Everything was cool until he____(fill in the blank)

Everything was cool until he forced himself to kiss me after I politely pushed him away. When I said no, he creepily kept whispering, "but its so sweet." WTF. :look: I couldn't get into my car fast enough to speed like hell.
Oh wow, this brought back a helluva memory!
I had a :thumbsup:wonderful (it's-about-time) night with someone I'd been stringing along for a minute:yep:.
Anywho, as I was leaving his place I looked back at him and discovered that his "hair coloring" had rubbed off onto the pillowcase.:hair: It was like a dark grey haze surrounded him on the pillowcase.
I was fine with the hair plugs, but the fake coloring was too much. He laid their looking dreamy eyed at me, and all I could do :shocked:was scoot out to keep from laughing. I couldn't go back (he had other issues too)....but darn that was some gooooooooood ****! :thumbsup: ( Yep and this was a black man!)

-his make up rubbed off on my shirt

... he opened his mouth and I realized what a "non-thinker" he was. Just talks and thinks about stupid, superficial things.

I can't respect that.

Even though he is tall and attractive. I think he is faking having been to college as well. College is not a requirement, but lying about it is a no-no. The lying, and other cues make me wonder what his convict status is, too.
OMG! This thread is so hilarious!!! I can do better than the above.

Everything was fine until:

- I found him on the sex offender registry. 10 yrs for rape.

- He tried to lie/force his way into my apartment at the end of the date

- Harassed my family because he could not find/stalk me

- He repeatedly "forgot his wallet" after offering to get me a drink; I always forgot my purse, too. :giggle:

- He told me had six kids - dude was 26 and never married. I could not stop laughing... I thought he was joking; he got offended after a while :giggle:

- His gf found my number and called to curse me out; she snitched that they both were crackheads, and regarding herself, told me "Bidge pu$$y STAY hot!" Then he called back with, "Why can't you understand that I LOVE YOU?"

- During "relations" he asked me 'are you ok?' and I'm like, "are you in?" Bad sign.

- Dude with an S-Curl, all gelled up told me he "uses gel so he doesn't have to wash" his hair - EVER

- Dude needed a magnum and always got regular condoms; I found out he was purposely breaking condoms with his big beefstick!!! we were unprotected!!!

- white guy - cooked me a lovely dinner... as I was saying how cool I thought that was that he cooked for me, he fondles me, says "nice ***, nice boobs" and tries to lead me to the bed ( studio apt )

- told me I was "such a cool person," but he could never take a "lightskinned" female home to mom

- took me on a spontaneous flight to NYC, and left me there when I would not bang him

- white guy - found out my friend had gotten into Harvard Law School ( He was in Georgetown ) and had the nerve to say it was because of quotas!!! To ME!!

These are all different guys; Thank you for reminding me why I stopped dating.
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Everything was cool until he:

I am ashamed to admit that this was all the same guy, thank goodness I broke free from my aDICKtion!!! :look:

- Smoked weed in my car when i was out of town :nono:
- I found out he was lying about his age - by 8 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Threw hissy fits in Miami, got pissed because he had to watch towels at the beach, when he refused to ride jet skis AND withheld the balance of the $$ due for the condo we were staying in (best believe he paid though!)
- Got an attitude with ME when he borrowed my phone and then left it in some random person's hotel room
- Let me take a picture of him in my corset
- Let the roaches crawl around his house like they paid rent
- Wanted to be pissy with me when he got evicted, when I rented him the UHaul...

These are different ppl:

- starting randomly dancing and shouting in the restaurant (this was last weekend!)
- Told me he was growing his locs for God and was saving himself for marriage, then proceeded to grind his penis on me (no we weren't dancing)
- Blamed me for him losing an eWRECKtion...then (the next morning), beckoned (from the bed) for me to iron his clothes...you lost your eWRECKtion, not your hand.
.....took me to a party an hour away from home, got piss drunk and super jealous for no reason...then left me at the party alone taking my things with him.....then came back to the party to curse me out (still drunk)....then tried to break the window of his own car with his fist b/c I locked myself in b/c I was trying to get my things out.....breaks his hand in the process.....then tries kicking the door in, still unsuccessful....I dont get home until hours later (7:30 am to be exact).....calls me crying like a big you-know-what the next day when he finally sobers up to apologize...and to blame me for "flirting"....SIGH!!!!

Sad part is, this wasn't even the whole story...

yes, this was all one person.
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ooooh! that reminds me:

- after a romantic weekend, he got stopped for reckless driving, was drunk AND high, cops took him and towed the car!!! He was fighting and screaming: "She's going with ME!!!" I forget how I got home, but later found out I had crotch crickets!!!
.....took me to a party an hour away from home, got piss drunk and super jealous for no reason...then left me at the party alone taking my things with him.....then came back to the party to curse me out (still drunk)....then tried to break the window of his own car with his fist b/c I locked myself in b/c I was trying to get my things out.....breaks his hand in the process.....then tries kicking the door in, still unsuccessful....I dont get home until hours later (7:30 am to be exact).....calls me crying like a big you-know-what the next day when he finally sobers up to apologize...and to blame me for "flirting"....SIGH!!!!

