Everything was cool until he____(fill in the blank)

(he just msg'd me 5 mins ago)

....until he said he was going to get a new vehicle, but needed a co-signer first:buttkick:
Whoa SUPER SWEET! WTF?! Ok, that's pretty sick. He shows signs he was that jacked up before? :O
Nothing so odd that would make a woman run.
The only sign of crazy, I'll say is that he was a loner in his 30's. Just him and his grandmom for the most part, not even really dealing with other family members or co-workers.:ohwell: So when she passed away he became consumed by thoughts of her. They did EVERYTHING together.

The last straw was the role playing like Gmom.:nono:
Sounds like a very unhealthy relationship while she was living. Sorry you had to live through that disgusting..er... episode. :/
Nothing so odd that would make a woman run.
The only sign of crazy, I'll say is that he was a loner in his 30's. Just him and his grandmom for the most part, not even really dealing with other family members or co-workers.:ohwell: So when she passed away he became consumed by thoughts of her. They did EVERYTHING together.

The last straw was the role playing like Gmom.:nono:

When I read that I think of the Rickey Smiley sketch where he's dressed like the old lady.
Awwww hell naw!!! What did you do/say? Maybe it was a nervous fart @DarkJoy

Lol @UniquelyDivine!

I tried to be polite and ignore it...and he stayed silent and got really quiet and tense...then I smelled it. Stunk up the ENTIRE room. He apologized...I ran and opened the windows and left the areauntil the funk cleared out. :lachen: And yes, a totally nervous fart! And that wsnt the last time. Happened the 2nd time too!! :blush:
DarkJoy said:
Lol @UniquelyDivine!

I tried to be polite and ignore it...and he stayed silent and got really quiet and tense...then I smelled it. Stunk up the ENTIRE room. He apologized...I ran and opened the windows and left the areauntil the funk cleared out. :lachen: And yes, a totally nervous fart! And that wsnt the last time. Happened the 2nd time too!! :blush:



He should've tried to redeem himself and popped some beano or something...funky butt.
I could go on & on but these are some of the victims who got the boot

1.... went crazy. literally!
2..... came home at 4am like his ish didnt stink
3..... told me not to touch his radio
4..... snored like a grizzly bear
5..... lied about his age by 8 yrs
6..... was a bad drunk that started arguments with perfect strangers
7..... said "me, myself, as an individual"
9.... on the 1st date said "the next date is on you"
10.... in 1st convo disclosed hes 44, never married, with a 10 yr old, no full time job, the transmission is out on his car & he lives with his mother
#1. Asked to take pictures of my feet.
#2. At the end of the date asked me would I jerk him off with my feet.

This was all on the first date. No ma'am. So I abruptly stopped answering his calls. Fast forward six months. He calls from a different number I answer. He apologizes for his behavior, tell me that he's really into me and begs for a second date. Me being the nice person I am, I agree to the date. So I drive to his place and he opens the door says he's not ready yet. Goes into the bathroom to finish styling his hair (he has curly hair, that needed to be refreshed). While he's in there I start snooping, eventually I find a planner hidden under some other papers. Omg in the planner he has a to do list.

1. Call Mom
2. Wash laundry
3. Call car lot
4. Call doctor, genital warts??

So I started hyperventilating and looking around crazy. I re-read it just to be certain. I turn the page and there's a sheet of paper with the yr and a listing of his sexual partners. So I almost break and make a run for it. The only reason I didn't is because he was taking me to an exclusive high end restaurant. Over dinner I wouldn't even let him hold my hand :look: when we made it back he tried his hardest to get me to come in his house. I refused and threw every excuse I could think of "it's getting late, I got to work in the morning", "I need to walk my dog", "I don't feel well, I don't think the food agreed with me". All along in my head my brain was screaming "You Nasty Ninja!!!"
CaramelLites said:
Omg in the planner he has a to do list.

1. Call Mom
2. Wash laundry
3. Call car lot
4. Call doctor, genital warts??


@ Number 4 - Girl WHAT n the world sheeeeit this should have been number 1 on his list. WTH his nasty arse :0(.
@ Number 4 - Girl WHAT n the world sheeeeit this should have been number 1 on his list. WTH his nasty arse :0(.

I didn't require an explanation. That was more than a reason to never talk to him again. I ate my dinner, drank my wine, and wrote him off. Can you imagine if I had never seen that planner and continued to date him! ?? Thank God for my nosiness.
CaramelLites said:
I didn't require an explanation. That was more than a reason to never talk to him again. I ate my dinner, drank my wine, and wrote him off. Can you imagine if I had never seen that planner and continued to date him! ?? Thank God for my nosiness.

Girrrrrl yeeeees good thing u were nosy because that was so not cool :0(.
Got a new one:

He asked if I would ever wear a full-face respirator with supplied air supply if it turned him on. Hadn't even kissed him yet. I deleted his number right then and there. He owned his on auto painting business and developed a sexual fetish for respirators/breathing masks. I swear, I cannot make this stuff up.
When he told me his g-mom's birthday was coming up and he wanted to do something special in remembrance of her. :scratchch:

I get to his house he has laid out on the sofa one of her "favorite" house dresses and slippers for me to wear for role play.:nono::nono:

When I told him "NO". He proceeds to act and speak in a grandma voice cusses at me that I'm no good and to get out!

I so needed this laugh this morning!!!!!!!!! Whew chile!!!! :lol: :lachen:
Until he told me he just got out after 18 months in jail
Until he said he buys food stamps from people
Until he refused to tell me his government name
Until he kept calling me by another name
Until I told him I was not interested and he procceded to tell me how sexually frustrated I was, all while insisting that we could be friends, but still cuddle and massage each other.
When he told me his g-mom's birthday was coming up and he wanted to do something special in remembrance of her. :scratchch:

I get to his house he has laid out on the sofa one of her "favorite" house dresses and slippers for me to wear for role play.:nono::nono:

When I told him "NO". He proceeds to act and speak in a grandma voice cusses at me that I'm no good and to get out!

:lachen::lachen::look::look: :nono::nono: