Everything was cool until he____(fill in the blank)

(Different guys)

- He came to take me "out" and when I asked where we were going he said " a hotel". ( Needless to say I made him turn right back around and take me home)

Same thing happened to me........luckily we were in the car in my driveway and the fool was like.......do you have your I.D. and I ask why and he says so we can get a room, I tell him a room for what I'm not going to a damn hotel with you, I don't even know you like that, then he says "Well why did you give me your number" :perplexed: I said "you know what..........lose it" and I went back in my house. The nerve of some of these fools!

I know! HE KEEPS CALLING ME TOO... talking about " why you so stuck up"?
I had a guy go into my room while I was at the store, and put on a pair of tight jeans and a pink shirt of mine, when I opened my bedroom door (looking for him), he was in the center of my room try to wobble/drop it/shake it. (very stiff :nono:, he was in a squat like position) I didnt say anything, he didnt say anything, he took off my clothes silently, put his back on, and that was the end of that.

The hell? :lachen: :lachen:
Did you continue to date him after the fashion show/dance party?
* asked me to move in with him before hed met me
* came to the last day of training with a suit on with sandals:perplexed
* advised me he wanted to "chill" when I asked where he would be 10 years from now
* told me cheating runs in his family
*advised me he times were too hard to get to my house ($1.50)
Everything was FABULOUS until he started:

- drinking again (he was clean for a year and a half)
- (during this binge) he told me EVERYTHING about his life (including a 9 month jail stint)
- told me how he shot his common law wife in the leg with a BB gun 10 years ago, because she wouldn't shut up
- how he gave this same wife 12 stitches when he punched her in the face (he's a former boxer)
- showing how crazy possessive he is
- calls me 4 or 5 times a day "just to see where I am"
- told me that even if he gets back with his wife he STILL wants me to see him and ONLY him

Yes, this is all one person and the man can put it down like nobody's business, but... after his drunk binge reveal, he scares the *ish outta me now.

Sigh, remind me to leave these crazy latino LA men alone. They appear "normal" at first until you get to know them. These boys are raised "differently" out here on the west coast.

Luckily, it's only been a short while, but will be slowing ditching him over the next couple of weeks.
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Same thing happened to me........luckily we were in the car in my driveway and the fool was like.......do you have your I.D. and I ask why and he says so we can get a room, I tell him a room for what I'm not going to a damn hotel with you, I don't even know you like that, then he says "Well why did you give me your number" :perplexed: I said "you know what..........lose it" and I went back in my house. The nerve of some of these fools!

Tha F*(%?!?!? :mad: These men are spoiled! :nono::blush:
Yes, this is all one person and the man can put it down like nobody's business, but... after his drunk binge reveal, he scares the *ish outta me now.

Luckily, it's only been a short while, but will be slowing ditching him over the next couple of weeks.

The bolded stood out to me. :giggle: Is the first bold the reason for the slowly ditching? :giggle:
The bolded stood out to me. :giggle: Is the first bold the reason for the slowly ditching? :giggle:

Nah, girl. Those latino men out West are C-R-A-Z-Y. I had one. He would stalk the **** out of me like something out of a movie. Had to let that one down easy, didn't want to trip his crazy sensor too quick.
Nah, girl. Those latino men out West are C-R-A-Z-Y. I had one. He would stalk the **** out of me like something out of a movie. Had to let that one down easy, didn't want to trip his crazy sensor too quick.

Okaaaaayyyyyyy!!!! Like SHE said.

I've known this man for a couple of years, but nothing ever went down, because I was with someone that he knew. Well, that person and I are no longer together. I hadn't seen current dude in like a year. One day we bump into each other, tells me his separated from his wife, we begin to hangout. No sex yet. He buys me groceries, drives me wherever I need to go, "checks" up on me to make sure I'm okay. Just "naturally". I don't have to give him "hints" or anything. Still no sex.

Even though he told me that he wanted to get back with his wife one day, we wind up becoming lovers. He knew that I hadn't been with anyone since my ex, which was early last year sometime. I also was incredibly stressed and mentally exhausted from dealing with so much mess that I didn't feel like fighting him or telling him no. One kiss was all it took. LOL!

After our FIRST time, he started telling me how he's had a crush on me since he first met me. He said he didn't want me to be with anyone else and that he wouldn't know what he would do if he thought I was giving "his" p____y to other men. I remind him that he's married and that married men have NO JURISDICTION over MY LIFE. He gives me this "look" like "b__tch you crazy" and proceeded to tell me that NOW THAT HE HAS ME HE'S NOT GOING TO LET ME GO, even if he DOES get back with his wife.

This was BEFORE he got drunk. After the drunk episode, he let me know EVERYTHING about his crazy a$$. Man, you would NEVER know this by looking at him or when he's sober.

It's not just him. Every latino male (except one) that I've dated in LA in the past five years has had "possession" issues. He seemed so "normal" at first. Once these men start spending money on you, that's it. Homeboy is talking about WANTING KIDS already!

Sigh, I'll never learn.

Yeah, I'm gonna tell him that I'm through some mental *ish right now and that I'll call him when it's all over or something. Hope it works.
* Told me he hit his ex-girlfriend in the face because she deserved it
* Asked me if my girlfriends would be interested in F***ing HIS friends
After our FIRST time, he started telling me how he's had a crush on me since he first met me. He said he didn't want me to be with anyone else and that he wouldn't know what he would do if he thought I was giving "his" p____y to other men. I remind him that he's married and that married men have NO JURISDICTION over MY LIFE. He gives me this "look" like "b__tch you crazy" and proceeded to tell me that NOW THAT HE HAS ME HE'S NOT GOING TO LET ME GO, even if he DOES get back with his wife.