Sad part is, this wasn't even the whole story...

yes, this was all one person.

Hell. No! Wow!
I need to read more of this thread.
...he forgot to mention that he had been previously married not once, but TWICE in a period of 3 years!!! Got married the first time trying to get his citzenship, it was a sham. Found that info right after the incident and quickly cut ties. Check public records ladies....please!!!
Crabs. Y'all 80's babies ain't got crabs no mo? :eek: :giggle:

I didn't want to believe that's what you were referring to (for many reasons).
I was hoping it was some new term that I hadn't heard yet. But yeah, ouch. Makes me feel itchy. :lachen:

And I was raised in the 80's but born in '78. Can't I claim 70's baby? :lachen:

- I realized I was always the aggressor, sexually. Literally chasing him around his apartment. He had dated a friend of a friend and she had the same experience. College girls normally don't have to chase men for sex. Coincidentally, he happened to take yearly vacations to the islands with groups of men :giggle:

- I went into his bedroom and between the foot of the bed and the dresser, I saw so many clipped toenails that in parts, it was a like a solid quarter inch of toenails!!! WTF???

this was the same guy, 5 years apart
I didn't want to believe that's what you were referring to (for many reasons).
I was hoping it was some new term that I hadn't heard yet. But yeah, ouch. Makes me feel itchy. :lachen:

And I was raised in the 80's but born in '78. Can't I claim 70's baby? :lachen:

lol! It's funny that you never hear about them anymore.
This thread has me :lol::lol::lol:

...Jumped DOWN out of his truck and told me how much he liked tall women (I'm 5'7.5)

... ate everything on our date and complained about being a diabetic -check my old thread about it :lol: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=202861&highlight=was+helldate

...his girlfriend called my cell- which I knew nothing about her.

...tried to holla at me behind my BFF's back (this was a guy she was talking to, not me- but we were cool peoples before he tried that mess.)

...showed me what he was working with... or better yet, what he wasn't working with :lol:
-showed me his uncircumcised HARD penis in his cell phone on our first date. It was a double date and he asked his boy if it was cool if he showed my friend too. :perplexed

-told me he had a Super Man collection worth thousands of dollars

-told me he had never kissed a pretty girl before.

-told me his mom just named his baby sister TWINKLE. :nono:

-stopped at a grocery store on the way to the movies (our first date) to get some snacks. He said the movie snacks were too expensive and then asked me to hold everything in my purse! (We never made it to the movies)

-told me he USED to be a blood. But, they were gonna kill him, so he just left LA for a while. But, he's a changed man now....but he's gon go back in a few months because he missed is dawgs. :look:

These were all different men too. Dating is exhausting!
-showed me his uncircumcised HARD penis in his cell phone on our first date. It was a double date and he asked his boy if it was cool if he showed my friend too. :perplexed

-told me he had a Super Man collection worth thousands of dollars

-told me he had never kissed a pretty girl before.

-told me his mom just named his baby sister TWINKLE. :nono:

-stopped at a grocery store on the way to the movies (our first date) to get some snacks. He said the movie snacks were too expensive and then asked me to hold everything in my purse! (We never made it to the movies)

-told me he USED to be a blood. But, they were gonna kill him, so he just left LA for a while. But, he's a changed man now....but he's gon go back in a few months because he missed is dawgs. :look:

These were all different men too. Dating is exhausting!

ah mann...:lachen:
He stood in front of me while he talked to his friend and my face was eyelevel with his bum (tall guy) and I smelled his butt. I was FOREVER done!
- Until he told me he had never been inside a church before
- Until he told me he was jehovah witness (dont want to offend anyone)
-Until he showed me a pic of his ex (OMG) nothing nice to say at all but EEW!!!
-Until I went to his house and saw that he owned 20 credit cards that were sitting on the coffee table (WTH) WHY WHY WHY do you need 20 credit cards
1 more...

-Until he picked me up in a drop top Plymouth Sundance (I think it was a 88) but this was in 2000 and it had chip paint with sun damage and tore up seats but he STILL had the nerve to have the raggedy as* top down and a 40 in between his legs...WTF
1 more...

-Until he picked me up in a drop top Plymouth Sundance (I think it was a 88) but this was in 2000 and it had chip paint with sun damage and tore up seats but he STILL had the nerve to have the raggedy as* top down and a 40 in between his legs...WTF

Until he showed me a pic of his ex (OMG) nothing nice to say at all but EEW!!!

That's funny, I was thinking of starting a thread about this the other day. I was curious if it would change the way you feel about a guy if you found out early in the courtship that most of his exes were butt ugly.

The reason I thought about this is because I was (just) talking to a guy once and she showed me pictures of several of his exes and I kid you not, ALL of them could have been Covergirl models - BEAUTIFUL women! One looked so much like Bey that I had to do a double take. I'm not sure how I felt about it but we didn't get very far (only a couple of dates) so it didn't matter after all.