Everything was cool until he____(fill in the blank)

One thing I will say for them is that if you need money and they consider you their "woman", they'll make sure you get it. When you no longer wish to be with them is when the problem arises.

I guess he sure told you!!LOL!Where did you find him??

Lol on an internet dating site...He said it like 8 times in a row... then he called me and told me i was a meanie, then professsed his undying love and began to cry... He sobbed and told me how mean i was, and how i couldnt just throw him away.. I was like :perplexed:sad::ohwell::spinning:
I just got finished fiddling with a crazy mexican from me-HEE-co

1. He got drunk and cussed me out
2. When i stopped answering the phone, he called 24 times after that.. In a 30 minute period....

3. He promised to never do it again.. then three days later he cussed me out some more whilst drunk. He also hit me with an insane amount of phone calls

4.. He cried on the phone to me.. How i hated him and was throwing him away. He also called me a meanie and a heartless.. use your imagination there. He then proceeded to profess his undying love for me..

This was all over the course of last few days. i only knew him for 6 weeks :perplexed

Did we date the same arsehole??
Lol on an internet dating site...He said it like 8 times in a row... then he called me and told me i was a meanie, then professsed his undying love and began to cry... He sobbed and told me how mean i was, and how i couldnt just throw him away.. I was like :perplexed:sad::ohwell::spinning:

Did you sleep with him? Cause that's when they get crazy possessive.

If they don't get any, there's still time to get rid of them without all the nonsense, but once they get some, then.... :help:
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First SO:

- One year into the relationship, told me he was still in love with his ex-girlfriend and started crying over her. Had a mental breakdown because they weren't still together. Told me he had another chance with her, and they were walking through the mall holding hands, and he thought they would get back together but he blew it. And this happened -while- we were dating.

- Now this was a few years ago... but I was dumb enough to comfort him and stayed with him. Whoops, lol.

- Told me he would never kiss another woman but me, except for on the cheek and hands.

- Found out I was dating a new guy, asked me to tell him about the guy and then put me down because I couldn't convey his "essence." Then accused me of trying to one-up him with this guy... when he's the one who asked.

- Told me that his Mom was promiscuous so he may have been born with an STD and not know about it... after three years together. (I wasn't active with him, thank God.)

- May have faked an illness to try to get back with me... Not sure on this one... but the more I think about it the more suspicious and "convenient" it seems. He'd apparently been hiding it for four years... um ok.

I'm so happy that I can laugh about these now.
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Told me that the first time he came to my house he brought a gun with him and hid it in my couch. When I asked him why he said just in case someone ran up in the house and that he didn't know what I had going on with other guys.

I was like dude don't you know I am from Bermuda, I have never seen a gun, the police officers in Bermuda don't even carry guns...Never talked to him again.
Pre-husband of course!

Everything was cool until he went to kiss me and his breath smelled like horse shi*!

I went to his house and laid across his bed and smelled another women's juice!

I went to his house and he had wig heads all around his bedroom!

he sent black roses to me at my job! (he thought it was something different) :rolleyes:

showed up somewhere I told him I was going and watch me the whole time but never said anything (this is the same guy that sent the black roses!) CRAZY ****!
Oh My!!!! Run like hell. :cowgirl::cowgirl:
Pre-husband of course!

he sent black roses to me at my job! (he thought it was something different) :rolleyes:

showed up somewhere I told him I was going and watch me the whole time but never said anything (this is the same guy that sent the black roses!) CRAZY ****!
Pre-husband of course!

Everything was cool until he went to kiss me and his breath smelled like horse shi*!

I went to his house and laid across his bed and smelled another women's juice!

I went to his house and he had wig heads all around his bedroom!

he sent black roses to me at my job! (he thought it was something different) :rolleyes:

showed up somewhere I told him I was going and watch me the whole time but never said anything (this is the same guy that sent the black roses!) CRAZY ****!

Why in the world did he have wig heads?!?!?!
Why in the world did he have wig heads?!?!?!

Girl I don't know! He was not a hairdresser. And some of them had stuff on them (necklace, glasses,etc) It was very weird and after seeing that I never called him again. And I was to scared to ask why he had them because I was afraid of his answer!
OMGosh this thread had me writing my will out cuz i thought i would laugh myself to death!!! You ladies are something else.
Everything was cool until we got into a disagreement over the phone, and this fool has the nerve to tell me " If I were to call Becky right now, she would not be giving me attitude and would greet me with open arms". Becky was code for WW.

I said, "Ni**a, call Becky- you can lose my number in the process", and I hung up.

Please tell me that the vast majority of these men were under 25 at the time. Just so I can keep my world view and sanity.
Love this thread!

Everything was cool until he:
-Told me about his genital surgery (clearly he didn't want any :grin:!)
-Had his cousin attempt to play matchmaker... And the best (and totally accurate) thing she could come up with is that he looks like Rick Ross
-Got his furniture repoed and was riding around in a Lexus with heated leather seats, navigation, etc...
-Showed me his closet and it was filled with hand-me-downs! All his shoes were different sizes (his "home boy" pointed that out)!
-Proved I could hold my liquor and he couldn't! I was trying to put him out until I realized he couldn't drive!
-Told me he wanted me to have his baby asap
The latinos of mexican, salvadorian, nicaraguan, etc., descent are different than the caribbean latinos (PR, Dominican, etc.). The latinos out west believe that once they spend money AND have sex with you you're their property even if they are married to someone else.

You don't realize it until it's too late though.

How are they different? I know all about them crazy West Coast fools, I'm still tryin to see what's up with the South American men.

Last year I met this GORGEOUS guy from El Salvador, had the sexiest little broken English accent. He looked young but hey, so do I so I gave him my number. He called and right off I asked his age, this little boy was 20!! If that was even true. I'm 32 and just couldn't do it ladies, but sometimes I wish I had. Damn!:wallbash:
How are they different? I know all about them crazy West Coast fools, I'm still tryin to see what's up with the South American men.

Last year I met this GORGEOUS guy from El Salvador, had the sexiest little broken English accent. He looked young but hey, so do I so I gave him my number. He called and right off I asked his age, this little boy was 20!! If that was even true. I'm 32 and just couldn't do it ladies, but sometimes I wish I had. Damn!:wallbash:

Nothing wrong with young meat if it's legal. :look:
until he pawned several items in my apartment including my bathroom scale.

until he asked me to wire him some money because he lost his wallet and needed to get his meds, then a week later asked for money because he was stranded because he ran out of gas, then a few days later called me again to ask for money because he was stranded again.

until he took my car while I was sleeping

(different guys)
until he pawned several items in my apartment including my bathroom scale.

until he asked me to wire him some money because he lost his wallet and needed to get his meds, then a week later asked for money because he was stranded because he ran out of gas, then a few days later called me again to ask for money because he was stranded again.

until he took my car while I was sleeping

(different guys)

NO MA'AM!!!!!! thats all I got to say!