I'm trying to get him to understand that I'm not judging him. It seriously sounds like he's an aspie, or has some type of anxiety issues.

Yall I kinda feel bad for him. I still say I'm not up for a project, but I don't want to hurt him either.

Girl let this young man go, unless you want to walk on egg shells and bend over backwards to get you some. He is just too much work. I promise it isn't suppose to be this painstaking and difficult.

And since you are texting in paragraphs and feeling sorry for him , I guess he is pulling on your heartstrings. All I can saw is buckle up! It's gonna a be a bumpy ride lol

Good luck and keep us posted.
Girl you goy for yoself a sexting pimp. Have you seen the dack pics? He sounds unsure of his skill and like he spends a lot of time online bigging himself up but not a lot of time in real life practicing. Trust and believe you dodged a two minute, two pump bullet.
I agree. He's probably one of those all talk guys that can talk all that game online or text but IRL he probably a virgin. I wonder if that was why he was so scared.
He is crazy. (No, I'm not just now realizing this)

So I stopped texting him, so he texts me earlier today and asked if I "was done". Last time I text him, he was communicating like a child so I asked him if he could communicate full, coherent sentences...you know, like an adult. He said that he "didn't like playing my games". Because you know, communicating like an adult is a game. So I left it alone and ignored his messages afterwards.

Today he sends me a message saying "Have fun playing peace" I couldn't care less, I write that it's for the best *'Ye shrug*. As a parting gift, I straight up told him that the way he's acted is not normal 33 year old behavior, and that he seek advice from a trusted family member or friend to get advice on how to deal with women.

He responds by saying that he doesn't need it, and that "wasn't mature enough for him" so my advice is irrelevant. **** whet?

He goes on to say: "Holla at the dudes that would have made out with you or ****ed you that night and never call again I want something more than that and you didn't have it so I left"


Whatever you say dude.

I would block his number but the ****ery is a bit entertaining.
LOL @ everyone being upset that he still had his coat and hat on :lachen:

I'm more upset that he told you "You can look up the website." :confused::mad: Dafuck?? That's enough to never talk to that fool again. :amen:

Yo... I literally stopped right there for like thirty seconds trying to picture a set of hat and coat that would make this NOT weird. I thought of business casual wear, Chicago Bulls set, etc. :look:

Why even ask to come over? He probably had another chick text for the dack but he already asked to come over to OP's so he had to save his strengf.