This was BEFORE he got drunk. After the drunk episode, he let me know EVERYTHING about his crazy a$$. Man, you would NEVER know this by looking at him or when he's sober.


* told me cheating runs in his family
*advised me he times were too hard to get to my house ($1.50)

* Told me he hit his ex-girlfriend in the face because she deserved it
* Asked me if my girlfriends would be interested in F***ing HIS friends

What caves do these guys creep out of? Some of these tales are like horror stories because these men had to have dated women that were cool with the crap they dish out. It's the only explanation I can come up with if they're made it to adulthood and still dont know how to act.:nono:
What caves do these guys creep out of? Some of these tales are like horror stories because these men had to have dated women that were cool with the crap they dish out. It's the only explanation I can come up with if they're made it to adulthood and still dont know how to act.:nono:

I agree. I blame the women in their lives.

I don't know how many times I've had to "retrain" or actually have to come out and tell a man what he's supposed to do AS A MAN.

With current dude, I didn't have to tell him anything. It was only after the sex and the drinking that he revealed his true colors. I also blame his common law wife for letting him get away with those violent outbursts. She went and had THREE KIDS with this man, the youngest being two.
Told me that he was an exotic dancer
Pulled out a portable dvd player and showed me a dvd of one of his parties
Said that he wanted a serious relationship with me.
Told me that he was an exotic dancer
Pulled out a portable dvd player and showed me a dvd of one of his parties
Said that he wanted a serious relationship with me.

OMG!! That made me remember I was out in NYC for my friends bday party in December I meet the FINEST man I had ever seen in life....He had on a 3 piece suit very good demeanor and I was in total awe....Even my GF was like DANG. He keep talking to me and staring at me the whole night and I thought God had answered my prayers about he man of my dreams and all I had to do was go to NYC to find him. He came and talked to me at the end of the night for a while and even walked us to our taxi and (I was in love) UNTIL he said call me when you get to your hotel room and let me know you made it, He whipped out his card and it said exotic dancer with he had naked pics on the card and he just looked very GAYish to me when I got in the taxi I wanted to Cry I was totally shocked and disgusted.
OMG!! That made me remember I was out in NYC for my friends bday party in December I meet the FINEST man I had ever seen in life....He had on a 3 piece suit very good demeanor and I was in total awe....Even my GF was like DANG. He keep talking to me and staring at me the whole night and I thought God had answered my prayers about he man of my dreams and all I had to do was go to NYC to find him. He came and talked to me at the end of the night for a while and even walked us to our taxi and (I was in love) UNTIL he said call me when you get to your hotel room and let me know you made it, He whipped out his card and it said exotic dancer with he had naked pics on the card and he just looked very GAYish to me when I got in the taxi I wanted to Cry I was totally shocked and disgusted.

OMG!!!! What was his stripper name, I think I might know who your'e talking about
Nah, girl. Those latino men out West are C-R-A-Z-Y. I had one. He would stalk the **** out of me like something out of a movie. Had to let that one down easy, didn't want to trip his crazy sensor too quick.

I just got finished fiddling with a crazy mexican from me-HEE-co

1. He got drunk and cussed me out
2. When i stopped answering the phone, he called 24 times after that.. In a 30 minute period....

3. He promised to never do it again.. then three days later he cussed me out some more whilst drunk. He also hit me with an insane amount of phone calls

4.. He cried on the phone to me.. How i hated him and was throwing him away. He also called me a meanie and a heartless.. use your imagination there. He then proceeded to profess his undying love for me..

This was all over the course of last few days. i only knew him for 6 weeks :perplexed
its not just latinos from the west coast, its all Latino men in general. they are some hot blooded possesive people on the real! they are ready to fight over anything..with knives!
I just got finished fiddling with a crazy mexican from me-HEE-co

1. He got drunk and cussed me out
2. When i stopped answering the phone, he called 24 times after that.. In a 30 minute period....

3. He promised to never do it again.. then three days later he cussed me out some more whilst drunk. He also hit me with an insane amount of phone calls

4.. He cried on the phone to me.. How i hated him and was throwing him away. He also called me a meanie and a heartless.. use your imagination there. He then proceeded to profess his undying love for me..

This was all over the course of last few days. i only knew him for 6 weeks :perplexed

I guess he sure told you!!LOL!Where did you find him??
its not just latinos from the west coast, its all Latino men in general. they are some hot blooded possesive people on the real! they are ready to fight over anything..with knives!

The latinos of mexican, salvadorian, nicaraguan, etc., descent are different than the caribbean latinos (PR, Dominican, etc.). The latinos out west believe that once they spend money AND have sex with you you're their property even if they are married to someone else.

You don't realize it until it's too late though.
I just got finished fiddling with a crazy mexican from me-HEE-co

1. He got drunk and cussed me out
2. When i stopped answering the phone, he called 24 times after that.. In a 30 minute period....

3. He promised to never do it again.. then three days later he cussed me out some more whilst drunk. He also hit me with an insane amount of phone calls

4.. He cried on the phone to me.. How i hated him and was throwing him away. He also called me a meanie and a heartless.. use your imagination there. He then proceeded to profess his undying love for me..

This was all over the course of last few days. i only knew him for 6 weeks :perplexed

One thing I will say for them is that if you need money and they consider you their "woman", they'll make sure you get it. When you no longer wish to be with them is when the problem arises.
its not just latinos from the west coast, its all Latino men in general. they are some hot blooded possesive people on the real! they are ready to fight over anything..with knives!

:lachen: At the bolded.. Why they always gotta bring knives to the fight?!?! This is so true!